• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

Comments ( 93 )

Comment section minigames for the story Discord Sits on Celestia’s Throne (anypony can play in the comment section of this story)

Does this story remind you of a song that you know? If yes, post it in the comments in the following format:
- A link or embedded Youtube video of it.
- Percentage of correlation (0% being an unrelated song, 100% being a song written exactly for this story).
- Reason why this song reminded you of this story or the excerpt of the lyrics that resonates with this fic in some way.

Music for reading:
The Gathering - Saturnine — Correlation: 80% (Lyrics)
All the stuff you left me with — is way too much to handle — but I guess you don't care

Dangan Ronpa - Despair — Correlation: 60% (Lyrics)
Mask the weakness — Delve into the madness

Nemesea - Angel in the Dark — Correlation: 50% (Lyrics)
She used to live, she used to give — She always enjoyed life the way it was meant — But clouds they came and played their game

Carved Lies - Broken Alchemy — Correlation: 40% (Lyrics)
This emotion has become a panic in your devils smile

Fall Out Boy - Thanks For The Memories [recommended by 4865471] — Correlation: 40% (Lyrics)
One night and one more time — Thanks for the memories — Even though they weren't so great

Queen Adreena - Suck — Correlation: 40% (Lyrics)
Suck it down deeper — Oh, suck, la, la, la, la, la, la, la — A little bit deeper

Does this story remind you of a picture that you know? If yes, post it in the comments. You might win this game, and your picture will get posted as a cover art for this story.

Record yourself reading this story aloud. Upload your mp3 to MLP: Audiobooks, for instance, and paste the link to your audio or video in the comments.

Reward: A spot in the author’s note of this story.


0% Its just my favorite song

4860973 It's a nice song. The atmosphere is similar to the atmosphere of this story. I'd give your song a 5% correlation (at least 40% is needed to be posted as reading recommendation).

Thank you for playing the Game 1.

Cascada - Bad Boy

Maybe 50% related. Not sure exactly.:twilightblush:

the first story to be added to my group by someone other than me :o .....

guess i better go take a look at it then....

4861105 Well, if Celestia would be running the show, then this would definitely apply. As it is, I think Celestia would prefer to have Discord as a friend. I'm giving your song 10% correlation.

Thank you for playing Game 1.

4861129 Reader discretion is advised.

4861145 indeed , im not sure how i feel about this fic , from the ending shouldn't it have a dark tag?....

and while it certainly meets the criteria for the group , can't say i particularly enjoyed it , probably the biggest issue is with the ooc use of discord for this , it was so far ooc it might as well have been tirek who was the other character in this fic.....

4861238 I thought the Tragedy tag covered the ending, but since you think it's appropriate, I'm also adding the Dark tag.

About Discord, Spirit of Chaos, the one responsible for the entire Chaos Era, I think it's a bit OOC for him to be Fluttershy's pet. This story explains why he doesn't try to take over Equestria again. It's because he made a sweet deal with Celestia. Equestria is already his, but besides Celestia, nopony knows about it.

4861290 he's not her pet though , he's her friend , which i considered kinda to be the main point of the show :l ....

though i've also seen valid arguments made against the relationship , but that was also mended a bit with season 4's final as well , .........

.....hmmmm.......there's more comments i want to make about what you explained about discord there , but im not sure where to take it.....

It was okay... But the sex scene was really short.:rainbowderp: I do have to say that I DID enjoy this. Also, Celestia is really OOC. :pinkiesmile: So I will give this story a 7/10 rating. :twilightsmile: Have a nice day!

As you wish.

Celestia gets violently raped by Discord and then he rules over equestria?
My reaction:

song fall out boy thanks for the memories

4865471 Congratulations, you’ve just won Game 1.

Have a cookie.

I’m giving your song 40% correlation, making it just applicable for the listing in the reading music recommendations for this story. Thank you for playing.

Let’s wait and see if we can get some more winners.

"Sleep" - Citizen

The fact that I somewhat enjoyed this enough to give it a like makes me hate myself.

4867668 Very close. I'm giving it about 30% correlation, which makes it just short of 40% that is needed for reading recommendation. 'I'll stay out of your way' and 'but I guess that can wait' kind of killed it. The whole second stanza was very relevant, though.

You still get a half of a cookie.

Thank you for playing Game 1.

4868220 Embrace the darkness within. :pinkiecrazy:


Punches The Lord of chaos off the throne

That's mine!

-all is explained in my soon to be released fiction-

DE_K #20 · Sep 17th, 2014 · · 1 ·

Why are some of your fics so argued? The votes are so close. Some meaning this and that of which further includes non-consensual intercourse.

5014592 I want to understand shit. So I poke at it until I get it. Some people don't want me playing with things that make them uncomfortable. They want to let me know that I should feel bad for not ignoring the hot subjects.

Personally, I think that the worst thing you can do with disturbing issues is to ignore them. So, I don't.

Just matters how and what you write. Don't worry, you'll never get this dark. Some things man...

5014671 You really are the baddest dragon around:heart:

judging by the comments and that it looks like you posted it to every group you could, I'm left questioning if it belongs in mine.
Since I'm not going to read this, before I do anything can you tell me. In what way is Discord put down, regrets taking the throne or proves humorously incapable of taking/holding the throne?

5026478 It's not Discord, the true ruler of Equestria, that resists. It's Celestia, and her protests turn out to be futile. Since that is what your group is about, I thought this story fit the bill.

Either way, I removed this story from your group. Thank you for letting me know about your reservations in regards to this story in your group.

I see. Thank you for your reply.
While the basic idea does fit my group, in an unexpected way, the mention of rape is the biggest question as to how this is a comedy.
If you actually have somehow written a funny story without making light of such a topic, then I'm ok with it. This is why I ask questions instead of just removing it.

5029626 This story isn't a perfect fit and its theme is contentious. I think it's best if we leave it out of your group.


Reading the story, I found it odd. Well, the fact that discord is in a clopfic. Also, rape. Ik not sure if I should approve this into the library. I did math on your like meter, and found you had in total, nine likes. I understand the semsitive topic, and what you were trying to do, but I can't approve you without a moderator looking over this.

That's what happenes here?
I'm going to be sick (sucks no matter what I see or smell I can't actually vomit, nit really sucks, whatever) what happened after discord was done with her? Was celly imprisoned or...because I can't really read this.......

5084056 I'm a member of about 900 groups, so I'm not sure which group you are referring to. Can you give me a name of it.

When you say 'like meter', what do you mean. What is the math behind it?

5085922 You don't have to read it if you're that sensitive. I can tell you what happened. This story is actually my head canon.

Do you ever wonder why Celestia lets Discord get away with everything he does? Do you wonder why Celestia always looks a bit distant and doesn't get personally involved in events? Here's why. Discord's daily visits are playing havoc on her mental health. She's just trying to keep her shit together.

That sounds like a decent theory.

5086021 I've told you what happens in the end. Celestia is faced with a prospect of daily visits from Discord.

All in all, it's a win-win situation. Celestia keeps Discord from playing with anypony else and Discord gets his daily entertainment. It's a stable relationship between those two. A 'forever after' kind of ending.

Oh, poor celly...

5086013 Like meter, as in the like to dislike thing at the top right corner of your story.

And 500? Damn.

Here's why. Discord's daily visits are playing havoc on her mental health. She's just trying to keep her shit together.

That's one of the most depressing things I've ever read ... :fluttercry:

Why so controversial Bad?

5096768 I believe that ideal human isn't affected by controversial subjects. When I look around, however, I see that I'm not living in a world of super Homo sapiens. People need a nudge to become more optimal. I'm trying to give everypony an opportunity to better themselves.

5096807 Well then, you're doing a good thing here Bad.

I'd like to know what the *BLANK* gives, this is the 5th time I have seen an "update" to the story and there IS no new chapters

5132194 It was probably added to one of the groups you're a member of.

hey you thing just got yahtzeed , finally i've been waiting for them to do a story i already knew about , wonder what a yahtzee'd fic will look like c: ....

5138073 By yahtzeed, I assume you mean randomly chosen. Not sure who they are, though. I could go with some rephrasing of what you said or I won't be able to fully appreciate the meaning of your words.

5138219 oh you don't know who yahtzee is? then you're gonna have to watch a bunch of this....


so you will be able to appreciate what this group is doing and i see just did to your fic here.....


5138233 I misunderstood you. Yahtzee is also a game that Hasbro owns.

I'm a member of around 900 groups, and didn't know that you were refering to Zero punctuation reviews. I wasn't sure if that group was even still active.

5138267 mother of fuck 900? god danmit....

yeah i know that's the name also used for that amerotrash game , but i don't like to acknowledge it's existence......

5096885 *face, er..hooves?* (ouch)

I liked this story but It ended very quickly before Discord revealed it was all a joke and Celestia accepts defeat really quick without much of a struggle.

5195443 In my head canon, Celestia figured out long before Discord's visit that she can't oppose him. She couldn't risk a direct fight, and would lose it even if she did. Acting as a buffer between Discord and her ponies was the only thing she could do. In a sense, she's the victor in this story.

I implied at this in the story, but maybe an outright reveal would be a better choice. I just don't know sometimes.

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