• Member Since 25th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Ultimate Warrior of Zera

Hi, I'm a Brony. Here's my fanfiction.net page: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1751450/Ultimate_Warrior_of_Zera

Comments ( 9 )

I think it's more or less for the reasons in the AN that Trixie's attraction to Adagio is typically played for laughs, it was never genuine on either side to begin with. I guess it's possible Adagio targeted Trixie more than once because there was something she liked about her and wanted to use her as part of her scheme, but even that feels like kindof a stretch. :applejackunsure:

I see a lot of potential for this ship and I hope to see more from it.

I think it's not really popular because Trixie was just kinda a toy in their hands. Adagio wouldn't care about just some proud teenager.

She's just using Trixie

Poor Trixie. That's pretty much what I figure happened, and it's worse for my Trixie, because my Dazzlings are extremely cruel and nasty beings. She actually runs off and follows the Dazzlings, and becomes their hostage / potential next meal, right after the Dazzlings' disastrous last concert.

Fortunately for her, she has her mentor Piercing Gaze, a stage magician with a very weak abiility to sense real magic, but a lot of courage and a willingness to leap into action to save his student. He leads Lavender Lace, Fuschia Blush and Lavender's cousin Cloud Kicker to her rescue. (Not that he meant to have them along, it's more that they were also trying to save Trixie, and he decided they'd be more likely to survive with him than alone -- he's glad to have them at his side, when the feces hits the fan).

Haven't written the story yet, sadly.

6846396 I'm truly flattered that you chose to tell me the plot for a future story.

I admit this isn't a ship I go for (I know it's weird, but I consider Blueblood and Trixie an interesting ship), but how it's done strangely feels fitting:

Adagio IS a Siren, so Trixie (and let's face it, lot's of people, in universe we're clearly supposed to see Adagio as being beautiful and she KNOWS she is) falling for her instantly feels logical. Especially since Adagio does ultimately use her.

And more importantly, Trixie's REASONS for being smitten makes sense. Adagio shows her attention which she's pretty much starved for. It's actually pretty sad to read her fail ato get that no matter what she tries.

7600716 Thank you. Glad you thought it made sense.

Could you recommend some good Trixie/Blueblood fics?

7600756 I wish, but given Blueblood's reputation as a character, most I've seen that seem to have effort put into making him likable are either incomplete or clop fics. I'm sure some good ones are out there though.

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