• Published 25th Apr 2012
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Lyra's Human 2: Derpy's Human - pjabrony

Serveral years after the events of "Lyra's Human," Derpy Hooves meets a human of her own.

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75: Here Comes the Derp

Derpy swooped around once to check for Gayleā€™s snooping before entering Karynā€™s apartment. Seeing the artist busy working on a new canvas, she figured that the combination of walls and distraction would be safe, so she entered and said, ā€œGood morning!ā€

ā€œAnd to you,ā€ replied Karyn.

ā€œYouā€™re looking much more awake this week. Or is that yourā€¦?ā€

ā€œIā€™ll never tell. Except you. Itā€™s all me today.ā€

Derpy grinned. ā€œThatā€™s great. That means youā€™re getting into your classes and still being able to get up.ā€

ā€œYes. Itā€™s really intense learning, but so far Iā€™m still finishing all my work.ā€

ā€œGood, but because youā€™re dressed wellā€”ā€œ

Karyn went to check herself in the mirror one more time, but then turned back. ā€œOh, tell me whatā€™s gone on in Equestria since last week!ā€

Derpy showed a momentā€™s confusion, because it was unusual for Karyn to ask, but she answered anyway. ā€œWell, let me see, on my last mail delivery route, one of the ponies needed to give me a letter to mail, which is fine by the mail codes, but he didnā€™t have a stamp, so he tried to just hand me a bit, which isnā€™t fine by the mail codes. So he asked me if I could buy the stamp for him at the post office, and while thatā€™s technically not allowed, itā€™s not forbidden either, so I said yes. But then the next day when I brought him the changeā€”because a stamp doesnā€™t cost a whole bit, of courseā€”he wanted me to keep it, and taking tips is a major violation. He was very insistent, so what I did was to drop it into one of the charity bins that were around. If I do that, I figure it counts as him donating it and I never took the tip, right?ā€

ā€œYes, but actually, what I was talking about was, you know, unicorn, magic, humans?ā€

ā€œOh! Lyra and her human are pretty much the same. Theyā€™re having their usual tiff with Bon-bon about whether either they or she should move out, but I think they talked about putting an addition on their house, so they wouldnā€™t need to do that.ā€

Karyn raised her hand to interrupt again. ā€œNo, I actually meant to ask if youā€™d gotten any further figuring out why Colgate acted so oddly last week. But thatā€™s my fault. I should have been clearer.ā€

ā€œOh. Well, I wanted to follow her around to see if she did anything weird, but she stayed mostly at home. I think she definitely got a weird reaction from that spell she tried to cast, but itā€™s probably something she canā€™t explain to me as a pegasus. Still, if I do run into her I want to ask her straight out. If itā€™s something she needs to keep secret, then I want to know about it for sure.ā€

ā€œIsnā€™t that the way with secrets? But weā€™ll table that for now.ā€

Derpy looked at Karynā€™s breakfast table. ā€œWeā€™ll do what?ā€

ā€œYou donā€™t have that expression? It means to put something down on the table to be picked up later. Metaphorically. Whatā€™s weird is that thereā€™s another country that speaks the same language that I do, and over there the expression means to put it on the table to discuss it.ā€

Derpy just stared.


ā€œAre you pulling my hoof?ā€

ā€œNo, I promise. But itā€™s funny that you have that expression and not the other one. In any case, what I mean is that we wonā€™t deal with it now, but we wonā€™t forget about it either.ā€

Derpy nodded, and then said, ā€œWell, since weā€™re not going to worry, I can reveal the really good news.ā€

ā€œGood news? Letā€™s hear it.ā€

ā€œWell, Iā€™ve got it all set up with everypony. We are going to Cloudsdale!ā€

Karyn started to say something, but Derpy kept going, sound like the announcer for a game show.

ā€œWeā€™ll check out the weather factory, and you can even take home some rainbow juice! Iā€™d let you take home some cloud too, but, you know, you canā€™t carry it. Oh! And we can visit the Columnseum!ā€

ā€œDonā€™t you mean the Coliseum? And isnā€™t it the Cloudiseum there?ā€

ā€œOf course thereā€™s the Cloudiseum, but thatā€™s where competitions and things happen. Iā€™m talking about the place where they make all the columns. Cloudsdale uses a lot of columns, in all sorts of styles.ā€

Karyn flashed back to the one episode where Rarity and Rainbow Dash competed in the flight competition. There were a lot of columns, she remembered, and made a note to ask why.

ā€œAnd then, of course, the highlight of the day,ā€ Derpy continued. ā€œWhich is my house! Youā€™ll get to see how I lived when I lived among the other pegasi. Sadly, I didnā€™t always have the best neighbors, but the house is there and we can see it all andā€¦you canā€™t go, right?ā€

Derpy had seen Karynā€™s lack of excitement on her face.

ā€œIā€™m sorry, I want to go, butā€”ā€œ

ā€œWe are never going to get there, are we? No, itā€™s funny, really. Itā€™s just like when we wanted to take the train trip to the ocean, but we either couldnā€™t find the time or the money. But we got there eventually.ā€

ā€œYeah, but not I feel bad,ā€ said Karyn. ā€œIā€™m sure you had to pull a lot of strings to get us into all those important places.ā€

ā€œNo, not really.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t mean actual strings. Do they use a lot of strings in Cloudsdale?ā€

Derpy grinned. ā€œNo more or less than anywhere else. And thatā€™s not a pony expression, but Iā€™ve read it on the Internet. Itā€™s all right, really. But tell me whatā€™s going on that you canā€™t come with?ā€

ā€œOne of my cousinā€™s friends is getting married today. I got invited. My parents are going too. Itā€™ll be fun.ā€

ā€œYou know that we could pull the time trick. We could spend the entire day in Cloudsdale and youā€™ll still have time for the wedding.ā€

Karyn shook her head. ā€œIā€™d be dead tired by the time we finished. Itā€™s a noon wedding, and everyone will notice if Iā€™m yawning during the vows.ā€

ā€œWe could go to Cloudsdale, then you could take a nap at my house. If you really want, Iā€™ll find a unicorn to use the cloud-walk spell, then you can take your nap on a cloud.ā€

ā€œThat sounds like the most decadent thing possible. But that would age me an entire day. Iā€™ve got to watch that. When itā€™s my next birthday, it wonā€™t be my next birthday.ā€

Derpy pulled out a piece of paper from her saddlebag and asked Karyn for a pen. She ran it down the paper and said, ā€œWell, thereā€™s nothing here that we canā€™t postpone. Ha, it makes sense that we canā€™t do things on time, since Iā€™m a mail mare.ā€

ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€

ā€œIā€™m a post-pony.ā€

Karyn was speechless for a few moments as she digested the pun. Once she recovered, she said, ā€œWeā€™ll definitely find time to do all that. In the meantime, Iā€™ve got the wedding to go to, which will be in a banquet hall. High ceilings, lots of room. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be joining me.ā€

ā€œI would have even if it were in a tight closet.ā€

ā€œOf course.ā€

They had breakfast, and afterwards Karyn said that she should try on dresses for the wedding. ā€œItā€™s important that I donā€™t look too good so as to outshine the bride or the bridesmaids, but at the same time I obviously want to look goodā€¦just to look good.ā€

ā€œAnd I think we know what that means.ā€

Karyn took her into the bedroom. ā€œOne of the advantages of having these blackout curtains is that I can do all my evil enchantress sorcery witchery back here and Gayle canā€™t spy. The green light doesnā€™t show.ā€

ā€œAll right, where do you start?ā€

ā€œI think withā€¦earrings.ā€

Karyn looked at a mirror and focused. She tried several different styles from studs to hoops. Derpy critiqued each one and suggested that she go as simple as possible. ā€œIf they dangle down, they can get caught in your hair.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t think that holds with fake changeling earrings, but Iā€™ll follow your advice. Now, letā€™s pick out a dress.ā€

Derpy acted distracted for a moment, but Karyn was too intent on her magical dress-up to pay attention. When she had finally picked out a dress, she looked back to see Derpyā€™s smile.

ā€œIt looks good.ā€

ā€œSee, where this works is that I can wear a light sundress like this in the cold, and I can actually wear a warm pair of pants and a shirt.ā€

ā€œClever,ā€ said Derpy, with a hint of conspiracy in her voice.

ā€œSo, are you ready to get invisible and go?ā€

ā€œBut I want to wear a pretty dress too!ā€

Karyn blinked. ā€œYou do? I guess thatā€™s all right, even though no one will see it.ā€

Derpy grinned and stuck out her tongue. To Karynā€™s shock, a green light appeared in front of Derpy, and then she stood in a party dress.

ā€œWhat theā€”how? You got them too?ā€

She held a straight face for a moment, but Derpy couldnā€™t keep it up. ā€œNo, I just cheated. I got a green flashlight and waved it around, then zapped back to Equestria, put on this dress, went back to the same spot, and came back without any time passing. Itā€™s a completely real dress.ā€

ā€œYou got me on that one.ā€

ā€œHow are we getting to this wedding anyway?ā€

ā€œJust driving,ā€ said Karyn. After Derpy got invisible, they walked out to the car. She typed the address into the GPS on her phone and then handed it to Derpy. ā€œYou be the navigatrix. The directions here donā€™t have voice instructions.ā€

ā€œGot it. Step one, turn on the car.ā€

ā€œYou can just wait until I get on the highway.ā€

Once they were cruising, and Derpy told Karyn what the exit to take was, she spaced out for a while. ā€œThis will be the first wedding Iā€™ve been to in a long while.ā€

ā€œSince your own?ā€

ā€œNo, I went to the one between Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.ā€

ā€œOh, yes,ā€ said Karyn. ā€œI remember seeing you there a couple of times. How did you get an invitation to that anyway?ā€

ā€œThat was a long time ago, let me see if I can remember. Thatā€™s right, I didnā€™t!ā€

ā€œNo invite? You crashed the party?ā€

ā€œI guess. A lot of ponies just showed up and took whatever role was there. I think even Lyra showed up and tried to be a bridesmaid, and she didnā€™t even know Cadance very well.ā€

Karyn realized that there was a connection with that event. ā€œAnd it was there that the changelings first showed up.ā€

ā€œWas it? I think I was hiding away during that. I do remember that the wedding was delayed a while. But then again, I was pretty spacey back then. I probably wouldnā€™t have noticed a changeling invasion.ā€

ā€œThank goodness youā€™re not that spacey now.ā€

ā€œExactly, andā€”ooh, pretty bird!ā€ Derpy got distracted by a bluebird, which even Karyn thought was pretty. But she had to keep her eyes on the road.

They soon arrived at the hall. It was on a lake, and the weather was cooler because of it. Negotiating one of the many entrances, Karyn drove up to the vestibule to find a valet in a red coat.

ā€œAre you here for the wedding?ā€ he asked.

ā€œYes, but Iā€™ll park myself. Just over there?ā€

He directed Karyn to one of the lots, and she drove quickly to the far end.

ā€œDid he want to park the car?ā€ asked Derpy.

ā€œYes, thatā€™s his job, but I hate giving my car to anyone else, especially if Iā€™m not there. Itā€™s a quirk, but I always feel that a car is very intimate.ā€

They got out and hustled into the room. It was half-filled with people already seated, and Karyn waved to her parents. As she sat down next to them, there was no room for Derpy to go without getting displaced by someone else, so she hovered above. Karynā€™s mother asked, ā€œDo they still have the air conditioning on? I feel a draft.ā€

There was little time for Karyn to chuckle at the misunderstanding, as everyone else sat down and the ceremony began. The couple had chosen a nontraditional song for the processional, and Karyn thought that ā€œHere Comes the Brideā€ would have fit better. As it was, the love song got repetitive and boring as the various flower girls, bridesmaids, and relatives who could not be excluded walked down the aisle. Once that was done, the minister performed the ceremony quickly and brightly, before any of the small children had a chance to get too bored.

Once the vows were completed and the couple walked back, the rest of the guests shuffled toward the reception room. Here Karyn saw the advantage of having arrived late and being seated in the back. Since the door was there, she was one of the first out, and found a seat in a large room with the bar. Temporarily separated from her parents, she got a chance to chat with Derpy.

ā€œWhat did you think?ā€

ā€œItā€™s a lot more similar to Equestrian weddings than I thought it would be. Lyra would love the fact that they hold hands during the ceremony. Other than that, let me seeā€¦I liked the music.ā€

ā€œYou did, huh? Hey, speaking of hands, can I ask you a question? Itā€™s one that a lot of people have wondered about.ā€

ā€œGo ahead,ā€ said Derpy.

ā€œWhen unicorns get married, they put the rings on their horns. What do pegasi and Earth ponies do?ā€

ā€œAlicorns put it on their horns as well.ā€

ā€œRight. More general question. What do non-horned ponies do for their ring exchange?ā€

Derpy brightened up. ā€œOh, thatā€™s easy. Theyā€”ā€œ

ā€œThat was a nice ceremony, wasnā€™t it?ā€ Karynā€™s father walked over and Derpy had to silence herself.

ā€œYes, quite. You look very nice today.ā€ She straightened her fatherā€™s tie.

ā€œIā€™m going to go spend time with your mother. Donā€™t drink too much.ā€

Karyn rolled her eyes. ā€œIā€™ll be legal soon and then youā€™ll have to be serious.ā€

Once he walked away, Derpy said, ā€œNow, as I was saying, when I got married, having no hornā€”ā€œ

A young woman in black and white walked up and said, ā€œScallop?ā€

ā€œBeg pardon?ā€ Karyn stepped back.

ā€œBacon-wrapped scallop?ā€

ā€œNo, thank you. Is there anything vegetarian?ā€

ā€œI think someone will be serving turkey meatballs.ā€

Karyn looked at her as if expecting her to realize what she said, but she had already moved onto the next guest. Karyn walked into the next room and looked over what there was. She filled a plate with penne alla vodka which seemed safe. Feeling Derpy stop behind her, she turned around to see a carving station. ā€œYeah, they do this kind of things at weddings,ā€ she muttered.

ā€œI thought that humans could cut their own meat.ā€

ā€œThey usually do, but not here.ā€

Derpy flapped her right wing only and made a circle in the air. ā€œNow, this is completely different from Equestrian weddings. All this food, noponyā€™d ever be able to afford it.ā€

ā€œWeddings are very expensive as well.ā€

ā€œHey, I think thereā€™s some cheese over here. Can I have some?ā€

Karyn walked over and saw the stand. There were many slices of cheese, but they were mixed in with rolled up cold cuts. Karyn took the tongs and put a few slices on her plate where she had cleared the pasta. Once she was sure that no one else was looking, she surreptitiously slipped some to Derpy.

Many of the other guests were milling about, not talking to any one person for more than a few minutes. Karyn was pleased about this, for anyone she did meet was quickly onto someone else, so she didnā€™t feel as if she was neglecting Derpy. But beyond the food, which Karyn had to constantly examine to make sure it was acceptable to her and Derpyā€™s diets; and the guests, which Karyn as a distant relation didnā€™t know many of, it was not the most exciting time.

After a half hour of this, with no real signal but with everyone seeming to know, they all proceeded into the main dining hall. Place cards were laid out on a table, and Karyn queued up to find her name. She looked near the middle of the table for the Hā€™s.

ā€œThey never put these things in alphabetical order. Itā€™s impossible to find on the first look.ā€

Derpy whispered to her. ā€œIt should be right after mine. Hooves, then Hubert.ā€

Karyn found hers by random selection and grabbed her parentsā€™ card as well. After handing it to them, she sped up so that she could laugh and explain to Derpy. ā€œDid you forget that you werenā€™t actually invited?ā€

ā€œYou mean Iā€™m crashing?!ā€

ā€œNo, technically the invitation was for me and a guest. Since you wonā€™t have your own plate, no one will mind. I suppose the hall might charge more for an extra guest, but I think itā€™s based on round numbers.ā€

Derpyā€™s whisper had a tinge of worry to it. ā€œBut what if Iā€™m the one who would have pushed it over, say, a hundred?ā€

ā€œJust relax and enjoy yourself.ā€

They were seated at a table on the far side from the main dais, and close to one of the large speakers. Karyn grimaced at that. Her parents took their seats next to her, and no communication with Derpy was possible as the newlyweds were introduced to cheers. A DJ was playing master of ceremonies, and while his voice was not distorted, Karyn still had to cover her ears. When Derpy saw her distress, she put her hooves in place of Karynā€™s hands, making it appear that she was not bothered.

The wedded couple had taken their seats, and the DJ started his set proper, inviting people to dance. Karynā€™s parents stood up and advanced to the parquet dance floor and, to Derpyā€™s surprise, so did Karyn. The tune began slowly, but picked up into a pop beat soon enough.

What amazed Derpy even more was how talented Karyn seemed to be as a dancer. Most of the adults had at least one drink in them already, and so were a little shaky on their feet, but Karyn, even without a partner, stood tall and moved on the beat. If no one else noticed her abilities, Derpy, from Karynā€™s vacated seat, did.

Once the song ended, some people stayed out but Karyn returned. As salads were placed in front of all the seats, she dug in.

ā€œYou were beautiful out there,ā€ said Derpy.

ā€œThank you. I took a dance class for one year before I got bored. But I still know some of the ideas. You could probably have that salad if you wanted. My father wonā€™t eat his.ā€

Derpy was grateful. She checked for anyone watching before munching the lettuce and onions as quickly as she could. ā€œDo you think I can have some of his water too?ā€

ā€œThat I wouldnā€™t advise. My father does tend to drink a lot of water at events like this. I think he does it because he knows heā€™s drinking liquor as well, and hates hangovers.ā€

The party was in full swing, and all the people moved from the dance floor to the tables to the bars in turn. After being informed that the only meal choices were steak, chicken, or fish, she ordered a second steak for her parents and then took Derpy once more to the appetizer table.

ā€œItā€™s nice that they leave all this out for the whole event,ā€ said Derpy. ā€œIn Equestria weā€™d take all this away and pack it up to eat later if we put it out for a party.ā€

ā€œMaybe they knew that a vegetarian and her pegasus were coming.ā€

The pasta was cold, but the cheese was still good and they even found a station that they had missed the first time around that had small flatbread pizzas. They were cold too, but neither of them minded.

Only once did Karyn get to say hello to her cousin, and she was only permitted a passing wave at the bride herself. It didnā€™t bother her. Some distant friends and relatives were company enough, especially when she had Derpy.

The only other time when everyone was seated, and Derpy had to assume a hovering position above Karyn, was when the formal dance for the couple was held. It was a slow instrumental piece that Karyn didnā€™t recognize. In her lowest whisper she said, ā€œHowever good my dancing is, I am not having a song like that at my wedding. I like that style of music fine, but when everyoneā€™s watching I want something with a beat so I can shake away my nerves.ā€

ā€œWeā€™ll see if we can get Vinyl to do your wedding. Of course, youā€™ll need someone to marry first.ā€

Karyn rolled her eyes, and a burst of applause ended their need to keep their voices low. Everyone went back to their mingling, but Karyn told Derpy to wait. ā€œTheyā€™re going to cut the cake. Weā€™ll stay for that.ā€

Derpy indeed plopped into a chair and waited, but it took a long time for the servers to get around to the far tables. By then, Karynā€™s parents had returned.

ā€œArenā€™t you going to eat your cake?ā€ asked Karynā€™s mother.

ā€œIā€™m not the biggest fan of wedding cake. But maybe later.ā€

They all got up for the last dance, a bouncing number that made Karyn glad that she ate light. As they went back to the table for the last time to pick up Karynā€™s purse, her mother saw the slice was eaten anyway. ā€œI think someone took yours while we were dancing.ā€

ā€œWhoever it was, I forgive them. Iā€™m sure they wanted it more than I did.ā€

Karynā€™s mother heard a laugh, but couldnā€™t place where it came from.

Author's Note:

Next week, Derpy and Karyn are back for more adventures!

ā€œSpeaking of rough times with money, can you believe that the post office wanted me to work today?ā€

ā€œOn Sunday? Thereā€™s no mail then.ā€

Derpy raised her hooves. ā€œThatā€™s what I said!


"Are you feeling uncomfortable carrying me for so long?ā€

Derpy flapped her wings and reestablished her hooves on the top of the cloud. ā€œNot at all! Iā€™m not an Earth pony, but I can carry loads like you all day.ā€

ā€œIā€™m a little envious. I couldnā€™t carry you for even a minute, and what I can carry I canā€™t hold for as long as you can.ā€

Also, a special moment between Derpy and Karyn!

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