• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,123 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

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Escapades in the Everfree Forest

Chapter VII
Escapades in the Everfree Forest

As Sora and Roxas stand in front of the three headed hellhound, Cerberus decides to attack by using its front paw to strike at the two keybladers. They both quickly evaded the attack and were deciding on how to attack this beast.

Roxas looked at Sora out of the corner of his eyes, "So what's the plan Sora?"

Sora looked at Roxas and shrugged. "I'll let you know when I think of one."

"You mean to tell me you purposely picked a fight a with the gatekeeper of the underworld, and you don't have a plan," Roxas said agitatedly.

"I didn't say that," Sora said correcting Roxas. "I said I'll let you know when I think of one."

Roxas facepalmed, "We're gonna get eaten by a three headed dog."

"Not if you dodge that attack he's doing," Sora said as he pointed out that the three heads of Cerberus were coming down at them. As one head came close to Roxas, he jammed his key blades into the mouth of the head to keep it from biting down on him. Sora was too busy dodging the attacks of the three headed dog to find a way to counter attack. As Sora and Roxas continuously evaded Cerberus attacks,they had ultimately led themselves into being back to back from one another. With Cerberus getting ready to strike again judging by the angered look on his face, the keybladers were having a hard time trying to find a way out of this situation. As the rest of their friends watched this, they couldn't help but feel worried for Sora and Roxas.

"I hope they know what they're doing," Sunset said.

"Why are we just standing here, why aren't we helping them take that thing down," Rainbow said as she started running over to the fight. Before she could get any closer, Applejack grabbed her by the arm and kept her from moving any closer. "What are you doing Applejack?!"

"Ah just don't think that it would be a good idea for us to get in their way," Applejack said as she look over to the keybladers.

Rainbow, surprised at Applejack's comment, jerked away from her grip. "What are you talking about, we've fought bigger and badder monsters than that before, why shouldn't we?!"

"They just seem to have it under control, and if they needed help, I'm pretty sure they would say so." Applejack stated. "Trust me Rainbow, this is second nature for them."

Rainbow reluctantly obliged and did not go amidst the fighting.

As Cerberus starting crouching down as if he was ready to pounce on his enemies, Sora and Roxas were thinking of a way to get out of this dilemma.

Roxas turned his head towards Sora. "Got any way out of this?"

"I think I do," Sora said as he assessed the situation. "When I say now, we're going to jump on their heads."

Roxas looked at Sora as if he was insane. "I'm sorry, did you say, jump on his head?"

"When he comes to attack us, we jump, landing on top of his heads, avoiding the attack, and giving us a clear shot at hitting him," Sora said to Roxas.

"Do you really think that's going to work?" Roxas said.

"It worked in the Colosseum," Sora said.

Roxas smirked at his comment, "Alright, on your go."

As the time for action had reached its peak, Cerberus started running towards the keybladers and when he was close enough, he started opening his mouths, getting ready for another bite at the duo. As his heads came down for the attack, Sora knew that this was the right moment to take.

"Jump!" Sora said as the heads came snapping at them. They were both able to land on top of the gigantic hound's back, and started to initiate the second part of the plan. Sora and Roxas ran up to the side heads of Cerberus and with all of their force, struck the key blades on top of their heads. This caused the two heads to be disoriented, leaving only the center head functional. Roxas started looking at the beast and came up with an idea.

" I have an idea," Roxas said to Sora as he jumped of the back of Cerberus.

"What, hey, where are you going?" Sora said quizzically.

Roxas started running around the hound slashing at its legs, causing the beast to kneel on the ground. "Just making this a little easier on us."

"You ready for the final blow?" Sora told Roxas.

Roxas prepped his key blades by placing the tips of the key blades on the ground. "Just say the word."

"Now!" Sora said as he started running up the back of Cerberus towards the middle head. Roxas, started running towards Cerberus, and dragging his key blades across the ground, causing sparks to fly around him. When the two keybladers were in close proximity, they each dealt a devastating his to Cerberus. Sora, with a downward strike on the top of the hound's head, and Roxas with an x-slash towards the face of the beast, causing it to fall to the ground.

Sora quickly got off of its back and was in a celebratory mood as he walked over to Roxas. "Nice thinking with attacking him at the legs, big guy didn't see what hit em'."

"Eh, I do what I do best," Roxas said.

"What made you think of doing that?" Sora asked.

Roxas then looked at Sora with a sarcastic face. "Hello, do you not know who I am, I'm Roxas, got it memorized?"

"Hey, that's not your line," Sora said to Roxas as he laughed at the comment.

"Roxas laughed right with him. "I just thought I'd try it out."

The rest of the group of friends just watched at how the two guys who seemingly took down Cerberus, Guardian of the gates of the Underworld, were laughing at what one had said.

"I can't believe it," Twilight said as she was staring at knocked out Cerberus wide eyed. "They defeated Cerberus all by themselves."

Sunset put a hand over Twilight's shoulder. "Twilight, really, is it even surprising anymore?"

"That.......was......so......cool!," Spike said in awe. "Aw man, I thought they were done for when Cerberus charged at them, I never expected for them to jump onto his back I mean it was just AWESOME!"

"Couldn't they have found a safer way for stopping Cerberus," Fluttershy said in her innocent tone.

"But, Fluttershy , Cerberus attacked us and he's a monster," Sunset said.

"Even if he is a gigantic, three headed monster, he is still an animal, and he has feelings."

"Well, Fluttershy, when Cerberus comes back again in another rampage, you can have all the time in the world to make sure that his feeling won't get hurt, but right now, we have a giant dog that needs to go back to his own home and away from ours," Rainbow said. She faced to Sora and Roxas who were still praising each other "Hey, are you two gonna talk all day, or are you gonna help us bring Cerberus back home?"

"Ok, ok, we're coming," Sora said. "Jeez, I wonder what's gotten her so testy."

"Knowing her, I don't think we want to find out," Roxas said as they both laughed at the comment.

As everyone regrouped, they started getting ready to take the unconscious Cerberus back to his home.

"Ok, so how are we going to bring this big guy back home exactly," Spike said.

"Well," Twilight said as she pulled out a scroll, "While Sora and Roxas were fighting, I came up with a plan on how were can bring Cerberus back home."

"Leave it to an egghead to make up a plan during a fight with a demon dog," Rainbow said.

"I'll just let that one go and tell you the plan," Twilight annoyingly said.

"Alright everyone, Rarity, Sunset, and I will use our magic to carry him, Rainbow and Applejack will be on the sides just in case anything happens, Fluttershy will calm him down just in case he might wake up," Twilight was then briefly interrupted by Pinkie.

"And I get to use my confetti cannon in case he tries to attack again right?" Pinkie said with an enthusiastic tone.

"No Pinkie, no confetti cannon, but I was just getting to the defenses, Sora, Roxas, and Spike will be the security just in case things go south," Twilight said.

"Wait, I'm on security, awesome I finally get to use my fire for something other than sending letters," Spike happily said.

But if everything goes as planned and nothing bad happens, we should have Cerberus back at the gates of Tartarus by sundown," Twilight said enthusiastically.

"Tartarus," Sora said .

Twilight looked at him questioningly, "Yes, Cerberus guards the gates of Tartarus."

"Oh no I heard you say it, it's just that, well, you're kinda saying it wrong," Sora said as he scratched at his head.

"Excuse me?" Twilight said in a serious tone.

Sora was slightly surprised at how the girl immediately changed form being so enthusiastic to so serious in a matter of seconds. He might as well finish his statement now. "You see, it's pronounced 'Tar-ta-rus', but the way you were saying it made it sound like 'Tar-tar-rus', it's not that crucial, but y'know, the more you know," Sora awkwardly said. "Plus, doesn't Cerberus guard the gates of Hades anyway?"

Everybody was speechless as the smartest one of the group was outsmarted by one question and one statement.

"No.....way, did somebody just correct Twilight?" Spike said as he was astonished by this action. Spike then proceeded to find this a great time to poke fun at Twilight. "Huh, it's seems like you're not the smartest person anymore around here, I guess Sora took your spot." Spike busted out laughing at his own joke as Twilight and the rest of the girls gave him very icy stares. His laughter slowly stopped and all he could feel was fear coming from him. "Uhhhhhhh, hey, don't we have to get Cerberus back home, I mean we can't leave him here," Spike awkwardly said trying to get out of the hole he dug himself in.

"Right," Twilight said as she resumed with her well thought out plan. "As long as nothing else goes wrong, this should be an easy task." Unfortunately for Twilight, those words would come back to bite her as a certain three headed dog started to slowly open his eyes. In a low tone, he started to growl.

"Um,did anyone else hear that," Applejack asked the group.

"Here what," Roxas said. Cerberus then started to growl once more except at a much louder level. "Oh, you mean that." "I was kinda hoping the first time he did that was just my imagination." Cerberus was awake and active once more as he started scanning around to see what predicament he was in and started to do the only thing he could think of. He started to wildly run and pounce around the group as they were trying to dodge the frenzy of movements that Cerberus was doing. He ultimately stopped and jumped high into the sky before landing in some kind of dense forest that looked very out of place for something residing near Ponyville. The rest of the group, except Sora and Roxas, all gasped at the fact that Cerberus just went into that forest.

"Oh no, this isn't good," Twilight said.

"Ok, so he went into a forest, we'll just go in there and get him out," Sora nonchalantly said.

"It's not all that easy sugarcube, because Cerberus just hopped into.....The Everfree Forest," Applejack worriedly said. "It's no tellin' what king of dangerous creatures could be lurkin' in that forest, if we go in there, we have to be on high alert for anything."

"Well, what are we waiting for," Sora jokingly said as he started walking towards the entrance of the Everfree Forest.

"I swear that boy doesn't have a bad bone in his body," Applejack said as she and the rest of the group started walking towards the entrance of the forest as well.

"So, what made you guys decide to picnic next to a dangerous monster filled forest anyway," Sora said with his hands behind his head.

"Save it, Spiky, and let's just get that dog out of here," Rainbow impatiently said.

"Come on Rainbow, don't be like that," Pinkie Pie said. "I mean, you could be back in your tree probably getting some amazing R&R especially on a beautiful day like today where nothing can go wrong, well besides Cerberus popping up out of nowhere and running into the Everfree Forest, causing us to go get him out of the Everfree Forest, but you know it's whatever, what do you think Dashie?"

"I think we need to find Cerberus, and fast," Rainbow said.


Time passes by as the group of friends start traversing through the dense and dark Everfree Forest searching for the missing Cerberus. Some were getting a little testy, and by some I mean Rainbow Dash.

"Come on, we've been searching for hours, how could we have not seen him by now?" Rainbow said.

"Oh,come now Rainbow Dash, we've been in hear for only an hour," Rarity said. "Even if I do wish we could leave hear and go somewhere more enjoyable."

"Let me guess, the spa, where we can get our hair done while receiving mani-pedis, oh Rarity what a wonderful idea," Rainbow sarcastically said.

"Your sarcasm is noted Rainbow Dash," Rarity bluntly said.

"Excuse me, but I'm not the one thinking about going to the spa at a time like this," Rainbow rudely said.

"Whoever said that I was talking about the spa, honestly Rainbow Dash you have been rather overbearing all afternoon," Rarity said.

"I've been overbearing, says the girl who has to make sure her curls are always perfectly even no matter where she goes," Rainbow said.

"Life is a runway darling," Rarity said as she flicked her hair with her hand. "You have to be prepared for anything, but I guess that you wouldn't understand."

Sora leaned over to fluttershy, "This isn't going to end well is it?"

"Oh, it'll be fine, I'm positive that they'll figure something out," Fluttershy said as she chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, it certainly looks that way," Roxas sarcastically said. "Maybe someone should stop them before it gets way more out of hand than it already is." As Roxas said this, he saw Sunset walking by him in over to Rarity and Rainbow.

Rainbow figured that that was the last straw. "What did you just, why you little-" before could finish that statement, Sunset fortunately stepped in to save the day.

"Girls, girls, let's just calm down," Sunset said. "Look, I know this wasn't everyone's idea of a good time, but it doesn't matter,*puts arm around Rarity and Rainbow* because we're all friends, and as long as we have our each other and our friendship, we can accomplish anything."

Everyone was touched by the kind words that Sunset had said to calm the two girls down, and it ultimately worked on the latter.

Rainbow Dash looked over at Rarity and smiled, "I guess I went a little overboard on what I said."

"And it was uncouth of me to say such things as well," Rarity said as she smiled back.

"Sorry about that," Rainbow said.

"As am I," Rarity said.

"Now that's what I like to see, now come on, we have a three headed dog to catch, and as long as we have each other, nothing can go wrooooonnnnnnngggggg!," Sunset shouted, because unfortunately, something did go wrong. As she started walking back towards Sora, Roxas, and Fluttershy, she didn't pay attention to wear she was walking and took a misstep and started falling down a landslide. Roxas saw this and as if on instinct, quickly grabbed her, but he also lost his balance and started falling. Using his other hand, he tried to find the nearest thing to grab onto. Luckily, he was able to grab onto something, but it turns out that it was just Sora's arm, causing a butterfly effect to happen which led to Sora grabbing Fluttershy to try and gain support for the other two bodies that he was suddenly holding onto, but it ultimately led to all four of them falling down the landslide and crashing into a lower section of the forest.

Twilight ran over to the ledge of the landslide to check and see if her friends were okay. "Fluttershy, Sunset, are you OK?!"

"Yeah, we're okay I guess," Sunset said as she started to help Fluttershy up on her feet.

"Hey, we're down here too y'know," Sora stated as him and Roxas got back on their feet.

"Don't worry, I'll just use my magic to levitate you guys out of-" Twilight said before she was interrupted by a rustle in the bushes. Twilight turned around and saw 3 pairs of glowing green eyes. The pairs of eyes started moving out into the open, revealing three wolves made of twigs, logs , and trees.

Spike started to shake as he knew what those creatures were. "TIMBERWOLVES! EVERYBODY RUN!" The timberwolves then started to chase Spike and the other girls. "Twilight, we have to go now!"

"Wait, but what about the others," Twilight worriedly said.

"Twilight, you have to get out of here," Sunset shouted. "Don't worry about us , we'll find a way back to you."

Twilight looked over at the approaching timberwolves and proceeded with Sunset's plan. "I hope you're right about this Sunset."

Sunset then let out a heavy sigh and had a look of worry on her face. "Yeah, I hope so too."

"Hey, everything's going to be okay," Roxas said as he put a hand over Sunset's shoulder. "We're going to regroup with Twilight and everyone else and everything will be alright, but we can't do that if we're just standing here."

"Yeah, and besides, we still have a three headed dog to catch," Sora said.

Sunset started to smile, "You guys are right, I shouldn't be so worried, wouldn't be any help that way would I?"

"Alright, so the plan is to regroup with the rest of our friends, and if we're just lucky enough we'll find Cerberus along the way," Roxas said.

"Great, then let's get going," Sora said.

"Um, I don't mean to be rude but, go where exactly," Fluttershy asked.

"Well, if we just keep walking, surely something's bound to happen that'll help us," Sora said. "Right?"

Fluttershy, being the kind girl she is, couldn't mass up the courage to tell Sora how flawed his theory was, so she decided to change the subject. "As long as it leads us to Cerberus, then it's okay with me."

"Great, then let's go!" Sora shouted as he grabbed Fluttershy's hand and started happily running through the forest as Roxas and Sunset watch him go.

"So, Sora must always be this hyperactive," Sunset said to Roxas.

"Only when it has something to do with an adventure and his friends," Roxas said.

"Well, we should probably catch up with them before we get left behind," Sunset said. "I'll race you there," she said as she immediately started running towards Sora and Fluttershy.

"What, hey, you can't do that, that's cheating!" Roxas jokingly said.

"Come on, you're not going to pass me running that slow," Sunset teased. The four friends completely forgot about their worries and just decided to enjoy their time together.

As time passed by, the sun started to set while the moon began it's rise into the night sky. The four friends were all relaxing on the trunk of a tree, each on a different side of it. Roxas was the first to see the rising moon in the sky and had to ask the question, "Um guys, don't want to ruin the mood or anything but, where are we going to sleep tonight?"

Sunset looked at him and confidently rose up from the ground. "Leave that to me," she said as Sunset used her magic to gather strong enough twigs and branches, and large enough leaves to make two wooden tents. "There, that should do it."

"Sunset, where would we be without you," Sora said.

"Well, probably freezing in the cold." Sunset calmly stated.

Fluttershy saw the two tents, and thought that if she asked Sora, maybe they could sleep in the same tent together, where she could give him her yellow way finder. It was worth a try. Fluttershy started to slowly walk up to Sora, blushing immensely, as she got closer and closer. "Um, Sora, if you would like, I mean, that's if you want to, maybe you would like to share a te-" Fluttershy was interrupted by no one other than Sora as he couldn't hear her from how low she was speaking.

"Hey Roxas, do you want to share a tent," Sora said.

"Yeah, sure, let's just get out of this cold already," Roxas said.

Flutter shy looked devastated at what had just happened. "But........but.....but I was going to ask that." Fluttershy was then met with a pat on the back as Sunset wanted to get her attention.

"Well, I guess it's you and me in the other tent Fluttershy ," Sunset said. As the two got inside the tent, they immediately lied down on the leaf covered floor as they were both tired from this long day.

"Wow, what a day, let's hope that tomorrow we'll find a way out of here and back to everyone else," Sunset said. "Alright, goodnight Fluttershy."

"Goodnight," Fluttershy said but before she closed her eyes to go to sleep she took out the yellow way finder once more knowing that she must give it to the person that she made it for. She then proceeded to close her eyes and try to go to sleep.

A few hours later

Everyone was sleeping soundly in their two tents. Sunset in her's, Roxas in his, but for some reason, Sora was awakened by a certain noise from outside. He listened harder, and it sounded like someone was singing. It was such an angelic voice hear that he had to know who it was that was singing. Sora stepped out of his tent only to be surprised as to see a girl with long pink hair lying under a tree.

"Fluttershy?!" Sora said. When Fluttershy heard his voice, she immediately became flustered and hid behind the tree. She couldn't believe that Sora saw her singing. She was downright flustered to say the least.

"Fluttershy, I know you're behind there," Sora said. Fluttershy decided to keep her embarrassment form embracing her any further, she decided to get from behind the tree. "Fluttershy, what are you doing out here this late at night?" Sora asked.

"Well, I had something on my mind and I couldn't sleep so I decided to come out here, I didn't mean to wake you Sora, it's just that,I,I, never mind I'll just go back to my tent," Fluttershy said.

"Wait, Fluttershy," Sora said as he put his hand on her shoulder causing her to do a little jump. "Your singing is amazing, I just thought that you should know that." Sora then saw a flock of birds and an owl perched on the same tree that Fluttershy was singing under. "And it looks like the animals agree too."

Fluttershy blushed intensely and hid it by covering her face with her long hair. "Thank you Sora, but really I'm not that good."

"Please, tell that to the birds," Sora said as the birds tweeted and flapped their wings showing how much they loved her singing. "It's amazing how animals just love you Fluttershy, no matter what kind."

"Animals are apart of our lives, and they deserve to be treated kindly and fair." Fluttershy said.

"Even for monsters like Cerberus," Sora seriously said.

"Cerberus isn't a monster," Fluttershy said.

"He attacked us Fluttershy, and this isn't the first time for me that he has attacked in a completely different place, how can you not see him as a monster?" Sora said. "And the fact that he hid in a place like this, just screams trouble."

"He's just scared Sora," Fluttershy said. "He doesn't know whats going on or who to trust." "But I know that if we give him a chance, he'll be okay."

"I don't know Fluttershy," Sora said. "Is giving Cerberus a chance really worth the risk?" Fluttershy started to walk towards Sora and she looked him dead in his eyes causing Sora stiffen a bit as he had never seen Fluttershy like this before.

You think he's and ignorant savage
You've seen him in different places so I guess it must be so
But a question is in my mind
Is he a savage or is he kind
This is the question that even you don't know........

Fluttershy starts to walk away as Sora starts to follow her through the forest.

You think that this forest holds a monster
That this forest is the one thing that's to blame.....
But i know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name....

As Fluttershy said this, pink butterflies started to disperse out of the forest, amazing Sora.

Fluttershy and Sora then see a two Phoenixes looking over them from its nest. Sora immediately summons his key blade to the phoenixs' surprise, but Fluttershy quickly pushes the key blade down to Sora's side.

You think the only people who are people
Are the people who act just like me and you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll find things you never knew you never knew....

As Fluttershy said this a baby phoenix had peered its head over the nest, and Sora realized that it was a family.

Have you ever herd the wolf cry to the lunar moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grins.....
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind....
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind.......

Fluttershy decides to lead Sora into the forest even more to see the beauty that the forest has to offer as they both start running and rolling in the leaves of the forest.

Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sunset berries of the earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And you never have to wonder what they're worth
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle in a hoop that never ends....

How big can a manticore grow
Without a chance, we will never know

And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the lunar moon
We must give it a chance and only when....
We can sing with all the voices of the mountains
We can paint with all the colors of the wind
You can be a hero still
But you can have the will.....
The will to paint with all the colors of the wind

Sora looked at Fluttershy and saw that she had tears in her eyes. He knew that she was serious about this whole thing. And for her, he would do anything. "Ok, Fluttershy, I'll give him a chance."

Fluttershy couldn't have been happier to hear that as she decided to jump up and hug Sora, but she soon realized who she was hugging and quickly let go of him in an embarrassed way. "Oh, and this is for you," Fluttershy said as she took out the way finder and gave it Sora. As soon as Sora saw it, he knew exactly what it was.

"Is this a way finder," Sora excitingly said. "I haven't seen one of these sense the Islands." "Fluttershy, thank you, this means a lot to me."

As the two had finished exchanging conversations, they realized that it was getting really late and they both had to go back to sleep. With everything that just happened, I'm pretty sure no one will have a problem sleeping anymore tonight.