• Published 11th Nov 2011
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The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments - Wanderer D

Sweetie Belle must find Twilight by travelling through different Fanfic worlds...

  • ...

Summary: Fallout: Equestria Arc End

Author's Note:

In order to finish the story properly, I will be updating current chapters at the same time I post the summaries of parts missing. I know... I know this doesn't make up for what these chapters should have been, but I hope it helps bring closure to the visits that we didn't get to experience in full.

After this summary, the story continues.

TSC: Fallout Equestria Pt. 3

By Wanderer D, based on the work of Kkat

"'Let's go to Faded Mirror,' she said," Sweetie growled, then added in a sing-song voice, "'they have food and even a bathhouse!' she said."

Midnight Shimmer rolled her eyes. "You can't blame me for this."

"'Wear your armor, Sweetie!'" Sweetie Belle sing-sang undeterred, "'And pick up a gun! They'll leave you alone if they can see it!'"

"Really now, you're starting to annoy me," the alicorn muttered.

Sweetie motioned with her hoof to the flaming town.

Midnight Shimmer glanced at it askance. "Okay, so things didn't work out as intended. This is the Wasteland, Sweetie, not everything sorts itself out the way we want. You think I didn't want a shower?"

"Aaaaieeeee!" a pony screamed, falling from the second floor of the house they were at into the crates of explosives below. The market ceased to be.

"In my defense," Midnight continued unperturbed as debris showered her shield, "I was under the impression this town was friendly to traders and other non-aggressive individuals."

"I don't know what annoys me more," Sweetie said, "the fact that all of this happened because we walked into town; the fact that I am not perturbed by the demise of the entire current population; or the fact that none of this is our fault."

"Well, if you count instigating—"

"None of it."

Author's Note:

The idea behind the third and final visit to the Wasteland was briefly mentioned in the Sunset's Isekai chapter, or rather touched upon by a comment from Sweetie. Some people were upset in forums, chats, and even /mlp that Sweetie had ended up in the Wasteland a 3rd time, and I hear that's one of the reasons some readers stopped reading.

The thing to remember is that each chapter is about something Sweetie needed, learned or had to confront, and oddly enough this visit was about healing a little from Vision. Imagine that.

The city of Faded Mirror had been destroyed! What DJPon3! and others in the Wasteland had not discovered was that a group of raiders had infiltrated the city and essentially turned it into their little playground. When Sweetie and Midnight Shimmer had arrived in order to purchase a weapon for her, they had been led in, like other travelers and merchants, into one of the largest buildings, where the true identity of the "citizens" was revealed, alongside their plans for two fine ladies like themselves.

Naturally, this did not sit well with either of them. After taking care with the Raiders in the building, they arrange for the surviving citizens and merchants to evacuate, while they stay behind to clean up the rest.

The fight is a curb-stomp if there's any. Midnight Shimmer, as an Alicorn, has potent spells remaining, and it seems like one of the ponies within her was an accomplished mage too, so her instinctual selection is pretty wide. Sweetie… Sweetie is not in a good place, and letting her anger out on Raiders fits perfectly well into her current schedule.

Unfortunately by the time they're done, the only ones around to witness what remained were a caravan of merchants that, unaware that they had been saved, had immediately assumed the worst. It would take some time for the survivors to clarify that misunderstanding, but by that time…

Sweetie and Midnight Shimmer had obtained a reputation. When arriving to another town by the name of Deep Crevice, in search of provisions, they are first greeted by shots, then, when those prove useless, the mayor of the town surrenders, pleading for their people.

The pair has no idea what they're talking about and explain that they have no intention of conquering anything. They're in fact just two drifters, off to see the world, and it's such a lot of world to see… without provisions.

As they walk with the mayor and a group of guards to purchase their supplies, they explain what had happened in the previous town, which does a lot to calm the group accompanying them, although they have yet to hear from the group that escaped the previous town. Chances were that they had headed to another town to the East of Faded Mirror.

Shortly after obtaining everything they need, and leaving the thankfully intact town behind, they are ambushed by Lil Pip and Co. The battle is brutal, but all the ponies involved are fairly efficient. Steelhoof and Velvet are shocked by Sweetie's appearance, and do not involve themselves at first as she fights Xenith while Midnight Shimmer fights Pip and Calamity.

After the fight reaches a point where both groups are ready to go for kill-shots, one of Spike's Sprite Bots appears, remarking that Sweetie is in no way, shape or form a Raider, despite the spiked armor. Velvet interrupts while Steelhooves confronts Sweetie. This prompts a long explanation, including Sweetie helping Midnight Shimmer free herself from Trixie (by accident), knowing Watcher/Spike, meeting Blackjack, which freaks out Spike as… the stuff she described hasn't happened yet.

Sweetie shrugs it off and explains it as interdimensional time travel, noting that she can't share anything else then. With Spike's endorsement, and some questioning from Steelhooves, the group decides to stick together for some time. This results in a few more Raider camps being destroyed, but also with the others noticing just how damaged Sweetie is.

Each of them make an effort to help her heal in their own way, while also helping Midnight Shimmer figure out a bit about her past personas, eventually helping her understand that accepting her mistakes, doesn't mean she can't move forward and find a way to make things better.

The arc would end with Sweetie feeling the pull towards the next step of her journey, and after fading, Midnight Shimmer wishing Pip and co well on their mission as she departs, once more, to find her past.

Author's Note:

The progress that Sweetie has during the Isekai is directly a result of traveling with Pip and Co, and Midnight Shimmer; not just her talk with Sunset. Her later visit to the Isekai helps her internalize the lessons she learned here as well as balance out the good and bad experiences she had before.