• Member Since 4th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2023


Hobby writer and potentially a complete future one aswell!


"Despite his ferocious appearance, Emperor Spike is a kind and fair ruler."

"Our Lord may be a dragon, but he united us under a single banner and protect us from harm."

"You can only rule with either fear or love, he took the hard way and chose to rule with love."

Spike, The Crystal Emperor, is loved and respected by all his subjects, rightfully so. But what drove him to become what he is today?

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*Short One-Shot*
**Cover Art doesn't belong to me but I had the permission to use it, go visit the creator and the artist that color it**

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 27 )

Wow... MUCH better. I LOVED it!! You did a great job!

Finally I read your story and it was great, but a little sad. It is truly an honor for me your choosest my work for the cover of your story. Especially after knowing you are the author of Spike's Destiny and Desires.

I love those 2 stories and I hope that one of them ends in :moustache: :twilightblush:

Spike's Destiny It inspires me to write my own fic really is a great story.

5298493 Thanks! And,GO FOR IT BROTHER!

very, very nice work there... it even gave me some ideas! gonna throw it right on a paper :D

The reporter smiled and held the camera up. “Smile for the camera!”

That line really hit me. Spike has to rule with a smile and will continue to do so for millenia. Everytime he has to give smiles, both false and real, to keep his subjects from worrying.

This song defines this fanfic for me :ajsleepy: :raritycry:

5887052 Well, what can I say. I'm in desperate need of an editor (english is my second languague and while I can speak it and understanding perfectly my grammar is pure and utter shit). Also, it was more of an idea that wouldn't leave my mind until I wrote it down. But your review is amazing and has helped me a lot to point my mistakes and learn from them (I seriously hope so, because while not as bad as I was a year ago I still make a LOT of mistakes).

About the Windigoes though, should've explained them. My bad.

Again, thanks for the great review and I hope I can improve in the future for you to truly enjoy one of my stories and when I'm good enough, come back to this story and fix it up.

Site Blogger

To be honest, I seriously considered not letting you know the review existed, simply because I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I'm glad to see you're taking it so well. Good luck on your future writing endeavors!

5887191 I do not believe in bad reviews (unless those reviews are troll or hateful ones). A review is a review and if it helps someone to work on fixing their weaknesses and mistakes, the better.:moustache:

Lord Ironfist... Possible Might and Magic reference?:ajsmug:

6084966 Which ones did you play? I've done 6-8 and played 1-3 & 5 of the heroes OMM games.

6084993 Only 5 and 6. 6 is my favorite so far.

6085043 8 is so much more fun, you get to have dragons and many of the races usually thought of as bad in your party, including dark elves, Ogers, Minotaurs, heck even vampires and necromancers.

It's a lot of fun.Also you get to see Falagar and Queen Cathrin again.

Also Why is it that I like the majority of your story's.

6085218 Darn, gotta get my hands on 8 right now then!

Who knows? I'm not that good of a writter but I do try to bring a good story nonetheless. Glad you like most of them =D.

The Windigoes get a one-off episode mention and then never appear again, but considering their powers in that episode, I can certainly see them as a real threat. I get a little bit of Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones vibe from an army of malicious ice-beasts coming out of the frozen north to threaten the land, and the supreme sacrifice of all the important characters is certainly a stark display. I wonder if the Elements of Harmony themselves are gone forever, though, or just the former Bearers, along with chaos as a force of nature having a new avatar or not.

Spike cuts a bit of a tragic figure as a result, especially as I assume there are no fellow immortals left for him to get to know (if he himself is immortal now instead of merely having a dragon's long life). I suppose he'll have to find a way to live through life, be it simply to be the only creature to remember the great figures of the past, who were all his friends.

I see that you already made some revisions to this chapter. I would suggest you add another one to the flashback scene, having Rarity speak in some manner or another. Spike had a crush on Rarity for too long for that plot thread to not even warrant a mention in this story.

The others I can understand. Even Alicorns won't live forever but I was surprised when Discord died. And no Peewee? What a shame. Impressive though.


Ah yes, the cursed blessing of immortality. Not something for everyone mind you, only a select few can handle such a power. Perhaps one day when this so called heir appears Spike can finally be reunited with his friends and family. One day....

wait the one thing I don't get is I thought discord was immortal:duck:

Just because one is immortal doesn't mean one can't die.

6795351 *This is about that new story you wanna write*

Do it my brother, I will be here if you ever need my help, you know it.

As for what side should Spike take.......Why not his own and fight both powers at the same time. One fights for justice while the other fights for darkness. And he fights on the side of Harmony, the very thing everyone thought was broken.

*I do it here because for some reason FimFiction won't let me reply on your blog, page or PM you.

Stunning and pretty Most wonderful of spoke story ikdeed

7190395 True. That would make them eternal.


This always bothers me. Immortal means unable to die. Period. There is no if and or buts. Death is literally impossible.
Eternal, Timeless, Ageless, these are not immortal. These are being who exist outside time. But they can be killed. Vampires are notable member of this group. Angels too. Apparently in this story, Discord and Alicorns are as well.

8178852 I don't know. Are you sure it isn't the other way around? Because you hear stories of "immortal"gods being slain all the time in stories, movies, etc.

Furthermore, "immortal" means not mortal, not liable or subject to death. And "eternal" means lasting or existing forever. In truth, they both sound nearly the same, yet when it comes to the first, someone always seems to find a way around it. For example, in the Dresden Files series, Dresden learns that the night of his birthday (Halloween) is the only night of the year when immortals are vulnerable to death.

I feel terrible for Spike. He never asked for his family to die and to be alone for millennia
The ponies who blamed Spike for the deaths of his family should be ashamed of themselves, especially Scootaloo. Spike was pretty much feeling survivor's guilt already, he didn't need to feel any worse than he already did.

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