• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen April 26th


Just a Writer trying to make stories. My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ClintHoyt and My Ko Fi: https://ko-fi.com/clinthoyt

Comments ( 117 )

you sir / mam have my attention and a fave and fallow

7065795 Aye as that guy can use four lightsabers at once.

Sorry Caribou, nice knowing ya!

*Runs off*

This is interesting. I cans see the powers of the planet wont stand a chance. The thing im dreading is how long it would take you to post another one as this idea was pitched by you a while back

Well looks like now the Caribou are in for it, I do hope that there is a way for the Mares to grow their horns and wings back once they are saved, I can't wait to see what you got for the next chapter.

It's gonna be quite the bloody massacre. Not a "Nightsisters" massacre, but a full fledged "everyone is going to be utterly demolished" massacre.
I can't wait...:pinkiecrazy:

Well, it was nice knowing the Caribou. Wait, did I say nice? I meant utterly fucking despicable. GO GRIEVOUS!

Kill all the Caribou.
Kill all the Caribou.
Kill all the Caribou.

Kill all the caribou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make them pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just to let you know, The second part will be the Battle it self, the Invasion. Also a lot of Caribou and Ponies are going to get killed, just to warn you all.


General grievous. You now have atention

Evil grin face activate

7065897 Hope they brought their Brown Pants or have brown fur when that happens!

After Grievous is done, maybe we should send in Ventress for good measure :pinkiecrazy:

Damn, I was right. Even without Grevious in the fight, the Caribou are getting screwed, and not in the good way.

Well, that was short and sweet. Hopefully chapter 3 will come soon. This seems like it can be done and I'd like to see the conclusion.

7087915 Yep and also, in Chapter Three.....Grievous will show up.

Please tell me theirs a lucrehulk in orbit. I would love to watch the caribou BURN :flutterrage: :pinkiecrazy:
I suggest having 8 lucrehulks. Even though I t would be overkill

"Take a legion to Kashyyyk and wipe out the Rebel resistance!" wait.......... wrong game :applejackunsure:

Man that made my day when that mage try to brainwash a machine


Hope the Caribou and their allies brought the Brown Pants or are wearing Brown Fur in the next chapter as when Grevious shows up, it'll be a blood bath.

I think of what could be more evil than the droids? The Taken led by the Taken King from the Destiny video game.

The CIS have every advantage. I mean literally there is next to nothing that the Caribou have that can even slow down a Droid army. And I doubt the Republic would even send aid to help as Epona probably isn't a member of the Republic. The Jedi might show for crystals but without Republic support.

Too bad, would be cool to see ARC Troopers deployed to play resistence and help the Equestrians fight back and be disgusted by the Caribou as they did so.

7090076 The Republic will not appear in this story, as they do not know of Epona, Sidious did thanks to the holocron.

But that won't mean The Republic will find out, as I am already planning a series of stories. the second one will be a bunch of one shots, and the third will be when the Republic comes it. But don't expect the Ponies to cheer for the Republic. You will find out why in this story.

7090184 Oh I wouldn't be suprised the Republic is just as damaging as the CIS. Especially if they have no Jedi generals in charge or the goal leaves no caring for the inhabitants.

Off to a good start, Eagerly awaiting new chapter!

Do you fear death when you see it?

Hmmm...wonder if the Republic will ever try to attack the Separatists for this planet...
(Also, (to the author): wow...that was excellent! Really can't wait for more.:pinkiehappy:)

It ended in the best part. You know i wonder what could have happend if the ones who arrived in the carbou infested world was Anakin and his 501'st legion

HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:
(crystal cock really?)

7148735 In FOE canon, the Caribou changed the Crystal's Shape into that of a caribou's penis.

I love It I Need More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

7087948 I Agree With You On That HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:pinkiecrazy:

This chapter is epicly tremendous

The funny thing: if the Sith weren't interested in this, Equestria would be better off, seeing as how the CIS simply wants to stop oppression, and since the Caribou are oppressing. . . let's just say they are doubly screwed, and not in a good way. Also, Dainn is gonna die painfully. Can not wait to see it.

Comment posted by Shade shadowfeeder deleted Apr 22nd, 2016

Those droids are gonna need more firepower to take down that dragon

Oh shit. Grievous. This should be GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

Well Dainn, you're about to learn what happens to those who only think with their penis. AKA, they get skewered and dismembered by the Droid Army General, Grievous.

I also wonder who's gonna come to Equestria's aid. I mean Spike looks like a force to be reckoned with, but he's no match for someone like Grievous or Dooku.

Comment posted by HogPilot deleted Jul 19th, 2016

7211013 when I get to it, right now I am working on another story and a few updates.

Well, Dainn now has a new thing on hand; his brown pants along with his minions as when Grievous enters the stage, you're dead.

*General Grievous removes his cloak and then pulls out not two, but four lightsabers freaking out everyone*
Dainn: Who are you!?!
*General Grievous chuckles darkly*
General Grievous: Your worst nightmare.....


I'm sorry, I thought that you were literate... no offense...

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