• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I'm just here to write.


Winter is cold, winter is dark, and winter is miserable. This will be my last winter.

Part of the Borderworld.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 36 )

Hmm... I must say that I like this. I'm not sure there's a lot that I can say about it at the present time. You've certainly done a good job creating an interesting hook. I'd be curious to learn more of this character's past, but I assume more of that is coming as we move forward. Description comes along fairly well, and I didn't have any problems forming a picture of what was going on. I do like the perspective of most of the story being told with no words and largely through actions and thoughts. I assume that, too, will change as the story goes along and others enter the story. Or maybe it won't. Maybe you don't plan on having any other pony enter the story. All I know is that for the time being, it works well.

The few omens here leave me intrigued. Red scrawlings on the curtains, a cracked window, and now he needs to get more material. The main character (hopefully we'll get a name soon?) feeling like he's being watched, and a burial grounds where he feels downright hated. Sounds like ancient magic and demons to me! The story feels like it could take an adventuresque turn, and the general cliche would probably have it heading that way. The lack of an Adventure tag in the description is telling me otherwise, though.

If I have any criticism at all, it's that I feel a few places could possibly have been worded differently, but nothing striking jumps out at me. Overall grammar was very decent, and I'd have to take some digging to find anything specific.

Can't wait to see more!

It was probably wasn't.

Remove first 'was'.

You've left a lot to the imagination here, nicely done at that. Something I intend to take full advantage of as I read.


Thanks for catching that. Fixed now.


The pacing in this story is almost spot-on. In the beginning you reveal just enough to keep interested without giving away anything important. And the vague little that is know about anything keeps the attention on the story well. This is really well written in all aspects, and it's a shame I didn't know about it until now. I really hope this gets updated sometime. You've got a thumb and a favorite from me.

...Yeah, I know how long it's been.

I'm sorry, okay?

Winter is cold, winter is dark, and winter is miserable. This will be my last winter.

kay', bye.


You know, judging a book by its cover, that I get. Your time is valuable, and if the description doesn't sell you on the story, then not reading it is only natural. But did you have to downvote it without reading as well?

7685320 Downvote? I didn't downvote, dude. I just came and made the poor excuse of a joke.


Just that there's a downvote there now that wasn't there before your comment. If you say it isn't you, then I'll believe you. Sorry for the assumption.

7685390 I don't blame you for the assumption. I understand. I give you my word that it wasn't me. I only came here to make the bad joke and i left.

But since I'm back here i may as well go and give the story a read now. XD


Well, thanks for taking it so well. Hope you enjoy it.

7685577 I did actually. Not the best story I've read in a while, but it was pretty good thank you very much. :)


Dude, as long as you finish this before I die, oh well. This story is too good to be left undone.
I just find it a shame it's not too popular.

The story of the angry lumberjack who hatefucks trees and cuts himself is one which desperately needs to be told.

Don't let his legend die, Danny.


Remind me why we're friends again?

Man, so far every story from u is a thing to remember :)
It saddens me to see many of em unfinished.


Again, bad at updating. Sorry. It's on the docket, I swear.

Still hoping for a conclusion. I love reading what you write, do you do any work outside fan fiction?


Not presently, no. Other than a few Fallout fanfics on FF.net and some stuff from my teen years that's long since been deleted, most everything I've ever written has been for this site.

On the one hoof, this apparently being the story of a stallion who has pretty much nothing left to look forward to except the end means that we don’t have much of an arc to anticipate either (unless that light means something much different than he expects...).

On another hoof, it’s very vividly rendered and intriguing gloom, especially with the ambiguity (at least before this chapter) regarding just where and when this fits relative to the Equestria we know.

Also, pony magic is fed by emotion? That has interesting implications regarding them and their chitinous neighbors....

I have to second Posh about not letting this die

It’s gud stuff

“He will betray me. I know he shall. The only question is when.”

When, where, and why are what makes this waltz go around, old one. What really matters, however, is how to turn what’s he’s after in your benefit

Riddle me this, riddle me that. I’m the builder and destroyer of empires known and lost to history. I’m found in the most unlikely of places, yet also in plain sight. Age can give and take me. Many have done unspeakable things to gain me. What am I, old one?

I enjoy how much more I can appreciate this reading it again a few years later. Every part of this grim reality you've painted is enthralling to me. The things that we are told lurk in the woods, but that we don't get to see, and the tale of the screaming tree and what it used to be. That was one of my favorite lines, when he wonders what that corrupted tree kept at bay. The magic and blood that he has to use to survive. Even the names of the locations are appropriately dour.

I also really like this guy. I have a thing for badass protagonists against impossible odds. I'm glad to see you put something new into this, at any rate. I don't expect you to go all gung-ho and finish this anytime soon, but if you decide to give it up could you tell us what you had planned for it? It's too good to leave me wondering.


Of course. It's extremely rare that I ever cancel a project, but it's my policy to release plans and outlines whenever I do. And thank you, I'm glad you like it.

Ooh, finally some history! And a peculiar alliance....

"With great care and precision..." Jasper lovingly strokes the pages of the book. "Duroc was said to be a god of death. To fight off his influence, one builds their wards with the essence of life."

I still feel like he's neglecting to mention something here. A god would still be eternally patient and more powerful than whatever amount of their antithesis was likely worked into powerful spells. Otherwise, the odd luck of powerful spells would somehow be all that is needed to contain gods... which sounds incredibly suspicious and holey.

Otherwise, the continued intrigue in this story's delve into the dealings with the undead really makes me wish for more. The characters are perfectly dark and I'm waiting for that good ol' gore 'n' betrayal fun to happen. The atmosphere in each chapter is nice and solid, but my goodness I felt it was too short here. You're teasing me, Danny "Soup Boy" J! :raritydespair:


You fool. What have you done?

Slip, slorp, and slide right outta the can. It’s chicken time.

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