• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


The mane six are determined to avoid being shot by Cupid's arrow and falling in love on Hearts and Hooves Day, where Cupid tugs at those tied by the red string. Made all the more challenging since Cupid is a crack shot. Will the girls make it through Hearts and Hooves Day still single?

Has NOTHING to do with the pony pov series.
Written with some MAJOR help from Kendell2.

Cover art by Dabestpony. http://dabestpony.deviantart.com/art/Cupid-Ponified-351998551

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 150 )

Oh the poor mares. Nopony helps them, and Twilight's mom turns on her, and Mother Sparkle discovers she may end up with human grandfoals; imagine what their first trip home to meet Gramma will be like!

Heck, even Celestia seemed to be out to make sure Twi and the others got zapped. Thanks a lot, Celly!

I said it before on DA, but again, I loved the laughs I got from this one.

Just hide under a blanket. :facehoof: Blankets solve everything. :pinkiecrazy: Nice story, leaves me wondering who exactly you ship AJ and Dash with.

Isn't that Cadence's job?


She seems to repair loving bonds, not create them, she didn't MAKE that couple fall in love, they already were.


HEH! And I can't think of anyone to ship AJ with that she's EVER shown any actual attraction to. RD has shown attraction to the male Wonderbolts in general, and is friends with Soarin', but he's already tied to Spitfire.

As for hiding under blanket, heh, interesting view!

"I said it before on DA, but again, I loved the laughs I got from this one."

Thanks! :-)

"Heck, even Celestia seemed to be out to make sure Twi and the others got zapped. Thanks a lot, Celly!"

"Princess Celestia, "You're welcome!"

Oh the poor mares. Nopony helps them, and Twilight's mom turns on her,

Spike helps them, before he gets zapped too.

"and Mother Sparkle discovers she may end up with human grandfoals; imagine what their first trip home to meet Gramma will be like!"

I imagine they'd have to get used to being on four hooves before seeing grandma.

Well at least Cupid doesn't have an M1 Thompson sub-machine gun... Then he would have 30 reload able rounds to fire off non-stop, reload, and basically get the whole town. No, here, cupid's got a shotgun.

Well, that's an interesting concept for Cupid.

Also, love Fluttershy and Discord's date.


:-) :-D Technically still a bow, but it might as well be a shot gun.

Or were you referring to the song, 'Angel with a shot gun'? :-)


Thanks. Hope it would be interesting. And I didn't show much. But one thing I wanted to establish is that Cupid's arrows DON'T work like love poison.

You established it. Basically, all Cupid's arrows do is take a love-based-relationship that already exists and puts it at the forefront of the mind of the one shot.


That's one way to interpret it. :-)

5429456 nah, it's "cupid's got a shotgun"

[youtube= www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2Mf-shY5M0]

Can I use this idea for a chapter in my story?

all I can think is that Cupid is a dirty little liar. After all, they've been hiding from him before and Twilight and Pinkie only just met Flash and Cheese.

You know, I think this would actually be way funnier if Cadence was the one flying around with a bow! You know, Princess of love and all?
:twilightoops:"Cadence! I thought we were friends!"
:heart:"this is for your own good Twily! I want some nieces to dress up! Or nephews, I'll take what I can get!"
:facehoof:"I'll get to that on my own time!"
:heart:"Come on Twilight, if I were to leave you alone you'd just end up marrying your books or something!"
:twilightblush:"Would it be weird if I didn't have a problem with that?"
:heart:"Yes. Very weird."

Angel had valiantly leaped to protect his mistress, taking the projectile in her stead, and had gone off with a herd of pretty doe rabbits.

Why Angel how . . . noble of you. :moustache:

Well, this story certainly got a chuckle out of me. I loved how you poked fun at shipping in here and gave your own take on Cupid. There were a few nitpicks I came across, but they aren't that big of a deal. Nevertheless, I'll tell you them anyways.

"Ya'll never tag me! Ya didn't get me with Trenderhoof! And ya won't get me now!"

:applejackunsure: Down here in the south, "ya'll" is used as a plural noun. I've never come across anyone who uses it as a singular replacement for the word "you."

"Sigh. Seriously, I know we all promised to be strong and not get tangled by Cupid, not that I'm about to complain my mother went to such insane methods . . . but seriously . . . sigh. Well, it's over for another year."

Is Twilight actually saying the word "sigh?" :rainbowhuh: I'm assuming that she's actually sighing in these spots, but you don't differentiate it from the rest. On a side note, those ellipses look kinda weird.

"Twili, ya got any hard cider?"

I'm assuming that's either supposed to be Twi or Twilight.

All in all, this was a fun story :twilightsmile:.



Tell me more! :-)


I actually wrote this BEFORE Christmas, I just got around to posting it now. Is there a law that says I have to post this only at a certain time of the year?


And scared mares making assumptions.


You saw that fan comic about Twilight 'marrying a book' too didn't you?


HEHEHEH! Angel isn't afraid to fall in love.

Schemers will fly on wings with love tipped arrows!
The Doctor shall hide!
Six Elements Will Hide!
The Dragon will Be In Flight from the demons!



The Fortress of Having No Heart Will Fall!
Immortals will love Mortals!


Hiding is futile!
A Cute Little Filly Falls In Love with a Cute Little Stallion!

Apples to Apples!
The Apple Fortress has fallen!

Laughter fills the air!

Generoisity falls in love with the dragon's greed!
Kindness fills the breach!



I'm done!

5430446 Thank you! Thank you!

"Hey Sweetie Belle! Wanna come inside? I have a new game with a co-op only campaign and I can't play with my back hooves all that well."

If it makes you feel better, humans can't use their feet that well either, and we have toes. Also, "I0've been shot in the butt with a dart!" (If you get it, you get a cookie.)

Sweetie Belle, also now nine years old, tilted her head at Button Mash's invite filled with strange words she did not comprehend. The twang of a bow, and the sound of impact, and Sweetie Belle looked innocently down to see there was an arrow sticking out of her heart now as well. Well, maybe if she figured more of his strange language he was always speaking in, maybe she could convince him to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders!

If you can get him away from his console/s. Also, good thing those aren't regular arrows, that'd be very bad.

Maternity Love-Tap smiled and sighed seeing the arrows sticking out of Sweetie Belle and and her son with no real alarm. "Hearts and Hooves Day, Cupid is hard at work."


Around Ponyville, the Elements of Harmony had been sure to mark their calendars, and had agreed to sleep over at the Castle Of Harmony just to be on the safe side, least they get caught in transit in the morning. After all, the Castle WAS made by the source of the most powerful magic in Equestria, so it should be able to protect them, right?

Wouldn't count of it.

From their perch, they spotted Roseluck, and Derpy, both with arrows in their backs, happily knocking on the blue shed that Doctor Hooves inhabited for whatever odd reason. Both carrying flowers and candy. The good doctor opened his door, saw the two smiling mares, smiled back, and swiftly closed and locked the blue box's door as it was hit with two arrows in rapid succession.

Seeing as the TARDIS is semisentient, I'm now worried.

"Row bee's mine!" Derpy spat back, and two mares quickly squabbled as the TARDIS decided the doctor and she needed some alone time.

And I was right.

All the way at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack had finished most of her morning chores (having gotten up extra early) when she heard a faint flapping sound. She breathed in sharply, and ran like Nightmare Moon was after her. She quickly dodged an arrow with a heart shaped point, then another, then another as she zigzagged. "Ya'll never tag me! Ya didn't get me with Trenderhoof! And ya won't get me now!"

I think she'd rather Nightmare Moon be after her. Also, it seems AJ knows how to DOOOOODGE!

"Sure little sister. What kinda help do ya need AJ?" Her big brother responded, a arrow stuck up his nose, Cheerilee next to him with one sticking out of her tail base. The teach rested her head against the big stallion's shoulder. Though thankfully, there was zero lovey dovey banter so cheesy it sickened those nearby. Just the two sitting next to each other happily.

The teach? You mean teacher, I get that people say "teach" as an abbreviation, but in this case, unless it's in speech, it doesn't really work.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy sneaked one from one shadow to the next, wearing the same outfit she had when she'd been a modeling fad. She was alone, Angel had valiantly leaped to protect his mistress, taking the projectile in her stead, and had gone off with a herd of pretty doe rabbits.

Angel gets all the does.

She looked around again, scurried up Harmony Castle's front door and gave the secret knock. "What's the password?" Spike said on the other side.
"Single mares forever!"

This should be good. You know, were this in the Pony POV verse, I suspect that Venus would be very amused right now.

Spike slipped the door open and Fluttershy slipped inside. Before Spike could fully close it, AJ galloped in, smacking the baby dragon aside. AJ closed the large doors behind her herself.

Poor Spike.

There was a knock on the door. Spike peeked out to find Lyra. "No, for the twentith time, you can't use the mirror."
"But it's where my special some...human is! See the arrow!" she motioned to one on her head...a prop arrow.

Goddamit Nappa. I mean Lyra.

An arrow hit Lyra for REAL. "Don't you girls want to know the joy of being in love?"
"NO!" AJ slammed the door shot with a shot of Kicks McGee and then time put a cross beam to block the entrance.

To quote Big Mac, "Eenope."

Spike looked out the window as Lyra left. "Well at least she won't keep bugging us about the mirror...Geez, can you imagine being in love with someone from another universe?"
"Err Spike, ya forgotten 'bout Good King Sombra an' Priness Celestia?" Applejack asked.

Oh yeah, forgot about that, loved it, pity there wasn't more Discord, but oh well. And you mean PrinCess Celestia.

"There a difference between true love like the one seen between those two, and somewhat creepy yet still respectable obsession Lyra shows," Spike said, remembering how he once got stuck listening to a fourteen hour lecture Lyra held about the difference between humans and subspecies like Centaurs and Minotaurs.

14 hours? Yikes...

Twilight pushed Spike aside and hastily boarded up the window. "I thought I got them all!"
"You're kidding right?" Rainbow Dash said. "Since when do YOU miss a detail Twilight?"

I'm as shocked as you RD.

"Sorry! But all those letters Celestia keeps sending me from mom to-" Spike bleached releasing another scroll. Twilight sighed and read even though she knew what it would say. "'Please go and just walk around Ponyville with a little sass in your step with a bull's eye over your chest today and be sure to enjoy some wide open places with no cover.' AGH! She never gives up! I thought she'd stop after Cupid got Shining and Cadence!"

Belched, Alex. Also, poor Twilight.

"I know your pain, darling," Rarity admitted. "Mother doesn't have my high of standards for potential mates..."

Somewhere, Rarity's father sneezed.

"Uh...Rare, your standards once included Prince Blueblood..." Applejack pointed out.

She has a point.

"That doesn't count!...Oh no, what if THAT'S who Cupid made me fall for?! Or worse, him for me!"
"He'd probably fall for a mirror if Cupid got 'em, Rarity," Applejack reassured.


"Well, that's a relief," Rarity said. Spike silently agreed.

Oh yeah.

"So um, we can just stay here, where it's nice and safe? Until Cupid leaves for another year?"


"That's the idea!" Twilight nodded. "He's never gotten past my defenses, and that was BEFORE I had a magical fortress! He won't this time either!"

Twilight, what have I told you about tempting fate?

"Isn't that Princess Platinum supposedly said before Cupid shot her?" Rarity asked. "Not that I'm in a position to complain considering my lineage but still-"

Considering this implies you're her descendant, you indeed are not.

"Oh oh! Then we can play lots of games while we wait! Board games! Truth or Dare! Spin the bottle!" Pinkie Pie cheered.
"Uh, no thanks on that last one Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash cringed.

Good idea.

"We could talk about our days..." Fluttershy suggested. "Oh, Cupid got one of my deer, you should have seen him, he and that doe were so cute. And so was this little skun-"


Rainbow Dash tried to regain her composure. "Oh why are we worried anyway? We managed to beat an insane moon goddess, the embodiment of chaos, the Changeling Queen, an evil unicorn king, and mean old Lord Tirek! What can a little brat with a magic bo-"
Pinkie put a hoof over Rainbow Dash's mouth. "Don't tempt fate! To do so is to invite death!"

Good move.

"Uh...Pinkie, we ain't fightin' an evil villain, just tryin' not tah fall in love..." Applejack interjected.
"Oh..." Pinkie cleared her throat and seemed to rewind a few moments. "Don't tempt fate! To do so is to invite true love!"

Fair enough.

"I still can't believe we're being so chicken over a foal with an archery set!" Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs. "I've ALWAYS been too fast for him anyway!"
"He could still catch ya napping Dashie! And with all the napping you do, it's not impossible!"
"I don't nap THAT much! Right guys?"

Not touching that one with a 49 and a half foot pole.

"You were napping the moment I met you..." Twilight admitted. "Don't worry, we all love you just the way-" the Princess of Friendship promptly clamped her hooves over her mouth before she could finish that sentence. "...I think we all agree we shouldn't be giving Cupid ideas..."

Good idea.

"You can run! You can hide! But you can't esssscaaaaaape!" Came a sing-song voice from outside. The girls all huddled each other.

Who knew that'd be so sinister?

Spike yawned. "You're all being a bunch of babies."
"Says you!" RD snapped back.


"Stop worry so much girls. I've enchanted all the boarded windows so Cupid can't even touch them! I exposed them to the Dazzling's last single, there's no way he can get close! He's just bluffing!"

And 3, 2, 1...

That was when the boarded up windows were all torn down at once from the outside via unicorn magic.

You were saying?

"What the-?! How could, this isn't-, who could have-" Twilight dared look outside, "-MOTHER!"

Of course.

"It's for your own good dear! You'll thank me after you give me grandfoals!"

Of course.

"You have BBBFF for that now!"
"It's been two years! I'm hedging my bets!"

Smart move.

"Huh, I thought they already announced a foal for them," Pinkie asked, suddenly looking at a toy catalog.
"Pinkie dear, not now," Rarity said.

My thoughts exactly.

"My friends hid out in the library every Hearts and Hooves Day for years! We're not falling for cupid this year!" Twilight said bravely.

Oh no?

"That's very commendable of you dear, and I want you to know as your mother I respect you're old enough to make your own choices and- TAKE THE SHOT!" Twilight yelped and ducked as a barely dodged Cupid's arrow aimed right at her heart.

Goddammit Nappa.

"You missed!"
"You've been telling me 'sorry' for years!"
"Hey, I got Shining didn't I?"
"So why can't you get my other child?"
"I'm trying! She's a lot more slippery than her big brother!"
"Less chatter, more twanging!"

This exchange, just, this.

"I've been doing this a lot longer than you've been alive. I'm the reason you are alive. I don't need you to tell me how to do this. Trust me, I'm feeling LUCKY this year! Nopony can outrun love forever!"

You shouldn't tempt fate either.

"I have!" Rainbow Dash declared only for AJ to grab her by the tail before RD made herself a prime target.


"Everypony get away from the windows!" Twilight shouted.
"Why don't we just teleport to the moon again darlin'?" AJ asked.
"We tried that last year remember? He just followed us!"
"Bottom of the ocean, or edge of the universe, love finds a way!"

Darlin'? I think you're confusing her with Rarity, AJ usually calls other sugarcube. Also, the moon, they ARE desperate.

Twilight grabbed her friend with her magic . . . but it was too late . . . Cupid's arrow struck true, landing neatly into her posterior behind her cutie mark.

Oh my.

"Maybe I should spend some time with Discord today, I mean, he must be so lonely, Princess Celestia is so busy . . . Uh, if that's alright with you girls. I wouldn't want to leave you if you'd get lonely without me."

At least he got to her before Discord.

"Wait, Discord? Cupid couldn't have gotten 'em, right?"

Wanna bet?

"You finally made the old lug grow a heart," Cupid admitted, then fired a VERY long distance shot somewhere. "He'll never see it coming."

You'd expect that, but he's Discord, master of the unexpected.

"...Well, at least Fluttershy won't be heartbroken..." Rarity admitted.

Fair enough.

"...I suppose we should be grateful he didn't get Discord before Fluttershy..." Twilight said, imagining Discord's attempts at wooing somepony.

Oh yeah.

"Uh, Twilight, any chance we can go spend Hearts and Hooves Day with Sunset Shimmer? Ah'm sure she won't mind a few guests..." Applejack proposed.

Probably not and it might be fun to see how she reacts to you guys.

"Hmm..." Twilight tapped her chin. "Risking the multiverse or falling in love...Ugh, that shouldn't be as tough a choice as it is!" Twilight sighed. "Okay, let me just make sure the coast is clear so we don't get ambushed from behind."

It really shouldn't.

Spike realized it first. "TWILIGHT! WAIT! It's a-" Sound of twan and impact, "Trap."

Too late, sorry.

Twilight turn away from the window, now an arrow between her eyes, "You know, now that the mirror portal is fully working, perhaps I should visit the human world more, it would be educational if Flash taught me how to play the guitar. You'll all be fine here, right? Right! Don't worry, I'll be back soon!"

Doubt it.

Twilight's mother blinked in confusion. "Wait, human world?!" she asked, glaring at Cupid.
"Love is as love does!"

Goddammit Nappa. I mean Cupid.

"So . . . so then there were four?" Pinkie Pie asked.
"Sorry Spike, so then there were five."


"Ooooh! Noms! The ultimate desert!" Pinkie Pie grinned. "Good thing Twilight helped me kick the habit."

What are Noms?

"Dangit!" Cupid cursed. "Those girls who worked the cart said it was sure to work!"
"Ya think those mares he's talkin' about are related to Flim and Flam?"


"Who knows?" RD responded, neither leaving their hiding spot. "Oh no! Whatever you do! Don't smell that tasty, delicious, scrumptious, totally tastylicious smelling . . . " Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No! Remember the month of being a waitress at Sugar Cube Corner Rainbow! Remember the month after eating a piece of the cake!"

Noodle Incident?

"That's NOTHING compared to the month I spent cleaning their ovens and their basement and everything else!" Rarity retorted. "And poor Fluttershy had to be a clown to entertain their customers, remember?"

At least you didn't go for a Cupcakes joke.

"She actually wasn't that bad after a bit," AJ admitted.

Huh, who knew?

"It was still totally unfair." Rainbow snorted. "Pinkie forgave us!"

Things aren't always fair.

"I forgave you, and so did the Cakes, that didn't mean you didn't have to pay off the MMMM."

Fair enough.

"Excuse me, archer of true love's arrow outside here! I do have a schedule to keep! You mares are being way too stubborn! You're aren't the only ponies in Equestria ya know!"

Not now Cupid.

"Why don't ya deal with them first and come back for us later?!" AJ snapped.

Good question.

"Because these things have to be done in a certain order. It's just how I keep myself sane this time of year."

That, makes sense.

"Is he related to Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked.


"The truth is a little stranger than that." Spike admitted. Then Spike sniffed the air. "Wait . . . is that . . . FRESHLY BAKED SAPPHIRE PRETZELS!" Spike began to drool and hiss and his eyes became more slitted.

Oh boy...

"Spikey Wikey! No!" Rarity cried.
"Spikey Wikey yes!" Spike said, the visible trail of aroma wiggling its fingers and gesturing him to come along. Spike nodded and floated after it.

I swear you took that from a Tom and Jerry cartoon. Not that that's a bad thing.

Rarity caught Spike with her telekinesis. But she was dragged along instead.


Applejack tried to grab Rarity's tail to pull HER back.
"Not the tail!"

Yes, Rarity minds a lot more then Rainbow Dash.

A hail of arrows descended. After a moment, Rarity and Spike resembled pin cushions. Spike still stuffed his face with the sapphire pretzels.


"I could really use your help organizing my inventory. You're just so good helping Twilight keep the library all neat and organized, you would be such a great help!"

He is.

"How the heck did they do that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "The windows aren't ground level!"


"I think they floated down on the power of love," Pinkie Pie suggested.

... Not dignifying that.

"That is the DUMBEST THING I've ever heard!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Wait, isn't Spike a baby or something?"

I think he is.

"Not really, he's only a couple years younger than Twilight is," Pinkie pointed out randomly.

He is?

"And now we're reduced to three." AJ muttered. "And Pinkie, Ah think yer memory finally tripped up, Bloom was just a baby when the Rainboom happened, and that was when Spike was hatched accordin' to Twili."

Oh. Good to know.

"Huh...so does that make that weird?"
"Ah...Cupid uh..."
"Different species, different ages. Dragon aging is...weird..."

Fair enough.

"Hey, don't yell at me! I'm just doing my job!"

He is.

"That's the justification of all villains!" Rainbow Dash said proudly and bold from her hiding spot, putting her hooves on her hips. "All you jerks just say 'I'm doing my job!' "

Not really, Nightmare Moon was scorned, Discord is a troll, Sombra is Sauron, Queen Chrysalis had to feed her subjects, Tirek wanted power and Adagio wanted power.

"Uh, Dashie, he kinda isn't a villain, he's more like Santa Hooves," Pinkie pointed out.

Not really.

"I never trust Santa Hooves! I sent him a letter every Hearth Warming Eve for YEARS and he never made me a Wonderbolt!"

:facehoof: Seriously Dash? You're in the Wonderbolts Reserve now, that's already a good step in that direction.

Rainbow blinked at the stares directed at her. "What?"

I just said it.

"Rainbow, he got yah a signed one of a kind poster with all the Wonderbolts names on it," Applejack pointed out. "I think if Santa Hooves COULD get yah a spot in the Wonderbolts he-"

Already would have.

Pinkie had to duck an arrow from Cupid. "Hey! No interrupting during dialog!"

She's right.

"Only applies to bad guys!"

So is he.

"No it doesn't! Heroes ALWAYS get to finish their speeches no matter how long winded they get! Otherwise Nightmare Moon would have trashed Twilight!" Rainbow Dash protested.

Yep, and you wouldn't be having this conversation.

"Darlin', Ah think we're gettin' off track," AJ sighed.

You are.

"How did you even get that shot?!" RD demanded.

Magic! :pinkiehappy:

"The thing about a nicely polished crystal castle? It has a LOT of nice reflective surfaces! I'm ashamed for not thinking of it sooner!"

He's right.

"Right ahead of ya Dash!" Pinkie Pie ripped the cross beam off the door and opened it and revved up to run and-, was peppered with love arrows from top to bottom and fell over backwards, hearts in her eyes.

So much for that.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Junior Cupids! Yay!" Applebloom and Scootaloo cheered.

Really? Really?

"Ahhh dang!" Scootaloo grumbled seeing who they hit. "I thought for sure we'd get Twilight!" Her voice holding the slight hint of spite and revenge.



Not cool at all.

"And I was hoping for a chance to pay back Twilight fo the Want It Need It Spell." Scoots added.

That is explains it.

"Squirt, payback is good and all, but if Twilight was here she'd say how revenge isn't something you should really do. And-HEY! Watch where you point those!"

You're learning.

Pinkie Pie jerked into a sitting up position. "You know. I bet there are lots of ponies having hearts and hooves parties right now. Hey! I better go see Cheese Sandwich! I bet with all his traveling around, that he'll have lots of ideas!"


"You don't even know where he is right now!"
"Yes I do!" Pinkie Pie pulled out a postcard. "See? Have fun girls!" PInkie Pie, the front of her body still covered in arrows, hopped away.

How does she do that?!

"Sure, let me check, dang we didn't get our cutie marks for this either." Scootaloo lamented. "Oh well, this was a dumb idea anyway, I wouldn't really want to be a cupid anyway."

Then, why did you do it? Oh yeah, revenge.

"Hey . . . AJ . . . " Rainbow Dash said, mortal fear in her voice. "You don't think Cupid would . . . ya know . . . shoot us both at the same time do you?"

No, I don't think he'd ever "ship" two ponies with each other against their will.

"I mean, he wouldn't, make us, the two us . .. AJ I like you as a friend, a really good friend, but JUST A FRIEND!"

Fair enough, Rainbow may or may not be interested in mares, but she only sees AJ as a friend and friedly rival.

"What are ya-WHAT?! Look! Just cause Ah didn't like Trenderhoof doesn't mean Ah'm . . . Agh! No! No way!"

Fair enough.

"Oh right...wait, Scootaloo's nine already?"

Seeing how much she looks up to you as a mentor and big sister figure, you should know this, I get you're not actually her sister but...

"Ah think Cupid woulda got her already if he wanted tah."

Fair enough.

"Except Soarin's already with Spitfire . . . So I'm in the friend zone, and friend zone I shall stay and . . .ya know? I'm fine with that too."

I really like this, it shows that while Rainbow is a bit miffed that she can't be with Soarin', she's OK with it, if he's happy, then she has no problems with it.

"That's pretty noble of ya Rainbow."


Twilight trotted back through the mirror, blushing, and nearly stumbling. She no longer had an arrow in her. "So THAT'S how you play the guitar with fingers . . . the way he gently held my arms as she showed me how to play . . . his soft voice in my ear . . . oh hey girls! How did it go?"

Were you the type to write clop, I'd have suspect that's not all they did.

The two were cold and tired and shivering from their time on the crystal floor, that didn't really incubate heat all that well. Twilight really needed to ask Cadence how she kept her crystal castle warm.

I have a theory about that, she has low level heating spells imbued in the crystal of her castle so nopony freezes to death.

"...Have you been sitting there the entire time?"
"...Did you eat?"
"Use the bathroom?"
"How have you two not keeled over yet?!"
"Power of friendship," RD added.

Such silly ponies.

"...And also sheer stubbornness."
"Yeah, stubbornness helped."

I can imagine.

"You didn't go to the bathroom? . . . You two didn't use my floor did you?"
"...Uh...how did your bladder not burst?"
"Pegasi fly for a long time."
"Long hours in the field every day...and Ah'm stubborn."

Fair enough, also, while I'm all for comedy, them messing up Twilight's floor would just have been crossing a line.

"...Actually, I think if we have to sit here for five more minutes, I'm going to hurt myself," Rainbow muttered, crossing her hind legs.

Oh. You may want to go to the bathroom then, the day IS over...

"Never!" Rainbow Dash stood up proudly. Then blushed. "Excuse me! Gotta go!"


Twilight somehow DIDN'T bang her head against the floor. "HOW did I lose the wonderful afterglow of spending the day with Flash, and go to talking about how long you two can go without using the little filly's room!?"

I have no idea.

"Sigh. Seriously, I know we all promised to be strong and not get tangled by Cupid, not that I'm about to complain my mother went to such insane methods . . . but seriously . . . sigh. Well, it's over for another year."


"Well, Pinkie Pie ended going to Cheese Sandwich."
"Should have seen that one coming."

You really should have.

"And Rarity . . . well . . . "
"Hey where's . . . Spike?"
"Next year I'm locking him in his room."

I don't think he'll take well to that.

"Well...I didn't exactly have a bad time with Flash...made me realize having a crush on the pony version probably was just me projecting my fee-...you heard nothing!"

I heard nothing.

"Hey! Hey! I'm not here to shoot anypony! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! I just came to see how you two were doing."

You better not break that promise or Pinkie will be on your case faster then you can say cake.

"Actually, after I got Pinkie Pie, I left . . . I needed to make up for lost time, your little sister and her friend helped a lot with that by the way."


Rainbow Dash's eye twitched. "...So...you WEREN'T waiting for us to let our guard down that entire time?"
"We didn't have to sit here for hours without food, sleep, or a bathroom break?"
"Nope...if you'd told me you wanted to do that I'd have lent you a diaper. I have some nice flower print ones."

Paranoia does things to ponies.

"Suit yourself. You know your friend Fluttershy actually has quite the fetish with-"
"TOO MUCH INFORMATION!" Rainbow Dash put her hooves to her ears.

For a moment I thought you were going to reference Pattycakes. I'm glad you didn't.

"...So...yah weren't after us?!" Applejack asked.
"Nope. You two haven't even MET your special someponies, why would I be after you?"

He has a point.

"...Excuse me a moment..." Rainbow Dash said politely, trotting over to a wall and proceeding to introduce it to her head. Repeatedly.

Seeing as it's crystal and probably quite tough, she's gonna have a big headache.

"Twili, ya got any hard cider?"
"AJ you know I don't drink. Besides, I'm an Alicorn! It'd take an entire store to get me buzzed!"

Fair enough. I'd imagine AJ doesn't get drunk much either, just a bit on special occasions to celebrate.

"Actually I was aiming for Big Mac and Cheerilee, and the cows and sheep, and some of your family who was behind the walls hiding from me, those wooden walls aren't good for keeping out arrows of love...and I was aiming for the apple trees."

Oh. Wait, the trees? OK, my guess it they're sort of sentient, in a sense.

"...Did Bloomgale get with Barktholomew?"
"...Alright then."

Fair enough.

"Seriously, you girls don't need to get your manes in a knot, it's not like I arbitrarily match up ponies. You think I just have a big dartboard back home I shoot arrows at to pick who I pair up?"
"Yes?" Rainbow answered.

I think he may have a dartboard though for target practice.

"Well I don't. Things don't always work out, sure, that's how love is, but it's not I'd say pair up Caramel with Pinkie Pie or Applejack. Or Fluttershy with Big Mac. Or Trixie with Twilight."

Oh wow, three subtle Take Thats in one sentence, and 3 in a row, to Caramel Pie, Fluttermac and Twixie. You're good.

"Sorry...actually Trixie's on a date with Prince Blueblood right now..."

You what? I'm amazed they tolerate each other.

Miles away, Discord felt a great disturbance in the universe that HE didn't cause. He promptly shook it off and returned to finishing up his date with Fluttershy. Which involved ice skating on the rings of a planet.

That sounds awesome.

"Actually, their egos cancel each other out."

Huh, that, actually makes sense. Quick! Get Pinkie and Discord to make things stop making sense!

"See? It's not mandatory for every pony to pair up, that's never been my job. I pair up pairs. Nothing else to it. Sometimes love grows. Sometimes love is sudden. But the one thing love isn't, is predictable, only true to itself, not is not selfish, it is not self serving, it does not find joy in the suffering of others, love only begets love....Rainbow, are you listening?"


Rainbow finally finished beating her head against the wall. "Yeah...I think somepony needs to fix your wall Twilight..."
"It's a magical tree, it'll generate."

REgenerate Alex.

"You wouldn't!" Rainbow and AJ said.
"All is fair in war and love."

I swear this was one big joke and this is the punchline.

Cadence yawned. It was nearly time for bed when she heard a knock on the window of her crystal castle. She opened it to see a winged foal wearing a diaper. "Oh, hello cousin. How was today?"

That, actually makes sense.


Seems legit.

5430341 No, but now I'm probably going to spend the next hour trying to google it!
. . .

Never mind, I can't find anything to do with Twilight and sparkles that isn't sparkly vampires on google. THE HORROR!

Can we have a version with different ships ? Please!?!?!?


Twilight wakes up with Trixie hovering over here. Turns out Celestia is making a movie with Twilight an unwitting actress.

Celestia, "Luna you had one job, ONE JOB!"

Luna, "Don't blame me, I gave her a dream of marrying a book!"


I kinda wrote this as a one shot. And the ships were kinda meant to be light hearted.

5430825 aww i want more really baddd

"Oh, hello cousin. How was it today?


OF COURSE! How did I not see that coming?


Noms are from the Twilight and Pinkie Pie friends forever comic. Where Pinkie Pie desperately needs Twilight's help to break an addiction Pinkie's developed to some particular super sweet treats.


Thank you for the play by play. Really lets me read my own story as a reader. *hugs* Merry Christmas!


The chaos of one person being immune to the arrows. He also has guns and nonlethal ammo.


So that person never knows love. How sad.

Cupid, "What, did you think ponies would go on falling in love without me?"


so can I use the idea?


As long as it's not treated as "nya nya, there is the mountain Cupid can not climb". Cupid IS a mountain, he doesn't NEED to prove himself climbing other mountains.

5429285 "Heck, even Celestia seemed to be out to make sure Twi and the others got zapped. Thanks a lot, Celly!"

"Princess Celestia, "You're welcome!"

What's she doing, running a dating/matchmaking service for her little ponies on top of everything else? :trollestia:

Oh the poor mares. Nopony helps them, and Twilight's mom turns on her,

Spike helps them, before he gets zapped too.

He might as well be 'one of the girls' by this point, given everything they've been through.

"and Mother Sparkle discovers she may end up with human grandfoals; imagine what their first trip home to meet Gramma will be like!"

I imagine they'd have to get used to being on four hooves before seeing grandma.

They'd probably do well. Seriously, that sounds like it could be a fanfic all its own. The kids finally get to meet their Grammy when Mom finally takes them along on one of her 'business trips' back to 'the Old Country'.


but Spike and Rarity haven't just met


If Rarity had been shot by the arrow, maybe she'd have then been driven to visit Canterlot to buy or sell some rare exotic gems, and just happens to run into Celestia's personal student and Spike. Who can say?

5431536 Cupid doesn't shoot ponies that haven't met their special someponies, though.


Doesn't mean she hadn't met other legitimate suitors.

I would feel utterly cheated if I got shot with one of those arrows. Obvious mind alteration takes the romance out of it.


It's no more mind alteration than your own brain chemistry.

I bet this time of the year it's an all-you-can-eat buffet for Changelings. I got a great laugh out of this story! Another holiday like story I get a laugh out of!


In my fanon, I actually had Hearts and Hooves day started as a day of charity to the original changelings, before they became xenophobic and racist.

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