• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 744 Views, 28 Comments

Write Club! A Multi-Prompt Compilation - HapHazred

A compilation of short stories from the Harmonists group contest 'Write Club' about history, attachment, and dreams.

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Dream: Bad Dragon

"Er, Twilight, not that I mind, but why did you decide on a picnic today of all days?” Pinkie Pie asked. “And why are we in the forest? I know it’s gonna be a fun place, as you all keep saying that, but where exactly are we going?”

“Today is a beautiful day to be hanging out.” Twilight paused as she looked up toward the tree branches. “Mhm.”

“We usually talk when we hang out.” Pinkie glanced at her friends.

“Fun.” Fluttershy whispered in response.

Pinkie’s hair bristled. “Besides constant reassurances that it will be fun, nopony is saying anything. Is something wrong?”

“No. Nothing is amiss.” Twilight answered with a flat voice.

Pinkie turned to the rest of her friends. Getting no reaction from them, she looked back to Twilight. “But don’t you have that thing in Canterlot today?"

"Hm?” Twilight raised her eyebrows. “Em, It wasn't that important and, em, I do want to spend more time with my special friends. Yeah, that's about right." Twilight nodded to herself.

Pinkie Pie gasped. "Celestia invited you to your own coronation and you decided not to go?”

"Oh. Em, that thing. That got canceled…" Twilight clenched her teeth.

"So, you're not going to officially become a princess then?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Pinkie Pie, get off Twilight Sparkle's case, will ya’! She had, uhm, busy day." Applejack shoved Pinkie Pie with a hoof.

Pinkie frowned. "I didn't mean to pry—"

"Well, you kind of did, sweetie!" Rarity jumped in. "It matters little now. Pinkie Pie, why don't you be a dear and take the lead."

"Em… okay… So, em, this is the fun place you were all talking about?” She squeezed herself through the outgrowth then came to a halt as she gazed at the opening in the cliffside “It's a cave…"

"Go on, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash pushed her with a wing. "It’s gonna be awesome and fun! I’m absolutely sure of it."

"Well, em, okay… I’ve never heard you all say the word ‘fun’ so many times before, so I guess it’s gonna be fun?”

All five of her friends grinned and nodded their heads.

“Oki… doki…" Pinkie Pie entered the burrow.

"Keep going.” Fluttershy whispered. “Don't be scared; it’ll be fun."

"I'm not scared, It's just a bit dark, that's all." Pinkie’s tail twitched more and more with each step forward she took.

"Well, let me light it up a little for you then." A green field enveloped Twilight’s horn.

The light illuminated black faces in the dark.

Pinkie froze as she recognized the shapes of the creatures.

She gulped her saliva as she shifted her eyes from side to side. The cave was full of changelings. They were staring at her in silence.

Her breathing ceased as she slowly turned around, stepping with her hooves ever so slightly. She lowered her head, as if she could still avoid detection. Assuming the prowl position, she was gathering the courage to sprint toward her trusted friends.

Pinkie focused toward the entrance trying to make out the shapes in the sunlight at the end of the tunnel. She breathed out in relief as she saw five silhouettes waiting for her, with the middle one lighting her way. They stood exactly where she last saw them.

The forms were hard to make out because the sun was shining from behind them. As she squinted with her eyes, she saw the light protruding through the holes in their bodies and their transparent wings. They were changelings, also!

“Aaa!” Pinkie Pie' eyes opened wide as she shook on her bed, bawling.

She swung her head, looking around her room, then sighed in relief. “It was just a dream.”

Despite the realization, the cold shivers kept running down her spine.Pinkie shoved away the covers. They were moist with sweat. She bit her lip and slowly shook her head. “You’re worrying yourself insane again, Pinkie Pie. Your friends will love your coronation party. You know this.”

“Right. It’s not like they expect me to do my best. Wait, actually, they do! What if my best isn’t good enough?” Her tail flapped.

“It’s just another party. You’ve done loads of them, and this one will be a success just like most of them are,” she said to herself.

“Yes, I’m right. There is no reason why this once in a lifetime party would go wrong. It’s gonna be just like the Galla. No! The Gala was a disaster. This party has to be the exact opposite of the Gala.” She hugged her tail to ease its shaking.

“You’ve done huge parties before. You know you can do it.”

“Yes! It’s true. I can do it! It will be like the wedding. Except that it won’t get ruined by changelings.” She started sweating again.

“They’ve already been dealt with for good. Celestia herself said so. There’s nothing to worry—”

The bell at the door interrupted her self-talk.

“A friend? That’s exactly what I need right now!” Pinkie Pie jumped out the window, anchoring her tail on the frame of it. Mid-air she swung her body around and hit against the facade with her back.

As her mane fell from her eyes, she saw Twilight Sparkle staring up on her. Her mouth was opened ajar

“Twilight, what are you doing here, shouldn’t you be at your coronation protocol practice?”

“Hm?” Twilight raised her eyebrows.

Author's Note:

This story prompt was written by Bad Dragon. If you enjoyed this story, you should totally check him out!