• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 7,299 Views, 186 Comments

A Heart Eclipsed - Show Stopper

Whisked off to Equestria? Been there. Turned to stone? Done that. Fighting heartless for the fate of the world? Bet that's a new one on you.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

3rd Pony POV

It was a quiet morning in Appleoosa. Then again, what else could have been expected. The previous night's celebration had, in fact, continued until earlier that morning, and everypony and buffalo had drunk far more alcohol than was probably wise. By unconscious unanimous consent, nothing of significance would be done that day until at least noon to let everyone sleep of the worst of their hangovers.


Well, almost unanimous consent. Unfortunately for the now awakened inhabitants of Appleooza, Princess Luna's connection to the night included a magic that was the envy of late-night partiers everywhere: the ability to never get a hang-over. As such, she often forgot just how horrible the effects were for everyone else.


Adding to the unfortunate situation was the fact that Sora, though not equipped with the Royal Canterlot Voice, had not had more than a mug of hard cider to drink and was quite adept at shouting across battlefields. The still air of Appleoosa never stood a chance at muffling his voice as he competed to be heard over Luna's shouts.






Before Sora could retort, their bedroom door was slammed open, revealing a very angry Jazz Apple. "NOW LISTEN UP, YOU SIDEWINDIN' PIG LOVIN' MULES!!! WE'VE GOT US AN ENTIRE TOWN O' PONIES AND BUFFALO TOO HUNG OVER TO SEE STRAIGHT, AND Y'ALL HAVE THE GALL TO START UP A SHOUTING MATCH AT SUNUP? IF Y'ALL DON'T QUIT THIS RACKET RIGHT NOW, I SWEAR I'LL TAN Y'ALL'S HIDES FASTER THAN YOU CAN SAY, GIDDY UP!!!" Her rant on the behalf of Appleoosa finished, she moaned, gripped her head, and stumbled off muttering about immortals and headaches.

Sora and Luna shared a glance before looking down sheepishly. "We- I mean, I suppose I was a bit out of line."

Sora sighed, shaking his head. "No, you're right. He gave me several options. I'm sure he had several more and just gave up because I was being stubborn."

"It wasn't stubbornness," said Luna, glaring at Sora's hand. "It was that damnable keyblade. I know!" She held up a hoof to forestall Sora's objection. "It does Equestria well, and preventing you from giving me foals is a small price to pay for that. Still, the blame lies with me as well. As you said, I am the one who should have considered other magics."

"You were drunk," countered Sora, chuckling. "I bet you pulled out that old bottle of dragon vodka as soon as the subject came up."

Luna blushed slightly, giggling. "It was the dragon beer, Sora. I'm not that irresponsible." She sighed and looked up, meeting his eyes. "Forgive me my foolishness?"

Sora walked over, cupping her face in his hands and pulling her closer, resting his forehead on hers, right below her horn. "There's nothing to forgive," he whispered, kissing her nose, causing her to giggle again. His next kiss met her lips, and she moaned as she leaned in closer to him, feeling his hands caress the back of her head.

It was then that an unfortunate Little Strongheart happened to pass the still open door. Her jaw dropped open, her entire face going red in an instant. "C-CLOSE THE DOOR, FIRST!" she screamed, slamming it shut a moment later. A low groan was heard form the other side as the buffalo's hangover punished her for causing a small racket.

Sora and Luna looked from the door to each other before bursting into laughter. "Besides," said Sora, stretching as he turned to get dressed for the day, "it's not like Draigo's gone for good. I still have his token, so we can summon him back at any time."

Luna nodded, slipping into her regalia and levitating her crown into place. "Just so. Now, let us go and see what there is for breakfast."


Unfortunately for Sora and Luna, Appleoosa had once again established its vow to sleep until noon now that the shouting was done, leaving Sora and Luna as two of the only beings awake. They wandered the town for a while before heading out to the apple orchards.

"Wow," said Sora, looking around at what last night had been a battlefield. "I'm always amazed at how much other stuff gets smashed when we go at it with the heartless."

Luna nodded as she looked around, seeing several damaged or even toppled trees, many of them bearing scratches or scorch marks. "It is truly a spectacle to watch, one which inspired a rather drastic change to the national budget." Seeing Sora's confused look, she sighed and rolled her eyes. "Reconstruction and relief efforts had half the annual budget by the end of your first decade here. Apparently, my brother has not seen fit to change that in the last thousand years."

"And a good thing that is." Sora and Luna turned to see a massive buffalo surveying the area. "Many of these trees will need to be replanted, and a few of them replaced altogether." He turned and bowed to the two of them. "It is an honor to stand in your presence, Light-Bearer and Dream-Keeper. I am Chief Thunderhooves."

Luna nodded in return. "Well met, Chief." She cocked her head to the side. "Actually, I believe we met last night. You were one of those I drank under the table."

The Chief threw back his head, his deep laugh echoing throughout the orchard. "Well, as you ponies say, there is a first time for everything. I wanted to thank you on behalf of my tribe for destroying the Dream-Eater."

"You mean the Dark Cloud?" asked Sora.

Thunderhooves nodded grimly. "Yes, Strongheart told me that that is its true name. We have few tales of the shadow-born, the heartless, but there is one which speaks of those who interfere in the Dream-Keeper's sacred domain. I am happy to know that it is gone for good."

"Don't thank us just yet," said Sora, crossing his arms and glaring out into the orchard. "The Dark Cloud kept the rest of the heartless around here under its control. Now that it's gone, the small fry will come back and attack at random."

"So Silverstar has warned me," the Chief replied. "It matters not. He and I can defend our home well enough while Strongheart and Jazz travel with you. Worry not for our sakes."

"Thank you for understanding," said Sora. "I just hope that this doesn't happen in every city we visit. Visit a new place, fight a few heartless and a boss, and move on? Sounds too much like the game for my tastes." Ignoring the Chief's confused look, he continued. "So, next stop is Dodge Junction on the way to Baltimare. Anything you can tell us about it?"

Thunderhooves shook his head. "There is not much to tell. It is almost as young as Appleoosa, founded by cherry farmers. If I recall correctly, the owner of the cherry orchard is a wielder of the keyblade, and they have not had too great a cause for alarm."

"Good to know." Sora turned to Luna and nodded his head back towards town. "Let's head back and see if the others are ready to-"


Sora, Luna and Thunderhooves looked up to see a pegasus-drawn chariot approaching, Fancy Pants riding in the back.

"Fancy?" said Sora as the chariot landed. "What are you doing here? Canterlot's EKA can't be organized already, can it?"

Fancy shook his head, his face stern. "Gleaming will have to make due without me, I'm afraid. There's trouble brewing. Prince Solaris sent me to find you and accompany you."

"And what of me?" asked Luna. "Am I to wait here while Sora rushes off into battle?"

"Of course not, Princess," said Fancy, taking a letter from his pocket and hoofing it over. "However, Prince Solaris does request that you continue your tour while Sora and I handle this. He says that we need to ensure that every city has the necessary keybladers, as well as continuing to search out more masters."

"He's right, Luna," said Sora. "After Dodge Junction, we've got three big cities back to back to back. The higher the population, the more the heartless swarm. I can't even imagine how they've been handling things."

Luna sighed, giving the letter a quick once-over and seeing Sora and Fancy's destination. "I suppose you're right. Both you and my brother. This trip is going to take you at least a week, maybe more. We cannot afford to have this tour delayed." She looked up, nuzzling Sora gently. "I will inform Jazz and Strongheart. Be safe." With that, she took off, flying quickly back to Appleoosa.

"So," said Thunderhooves curiously, looking at the letter that Luna had left behind, "where exactly is this trouble that requires your sudden departure?"

Sora picked up the letter, reading as far as the second line before he groaned.

"The Dragon Lands."


Two chariots flew eastward over Equestria, skirting the Badlands as they approached the hayseed swamps and the Celestial Sea beyond them. One chariot held Fancy Pants, who passed the hours with the latest Daring Doo novel. Sora rode in the other chariot, once again trying to calm his fellow passenger.

"You know," he said for the tenth time in the past hour, "itching your scales won't make the burning any less annoying."

"I can't help it!" cried Spike, scratching his left arm and right leg. "It's just so... so... gah!!! Don't you have a spell or something that can help?"

"I doubt it," Sora replied, gazing down at the passing landscape, shuddering at an unpleasant memory of the swamp below. "All of my magic is element based, and we already tried a cure spell. Unless you want me to cover you in a coat of ice, I don't think there's anything I can do. Just... try to focus on something else."

"Like what?"

"Well, I do have a few more novels, if you're interested," Fancy called over, nodding to his saddlebags. "Most of them are Daring Doo, but I do have a few lighter tales with me."

"Thanks," called Spike, "but I don't think a light novel is going to distract me enough, and I've read all of Daring Doo."

"Well, perhaps Sora has a tale or two that he could share," suggested Fancy. "After all he has been around for quite some time. He must have a tale or two of adventure and intrigue."

"I don't know about intrigue," said Sora, still staring down at the swamps below. "Secrets and politics were more of Luna's thing. But I do have a few adventurous tales to spin." He spotted what he'd been searching for and pointed down at a large lake. "Hey, Spike. You see that massive crater down there?"

Spike grabbed the edge of the chariot, hoisting himself up so he could see over the edge. "Um, Sora, there aren't any craters down there. All I see is a lake in the middle of a swamp."

"Eeyup," said Sora, glaring down at the murky waters. "And I'm willing to bet that it's one of the deepest lakes in Equestria. I should know. I fought the monster that made it almost three thousand years ago."

Spike turned to Sora, raising a skeptical eyebrow. "You fought a monster that made lakes?"

"I fought a monster that made a giant crater. The lake just filled it up over the centuries. See how the oldest trees are leaning away from it? Those guys are the few who survived the blast and managed to live all the way until now."

"My word," muttered Fancy, staring down at the lake and swamp below. "But that lake must be several miles across, and I see a couple of trees leaning back several miles past that. What sort of creature could do such massive amounts of damage?"

"I'll give you three guesses," said Sora, summoning Bond of Flame. "And the first two don't count. A Fire Elemental, a titanic heartless the size of the Flamcano and with a fiery disposition to match, had appeared in the San Palomino Desert and was making its way towards Everfree City. By the time we discovered it, it was about to enter the forest and set it ablaze. Every unicorn available pooled their magic together, forcing a teleport spell on it with the destination of 'somewhere else'. Fortunately for us, it worked. The titan was zapped over to this swamp, which at the time was suffering through a downpour. The rain and marshy environment helped to weaken and slow the thing until the closest branches of the EKA arrived. Our ice and lightning specialists led the attack while our fire and shield specialists kept the thing from moving too far. Still, it was all that they could do to hold it in place.

"And that's when we arrived." Sora grinned as his looked wistfully out across the sky. "The Keyblade Masters. The Light Bringers. Me and three of the best ponies I've ever met. We'd been returning from a visit to the Dragon Lands, actually, when we noticed the battle raging..."

3rd-Pony POV

2980 years ago

"Ice mages! Aim for it's feet! Lightningers! Give that thing a headache! And for Faust's sake, hot-heads! Stop giving it more buysomeaples ammunition!"

"Sir!" Full Charger turned to see a nearby unicorn peering through the rain, his horn and eyes glowing as he gazed into the distance. "It seems that reinforcements are coming in from the east!"

"Impossible," Full snapped. "We have no settlements east of here, and I doubt that the dragons are coming to our aid."

"Not dragons, Sir," replied Far Sight, grinning as he let his spell fade. "A single chariot, and far more power than any dragon could ever match."

"What do you-" Full Charger's question was cut off as a massive orb of purple and black energy surrounded the Fire Elemental, sinking towards the ground and pulling the bipedal heartless downward with it, forcing it onto its hands and knees. A chariot approached the heartless and a lone earth pony leapt out, swinging a huge blade down at the monster's shoulder. The heartless roared in agony as it's left arm was torn from it's body, the limb sizzling and dissipating in the rain now that it was severed form its source. The pony continued to fall until a small whirlwind caught her and delivered her gently to the marsh below. The chariot continued down to the hill where Full Charger stood, a unicorn and a strange biped stepping out as the lone pegasus unhitched herself.

"Captain Charger," said Sora, nodding to him before tuning to face the titan who's arm was slowly regrowing. "What's the situation?"

"Titan class fire-based heartless, General," Full replied, saluting. "We have one team up close blasting it with ice and lightning while a second line further back holds it in place as well as we can. I'm not sure how long we can keep this up, though. That single strike to its arm is more damage than the rest of us have managed this past hour."

"Right." In a flash of light, Sora was left hovering a foot above the ground, dressed in white and with Oathkeeper and Oblivion orbiting around him. "Stand down, Captain. I am assuming authority of this situation. Tell your soldiers to retreat to artillery distance and hold fire. The four of us are going in. Pansy, take Clover and drop her off halfway between the line and the titan, then join me and Cookie in melee. Clover, prepare a teleportation array. If this thing is anything like other fire heartless, it's going to go out with a bang rather than a whimper, and I don't want to be next to it when it blows. Captain, as soon as you see us booking it for Clover, have every soldier you have fire the most powerful ice magic they've got. That should slow it's big boom down until we can get our flanks out of there. Let's move!"

3rd-Pony POV

"Didn't take too long after that," said Sora as the lake faded from view. "Pansy, Cookie and I waled on it for about half an hour before it backed down and started convulsing and pulsing. We turned and ran back to where Clover had set up a teleportation circle that got us out of range right before the titan blew. Everything that wasn't vaporized by the fire was blown back by the force. By the time the rain put out the fire there were only a few dozen trees within twenty miles, and none of them standing straight. Thankfully, casualties were minimal and Equestria was safe from its second titan attack."

"Woah," said Spike, who was staring at Sora with rapt attention, all thoughts of his burning scales forgotten. "Wait, but what was first one then?"

"Oh yeah," said Sora, scratching his cheek. "I never did finish that story. See, it was after Sol had first met me in the dungeons of Everfree Castle. We heard a scream and ran up to investigate. We got up to the ground floor and saw heartless attacking everypony in sight. Apparently they'd come swarming out of the woods shortly after I'd summoned my keyblades in my cell. I helped fight them of and explained to Sol what they were. Next thing I know, I'm explaining my story to the entire nobility, along with Sol and Luna. A few soldiers and civis were discovered with keyblades, and I started training them a bit." Sora winced, staring off into the distance. "Should've moved out as soon as I could. My keyblade drew them there, and I could have prevented most of the deaths that day."


Sora sighed, looking down at Spike. "That's the life of a keyblade master," he said. "We fight the heartless wherever we can find hem, tracking down the most dangerous ones and hopefully destroying them before they reach civilization. Unfortunately, this one attacked in the middle of the day and without warning. One minute I'm eating lunch with Sol and Luna as they question me about where I'm from, and he next thing we know there's a swarm of heartless attacking the city with a World's Shadow looming over us. Think Darkside, but ten times as tall and a hundred times more vicious.

"Anyway, that's when I started moving around. I blamed myself for the hundreds of deaths that day, and I still have a hard time not feeling like it was my fault. I worked with Sol and Luna through letters to organize and train the new keybladers that kept appearing, stopping by Everfree as often as I felt it was safe to do so. Eventually, I met Cookie, Pansy and Clover and discovered that they had their own unique keyblades. They started traveling with me all across Equestria, training keybladers and kicking flank everywhere we went."

"Wait a minute..." Spike's eyes grew wide. "You mean that Smart Cookie, Private Pansy and Clover the Clever were keyblade masters? And you knew them?"

Sora looked away, staring back down at the swamp and out towards the approaching coastline. "Yeah," he muttered. "Three of the best friends a guy could ask for, and the strongest mortal warriors I ever had the privilege of fighting beside."

"So, does that mean that you know what happened to them?" Spike asked. "Twilight's always going on about how little we actually know about them, and I'm sure she'd like to hear all about it."

Sora sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sure she would. Sorry, but it's not a happy tale. Most of their well-known accomplishments were already over and done with by the time I met them. The only great mystery I could solve is what happened to them in the end and... I prefer not to talk about it." Or think about it. Or mention it. Or wake up in tears after a nightmare about it.

Spike stared at Sora for a minute before shrugging and going back to trying to keep his mind off of his burning scales.


They stopped to rest and eat lunch on the coast of the South Celestial Sea. While Spike and Fancy Pants took a short walk to stretch their legs, Sora stared out east, his mind wandering back to the last time he'd visited. Old Gray Scale was likely dead by now, and he wouldn't still be the Dragon Lord anyway. Tradition dictated that a new lord be chosen every hundred years, and never one who had served before. Though dragons were prideful by nature, even they had respected Sora and recognized his authority when it came to the heartless. Sora figured that, whoever Equestria's current Dragon Lord was, he'd allow Sora to do whatever needed to be done to insure the safety of the dragons of Equestria.

Unless of course it's some wyrmling with less than a millennia under his belt, thought Sora, glaring across the ocean. If it's someone who only knows me through stories, this could go badly.

"General Sora." Sora turned to regard the pegasus charioteer. "We are ready to move out at your command, sir."

Sora nodded, following him back to the chariot. "What's your name, soldier?"

"Sir, Gale Wing, Lieutenant 2nd class."

"And how long have you been serving, Lieutenant?"

"Five years, sir," Gale Wing replied, relaxing at Sora's casual tone. "Been stationed as a Canterlot charioteer for four."

"You seen combat?"

Only Gale's guard training kept his flinch minimal, but Sora had been around enough guards to notice it. "Just once, sir. When the heartless attacked Canterlot. I was off duty at home when a neoshadow broke down our door. I tried to fight it off but... Next thing I know, I'm waking up with my wife standing over me, holding a giant key in her mouth."

"Your wife's a keyblader?" asked Sora, intrigued. "What's her name?"

"Spear Point, sir. She's a professor at Solaris' school." Catching Sora's raised eyebrow, he chuckled. "Military family. Cursed with a bit of wishful thinking when they named her, but her mind is sharp enough to earn the name."

"Glad to hear it," said Sora, helping Gale harness himself when they reached the chariot. "You'll have to introduce me when I get back." He hopped into the chariot as Fancy and Spike climbed into theirs. "Alright, boys! Let's see if we can't make it across the ocean in time for dinner!"

With a chorus of cheers, the two chariots took off once again, flying across the open ocean and to the dragon lands beyond.

Author's Note:

Sorry this one's so short for how long it took to get out. I actually had this chapter mostly finnished for about a month. I was trying to figure out how to make it longer without them actually ariving in the dragon lands since I want that to all be one chapter, but I just delayed and delayed until I finally figured that I should get this out, even if it's not as long as some of my other chapters.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!