• Published 6th Nov 2014
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Regarding Falling Villains - naturalbornderpy

Given the successful befriending of Discord, Princess Celestia deems that no longer will villains be defeated but instead reformed. Brought back from the dead and stripped of his powers, Sombra only wishes he could have stayed dead all along.

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Chapter 12: Regarding Dungeons, Harsh Words, and Long Titles


Limbs still sore and taxed from the previous evening’s flurry of blades and taunts, I arduously entered the white unicorn’s shop with the faint hope that I could find some couch to sit on until the ordeal was over with. Pinkie’s candy shop, I could stand visiting. I could sit and stuff my maw with sugary delights all day and not regret a second of it. But a dark King spending his afternoon in some elaborate garment shop in the center of town? I truly did not understand why I needed to enter. Although Rarity was one of the last I felt I should add to my good side.

“Have a look around, Sombra,” she told me upon entering. “I know you have no bits of your own at the moment, but we could reach an understanding about renting something out should something catch your eye.”

Truthfully, something was already catching my sight and refusing to let go. It was the bright interior of the whole place. Every rack burst with dresses and collared suits in a thousand radiant colors and every wall threatened to sear its hideous neon lavender image into my eyes until the day the sun went dark. I almost felt the need to cover both eyes with a leg. What had happened to simple colors in the years I’d been asleep? Had Celestia decreed that modest blacks and reds be stricken from all available color palettes?

I asked her, “Where is your cape and crown section?”

At that, she laughed. It hadn’t been a joke.

“Oh,” she said crestfallen. “You were serious, weren’t you? Sorry, Sombra, but capes and crowns haven’t made much of a fashionable splash since… well, I don’t know if they ever did, actually. Plus…” she paused before adding, “I think you need to be in charge of something to warrant a crown these days. Celestia, Luna, Cadence… you know how it is.”

Internally I said, “No,” while outwardly I agreed. Then I mentally scooted the while mare down the list of favorite Twilight friends to number five. Maybe if I found some other mare in town that didn’t irk me as much, I might try and ostracize her from the group. I heard her Element was Generosity. Now I was curious if she’d be generous enough to leave on her own if we happened to find a dead ringer.

“I’ll… look around,” I said softly.

While spreading apart the racks and racks of different clothing and materials, I tried to cool my heated thoughts. The brief encounter with Discord followed by the more-than-odd rendezvous with Luna had sent my mind into a whirlwind. There was no need to take it out on one of Twilight’s friends; especially one that was currently helping me as best they could. And yet it felt as though I was stuck in place, completely motionless. I had spent days with the very ponies Twilight surrounded herself with, and only a single time had I spoken to her. Maybe I’d grown tired of waiting, I thought.

Rarity sidled up to me. “You looked smashing in that suit coat at the Gala. Did you ever think of wearing something like that again?” Her increased brightness told me she had a few ideas bubbling already.

I bit my tongue. “I could settle for a black variation.”

She grimaced. “Black on black? That doesn’t seem all that… alluring, Sombra.”

When I didn’t budge from the color choice, she slowly swallowed her pride and entered another part of the shop, perchance in the search for that one roll of blackened cloth that had carelessly been gathering dust. In that time, I took to a soft bench seat and grew restless within minutes.

It had been over a week and I had seen Twilight only a single time for barely a moment. She had cursed me out and told her friends that I was a waste of energy and time. It hurt more than Luna’s horn through the eye, but it had only added more fuel to my fire. Like the crosswords that used to occupy the time between us, I’d always enjoyed a challenge. What I didn’t enjoy was a complete lack of results. I will try today, I mused, trotting from one end of the room to the other. I will try today and if that doesn’t work, I will try tomorrow, as well. And if—

Then something in Rarity’s shop caught my attention. Stepping towards the thin opening in the corner of the room, I pushed aside the beaded curtains that tried desperately in vain to block what was inside. Unlike the pinks and blues of the remainder of the shop, this hidden away nook was vibrantly red, almost in alarm.

I had regretfully planned on detaching the white unicorn from her friends due to lack of interest. As it turned out we had a lot in common.

“It’s a dungeon,” I whispered, as I slowly glimpsed the many whips and straps adhered to the walls attached with slips of paper indicating differing amounts of bits. At the very center was a pony manikin clad in small bits of darkened leather (imitation, I was sure), complete with frilly saddle.

I picked up a single barb-covered necklace only to set it down soon after. The dungeons in my homestead were not as extravagant as this, or so oddly cozy and warm. When some poor pony was brought to one of my secluded rooms of horrors, I had wanted information and nothing more. But, of course, that was my old way of thinking. Everything adapts eventually, I was starting to learn. Even torture.


Rarity had re-entered the other room.

“I’m in here,” I answered, flicking the material on the saddle in the center.

“You’re in…” her voice paused. “Oh no!

Rarity stuck her pained face through the beaded curtain, cheeks flushed along with a smile that begged to be taken seriously. “Why don’t you stop being in there and come back out here, Sombra? This is for more… refined tastes and customers.”

“I am a customer.”

“Well, yes, but…”

“I had no idea you had an interest in dungeons, Rarity. You honestly hadn’t seemed like the type.” I glanced around the small room again. “But from one expert to another, your materials are far too soft to elicit much torment. You could hit somepony for hours with some of these instruments and it would hardly leave a bruise. Furthermore, I have never heard of a dungeon not being in a basement. If you wish to get the loudest results from your subjects, I would try for a more enclosed and personal space. Have you heard of hoof-screws before?”

I could tell she had come to the conclusion that I wasn’t to visit again.

She figuratively chewed on something sour. “This isn’t a dungeon, Sombra. This is for pony couples that like to… buy items to help fantasize a bit at home. Roughly.”

My eyes widened. I was truly in an age I could hardly understand. Couples torturing each other for sport? Not for vital, well-hidden tactical information? Well, if that was case.

I pointed at the puffy saddle. “You think Twilight would find use for one of these?”


With black suit coat tucked under a single leg, I was forcibly ejected from the unicorn’s shop. Before the door slammed shut behind me, I heard a river of mumbled disdain—mostly how if a single item from that room of debauchery went missing, I’d be the first she’d come see.

Even from my least favorite Twilight-friend, that was cold. Never in my life had I been considered a thief. I would gladly pay for some torture device if need be. How dare she think I was still such a villainous creature.

I dropped the piece of clothing into a travel bag Fluttershy had lent me that morning and then went in the direction of Ponyville’s market square. I had been around long enough (and I think more importantly, continually surrounded by the Elements of Harmony) that my darkened figure was causing less and less of a daily fright. Still, I could feel the looks and hear the snippets of whispered conversations wherever I turned. But that was a price I was willing to pay that day. By this point, I had to try something.

Thirty minutes later, I had procured the few items I had wanted and was patiently waiting outside Twilight’s strangely opulent castle. I had never expected her type to go for such a grand display of importance, but I’m reminded it had been an unforeseen gift and not something of her own want or creation. Still, I was drawn to it. Its size and scale. Its ability to ensnare the eyes and demand to be looked upon. I could almost imagine my dark self standing atop its balcony, staring at the throngs of Ponyville ponies down below; my clearly spoken words ringing out for miles around, each pair of ears straining to hear. Although if that were the case, a certain purple alicorn would need to be standing beside me…

Deep in another daydream, I barely noticed Twilight leaving her castle doors before she hurried in the opposite direction. She hadn’t seen me, yet on that day I wanted her to. I had grown tired of lingering around.

“Twilight! Twilight, please stop for a moment!”

I waited until I was a few single paces behind her before I called out. It was odd to hear that much desperation in my voice.

She lowered her head as she let out a sigh. Then she marched on.

“Twilight?” I called out once more, feeling that sinking sensation all over again.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to end. I had told others before that day to find more courage in themselves, so the very least I could do was find some for myself. Whether she wanted to or not, she was going to hear what I had to say.


I disappeared in a puff and teleported a few steps ahead of her. Reflexively, she jumped back, before tightening her jaw and closing her eyes.

“I almost forgot you had your magic back…” she mumbled.

In a heartbeat, I closed the gap between us. For the smallest of instants, I was tempted to clamp down on her shoulders; hold her where she stood. Having talked and thought about her for more hours than I was willing to admit, I had the oddest notion she would somehow slip away from me, like a frail leaf in the wind. I knew if I touched her then, I’d only scare her away… and possibly for good.

“Please, Twilight!” I said with rising urgency. “Please, just listen to what I have to say and then you can go do whatever it is you were going to do! I… I only want to talk to you again.”

Twilight contemplated her options. If she refused to listen to me that day, she’d know I’d only try again some other time. But if she listened to me then—and got it over with, I assumed—that would only mark the end of the pest that had somehow infested the lives of each one of her friends.

She said wearily, “What are you still doing here, Sombra? You’re free to leave anytime you want. You don’t need to spend your time in the closest town available, you know.”

“Because I wanted to talk to you. That’s all I’ve wanted to do since I left Canterlot.”

“Then talk.” She put a hoof to her temple. “Say what you want to say and then get out of my life. Along with those of my friends.”

I felt a great wave of something dry and warm behind my eyes. It nearly caused my jaw to tremble. I tried to add helpfully, “Your friends and I are actually getting along, Twilight. There’s been some ups and downs, but… if you were to come by Fluttershy’s sometime, I’m sure all of us—”

“Is this what you wanted to talk to me about?” she cut in. “An invitation to a get together?”

“No. No, I….” The well rehearsed speech from the safety of Fluttershy’s cottage evaporated from my thoughts like some blown out candle. In my time as King, I had made hundreds of speeches to ponies that hated me far more than Twilight ever could. The only difference was the distance between them and I… and the looming fact that they couldn’t disagree or interject. Face to face with someone I was trying to win back was something I could never have prepared for.

With close to nothing to lose by that point, I said, “I want my friend back, Twilight. You cared about me more than anyone in that castle, and because of you I felt that there was still some glimmer of hope in what was an otherwise dark existence. I… I only want to feel that way again.”

Twilight’s irritation quickly flipped to rage. She took a step towards me. “So now it’s me that needs to do you a favor, Sombra? We should be pals again because it makes you feel good? Does that egotistical brain of yours even understand why I’m not talking to you? Why I’m trying my best to ignore the fact that you’re still hanging around my town?”

Since I knew she had more on her mind, I waited for her to continue.

After a quivering breath, she said, “I gave you my patience and I gave you my trust and just when I was starting to see something underneath all that darkness you’re so prevalent to surround yourself with, you go and break every last molecule of understanding between us.” She turned her head away from me to stare at the dirt. “I tell you my problems with Flash were none of your concern and the first thing you do is make them yours. I deny you your powers back, you take them by force to accomplish what you want to do. Twice you were denied what you wanted and twice you decided that other ponies’ feelings and emotions didn’t matter compared to the likes of yours. The great ‘King’ Sombra wants something, so he gets it. Is that how every equation ends in your mind?”

I shook my head, but she wasn’t looking at me.

“And now that same ‘King’ wants the friendship back that made him feel so good in the first place, but fails to understand why it can’t happen. And it’s only more poignant to note that I’m the one that needs to tell you why!”

Twilight came forward until her muzzle was almost directly under mine. Far taller than her, she craned her head to stare at me coldly.

“Not once since you’ve left Canterlot have you shown the faintest trace of remorse. You haven’t apologized to anyone and I doubt you know or even care if Flash Sentry will ever get out of the state you placed him in.” Her eyes took on a shimmer as she nearly spat her next statement. “You are pained and you are tormented, and I can see that as plain as day, but the reasons for it are hardly justified. You only feel that way because you are denied something that you think should be yours! Friendship was new to you. It must have tasted so sweet after the life you’d led. And now that it’s gone, you want it back. Well, that’s too bad, Sombra! You had your chance. Several, in fact.” A lone tear crept out the edge of one eye. “If you ever truly considered yourself my friend, you will do what‘s right and leave my town. You’re only making things harder for me.”

“No. No!” I pleaded softly. “I am sorry! Sorry about everything! I was wrong! And what I did, I only did because I thought I was helping you! Honestly, Twilight! I…” I grasped for words. “I made a mistake! I know I did! And more than anything, I’m sorry that I hurt you the way I had!”

“You should be feeling worse that you almost murdered Flash!”

Even in the disparaging state I had found myself in on that fateful day, I was not so desperate as to change my mind on the subject.

I told her, “But he hurt you, Twilight. He made you cry, and all I wanted to do was stop that which caused you pain.”

Twilight said, “And did that stop my pain, Sombra? No. All your actions did was add to it. It’s true, Flash hurt me with his words from time to time, but you did so much more on that night. And because of that, that’s all I can see of you now.”

“Wait! Just wait another moment!”

I crumpled to my knees, happy to not be standing above her in the unlikelihood I’d appear less alarming. With frayed nerves, I undid one of the flaps of my travel bag to scoop out the small object I had purchased for her. Then I set it on the ground between us.

“Now what are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m giving you a gift, Twilight. I bought it for you and now I want you to have it.”

“It’s a clay pot,” she remarked, lowering herself to the simple brown item.

I could feel it all slipping away from me, unseen threads ripped out from my control. Again, I was so tempted to pin the mare down—hold her until she understood how I felt and in return was forgiven. Could she not tell how much this all hurt to say? Then I was reminded:

I had done the same to her in the effort of assistance, and had hurt her far worse than this.

I nodded eagerly. “Yes. Fluttershy told me you could place flowers in it and dirt and whatever else you might want. I heard mares enjoyed the simplicities of gardening and—”

Twilight interrupted, “And this is why we can’t be friends, Sombra; because you fail to understand the emotions of those around you and you seem incapable of remorse. As happy as I am that you’ve decided not to retaliate against Equestria, I feel you’re only wasting your time here. The negativity between us… I don’t want to open old wounds—not in vain. I thought you had changed and I was proven wrong. Now I’m told that you have changed, but what difference does that make this time around?”

From the dirt, I grabbed one of her legs and held onto it.

I told her sternly, “Things will be different, Twilight. I promise. I regret hurting you and will spend the rest of my days making it up to you. I only… I only need to feel wanted in this world again.”

She lifted her leg out from reach. “I’m sure my friends will fill that void for as long as you stay here. But, please… if you ever really cared about me, forget about our friendship and move on. Things are too complicated between us.”

Behind my shoulder she trotted out from view, leaving me lying against the ground. I studied the small pot I had gotten for her (with the small allowance Fluttershy had lent me, sadly), before I carefully picked it up and set it on the steps to her home. To that, I added the thin bag of seeds and dirt I had gotten along with it. These were all items I would never have use for.

And so for the first time since entering that picturesque town, the very real pain of defeat weighed against my heart. Yet, I knew this was not to be the end of us.


I ate a bug today. Not because I took its high nutrient count into consideration, but because I find doing stupid things always congregate at the very top of my day’s to-do list, right behind staring at my overabundance of messy mane for a good forty-five minutes each morning. What’s that, Fluttershy? We ran out of conditioner again? No. No, it wasn’t me! It wasn’t your good ol’ pal Sombra with the friendly smile and all those polite manners! No. No, go rest your soft, innocent head as I rip your much better friend Discord out from your life. You may think you know what’s best for yourself, dear, but that’s just not the case! Not while I’m around. Not while Sombra’s in your home.

I found your journal, Sombra. It didn’t take the Lord of Chaos all that long to locate it, either. Under the couch that you sleep on? Please. Grow an imagination! And what did I find right next to your thin little book? A thesaurus? Don’t you want to seem more learned than you are, you… hold on a second. Okay, here we go. You foolish, moronic, asinine, brainless, cockamamie, daft, dippy, doltish, dotty, feebleminded, half-baked, half-witted, harebrained, imbecilic, imprudent jerky little lunatic! Does that cover you? I think it should. But that’s not what I’m writing to vent about. And, truth be told, I don’t expect you to read this at all. And do you know why that is, Sombra, my good pony?

It’s because YOU don’t EDIT!

Are you that full of yourself? That you don’t even find the need to go back and re-read your work? That you believe each word you strike down to scroll is instantly the best it shall be and all those that say otherwise should go suck a lemon? This draft here—this is my third draft. Yes, I actually summoned up extra paper when I found this! And the oddity of it all is that I don’t expect you to ever read this! So what in Tartarus am I doing, exactly? Amusing myself, apparently. But let’s cut to the chase. Let’s get to the thesis of this little essay—the through-line, if you will.

I saved you from splattering your beastly mug all over the pavement outside because I thought you’d add a tad more joy to my life. Sure, the short stories of you mucking about here and there and showing Ponyville just how much of an out-of-place fossil you truly are were like gumdrops falling from the sky, yet now I believe you’ve more than overstayed your welcome.

You were supposed to go after Twilight Sparkle and be finished with your self-imposed anguished plight. Go right ahead, Sombra. Knock her out and drag her to the top of some building, profess your love to her while shooting down the team of Wonderbolts that have the area surrounded. I wish you would. Really, I do. Only now you seem unsatisfied with a lone friend. Now it seems like you must have them all.


You can’t just take away my friends! They might not know it at the moment, but all of us are indeed good friends and we will remain that way! We all need each other. I need them just as much as they need me… oh, never mind. You’re making me rush this exquisitely written note!

One odd creature out of seven is enough. We don’t need any ol’ rulers from the North. Sorry, friend, but we were never looking! There was never even a spot to fill. Why can’t you take a hint, Sombra? NOBODY LIKES YOU! You smell like worn socks. Which is weird because no one around here wears socks at all, meaning that you go out of your way to smell bad! And don’t get me started on your posture. Okay, you just did. Way too composed. I never stand up straight and I only go to the chiropractor twice a day!

You know what the Elements are doing for you, Sombra? Do you? If you hadn’t figured it out, I’ll fill you in. All they’re doing is putting up with you because they think it’s the right thing to do! Well, you know who was the last pony to think of you in such a way? Oh, yes! Now I remember. It was Twilight Sparkle! The mare with the crushed carcass for a colt-friend! Now, let me see if I can recall exactly how that happened…

Since I am the generous type, I will be giving you one last chance to leave and never return. You may take Twilight, if you wish—five out of six, I think I can survive with. I can only hope you’ll make the right decision. A dark creation such as you would never have the palate for the much refined delicacies of friendship, am I correct?

See you sooner than you might like, friend o’ mine.

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