Comments ( 104 )
2D #1 · Sep 2nd, 2014 · · 4 ·

You are mistaken. I am in perfect health.

4943637 Yeeup

Something terrible has happened to you.

Aww man. I hate it when that happens.

So...what did everyone think it was about?

It looks like it's about me dieing.

I bet my left leg that his lost some of his limbs...i would really like to see a longer version of this, with Redheart helping (and maybe falling in love) through the rehab...

I believe the line is...

"You have met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" - Happy Mask Salesman

Exactly 1k words.

I'm not sure, but what I'm gathering from the tone is it's how the hospital is dealing with a 'lost cause', We aren't given any hope for a surviving chance, and even the doc doesn't stick around for longer than a few words. The nurses don't sound too convinced on 'your' survival, and are vague about the incident, as though withholding information from 'you' about your real condition. Tourniquets are usually last-case scenario for a bleeding limb, because it cuts off all circulation to that limb. If 'you' are in one...well, something deadly happened. Could be gangrene, a manticore bite, etc., something happened. I can't say for sure, but I'd venture to say "you're" not surviving for much too long..:unsuresweetie:

It could also just be a routine injury-treatment process, and a slice of the life of nurses/patients during so, and I'm being all dreary for no reason. :eeyup:

Here, doctor.

I can see the doctor simply calling nurses "nurse," but do the nurses use doctor as a noun or a title?

What happened? Hmm...

Nurse, take the other side.
Just a little bit, to straighten things out. There, that’s it.

Clearly they amputated an additional limb to maintain symmetry! :raritywink: I approve of their sense for aesthetics.
Besides, now I can get matching prosthetics! :raritystarry:

Reminds me of that MASH episode told from the patient's POV. And I can't resist putting this song up as a musical reference.

it sounds like a triage like a lot of ponies have been hurt. Reminds me of a story of how some are easy to take care of, some will require major surgery, and some can't be saved. I can't imagine being in that last group, knowing that there's nothing that can or will be done to save me

He had a massive erection and an artery exploded on his penis so they had to put a tourniquet on it.

Sounds like there was some major catastrophe. My first thought would be a bombing due to where our world is right now, but train wreck, war, or collapsed buildings would also work.

I also agree that he might be a lost cause, though he could be the least wounded even though he's probably going to need to lose the leg that has the tourniquet.

Aftermath of Double Rainboom? :rainbowderp:

for some reason, I was reminded of that scene in the pearl harbor movie, I believe, where the nurses are going around marking the wounded soldiers that are fatally wounded with an M for morphine and helping the ones with the best chance of survival. any chance it will be continued?

I think your one of the iffy ones. Depending on your other injures, blood loss, shock, poison, and dark magic. Roll of the dice.

I defiantly liked it. it being where its hard to tell if your dying or nothing too major but still bad makes it cool since they don't want you to know your about to die. im assuming tho its bad but its not entirely life threatening since he seems fully responsive and even joking before any pain meds but that first few sentences defiantly make it look like a lost cause case.

Okay, before I go, tip your head a little towards me. I need to make a few marks so everypony else will know what to do. We’re a little busy at the moment and another nurse might have to see you

Im glad that you have this part. soo many people seem to not know that you need to mark them if a tourniquet is used. my friend shot himself in the leg when offshore fishing (don't ask) and ended up having one left on for way too long because it wasn't marked and he was very far offshore. he now has almost a useless leg. I actually learned about marking them when playing the game Americas Army a long time ago

I like how there's no clear demarcation between the nurse's and the doctor's dialogue - similar to how someone wouldn't be able to clearly tell the difference when they've lost a lot of blood and is semi-conscious.

Well that was different. It felt like Dora the Explorer. Someone talks, I respond, but it doesn't really matter what I say. I envisioned being the hospital after a head injury without knowing how I got it. I guess I had some other injuries too, because I'm pretty sure that tourniquets aren't used on heads. At some point another doctor came in, and apparently I asked Nurse Red heart out on a date. She left, but I think that I lived.

Akiba #20 · Sep 3rd, 2014 · · 3 ·



You know it's bad when the fucking doctor is wincing.

I Am Groot

Unsurprisingly, no Sads were had by me. As the point, the guy was dying. That's why there was so much dialogue. Nice job.

4943743 Evanescence!! :pinkiehappy:

It seems as though everyone here is assuming the intent of this story was for you to have been mortally injured and dying. However, if they are applying a tourniquet, it's almost certainly a limb that is either mangled beyond recognition and will need to be amputated, or a limb that simply isn't there anymore. As one might infer from the existence of amputees, these are not fatal injuries if you've made it into a hospital and haven't died from blood loss yet. Since they seem to be ready to take the patient into surgery and mention having to do a few things before applying healing magic, this all seems like an amputation scenario. The limb was torn to ribbons and they're going to take the patient in to surgery to have it amputated.

People are quoting the doctors being taken aback, but this is almost certainly because of how badly the limb was mangled, and it's the doctors thinking "Oh wow, we can't save that, we'll have to amputate," and trying to keep the patient calm, which is also why they tried to keep the patient from looking at the limb.

I appreciate the style this was written in. It is something fresh and new, and despite the initial surprise I found it very comfortable to write. The sad tag is unwarranted here, I'd just call it a slice of life - only upon reading the comments section did I actually gather what could have happened (my engrish and medical knowledge didn't know what a tourniquet was)

It's one of those fics you wish would be continued in a sequel or prequel, but at the same time know that it is best left as is, as the vagueness is what makes it so special.

4946825 If that was the case you'd be in surgery the moment you're brought in.

4946982 Pretty sure they made mention of it being a bit busy...perhaps a train crash or something?...If so,It'd be understandable that it'd take a bit.

Alright Redheart, let's go on a date because you're the best nurse ever!
Also, I know what my injury was, I got into a fight with the undead and they just so happened to take a nip at my foreleg. NO, THESE UNDEAD DON'T INFECT.

Clearly there's been a major incident of some sort; there's lot of clues in the dialogue to back this up.

Firstly, it sounds as if there's not many beds available; the fact that the Nurse is specifically stating that there IS a room available shows us that there AREN'T many available.

Second: Redheart's diolouge reads as if she's talking very fast; it doesn't have the many pauses and breaks that occur in normal conversation. This shows that she's under some pressure to get me sorted out and move on the next patient, so there's probably a large influx of casualties coming into the Hospital.

Third: Under normal conditions, Hospitals usually don't mark patients for triage. Obviously, as previously stated, there are lots of patients who need to be treated, so triage would be important to determine those most in need of treatment/surgery, those with minor injuries and those who can't be saved.

Fourth: Nurse Redheart diss appears off rather suddenly at the end of the story, presumably to move on to another patient. So, as previously stated, there's probably a large influx of casualties coming into the Hospital.

During my first read through I thought it was a cherry tale of an accident and you were showing a rarely seen aspect of Ponyville, the health sector. She was professional, new her stuff, and had great bed side manner!

The second read through I got this cold feeling in my gut when I got to the end. The frantic pacing, the doctor coming and going with little to no banter, just a check and moving on like a combat doctor doing triage. He didn't proscribe any medicine, they never mentioned how bad the wound was, nor did he overly inspect the wound. There wasn't an open diagnonis. He saw us, the pony patient, as a lost cause and moving on. So I started wondering. . .

The third read I looked at it with a doomed prognosis. Redheart, clearly seeing these are my last moments comes back to be with me in the end after the doctor has passed a final judgement on me. Wishing my final moments in Equestria not to be filled with pain and terror, administers a heavy dose of sedative so I won't have to feel my organs shutting down from bloodloss. I would sail away to the Hinder Lands on a sweet, sweet boat of Morphine.

And then I realized that I had imagined all this because you omit just enough details to make me fill in the gaps. And then I started questioning why I filled in the gaps that way. And then I got a couple shots of Rum, and closed the window to think some where else. . .

Then he fell a sleep and later that night he woke up and they lived happily ever after... but they didn't DID THEY *Cries eyes out* I loved the story :)

Very nice :raritywink:
This is just a suggestion from one nurse to another, perhaps you should've asked if the patient is in pain. :fluttershysad:

Ehh... Nice change of pace from the usual read, but nothing to really hook me. It was a'ight. :applejackunsure:

Con check to stay conscious for another chapter.
Try again.
You really rolled that badly?

I don't think I'm gonna make it...


Yes? :twilightblush:

Holy shit. As someone who went to the hospital as a kid with a minor head wound, I can say that a lot of this is accurate as fuck. I got really vivid flashbacks from it, from the nurse's calm reassurances to the questions and idle chit chat. I could smell the alcohol and I felt like my mind was clouded. Really superb work.

Comment posted by Tinandel deleted Sep 4th, 2014

The biggest clue to what's happening here isn't in the story itself, it's in the tag.


If this had been labeled slice-of-life, it could have been about anything. Seeing the Sad tag before you even go into it, though, makes you start thinking and planning for the worst. The character's dying, and Redheart is making his/her last moments comfortable.

This reads to me as extremely busy, with the character (the reader judging by perspective) having too cloudy a mind to really take in their environment. But from what I can tell? This is triage. This isn't just one person being brought in on emergency, or even a few people. This is a frantic rush to get a massive influx of patients in and dealt with. The marked face? They taught us to do that when applying a tourniquet in the field when I was in the Army. As in, dab your gloved finger in the soldier's blood if you have to and have nothing else, just to make sure that they are marked and others know you've applied a tourniquet. Basically not something that they would normally do in conventional circumstances at the average hospital.

Now the injury may be simple in terms of what it actually is. In fact given the way things are talked about and how Redheart expressly tries to pull your thoughts away from your injury and put them on the differences between two ceilings, has me think it is likely something that probably needs lopping off. The doctor moves fast and knows things are bad. They take a step in and don't even bother with banter or much bed-side manner, giving you a few token reassurances, and stepping out. Doctor Stable has already made his diagnosis and you are a lost cause.

And I don't just mean the limb.

It seems a lot of opinions are in two camps. The first is "Oh, you've got some horrible thing that's going to kill you" or the "oh, its not so serious: maybe just an amputation". Well I think both of those camps are correct. It likely is a horribly flayed limb that resembles the aftermath of detonating a bowl of beef stroganoff and spaghetti sauce. Normally it would be a matter of rushing you into surgery and lopping it off after they put you under. But that would be another time. When there aren't dozens or who knows how many more in your condition or worse rushing in. You are in triage and sadly so much medicine and magical energy has been expended that for now - they can just make you feel good.

The way Redheart breaks up in her speech at the end? How in the beginning she is so clipped? She disappears, another nurse appears for only a few minutes? The doctor who doesn't even bother to really grab your name?

You're dead. Or at best, horribly and irreparably scarred for life.

The best Redheart can give you is the sweet release of morphine.

. . . .

And then I look back and realize how vague and open this story is.

And realize I am horribly fucked up.

My guess would be a nicked brachial artery and some other minor lacerations and stuff, Nicked because she says she is going to tourniquet before she does it, and doesn't just slap one on. First read through, just thought was a bit of idle chatter going saying they were busy, missed him getting triage'd. would say a bomb, or as I was scrolling down I saw train wreck, and you probably are going to loose the arm, barring magic.

4944674 What marks do they usually put on that thing, and what do they mean?

As for what I think the story meant, taking into account the tone and the image, the main character is probably gonna die.

4951384 your suppose to mark the persons forehead with the letter T to mark that I tourniquet is used along with if possible the time it was applied. that way the next person to take care of them will know that there's one applied. you don't want to have a tourniquet on too long because you are stopping blood flow past it which can start damaging tissue if kept long enough. tourniquets are known to be a last option to control bleeding because they can be damaging

Basically what I said earlier. I suddenly don't feel so bad.

4950421 Then, wouldn't it be labeled. "Tragedy"?

4951543 well that makes sense now, thanks :pinkiehappy:

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~Castaway, The Gothic Archies
Sorry, but I always think of that song whenever I hear/see the word Tourniquet
Anyways, AMAZING story
Only gripe is I wish there was an indication for when someone else starts speaking

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