• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014
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On Hiatus for College.


There are many dangerous and challenging things in life. Many things that test a pony's character, stamina, and endurance. There are races, there are obstacles, and contests of skill, then there is a little-thought-of test that nopony thinks about; healing.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have been through many Iron Pony Competitions, but when one lands them in the hospital with six weeks of bedrest they find themselves facing what is probably the hardest thing any of them have ever done.

Allowing themselves to lean on others for the support they need to get better. Come join our heros as they dare to heal.

Being Daring isn't the absence of fear, but doing the right thing despite the fear.

Edited by: KillerRobotQuote MahoganyMlp and ShadowLDrago

Chapters (45)
Comments ( 699 )

Firstly, it's Applejack, not Apple Jack. And you should use question marks instead of dots when characters are asking about something.

"AJ, do you hear me,

"What..." Apple Jack groaned, "happened."

The story itself has potential, but you really need an editor. English isn't my first language, but if you have any questions - send me a message and I'll try to help. But firstly, check here http://www.fimfiction.net/group/97/looking-for-editors. This is a group for people, who are looking for editors and people, who'd read your story before publishing and tell you what's wrong with it, suggest how to improve your story. Good luck! :ajsmug:

Nope. The second one is supposed to be Fluttershy. Trust me you are VERY disoriented in cases like this.

5339159 That is OK. I would rather someone point out a mistake and it be a false alarm, than to totally miss a BIG mistake.

5339297 Could you please give me a bit more of the paragraph that came from... I can't find it.

5339622 Thank you... That is quite the complement. I am an emotional author before anything else.

5351914 Cute wasn't what I was going for... but I guess it is cute. Thank you.

5352210 I HATE APPLE/DASH!!! So don't worry. I am giving a more of a friendship type of feel. The way I and Catstitch help one another through our problems. I have actually done that before.

5352343 Well being Christian I have strong convictions against the whole movement. I can actually take you to scripture and point out every single time God condemned the practice and the punishment for each time. It is actually considered God's Pet Peeve, and yet even that God will forgive if you ask him to. of course it will not be brought up as that word, but it is in there.

God doesn't actually hate the people who are LGBT because He loves ALL of his children. So we as Christians must not hate the people who are, we just hate their sin for partaking in it. So basically just stay away from them, and what they do is their own business. Hopefully that clears it up, and if your referencing to Sodom and Gomorra God destroyed them because they assaulted two of his angels and their own wickedness of not being willing to change their hearts.

5352608 Among other verses. Thank you. I have a hard time putting things into words, But yes. God loves all, and will forgive all, But he does not like sin and will not tolerate it.

5352625 Well god will decide their fate for himself. However we as Christians also have the duty to preach to all as well.

5352644 Absolutely. It doesn't matter who they are or what they have done. If they have breath we are tell them about God's free gift.

5352646 Yep, glad you see it that way.

5352648 I am glad I have someone who can help explain what I mean in the same why I believe. It would be fun to mirror our beliefs some time and see where one another stands on all the different issues. At least I know we stand on the same ground on the one important topic. the rest is just fluff. (As far as it all goes)

The important thing is. God loves the world. Everyone in the world. He made it. Man has fallen, So we need a savoir. Jesus came to be that savoir. He was fully man, and fully God. He lived a perfect life, Died on the cross, then rose again the third day and grants life to anyone who will accept him as their savior.

Flash Sentry? Ugh what's that piece of cardboard doing here? He has as much personality as a brick wall.

Eh, if you make him interesting...I'll allow his existence!

5355401 It will be a while. I plan to make him as a big brother character to Spike. I'll be letting Big Mac also take a roll in developing his character.

5355416 Oh okay, sounds good!

Is thee gunna' be any romance in this fic? Coz' I don't think this sort of fic needs romance.

5355586 No, No romance what so ever. The whole scene between Big Mac and Cheerilee will be about it. I does not have a romance tag nor do I plan to put any in. Maybe a blush from Twilight but that is it as far as Flash goes. I believe that if I am going to Develop Flash into a likable character I am going to need to get him away from Twilight and the whole love interest thing. Once I have his character developed as an Individual if I choose to do following stories I might bring him in as a love interest. But not in this book.

5355599 Oh thank God, for once there's an emotional fic on this site that doesn't use Romance as an insta solution!

5355635 Thank you, I do love enjoy thinking outside of the box or... INSIDE CHIMNEYS!!! :pinkiecrazy:

But that is true. You don't need Romantic love to show emotion. There are SIX other forms of love that nobody even thinks about. I am going to be portraying the 'best friend' love and the 'unconditional' love. As well as sibling and a few others. I am not in a relationship and perfectly happy as a single high-schooler. So why put what I know zero about into a story? I write what I know. I am glad you approve.

5355682 I give as much approval to you as an Asain father would give to his high achieving A*/+ son.

So...a lot.

I liked this chapter a lot! It was nice seeing the contrast between Dash and Applejack, and how both tried to deal with their problems. This is probably a bit sadistic, but I hope we get to see more of their struggles! Oh, and nice RariPie hints.:pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

5370042 Not shipping anyone... But thank you. I am glad you liked it. I struggled a lot with this chapter from beginning to end. I am glad it came out better than I felt writing it.

5370042 And yes, Next chapter is all about Applejack's POV. I plan to have a Dash one here soon... I wonder how long she can keep it a secret that she is getting cabin fever... :pinkiecrazy:

5372136 I am glad I amused you with that. I was just trying to get out of there before Pinkie decided to do something stupid and scare me... LOL So I thought of the best way possible. The first thing that came to mind was that scene from Canterlot Wedding.

5372203 :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Pinkie is the master of making stupid ideas work!

I know this is a nit-pick, but bananas and applesauce are two foods that are binding. Along with rice and toast, this combination is used by hospitals to stop loose bowels.
However, if the goal is to keep the patient from straining, as in the case of an abdominal injury, lots of water and high fiber foods would be prescribed. Whole apples are okay, but applesauce has only trace amounts of fiber.

5388080 Thank you for pointing that out. I am going off of what I learned when I did that... :twilightblush: I will be adding in the true story at the end. But I found that it did not matter what 'soft' food it was, just as long as I did not have to work hard to digest it. Like applesauce, Grits, yogurt... and such. Carrots were very hard as well as salad, Pizza, Hot pockets. and the like.

Dash's psyche is getting worse and worse... I'm loving it! Heehee!

This is so AWEOSME! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!

5430210 Cool! I think it also awesome how you know when it's going to come out lol I tried to put a deadline on my story but it totally didn't work out :derpytongue2:

5430212 LOL I work very hard t meet any and all deadlines. It is the only way I can keep going.

5430293 I do try to do that, it's just... I got into the habbit during Nano, I was unsure if I could make it to 10k in a month so I started... um... cheeting.

5430298 KISH! I used to work there and the quote went over my head! :facehoof:

5430342 Not in Nano any more, and believe me, I did so much of that people declared the story unreadable! That was three years ago too.

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