• Published 13th Apr 2012
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My Little Heartbreak: Creativi-Tea - Jet_Black1980

It's a week later and Twilight is nagging Heartbreak about her first letter to Celestia.

  • ...

The Final Dregs

Chapter 29

The Final Dregs

There is a terrible pounding in my head when I finally come to. I hear faint voices in the background. They grow stronger and stronger as I become more aware of everything.

“Well, thank you for your concern and stopping by,” Twilight says. I would ask to whom she is talking to, but right now? I don’t care. A good number of things on my body hurt. My eyes, my ears, my stomach, there is even a faint whining pain from my right hoof... why is that- I look up at it. There is a hole clear through it.

“Oh yeah,” I whisper, in a grumbling voice. It comes back to me why I did that. So I could draw again. Or at the very least, use my hoof in a way that was comparable to a hand. I let it drop and find that it hits something soft at my side. I am laying down in a bed with a blanket covering me. Looking to the side of this small alcove cot are my saddle bags. They are dingy and dirty from the day’s adventure. All around me are a flurry of pictures and drawings. Some of them have been organized into nice stacks, others have been left alone. There is a self portrait that is tucked in the mirror. I haven’t been here but a week and this whole room is filled with potent memories already.

Looking over at the wall, I can see a clock. It’s reading 8:00. From the window it looks like it’s dark outside. I can’t tell if that means am or pm. Either way, I don’t care. All I know right now is a gnawing pain: a pain that isn’t helped as I hear hooves coming up the stairs and the glittering buzz of magic in the air.

“Oooooouch....” I quietly moan, a sudden wave of thirst hits me.

“Well, look who’s awake,” Twilight’s voice says softly.

I know what’s coming. Twilight is going to give me a lecture. A lecture about many things, about how I went off the deep end, how I over indulged and how I drastically altered myself for the sake of grabbing onto something that I can’t have anymore.

“Welcome back,” she says.

“Thanks...” I whisper. “Ack...Thirsty...really, really thirsty.”

No sooner had I said it, I can hear water being poured into a glass. “Can you sit up, HB?” Twilight asks. She called me HB. Isn’t she mad?

I push myself up. “Y-y-yeah... but...oof...I feel so weak.” I grimace at admitting to this. A cold feeling pauses over my lips when I feel the cup touch them. Opening my mouth, I feel a cool sensation of water trickle down my throat. After draining the glass, I gasp and cough. “Thank you, Twilight.”

“You’re welcome, H.B.,” She replies.

“How long have I been out?” I ask, waiting for her tone to change and the lecturing to begin.

“About five hours,” Twilight replies.

I sigh. “Is Ponyville still here?” I ask.

“Yup, we ponies a resilient bunch, most of the hats and watches have been tracked down-” Twilight begins.

“You mean, most of the mess that I helped create has been cleaned up,” I interrupt.

Twilight takes a deep breath. Not even a few minutes awake and I am already pushing her buttons it seems. “I’m not going to pretend that it wasn’t easy..” Here it comes, a lecture that I deserve. After all, I think I hurt quite a few ponies in my tea driven tirade over the whole of Ponyville. "But it isn’t entirely your fault, H.B.,” Twilight finishes.

I turn my head and look at her, confused. “I’m not sure I heard that right. How was what happened not my fault?”

“You weren’t fully in control of your actions, H.B. You were under the influence of something that I gave you. And because I was so sure that it would help and would just magically fix your problems, I didn’t stop and think about any repercussions to it all,” Twilight said, looking down.

“Twilight...you’re not the one who got a dentist to drill a hole in her hoof.” My mind wanders over the fuzzy memories. “Or ....” I blink in horror, and my left eye twitches.

Twilight looks at me. “Or?”

“Oh, Fetlocks! Ugh!” I exclaim.

Twilight blinks. “What?” she asks.

“I sang to High Hat,” I reply. "Oh shit, geeeze! Fuck! I was singing. And dancing!" I think to myself. Part of me now wants to be angry with Twilight for the tea, the other part of me just wants to cower under the blankets and wait for the world to go away.

“Well, I know you have expressed a few times that you don’t want to sing, but if you think that’s bad, just wait till you remember what you did to Pepper Pocket,” Twilight replies, smirking a bit.

I feel a blank in my memory being filled, my face blanches and I feel very ill. “Oh geeze... I-I-I remember what I said to him. Oh FffffEtlocks!” I fall back to the bed. This is not good. “It must have sounded like I wanted to rape him!” I feel my stomach turn. “Twilight! Bucket!” Twilight only reacts and quickly zips a bucket to my face. I must look green around the gills. It’s moments later that I loose the contents of my stomach. After everything clears, I flop back against the bed. “And then there was Ghost Writer.” I curl up. “Remembering all this is just getting better and better....He most likely doesn’t ever want to see me again.”

I feel something solid touch my shoulder. It’s Twilight’s hoof. Damn it! How can she be nice to me after all this?

“If it makes you feel any better HB, none of the ponies that you interacted with hate you. They are actually concerned about how you are doing and hoping that you are alright,” Twilight says. “And despite the massive amounts of chaos that happened, no pony really got hurt.”

I roll my eyes and look at Twilight. “Really? ‘Cause last I checked, minor brain damage was a serious thing, Twilight...”

Twilight takes a deep breath. “Heartbreak, there’s a great deal of blame that can go around for everypony here.” she eyes me. “So stop beating yourself up.”

“I...think I can’t help it, Twilight. Lots of things happened all within the short span of a day. And all because we wanted to get me back on the road to my ‘special talent.’” I turn back over. This talk just feels like one massive socially awkward penguin. “You know what’s worse? I don’t think I have any lessons I can write to the Princess about. I don’t think I learned anything...” I stare at the hole in my hoof. It’s almost like a metaphor for something that I can’t figure out. Maybe this situation?

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, H.B.,” Twilight says, her voice changing from sad to amused.

I turn over and blink at her. “Right, the only thing I can think of is something about how a little magic in the wrong h-hooves or in the wrong pony can be a bad thing. Other than that, I have nothing.”

Twilight smiles at me. “Well, maybe that’s because you misplaced the notes you left yourself, H.B.”

I stare blankly at Twilight. How can she take this light hearted, humor filled tone is beyond me. “What? Did you find something in this horrible mess I left in your library, Twilight?”

“Actually, no. I decided to let you sort through all this,” she leans her head down. “It is. after all, your mess, and you are the one that made it. The ‘notes’ I’m talking about where things that you left with other ponies.”

I frown. “I’m still confused, and am suffering from a pounding headache. Explain please?”

“Well, I left you here at the library with Fluttershy for a while. I thought I would go see how those three ponies you shared your ‘creativi-tea’ with were recovering.” Twilight began.

“More like Insani-tea,” I reply bitterly.

Twilight gives the look she gave me on our train ride back to Ponyville. “Can I continue?”

I look at her apologetically. “I-” I begin to try to push out a ‘I’m sorry’, but it doesn’t come out. It squeaks and frantically runs away from my mouth. It feels exactly like when I try to say ‘hand’, ‘people’, ‘person’ or a good number of other words. This momentarily frightens me. So instead I am left with a forlorn sounding “I...suppose.”

Twilight blinks at me with a concerned face. “Are you alright H.B.? Is there something wrong?”

“No. But tell me what lessons I supposedly left with other ponies today,” I reply. The look of concern doesn’t leave Twilight’s face. But she begins to tell me about what happened...


The dentist’s office looked pretty well closed for the day. However, Dr. Bright-White was still in the back, cleaning up the mess he had created. When Dr. Colgate came back, she was in much shock at what he had done. Experimentation on others teeth was apparently something to be frowned upon.

He could have had his license revoked right there on the spot had it not been for Zecora explaining the situation. With her talking Colgate down, he would keep his license, but had to clean up the mess he made in the office and try to undo whatever it was he did to the patients’ teeth.

He sighed. “All I wanted to do was be a better dentist...” he looked at his cutie mark. A large happy smile. He was told more than once that the size of it and the way it covered his flank unnerved some of the patients. He sighed as he picked up restraints, cleaned up pastes, and tried to put tools back in their places.

The doorbell went off to the front. Bright-White groaned and went up front to greet whoever it was. “I’m terribly sorry if you set up an appointment today, however due to a recent....mishap, we are currently closed. If you would like I can reschedule for you,” he told a purple unicorn who had just walked in.

“Actually, I’m not here for an appointment. But I am here to see you, Dr. Bright-White, I presume?” she asked with a concerned look.

Bright-White shuddered. “You’ll have to excuse me, the last mare that asked me that wanted a hole drilled into her hoof.”

“Ah, yes...She’s part of the reason I’m here,” she began. “My name is Twilight Sparkle,”

“Twilight Sparkle...” he opened the ledger. “Oh, yes. You are actually scheduled for a checkup come next week.”

“Oh, yeah, fancy that,” Twilight looked the Doctor. “I’m here actually to see how you are doing-”

“Quite well, thank you,” Bright-White interrupted. “I mean, other than tired, nearly losing my ability to practice, and having helped a mare drastically alter her body. I am very well.”

Twilight blinked. The doctor was a bit chipper than what she expected. “I would expect that you aren’t wanting to see Heartbreak anytime in the near future, though?”

Bright-White blinked. “You know...I’m not terribly sure. I mean yes, she did drug me and get me to drill a hole where a hole should almost never be...But I’d rather look on the bright side of things.” he looked over his shoulder. “I’m not just Bright-White for the smiles you know.”

Twilight looked confused. “There’s a bright side to all this?” she asked.

“Yes of course there is!” he replied pulling down some x-rays. “As my Auntie Red always said, ‘B.W. there’s always a bright side to things! There’s always a lesson in some situation if you are willing to look for one!’”

Twilight’s head cocked to the side. “And what lesson do you think was learned today?” She asked.

“That little dragon Spike had it right. I should have taken my patients one at a time.” he sighed. “I really should have been taking things one step at a time. I’ve been trying to push myself to be like Colgate. Because let’s face it, everypony likes her more than I. But I was failing to realize that she took her time in getting to where she is as a dentist. If I take things one step at a time, I’m sure to get there someday.”

Twilight mulled this over. It wasn’t a big lesson, it didn’t seem that profound, but it was a lesson nevertheless.


“Take things one at a time, and I’m sure to get there someday?” She has to be kidding me with this lesson. “No offense Twilight, but that doesn’t seem that profound of a lesson to me.”

Twilight rolls her eyes. “It might not be the most deep lesson in the world, but,” she looks at me. “Assuming that you know as much as I think you know about me, my friends, and the lessons we’ve learned over the years. Are the deepest and most profound lessons about ourselves really that complicated?”

I think about it. I think about how many different lessons that all of the ponies learned. Some of them were the blinding obvious, others were rather wordy, still others included a simple sentence. “No. But I am not sure how she...the Princess... is going to feel about ‘Dear Princess Celestia, today I got high on tea that Twilight gave me and caused chaos in ponyville. I learned that a little bit of magic can go a long way, and can be a dangerous thing in the wrong hooves. But if I take things one step at a time, I'll sure to make it there someday!’”

Twilight smirks. “I would leave out that first part and just maybe I’ll write an accompanying note explaining the whole situation and how it wasn’t really your fault. However, before you get out your pencils to write this letter, maybe you should let me finish my story about what else happened.”

I look down at the bed. “Okay,” I reply.