• Published 8th Jun 2014
  • 13,752 Views, 839 Comments

Shadowy Love - FinnPony

King Sombra, the tyrant of Crystal Empire is back, only to be imprisoned by princesses and put through reformation with Twilight Sparkle as his teacher. Can somepony with heart as black as night be reformed? Twilight believes so.

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Chapter 24

Shadowy Love

By FinnPony

Chapter 24

Sombra was turning in his bed. The princesses, coming here, to meet him, in a couple of days? He didn’t know if he was even ready yet. He had changed, sure. But still, when he thought about the royal sisters and Cadence… Especially Cadence, he felt some of that hate that he had left in him twist somewhere inside of him. The memory of the royal sisters ripping his empire from him, banishing him into the coldness of The Frozen North and Cadence snatching the Crystal Heart from right in front of him made him frown. He sighed deeply and turned so that he was facing the windows. He knew that Twilight Sparkle trusted him, and it was stirring some mixed feelings in his head. He wanted to make her happy by impressing the princesses, but even the thought of seeing them made him feel completely the opposite way.

He sighed again, and stared blankly at the windows, from where he could see the black night sky and all those frost flowers growing in the glass.

His eyes went wide and he rose up to a sitting position, staring at the glass. The frost started to climb up the windows, and he knew what was coming. Soon his breath could be seen and he felt chilly. He jumped down from the bed and walked to the window, swiping it with his hoof. It helped a little, but the glass was frozen almost instantly again. He noticed how the temperature kept dropping, and he shivered a little.

“You better have made some progress!” the familiar, angry voice said to Sombra, but this time it felt like it would have had a source instead of being a figureless sound.

“I… have,” Sombra said slowly. “I am just a couple of steps from getting what we need.”

“is that so?” the calm voice asked, and Sombra felt a cold wave brush his neck. He turned around and saw three shadows moving around the room. He could see them as blurry forms without clear outlines. He knew that it meant that they were running out of time. They would have to act soon. He wasn’t ready yet.

“We are becoming impatient with all this waiting,” it told Sombra, who frowned.

“I am working as fast as I can!” he said to his defence. “It has not been easy. Twilight Sparkle has not given me a good opening to proceed!”

“Yes, we know,” the sad voice sighed and one of the shadows moved. “You have been meeting her friends, dining with her… getting to know her.”

“You are slipping!” the angry one shouted and one of the shadows started to move around him in circles. Sombra was sure that he could hear the clattering of hooves while it moved.

“I am not slipping,” Sombra growled. “I am waiting for the right opportunity!”

“Master,” the calm one said. “We have been ravaging the forest for prey, but they can only feed us for so long… Critters are not a great source of powers that we feast on.”

“Do you think that it has been easy for me either?” Sombra asked and waved his hoof towards one of the shadows, that quickly moved moved out of his reach

“Surely it has been hard to enjoy the hospitality of Twilight Sparkle,” the calm one said coldly. “Just remember that she is one of those who are responsible for your current situation.”

Sombra snorted and turned to stare at the frozen window.

“Of course,” he answered, but he could sense that the voices had some doubts. He heard the same clattering of hooves that he had heard earlier. The floor seemed to freeze where the shadows moved, and the temperature was getting even colder.

The sad one let out a long, sad groan, before saying, “She is not Crystal.”

That made Sombra’s face twist into a angry grin. He let out a loud growl, before swinging his hoof at the shadows again with the same results as before.

“Never say her name again you…” he started, but his sentence ended into a loud gasp.

Sombra felt like a pair of icy claws would have been wrapped around his throat, making it impossible for him to breath. He stared at the shadows with a shocked, angry look in his red eyes. He hissed with his fangs showing, but he was lifted upwards from his neck by those cold claws.

“She is not Crystal!” the angry voice shouted and let out a loud, challenging snort. Somba tried to stare angrily at the shadow, but the lack of oxygen made it difficult.

The sad one spoke next, “Does master still remember what you promised for her?”

Sombra’s eyes went wide with that question.

“You promised that she was going to be the only pony that you would care for, in the whole world,” it continued. “But now it looks like there’s a new mare in your life.”

“S-shut up!” Sombra growled through his teeth.

The calm one then spoke, “And does master remember what he asked from us?”

Sombra knew where they were going with that.

“You wanted to have the power to get back your previous life for you and your sister,” it told him.

Sombra hissed and started to struggle, lifting his hooves to his throat.

“We agreed with you, and gave you that power,” the voice continued, it’s voice getting colder. “We granted you the revenge that you so much desired.”

“S-she never w-wanted me to h-have that!” Sombra wheezed with his last powers.

“That is not our problem! You asked for revenge, we gave it to you! We kept our part of the deal!” the angry voice shouted, and the grip around his neck tightened. “And you repay us how!? By playing your tricks with that mare! You are becoming a lovesick colt!”

“That is not part of our deal,” the calm one said, it’s voice echoing through the room. Sombra was released from the irony grip around his throat and was dropped back to the floor. He gasped for air, his vision getting clear again. He slowly looked up, and his gaze met with three pairs of blue, glowing eyes circling him. They seemed to float in the shadows, and all of them were fixated to him.

“We have kept our part of the deal,” they spoke in unison, making Sombra wince. He rose up and the ghostly glowing eyes kept spinning around him.

“We trust that you do the same?” they asked in unison, the speed of their circling growing, making Sombra’s mane and tail flow in the air current they were creating. Sombra spun around once, eyeing angrily at the shadows. He hated to admit it, but the voices were right. He had agreed to their terms when agreeing their deal. He also hated to admit the fact that they were right about Crystal too. He had promised to take care of her. No matter what it would take.Sadly, he had realized that it hadn’t been the right choice, but he also didn’t have anything else left.

He watched as the glowing, blue eyes spun around him fastly, and he sighed deeply.

“Yes,” was his answer.

“Splendid,” the calm one said with it’s cold voice. “We will be back soon, and you will find The King’s Gem. Are we understating each other?”

“Clearly,” Sombra said, and the shadows let out a hollow chuckle, before disappearing as quickly as they had appeared, a sound of clattering hooves getting distant before vanishing into the air. Sombra was left alone with his thoughts and a sore throat.

“The King’s Gem,” Sombra mumbled, sitting down to his haunches. He watched at the frost-flowers melting away on the window’s glass, thinking why everything was so hard for him. He had his grudges against The Crystal Empire, but on the other hoof he could hear his sister’s words ringing in his head, and that disgusted look she gave him in his dream was still haunting him. He wasn’t sure about anything anymore.

He lifted his front-hooves to his eyes and mumbled, “What have I gotten myself into?”

* * *

“He’s going at it again,” Flash Sentry noted to Sam, who walked next to him. They had just passed Sombra’s room, from where they had heard weird noises. Nothing too odd, they had gotten used to it.

“Yeah, so it would seem,” Sam said., and they continued their patrol.

After a while Sam noticed how the orange-coated pegasus seemed to have something on his mind. He sighed quietly. Surely Flash would soon start to tell him what was wrong.

“I can’t believe how she trusts that guy!” he exclaimed when they were on a safe distance away from the door to Sombra’s room.

“Here we go again,” Sam muttered to himself, before asking, “And by she you probably mean our princess?”

“Yes of course, who else would I mean?” Flash asked, not seeing where Sam was going on with his question.

“Son, you are dangerously close to mixing your private life with your work,” Sam said to Flash, who shot an irritated look at the older stallion.

“What do you mean?” he asked, but Sam blocked the question with another one.

“So how was your mother?” he asked, making Flash nervously look in front of him. Sam then continued, “You’ve been awfully quiet about your trip to The Crystal Empire.”

“So what? Can’t a stallion visit his mother?” Flash asked and looked at Sam angrily.

“Of course he can, but it’s just pretty suspicious when a guy leaves on the evening to visit his mother, only to come back the next morning.”

Flash went quiet for a while, and they walked to the lower levels of the castle, into the throne room. There they did a quick check to make sure that the doors were closed, before Flash stopped to stare at the throne of Twilight Sparkle.

“I’m sure that I’m doing the right thing here,” he said, earning Sam’s attention. He took a deep breath before turning towars the younger stallion.

“Okay kiddo, listen up,” he said with clear annoyance in his voice. “I don’t see anything wrong with you being head-over-hooves in love with princess Twilight, but my job’s on the line too.”

Flash opened his mouth to say something, but Sam stopped him by poking him in the chest and saying, “We’re here to protect and serve princess Twilight. We do as she wishes. If she says that we should give Sombra a good beating, I would be at it in the blink of an eye. But I do not agree with your vigilante work a couple of weeks ago.”

Flash’s eyes went wide when Sam said that. He stepped closer to the white-coated guard and asked, “Are you still mad at me for giving him a couple of small hits?”

“Yes!” Sam exclaimed. “I don’t beat up ponies without orders! I don’t mix my emotions with my work!”

“I am just protecting her!” Flash tried to protect himself.

“You are plotting something behind her back! Do you really think that nopony wouldn’t notice you shadowing him and creeping up to his door almost every night? And that’s not even the worst part! You do it so clearly that I noticed it! Now I got dragged into this mess with you!” Sam exclaimed, taking of his helmet and letting his blonde mane fall down his face.

“Well sorry for trying to do the right thing!” Flash almost shouted, but Sam just waved his hoof at him.

“Don’t say anything else! You’re already neck deep in problems. What if the princess will find out whatever it is that you are doing?” he asked with an almost pleading look on his face.

“You’re making it sound like I would be the bad guy here,” Flash said with hurt tone of voice, that made Sam grunt.

“No I‘m not! I know that you mean good, but you’re doing it all wrong,” Sam said. “You’re supposed to support our princess in everything she does.”

“But he keeps luring her into trusting him,” Flash said with voice of mixed anger and sadness. “I can’t let it happen! I’ve been ignored by Twilight for too long! By doing this I can finally show her that I’m there for her! I want to show her how I feel!”

Sam stared at him with his eyes wide and his mouth open. He knew that youngsters these days can make a real drama out of everything, but Flash Sentry seemed to be a master of it. Sam let out a loud sigh and brushed his hoof through his mane, before looking at Flash with a gaze that said ‘are you kidding me?’.

“So you really think that you’re in love with her?” he asked more calmly than before.

Flash nodded eagerly and said, “I love her!”

“That’s okay,” Sam said slowly, before giving him a stern stare. “But keep it professional.”

“How can I keep it professional?” Flash asked annoyedly. “She doesn’t have time for me when I’m not on the shift.”

“Start small. Buy her flowers and give them to her when you pass her on the hallways or something. That will only take a second or two, but it will make her remember you for it.”

“Really?” Flash asked suspiciously.

“Really,” Sam said and had a convincing smile on his lips.

Soon Flash too started to smile a little, but as soon as Sam saw it, he pushed Flash forcefully forward and said in his calm, professional voice, “We have a patrol to finish, and I want to have some shuteye before morning patrol so move it.”

“Yes sir,” Flash muttered.