• Published 28th Apr 2018
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Pray, Hope and Wander - Flashgen

The investigation into the disappearance of the citizenship of Ponyville nears an end, as those involved desperately look for answers.

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Session 11 - Gilded Cage - April 30th

Transcription of Session 11: Gilded Cage, Perimeter Guard Lead
Date: April 30th
Time: 1:19 p.m.
Interviewer: Doctor Blue Sky, PhD

I made my way to the tent I had been assigned for my sessions after collecting the files and recordings I had on Pendant and Lantern to send to Canterlot. I did not expect to find Cage pacing back and forth, waiting for me. After allowing me to set up my equipment, we began.

Blue Sky (BS): So, Cage. What exactly did you want t—

Gilded Cage (GC): It’s something I saw on my patrol this morning.

Cage had been quiet and calm when I arrive, and when I was setting up my equipment. To see him interrupt me had me startled.

BS: Alright, well, if you’d like to tell me about it, I’d be happy to hear it. Are you sure it’s not something that should be said to Miss Vines, though?

GC: She should already know, but I… there’s more I have to say about it.

I motioned for Cage to continue.

GC: I was out on the perimeter again today, watching the roads, keeping an eye out for anypony. And we actually saw one for… must have been the first time in a week or so. We were able to stop most of the weather and mailponies after the first few visits and then we had a few visitors to turn away, but this one was different. We did what we were supposed to, telling them they couldn’t come into Ponyville because of a quarantine. We’re supposed to keep all of the details fairly vague and a lot of Equestria already knows about the cover story. This stallion said he knew and he’d come back home because of what he’d heard, to see his sister.

Cage paused for a moment, taking a deep breath and then continuing.

GC: I told him I still couldn’t let him in, that we’d tell him where to go so he can wait for when things are finished. He still insisted on it, that he had to see his sister, his family, his friends. He said her name and it sounded familiar. I swear I’d heard it before, but I couldn’t be sure until I got back to camp: Jelly Belly.

Cage’s eyes focused on his hooves, pressed together in his lap. I could hear them grinding against each other as he continued.

GC: His name was Laughy Taffy. He was one of the first missing ponies listed in the case files. He supposedly went missing over 10 days before we arrived. And he’s been off somewhere else.

I could hear Cage’s teeth grinding as well, his eyes shut tightly.

BS: Cage, are you worried that others might also b—

Cage slammed his hooves into his seat. The sound of the wood cracking was clearly audible on the recording. As he looked at me, I could see tears starting to well in his eyes.

GC: Yeah! I am! What if they left here?! We’ve spent weeks chasing around some cryptic nonsense in some journals?! We’ve walked in circles in the same places that are empty, aimlessly searching for something when they could be anywhere else in Equestria!

BS: Cage, I can understand your frustration. I just… you’re not involved with the investigation directly, are you?

Cage stood up from his seat, pacing back and forth as he looked between the floor and myself.

GC: Maybe I should be! I’d probably be doing a better job at this point! A whole town can’t just disappear without a trace! A bunch of journals that contradict each other doesn’t make for any kind of evidence at all! Pavé could be anywhere!

BS: Pavé? Your sister? Cage, are y—

It clicked all at once. Pavé’s constant traveling, his negative reaction when discussing her despite their relationship, and the reason he had requested, more than once, to be transferred to cover shifts at the local hotel.

In the meantime, Cage had stopped his pacing and had dropped onto his haunches, hooves against his head.

GC: She wasn’t even supposed to be here! Some festival or something got delayed. I only got the postcard a day before we were called out here. I hoped she had left, that she wasn’t here, but…

Cage pulled something from his bags, a necklace. He remained silent, staring at it.

BS: Cage. I can understand how you feel about this. If you’re distraught from a connection to the case, to someone that might have been involved, I can have you removed.

GC: She said she’d never leave it behind. It’s the one thing we made together with my grandfather.

Cage had started sobbing. I remained silent, but approached to try and comfort him.

BS: Cage, I’m so sorry. Take as long as you need.

I did my best to comfort him and mentioned that I would talk to Miss Vines about his involvement with the case. I hope that whatever comes to pass, his sister is found, safe and sound.