• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


Sea Otter, Tempest domain Cleric, Gamer, Writer. Currently nestled out on the east coast, watching icebergs float past. Discord: Tundara's Fanfiction Forum


Following the War of the Sun and Moon, a thousand years before Luna's redemption, Cadence lead her supporters north to the Crystal Valley, home of a vast group of Diamond Dogs. Overlooking the approaching horde, Cadence reflects on the past, and rallies her ponies. In the process, she creates a legend that will echo through the coming centuries.

The pacification of Crystal Valley commences.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 52 )

Wow, this Cadence is awesome. Please sir, may I have some more? :pinkiesad2:

We need more Cadence stories like this one, loved it! :pinkiehappy: Next, we need a Badass Cadence group.

Nice insight into Cadence, but I have to wonder how the crystal valley plays into this series if Sombra was the instigator in basically every bad thing to happen in your series thus far. Do things proceed as canon or-?

Badass Cadence? Do you have any idea how rare that is? Well... I know you can pull it off.

I like it!:heart: A great edition to the myths and birthrights universe

So basically she just goes in and kills those guys?

without the alt tag I wouldnt have bought it.

Well written but a tad bit cheesy.

Nice work, go get 'em, Cadence!

that was shorter then i'm use to from you but still good


I wrote it intentionally a little cheesy. Mostly as I wrote it in a little over an hour to accompany the art. It was meant to just be in a blog-post, but people were all, 'Make it a little longer and post it.' So I did.



He's far from the instigator for everything. I mean, he wasn't involved in what happened over on Gaea. :derpytongue2:

4836576 True, as far as Iokan events (I know of, I'll eventually read Queen in stone) go he basically is though; at least, from a first domino perspective.

Speaking of, will we ever find out what screwed Gaea up so horrendously?

4836590 Fairly certain that was the result of Alicorn-Alicorn warfare on a massive scale... :unsuresweetie:

4836785 True, but I don't think even a god would get bored enough to start a giant, cataclysmic war for the lulz. (Maybe Ares)

There's probably some motive: Oil Peace, resources conflict of ideas of some sort, etc.

4836975 Family feuds? All sorts of monarchies ran into civil war over which son/house got the crown- the War of the Roses comes to mind. :twistnerd:


The origins of that conflict are... complicated. There was kidnapping, old feuds, murder, scorned love and pride, and more besides. :twilightoops:

4837140 I'll chalk it up to "What didn't go wrong?" then.

The fact that this has so few views is saddening :ajsleepy: Short, sweet, and very sensitive with emotions, it can touch the reader on a larger scale. In short, I enjoyed it very much.

Great art, great little one-shot. I'm really loving the idea of these two separate veteran legions fighting together to reclaim the north. It sort of comes off as a giant team building exercise for the previously opposed armies that eventually become the royal guard.

from the natural magics the permeated the land.


Get a proofreader please.

I feel like this isn't complete, but it's marked complete. I think it's mostly because I'd love to see what you would do with your descriptive talents in a battle scene. Oh well...

Another great story although I would've liked to read what happened during the battle but oh well. Also speaking of war I've always wondered how non unicorn ponies would use swords and shields since they only have a mouth? Even the makers of the show thought it was a bad idea since we only see the royal guards use spears.
Edit changed magical to unicorn.


The way I have it is that the Earth Ponies very rarely serve as front line soldiers. When they do, they way the heaviest, toughest armour available and use brute, crushing force through kicks, stomping, and massed charges. It's not a very effective tactic, however, and even an Earth Pony's endurance can't handle that much weight for very long.

The unicorns and pegasi have very different methods and tactics. Unicorns, with their TK, are able to approximate our (Human) tactics and styles. For the Unicorns I use Roman Legion style organisation and tactics, as it feels right with the herd mentality. Just as very few people were knights, few unicorns are wizards (particularly Battle-Wizards), even at the point this little vignette takes place. :twilightblush:

Pegasi, I've generally gone with more mixed styles, favouring guerilla warefare, or fast paced Mongol cavalry. Later on within the setting, the pegasi appropriated the term 'Legion' to describe their familial groupings, much as the unicorns use 'House', and the Earth ponies 'Clans'. There is history behind this that, frankly, doesn't need going into here.



I wrote a battle scene for another story. It was, sadly, mostly cut for various reasons. :raritydespair: I've not really tried one since, or before if I am honest. :twilightblush:

Love that title picture

The writing is mint, as well. :D


And a Sabatton Soundtrack.

This is bothering me more than it should. It's Cadance, not Cadence, and it's not even a matter of preference when it comes to spelling it (I promise!). Names are names, and I just find it overall discouraging when I see your main character's name isn't even spelled correctly.


I've been spelling her name that way since... forever. It's one of those things I curmudgeonly refuse to change. :derpytongue2:

Does it bother you as much when people spell Big McIntosh wrong?

(The staff spelt it Cadence first.)

Dat armor...

Meh... mine is better

I don't think it's a fair contest, yours has an AI in it...


cadance is the long-lost primarch of the pretty marines

it all makes sense now

Yes, but not as much seeing as Big Mac's used more anyway.

Fair enough, at least you know how it's spelled. People who don't know it's Cadance, Apple Bloom or Big McIntosh make me rage a tiny bit on the inside.

McIntosh... there's no 'a' :rainbowwild:

...I hate that I need auto correct. I really do, or that sucker would be turned the fuck off. :facehoof:

I think a halberd would be a great weapon for earth ponies since it would allow then to have a slashing and thrusting attack while still having a good distance between them and their attacker. Also if they have a Swiss halberd earth ponies could use the hook to latch on to their opponent and bring them down so they can use their hooves.

Personally, I prefer long spikes mounted on the back of their front hooves. Maybe blades mounted on the front, and bull horns on their helmets.

The weapon selection for ponies in my headcanon is:

All kinds: Lances, (generally side mounted as seen in the show but pegasi/thestrials also using belly mounts during flight).

Unicorns: Swords, pole weapons[1] and throwing blades of various descriptions. Commonly taking a weaker weapon that works better with spell casting.
Pegasi/Thestrials: Wing blades and retractable blades mounted on the forelegs.
Earth Ponies: Heavy armoured horse boots[2], leg mounted spikes and chain weapons.

Alicorns I see as typically choosing to go with "unicorn plus wing blades." Given the alicorn population, their apparent lifespan and their status, it is safe to assume that said weapons being enchanted is a baseline.

[1] See the "Fall of the Crystal Empire" video for an example.

[2] What the Upheaval stories call 'tramplers', i.e. the Equestian version of a mace.

Cadence as a warrior... I'm okay with this.

I really like this story. :pinkiehappy: It does portray Cadance nicely... I mean, it seems to fit her character.
And happy after months I finally found it.

Dude! Every time I turn around I find something of yours that makes me smile:pinkiehappy::yay::twilightsmile:. I love mining these nuggets of amazing out of all the good stuff here. Thanks!


Hehehe, thanks. I'm glad you enjoy all the little things I've put together. :twilightsmile:

My rating: >^.^<b

If you ask me, though this hardly seems like a slice of life, perhaps a drama instead?

So, this has nothing to do with the Crystal Empire. My fault for getting my hopes up. Otherwise, a good one-shot. Would upvote again. :trollestia:


Yeah, I am taking the Alternate Universe nature of Ioka more to heart with the Crystal Principality/City than I did with Equestria. I stayed a little too close to the first few seasons with Equestria, and have used the other areas to branch out and differentiate things. I put a brief description taken from an unfinished side-story in my reply to your comment over on Pride and Envy.

Nice one shot. I’m glad I took the time to read it.

A river cut through the valley before her, winding through the rolling, grassy hills strewn with crystalline menhirs growing from the natural magics the permeated the land.

What a fun concept for a landscape! Menhirs, huh? I whole-heartedly approve, even without the "men." heh.

At Moonshade Fields, Cadence had even commanded one such army, though under the Nightmare’s judging gaze, and then, again, at the disastrous Fifth Battle of Flankshire.

Wait wait wait... She commanded an army under Nightmare's gaze? Huh.

After today, we will be sisters and brothers all, bound in blood and sweat and victory. We will avenge those taken from us

More and more questions I have, I have never read anything of yours before, but am intrigued. I'll have to go to your main story and catch up. Biggest question though is how Cadence went from this battle-hardened heroine to the Alicorn of Love. Fun little snippet. Thanks for writing it.

Sparkle Cola:twilightsmile:


I really like young Cadence as she is in my little Alternate Universe. No stories involving her have really cropped to mind in some time, however. Nothing that got past a page or two before being relegated to the 'Abandoned Works' folder. :facehoof:

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