• Member Since 10th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 17th, 2021


Comments ( 39 )

This is very cute :twilightsmile:

For some reason, I was reading Vinyl's lines like this at 2:11

I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

The first few lines sounded exactly like that as I was writing them! :pinkiehappy:

Vinyl's dead, isn't she?

Wow. Tested out spritz on this. Anyone who reads this comment and is up to it. you NEED to check out spritz. finally i can read through hundreds of stories a night *evil laugh* http://www.spritzinc.com/ im at 550 so far. gonna work up to 700 or even 1000 xD

Dead Vinyl

Hmm, the scroll isn't a vital part of the cello, and as long as the pegbox isn't affected, it's still totally playable, if unattractive.

A luthier can probably carve what's left of it into something nice, I guess.

But what's for certain, is that Vinyl's mince-meat.

5943180 Yep. have a cupcake *gives cupcake* now go back into your cave Mr Troll. We don't want or need you here.

Ha! Well administer'd wit! Save thee and thy story!

What was Vinyl doing with Tavi's cello in the first place? Trying to be Octavia or something?

Unless it's for other mlp related stories, I'd appreciate it if you didn't advertise in the comments section.

5941455 5941979 5943488
Vinyl's, well... Maybe we'll find out some other time.

LMFAO!!! :rainbowlaugh:
Best comedy I've read in a while.

Lol this was cute. Bad Vinyl!:derpytongue2:

I learned it's limits



Who's we? We'd rather have him here than you. Get the hell out you walking advertisement.

5944160 i use it only for this site -_-. i read 80 something chapters and vastly cleared up my read later list with it just last night. i mean, old fashion way is nice, but everyone deserves a far superior way to read here. lets face it, anyone whos been on this site more then a month probably has a read later list with a hundred or so things in it... dont use it if you dont want to, but those of us who do will leave you far behind. not to mention free so why not.

5947151 refer to statement i posted before this one because i forgot to tag you. i am not trying to advertise anything, i don't make anything off it so why bother. its free and overall quite useful. Heck, i could call this story being in featured list an ad. the featured lists "advertises" well written stories to everyone here. sharing something useful a large majority of people could easily find useful and blatant advertising and self promotion are two VASTLY different things, so check your facts.


All I heard was bullshit bullshit bullshit. You are bullshitting and not very good at it. You blatantly advertised, trying to redefine how we work in our community does not win you any points or justify what you've done. Do be a dear and leave.

5950006 Its hardheaded people like you who make the internet a general pain...

1) There isn't a "superior" way of reading. Your method is great for blazing through a story. I could see it coming in handy for getting through stories with really long chapters quickly, like FoE, Background Pony, or The Sweetie Chronicles. Something that isn't normally doable in a quick, 5-15 minute sitting per chapter. But many prefer just to relax and enjoy a story. They may choose to reread a section they liked or didn't quite understand, and then move on when they're ready, rather than having to keep up with a program that sets the pace for them.

2) The read later list isn't some sort of back log that you have to catch up on before you can move forward. Found a story that interests you? Great! Read it! But what if you found more than one at a time? That's where the read it later list comes in. Personally, I think it's a great way to save a story for those times when you can't find anything you like and want to read something you haven't yet. Those of us who have at least one story on the list will always have something to fall back on. Blowing through 80 stories as fast as possible defeats the purpose.

3) We "old fashioned" readers aren't worried about getting "left behind." If there's this really awesome story out there, we'll read it at our own pace and enjoy every minute of it. Not every few seconds of it.

4) You found that program. Other people have found that program. People who want to read really fast like you do will look for the program and find it or something similar to it. But they aren't going to come to the comments section of a story only a few hundred people have read; instead, they're going to go to google. There's no need to promote it here.

5) Advertising doesn't require you making anything off of it. People who wear MLP t-shirts aren't necessarily making any money from Hasbro.

6) You say "so why bother" and immediately continue doing it in the next sentence. If there's no reason to, why bother doing it again?

7) The featured and popular stories boxes are indeed advertisements, showing off good stories that people may be interested in. The difference between that advertisement and yours is when people want to read MLP fanfiction, they come to FimFiction to find good stories. People don't come here to learn about speed reading aides.

8) You do know that advertising is as simple as spreading the word about something, right? If I went around saying "Read Hydran's story," that would be an advertisement. "Look at this program," is also an advertisement. The MLP t-shirts from earlier are also advertisements. The only difference between that and self promotion is who is advertising whom. If I went around saying "Read my story," that would be me advertising my work, or self promotion.

5950057 5950006
In my experience, hardheaded people are only hardheaded about something they care about. Reading the way we want to is something a lot of people care about, and as I said before, if really we want to do something different, we'll do it on our own. Hardheads aren't going to change their minds easily, nor should someone try to force them to. Please don't bring it up again.

I laughed, I cried... I prepared a coffin for Vinyl... Rest in Peace child, rest in piece.

Hahahaha, nice job.

I've done a dramatic read on your fan fic

Um, thanks. I can't honestly say I expected anyone to do that for one of my stories :twilightoops:

th06.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2013/204/b/7/angry_octavia_by_hesh4500-d6ev0ow.png : ...You snapped the scroll...? As in...one of the most visual decorative parts of my cello...?

encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfa3Ma_dtRhXNBa_Du0AmRLI-ndCf-HLRJxMUn-PBB-cSIUalQ : Uh, yeah...I'm so sorry about that...you forgive me right...best friend...?

th06.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2013/204/b/7/angry_octavia_by_hesh4500-d6ev0ow.png : ...Vinyl?

encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfa3Ma_dtRhXNBa_Du0AmRLI-ndCf-HLRJxMUn-PBB-cSIUalQ : ...Yeah Tavi...?

encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTYrCeKAuwGmpmWep2hJlaHGo3uqELSZUERr0XRbnOIdcbDGW3w : I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOU!!!

(I do not own any images. They were all found on Google Images. Credit goes to their respective owners. Also, RIP Vinyl Scratch.)

a snapped scroll -- guess the pink fluffy handcuffs are coming out or maybe just the whip

Did someone ask for a fan fiction read? No? Well here ya go anyway :pinkiehappy:

6341337 dang it, you beat me too it Asto :duck:

Well, there's no one stopping you from doing one yourself. After all, Astro was beaten by Scorpion.

6536981 Indeed bt I try to avoid doing duplicates lol

Fair enough :)

Vinyl here's some advice, basically run.

Love the story! Would love to do a fanfiction reading of this story! :D

Bam! Even have voice actors. You're welcome XD

Author Interviewer

I 'ad a giggle, mate. :V

Well, look at that! I appreciate the kind words. By the way, how did you find this story? It's been a hot minute since it was written.

Site Blogger

I can’t say with 100% certainty since I selected it for reading literally over a year ago, but I think with reasonable confidence it popped up in the “Also Liked/Similar/Author” lists that show up on the right side of the screen while I was looking at another story. That’s just a guess, though.

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