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Sir Hat


  • MBrass
    Babs called an old friend over to celebrate Hearths Warming eve with her and her coltfriend York. York learns some rather interesting facts about the two and capitalizes on that fact like a madman.
    Sir Hat · 7.3k words  ·  161  28 · 2.5k views

Humans have been living in Equestria, and while attending school in Manehattan a kid named York makes friend with Babs Seed. Little does he know the mare might want to be more than friends.

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 61 )

This is in the feature box! Good on you!

This is strange, but for some reason interesting. I'm going to try following this.

"Stop running you prick!"
"Fuck you, stop chasing me!"

A chase scene is not the time for banter!

Story seems to be off to a good start :)

Finish it damnit!
I've read it, I love it!
When is the next chapter?!

Why wasn't the next chapter out yesterday?!?!?!?!
Also thank you!

Stop being an indecisive pussy, York.

Sir Hat #7 · Feb 1st, 2015 · · 1 · Babs ·

Calm your shit. Fawning over it after-the-fact is just...no....

Fascinating. An entire chromosome developing after the fact? I have to wonder if a virus or some mitochondrion-like symbiont is involved at some point. And then there's the matter of possible magic use in unhybridized humans, though from the sound of it, there won't be quite as many of those as one might expect in the near future...
Sorry, magical biology is one of my major geek-out points. :twilightsheepish:

In any case, this is certainly an interesting setup. Certainly redefining hetero- and homosexuality. When other species get thrown in the mix, the terms may be in need of additional prefixes.

Definitely looking forward to more.

5572456 If it wasn't, everybody would be a bunch of jokers.

5573740 Hey, this guy gets it. Heh.

Looking good, around chapter two I was wondering if he was trying to coax a answer about her sexuality from Babs or if he was really that dense.
Teenage awkwardness at its finest.

Sweet more goodness from you and it has Babs.


Small nitpick.. "like every other living creature, their kids have to go to school" doesn't strike me as accurate. Maybe you meant "their kids need to learn," but I'd disagree with that also.

5572762 no but it makes for funnies much like must go faster must go faster.

And I find myself favoriting another Sirhat story. I'm honestly looking forward to seeing what's going to happen.

my brain already to checked out to hear.

too checked out

You know, tks first I thought I wouldn't like this story. But it's actually really great! I love how you have them talking so casually. It took a minute for me to figure that out because the words just didn't seem to mesh, but then I said, "take a pause and talk as if you were them". Then I was thinking to myself that I'd love to do a voiceover for the deer guy and the main character. Just got to find a good voice actor for babs and we're all set. Also I gave you your 100th thumbs up.

It seems much better than I anticipated. I was afraid it will be foalcon, but thankfully I was corrected on that mistake.
Did I tell you that my favorite stories of yours, are the ones, that don't jump into sex at the first chapter? Now I did, so that's that.
I like the deer guy, he has nice personality. What's his name?

PS. Are you taking MLP comic deers as a base for yours?

Great ending Hat :twilightsmile: I'll be honest and say I had no idea how you were going to end it, but this feels appropriate for the story. *golf clap*

Glad you enjoyed it.

Yeah, it's a simple end to a simple fic. Sad it couldn't have done better, but I might follow up on Babs and York in a later fic, dunno.

5598163 Honestly, I think you did it justice.


Good story.

:oved it. Good job.

I hope you continue with these characters down the road...i really liked this story *so once again thank you sir hat for givong me a story i will reread at least twice.*

D'aww. I like it, very believable. I especially like how York is a bit of an idiot, how his inexperience is, well, really obvious. I like your writing because your characters are actually people, not just... the best comparison I can think of right now would be NPC's, but that's not quite what I mean. Hopefully you catch my drift.

Anyway, good end to a good little story. I'm disappointed it didn't get more attention than it did. Though I'm especially disappointed at the proportionately high dislike rate, I would've hoped people had better taste.

Dem authors notes doe.
...I love this song. :eeyup:

So far I'v seen a few grammar mistakes, really like it though.

Dawww. At least he didn't screw it up

it burns goooood

Bitchiness narrowly averted.

There needs to be a term for being attracted to a specific person in spite of one's normal orientation. In this day and age, I'd be surprised if there wasn't one. Seems like there's something for every other conceivable sexuality.

In any case, an adorable story. Thank you for it, Hat. I'm kind of sad we didn't get to see the conquest of Manehattan. At least, not in this story.

It's so cuddly and fluffy and dawww!
Love it! :yay:

First off, stop triggering me with your speciest attitude.

And second, you don't have to thank me every time. I will survive without the praise, I feel like you're worried I'm gonna stop writing or An Hero.

But I think as we've seen, I might piss and moan, but there's not much that's gonna stop me from writing.

(Don't get me wrong, I love your comments, but I'm starting to get worried you're thanking me just to stroke ego or keep me from being Mr. Depressed)

I make a point of thanking the author at the end of every story. Fanfiction is a labor of love, and since we legally can't be compensated for it*, I figure a few thanks are quite literally the least I can contribute. It's the same reason I work "looking forward to more" into every comment on an incomplete story.

*Well, I suppose there's Patreon, but as I said, there's some legal dubiousness there.

5599061 The comments full of actual commentary on the fic is enough for me.

As I say, I just enjoy engagement. That's why I always ask for comments.

This is pretty solid Hat. I kind of wish you'd stop pussy-footing around and just do something with a ton of world building because the world(s) you write about are really interesting and I'd like to see more but for a short piece, this one had it all. Solid bro.

Usually Babs fics are garbage, but you've written a respectable and genuine-feeling romance that I can't help but enjoy thoroughly. This is seriously some rock-hard on-the-money high-quality shit you've got here. A+

Also that make-out scene was fantastic.

This is probably one of the most authentic portrayals of a budding teenage romance I've read in a long time; with the additional awkwardness of being a different species. I also enjoyed a character named York in the city of Manehatten. Don't know if that was intentional, but it was a nice touch. A delightful experience. :pinkiehappy:

Simply amazing.

Cute as fuck.

A Sir Hat fic that doesn't contain drunken sex or a german/russian accent?

10/10 - IGN, Would read again.

In all seriousness though. I haven't read any of your fics in awhile and this one was actually not a complete waste of my time. This fic kinda reminds me of your old stuff, back when you had less than 100 followers. Yeah, those were good times. Perhaps I am making too many assumptions, because again, I haven't read any of your newest fics yet. Those many assumptions aren't unfounded, but perhaps this fic is proof that you are actually understanding what that romance tag stands for, or perhaps this was just a fluke. I can't say for sure. I'll check out your other stuff, I pray that you won't disappoint.

Your on again, off again sarcastic critic - SB

P.S. The chapter transitions were harsh. The deer last chapter told the main character that Babs was in the Gym, then the next chapter starts with him waiting out in the fire escape. Not a big complaint, but it's noteworthy.

Had a rough patch figuring out what I wanted from my fics, have since figured it out, and am currently rebuilding what I feel is worth saving.

Also (Fucking god damn the gym)

OK am I the only one that thinks its a little odd that the sex-ed deer dude was apparently encouraging teenage pregnancy? I mean it was just one throwaway comment about these two having a foal within a year, but seems to me it would be the job of someone in his position to dissuade that sort of thing.

He was pushing him towards being with someone, while saying: "Remember my lecture"

Saying: Hey go do what'll make you happy, but remember to wear a condom.

Pretty good, but why would he help that stupid griffon? I think griffons are cool, but if I was York, I would just leave the griffon there with a bleeding leg. :pinkiecrazy:

Pretty alright, except that I'm not too big of a fan of lesbian mares. :derpytongue2: Still good story though.

:pinkiegasp: a unicorn deer thing.....................................................AWESOME!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Okay, so is York a lip licker or something, because you keep saying 'I licked my lips' too many times. It gets pretty dull. :ajbemused:

Super cute! I really enjoyed reading this, although I was hesitant at first. You did a great job. Thanks for writing this. :pinkiehappy:

Bans is adorable.

Wow! This actually tame when compared to your other stories.

I'd like to see more of this kind of thing from you. It's refreshing.

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