• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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6 - Interruption

As they wove through the streets, the crowd began to thin. The heat of the day was intensifying by the moment, and it seemed the cats had no interest in enduring it. With some breathing space, Scootaloo smiled, "This is almost better."

Applejack nodded lightly, "In some ways, sure. Just st--"

A purrsian stepped out in front of Applejack, wearing an almost stifling amount of clothing by the look of it. Dark robes concealed most of its form, and even its tail was wrapped up from sight. "What a pleasant day for a walk," she said, "I know just the place you should do so..."

Apple Bloom tilted her head, "We're already walking to tha tailor!"

The purrsian wagged a finger, "Not any longer." Stepping out beside her came a hulking shape, dressed similarly, but its shape was all wrong for a purrsian. The arms were too thick, and though shrouded, its thick claws were on full display. "My associate here will guide you. Be courteous and save us both some time and energy in the hot sun."

Applejack bristled as she pawed the ground, "Now see here! Ya best be backin' off before ah decide you're trying ta threaten us."

The hulking figure showed no response, save to suddenly thrust a clawed hand forward. Applejack was too slow to avoid being grabbed around the throat, but reared up, lashing out with her deadly hooves. Though she landed the blows, it was like punching a bag of leather, and the assailant cared not, instead lifting her bodily from the ground despite her bulk.

The purrsian looked towards the smaller ponies, "Don't damage them, they're valuable."

Sweetie let out her best, silent, scream, forcing the purrsian to raise a single paw to the side of her head. "Ow," she said in a complaining voice, "Cut that out, or I may allow some bruising."

Apple Bloom dug out a packet of a bomb and tossed it quickly where it could catch the smaller in its blast, afraid to catch Applejack if she aimed any closer at the hulking beast that had AJ. The cloaked figure swept away the flames, clearly unimpressed. "Is that the best you have? Give up. I'm not even here to hurt you anyway."

Scootaloo edged closer to the others, whispering, "Should we run?"

Sweetie shook her head a little, "She's got Applejack!"

Upon mentioning, the hulking figure hefted Applejack up into the air over its head and pinned her hooves in place, immobilizing her struggles. The cloaked purrsian chuckled darkly. "I do have your friend. Now come along. If you're stalling for the guards, I paid them well to leave us alone, and I mean to earn that money back and more."

With the figure's hands on her hooves instead of her throat, Applejack could speak, and did so, "Run girls! Ah'll take care of mahself!"

Scootaloo began speaking words of power with a scowl. Taking it as a prompt, Apple Bloom let loose another bomb, even if it only seemed to irritate the purrsian.

She drew a short curved blade and advanced on them, "Enough. I did try to be kind."

Sweetie Belle backed away from her as her voice rose into a nervous song. Despite her uncertainty, the words filled the fillies and Applejack with a renewed sense of vigor and determination. Apple Bloom moved between the purrsian and Scootaloo, trying to protect her as she cast her spell. She paid the price quickly as a quick slash of that blade left a nasty gash in her shoulder. Already this was becoming much worse than their other adventures.

The spell finished, and suddenly Applejack surged outwards in size, coming down on the hulking creature that held her. She lashed out her hooves in a stunning buck as she said a quick spell. There was a bright flash when her hooves connected with the purrsian, knocking her into the air to crash against the side of a building. The hulking figure took immediate revenge with a duo of raking claws, leaving painful and bloody lines across Applejack's front.

Taking advantage of the chaos of Applejack's escape, Apple Bloom hurled a bomb at the purrsian that had crashed against the wall, engulfing her briefly in flames. The purrsian quickly gathered herself back up, "This has become too high a price." She ducked into a close sideroad without further comment. The hulking brute nodded at Applejack before leaping clear over her, landing on her back, then hopping down the other side to chase after the purrsian.

Sweetie Belle was first to speak as she stepped forward uncertainly, "Is everyone OK?"

Apple Bloom sagged in place, "No... But we won!"

Applejack quickly hurried up to her wounded sister and seized Bloom by the scruff of the neck. Applejack placed Bloom on her back, "You just stay right there. That was a right brave thing ya did, foolish too."

Scootaloo pointed at Applejack, "You're hurt too."

Applejack snorted, "I've been through worse. Sweetie, can ya do more ah that healin'?"

Sweetie shook her head, "Out of song magic... "

Apple Bloom grumbled from on top of Applejack, "I'm outta bombs. Oh!" She dug out a potion and chugged it down, and her gash sealed into an angry red wound. She tucked the empty vial away for later re-use.

Applejack blinked at the display, "Y'all really have been practicing. I'm... proud of y'all, but ya should run when ah say run!"

Scootaloo concentrated a moment, and Applejack shrunk to her usual size. "If we did that," argued Scootaloo with a scowl, "You'd be dragged off to who knows where!"

Sweetie bobbled her head in agreement, "The Cutie Mark Crusaders don't abandon their members, and you're one of us!"

Applejack let the matter drop for the moment, turning and walking, with one Crusader on her back and the other two flanking her. There were no more obstacles stopping them from reaching the tailor, and they soon stepped inside, collectively sighing with the coolness of the interior compared to the increasing heat of the approaching noon sun.

The tailor was present. The male purrsian stepped towards them on all fours, dressed in fine silks and delicate jewelry. "Ah, look what comes, hiding from the scorch of the Sun King's glare. Are you here for shelter from the day, or do you seek to cover yourselves in fine attire?"

Apple Bloom flashed a bright smile, "Is both outta the question?"

"Certainly not," agreed the purrsian. "I am Reginald Silvertail, and it will be my distinct pleasure to serve you." He pointed at Applejack, "I apologize for being rude, but you appear to be injured, madame."

Applejack shook her head, "Jus' pretend it's not there. Not much ah can do about it right now. Get these fillies some functional clothes, if ya would be so kind?"

Reginald nodded as he looked over the small forms of the Crusaders, "You," he pointed at Apple Bloom, "Let's start with you. Do you have a profession, little girl?"

Apple Bloom slid down off of Applejack and approached, "Mah name's Apple Bloom, and that's my big sister, Applejack!"

Reginald smiled, "I had heard that prairie ponies could have powerful family bonds, but never witnessed it for myself. I would expect you to have a brand of destiny much like hers... but you don't have any? Surely there is an interesting tale to be told?"

Apple Bloom tilted her head, but Scootaloo spoke first, "We didn't get ours yet!"

Reginald blinked softly, "How can that be? I was told ponies were born with their marks, branded by destiny itself in the womb. Let us put that aside for the moment, as that will not get you clothed." He looked over Apple Bloom, reaching to turn her head this way and that, then to lift her hooves. He produced a measuring string and started going over all of her dimensions.

Apple Bloom tried to be still for him, but couldn't stand being silent, so she spoke, "Ah was training ta be an alchemist!"

"That explains the bottles," agreed Reginald. "I am certain you will become a great one, with time."

Applejack raised a brow, "Don't mean ta be rude, but yer a mite kinder than most of the cats we've run into."

Reginald shrugged, "Purrsian, and we may be all cut from the same cloth, but that does not mean our patterns do not change. Do not assume we are all obsessed with wealth simply because many are." He flashed a smile, taking a few notes before he moved on to Sweetie Belle, "And what is your name, adorable little foal?"

Sweetie Belle returned the smile quickly. "Hi there! I'm Sweetie Belle," her voice squeaking in the greeting.

Reginald reached to petted her on the head gently, "I can feel a warm spirit here, are you aiming to be a priest of some kind?"

Sweetie shook her head, "I'm learning song magic."

Reginald nodded, "That would have been my second guess, I assure. Will you sing for us? I will give a discount if you do."

Sweetie glanced at Applejack and the others before she took a soft breath and began singing a soft little wordless melody. Reginald smiled as he worked, taking all of Sweetie's measurements with practiced motions and quick scribbles in his notebook.

"Last, but certainly not least," he said as he approached Scootaloo, "Hello there, little pegasus. Now, I suppose chances are against it, but are you all related?"

Scootaloo shook her head, "Applejack's like a big sister to all of us, but not by blood, no. I'm Scootaloo! You're the nicest purrsian we've run into so far!"

Reginald began measuring Scootaloo, "Sometimes a soft word and a smile will earn you more money than a thousand scowls and threats. I have no need for the coarse rudeness of some of my fellows." He rapped a knuckle against Scootaloo's spellbook, "What do you have in here?"

Scootaloo tilted her head, "That's my book of spells. Every wizard has to have one, uh, that's what I read."

Reginald tilted his head, "A wizard, are you?"

Applejack interjected, "Ah think Twilight called it a 'magus'."

Reginald shook his head, "I'm afraid I wouldn't know the difference, but you must be a smart filly to practice the arcane."

Sweetie stopped singing to chime in, "She is!"

Reginald departed with a final nod, vanishing into the back. "Make yourselves comfortable." The last part of him visible was his bejeweled tail, then he was gone.

Applejack settled down on her belly. "Apple Bloom, what do ya need ta make more of them potions? Could ya make a big ol' batch of 'em?"

Apple Bloom shook her head. "If ya try ta make it too big, the whole thing goes to waste. It's, uh, complicated, but th' one ah used tastes pretty nasty. I haven't quite got it to th' point ah'd want to share it around. Ah'm not even sure it'd work for somepony else."

Scootaloo tilted her head. "I don't get it. It's a potion. If it works, who cares how bad it tastes?"

Apple Bloom shook her head quickly. "There's magic involved! My magic. Until ah get it right, it only works with mah magic."

Applejack reached for Apple Bloom and pet through her mane gently. "You'll get it right, Ah'm sure of it. We'll get some supplies after we're done here."

Author's Note:

Taking harsh lessons to heart, about three quarters or so in, I started dropping 'saidisms'. In future chapters, you should call me out if I start throwing them around again.(he said, she said, he shouted, she replied, etc)

They just give more room for typos anyway.

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