• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Titanium Dragon

TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.


After the defeat of Tirek, Equestria is safe once more, but Luna can sense that her sister is troubled. When Celestia retreats to the starry realm of ascension in order to look upon the past, Luna joins her to discover what is bothering her.

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 244 )

Wow. I often wondered about Twilight's strength. Have a nice big thumbs for this excellent story.

Bravo, good sir. Bravo!

I was thinking about this after the finale, and decided that it needed to be written. It is a very interesting contrast in terms of scale.

Even if she totally violated rule 22 in doing so.

No matter how tempted I am with the prospect of unlimited power, I will not consume any energy field bigger than my head.

Aw shucks. Thanks. :twilightsmile:

None of the ponies are really powerful anyway. Nightmare Moon did the most damage with her laser beam on Celestia and the roof. Not talking about their physical prowess that is.

This is true; most ponies don't show much sign of unusual magical talent. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all seem to have pretty unique abilities which other ponies seem to lack, by and large.

Though we have seen Luna crack the ground with her hooves, and Big Mac tow around a house.

Poor Berry Punch.


I see I'm not the only one that likes to imagine Twilight with ludicrous amounts of power :ajsmug:

And I also feel like that last sentence is somewhat ominous. Almost feels like a hint to Luna having a relapse.

Well, it was mentioned way back in season 1 that she had the most potential of any unicorn that Celestia had ever seen. And now she apparently has pegasus and earth pony magic (whatever that is) on top of that, plus the ever-mysterious alicorn magic. Who even knows what she's capable of?

Not the show's creators, that's for sure. Of course, it is always kind of weird seeing stuff like this, and then seeing other episodes where the writers forget she can teleport... :trixieshiftright:

I think she doesn't teleport often because it's a really difficult spell (albeit with a relatively low cost (my headcanon))

And yeah... She has the most raw power of any unicorn Celestia has ever seen, which says a lot... And, well, OP Twilight is best Twilight. There's just something so exciting about her unleashing hell upon someone.

There is something viscerally satisfying about gigantic energy blasts, though I have to admit that, generally speaking, I actually prefer victories via clever thinking - I really enjoyed the door in The Crystal Empire, for instance, as well as her misdirection towards Nightmare Moon in the premier, where she took advantage of her arrogance to blink past her (which, by the looks of things, she wasn't really sure she could even do; it seems like Twilight is really good at picking up the magic of others by observation. Guess it comes with the territory of having your special talent be magic).

Throwing down with brutes like Tirek can be really spectacular (and amusingly, because MLP isn't much of an action show, the action sequence here was actually better than a lot of similar things precisely because they don't drag it out - they fight continuously and then it is over), but I prefer more insightful solutions.

Good thing, then, that Twilight doesn't think of herself as a purple wrecking ball; she seems to generally try to avoid confrontations rather than just using magic laser beams on them.

Of course, teleportation is handy for that.

Gotta wonder how many ponies even can teleport. We've only seen what, three ponies do it? I wonder if even Cadance and Shining Armor are capable.

I like how this short chapter portrate Celestia, how she feel guilty over her failure, and it also point out many points that Twilight with power she hardly had control over forced Tirek into an impas when he had power of Discord, mane 5 and entire Equestria, so it mean that princesses could beat Tirek anytime, or just transfer power to one alicorn and strike him before he grew into power.

As much as Celestia's mistakes and the fact that she never help in the show annoy me, it is always nice to read about her feeling guilty over it in a fanfic.

I would love to see more of Celestia on the show, but I think the writers struggle with writing an interesting episode featuring Celestia. She is a very perfect figure in many ways, and thus using her is a bit awkward because it takes away from the image of perfection, or else leads to boredom or deals with issues that people don't really think interest six year old girls, unfortunately.

Bookplayer wrote an intriguing blog post about this, and while I don't exactly agree with it, it is an interesting read.

Twilight is the only acceptable OP pony lol

Good to hear that my polychromatic brother approves of such things. :moustache:

You bring up an excellent point about Twilight's power during the episode.

How much power does she exactly have?

Personally, the fact that Twilight could hold her own against a far more experienced opponent empowered by possibly millions of ponies and chaos incarnate in spite of a power boost is testement enough. Also before Tierak pulled the bargain he was clearly ,IMO, struggling. Twilight looked like she wasn't even tired.

Have a like and a fave.

I theorise that only really skilled unicorns are capable of teleportation. As I said, I view it as low cost but high difficulty, and I honestly don't think that Shining can do it, although I do believe that Cadence can.

As for the whole Brain over Brawn thing. I agree, but you can't deny that massive explosions and displays of incredible power isn't more appealing to the eye,

The very first title I had for this story was Power Overwhelming, as I always think of the archons from Starcraft for some strange reason when I think of things which have their power barely under control.

I much prefer the title I actually ended up with, though; it was suggested by one of my prereaders and I liked it.

They can be very pretty, but it can also lead to the problem where it is really hard to really gauge who is winning and just how what their power means.

One thing I really enjoyed about some of the earlier episodes of Naruto, for instance, were the very interesting fight scenes where the characters all had interesting and unique fighting styles, allowing for a wide variety of tactics to be used, and a lot of interesting things to happen, as well as characters outsmarting each other and what have you. I thought those fights were far more visually interesting than most power battles, because a wider variety of things were going on.

Much as I enjoy that sort of thing, though, I really like MLP better as a slice of life thing, and approaching bad guys in a more relatable manner. It is perhaps less spectacular, but it has a greater impact on me. I liked Magic Duel's confrontation better, though obviously performing magic tricks is hardly the solution to all your problems.

I must admit to have not watched a lot of pre-shippuuden Naruto... Perhaps I should do so at some point, but I do remember watching some, and a few of the more interesting ways that fights were won. One that immediately sticks out is Ino vs Sakura in the Chunin exam, and Ino trying to use her "Clan Jutsu" to make Sakura surrender.

Off-topic Naruto ramblings:
If you have not seen the episode where they take the written test at the start of the Chuunin exam, it is one of the coolest things in the show in my eyes. I'm a sucker for that sort of thing, though.

Yeah, I've seen that... I still don't know how Gaara passed. It was way too obvious that he was cheating :applejackunsure:

I seem to be in full-on criticism mode lately. The start on this is too slow for my taste; you're wasting a few sentences in your hook. Also, I feel like the voices on Luna and Celestia are too similar for me to really be able to distinguish them as characters for most of this piece.

And now that I've said my whole critical bit and gotten it off my chest, let me just say that I really enjoyed this. I liked the slow build with Luna thinking Celestia was worried about other things, and the full explanation of the power ranking. I've got a real soft-spot for characters discussing characters like this, and the spin this puts on the season finale is very cool. I was a little surprised that I found myself clicking the favorite button here, because I do feel like this would work substantially better with tighter prose and stronger character voicing, since as a mood piece it can't fall back on things like having a cool plot—but the mood work hits home for me very well, and gives me a bit of power level catharsis the show will never provide. I can definitely see myself coming back to read this again, because it was a lot of fun.

Good show.

Ah, criticism is always welcome.

I seem to be in full-on criticism mode lately. The start on this is too slow for my taste; you're wasting a few sentences in your hook. Also, I feel like the voices on Luna and Celestia are too similar for me to really be able to distinguish them as characters for most of this piece.

Reading back through this again... yeah, I can see that. It is very easy to slip into; while Luna's speech is more archaic, Celestia herself has a very formal style of speech, and when I'm writing for both at the same time, it means that I end up in "sophisticated speech mode", which causes bleed. I should have simplified her language more, and I think there were several times when I probably made it a bit too sophisticated... hm... well, I shall have to consider touching it up.

There are no dead trees here to say it was ever any different, after all.

At the very least I will have to watch out for it in a few other stories I'm working on that involve these two. It is a very easy pattern to slip into.

And now that I've said my whole critical bit and gotten it off my chest, let me just say that I really enjoyed this. I liked the slow build with Luna thinking Celestia was worried about other things, and the full explanation of the power ranking. I've got a real soft-spot for characters discussing characters like this, and the spin this puts on the season finale is very cool. I was a little surprised that I found myself clicking the favorite button here, because I do feel like this would work substantially better with tighter prose and stronger character voicing, since as a mood piece it can't fall back on things like having a cool plot—but the mood work hits home for me very well, and gives me a bit of power level catharsis the show will never provide. I can definitely see myself coming back to read this again, because it was a lot of fun.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I actually have a couple other finale-related ideas buzzing around that the show will never address - one of them is entirely silly, but the other is interesting but not really a story, and I don't really know if it can really be made into one like this was.

So you are talking about how strong Twilight is in terms of magical power? I would actually imagine that she might have the most in the series besides besides Discord, maybe it's just that Twilight didn't have a specific enough cutie mark for moving celestial bodies that we don't see her taking up the sun and moon.

Hard to say for sure really; she can apparently manipulate them (as can Discord), but she'd never done it before, making for a pretty funny sunrise.

I'm actually glad she had so much trouble with it, because I have an unpublished story about that very subject that I need to finish... :trixieshiftright:

Hmm, this shall be read soon. I am intrigued.


And that's a pity, because it would be really nice for Celestia to be allowed a little more depth. Okay, I just want to have Twilight give Celestia the pick-me-up speech for once.

Very good. I loved this. I find it interesting that Celestia only now sees this. It has been a work in progress. Either way, great character depth for Celestia here.

The way I see it, Discord was so much more skilled, that had he not been taken by surprise, I don't think even full power Tirek would have been a match for him. Tirek had more power, but used it with all the grace of a drunken elephant, Discord however used his power with the grace of an artist. All Tirek ever used his power for was blowing stuff up and growing more powerful, while Discord could take his foes body parts away with a snap of his fingers, or change entire landscapes to entirely different ones just as easily. If an entity as powerful as Tirek had the skill of Discord they would be the closest thing the show would have to a god. After all, what defence would Tirek have against suddenly being a fish? Or a frog for that matter.

Reflections are a good way to learn and mature. It's quite refreshing to see Celestia doing it.:twilightsmile:

I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

As for Celestia... there's an old legend from Japan.

The servant of a great swordsman had been sentenced to death by the shogun. Wanting to test a theory he had, the master asked the shogun to give him a few days, and then went to inform the servant of the fate awaiting him, before challenging him to a life-steel swordfight. The servant, having nothing to lose, fought like a man possessed, drove his master back his master and eventually cornered him. Realizing he was about to die, he summoned his last reserves and struck down his student, winning the duel and proving his theory.

Until you see someone pressed to their very limit, you can never truly know if there is something more that they could do. And once they do show it, it can be quite surprising.

Twilight is nice. Underestimating her is easy, as she almost never uses raw power to bludgeon her problems into submission.

Tirek seemed to have trouble with teleportation, so it is likely that DIscord could have escaped had he not been taken by surprise. But Discord didn't take the threat seriously until it was far too late.

Though there is some question of what Discord is even "allowed" to do with his powers.

Indeed. When you cease to grow, you begin to wither; there is no stasis in life.

Whoops almost missed this comment.

I would love to see an episode which had a lot of Twilight/Celestia or Luna/Celestia (or really, anyone/Celestia) interplay, but I'm not sure that the writers know how to write that episode in a way that is interesting to six year old girls. It is a pretty formidable challenge.

Of course, seeing more beneath her mask might help; we've seen signs of a playful nature underneath it all before, especially back in season 1, and it might be fun to see more of that, see more of Celestia and not "Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria".

As far as Twilight counselling Celestia, there is always this:

As they say, you never know someone until you dangle them off a cliff.

A test where knowledge isn't what you are tested on. A rather massive statement indeed.

Heh, duh Celestia. Fate and destiny are marked all about and upon Twilight from start to finish so underestimating her is a very unwise choice. I would have said something about her stars here but if that held true then Luna would always know what Twilight could do. As for her almost winning on her own, well of course she did. Her magic, as a mere unicorn, returned reality to normal in a world completely altered to Discord's whims. It might have only been enough space for her and her friends to stand in but she still pushed back and restored chaotic space on her own. Twilight, as we are told, not only has the most raw magical power of at least any unicorn but is, as is often pointed out, a genius as well. As such she will win one way or another most times she is thrown into a situation.

I doubt Twilight even attached any significance in her mind to overcoming Discord's magic - when her friends were threatened; she just did it because that was what needed to be done.

Very good work on this story i can't waite to see more of ur projects. :twilightsmile:


I see you already managed to find Abandoned Sanctuary; We Can't Turn Back Time is another episode reaction fic, if you're into that sort of thing, though it is rather different from this one.

If you're into shipping, Temptation is a very introspective story about Rarity's attraction to Applejack and contemplating on whether or not she should act on it.

4439517 hehe i read the appl orchered one shortly after this one i love ur work. but to be honesyt i like the matur fics to hehe (blushes) exspleiy the more exotic ones it just so adorabel. i love th paries my farvit one is celstia and twilght well fluttershy and let me think there one i haven't seened her with and that would be rarity. but i could be wrong. anyways ur welcome. and i hope toi read more storys in the futer. :twilightsmile: i'm a book worm like that. :rainbowwild: ur worse then twilght. am not ugg peace be with u kinde sir or mamdum.

93-0 Like to Dislike... How is this not featured?! :rainbowderp:


From what we know about the system, heat appears to be based on a number of properties:

Number of favorites in a given timespan
Number of upvotes in a given timespan
(Possibly) Number of comments in a given timespan
(Possibly) Number of views in a given timespan
Word count
Possibly some other factors I'm forgetting.

The story only went up yesterday, so is reasonably fresh in terms of time elapsed, but the story isn't very long - only a bit over 2.5k words - and the heat system penalizes shorter stories, making it more difficult for them to get featured. This is why you'll see 10k word stories with 70 upvotes hit the feature box while something with more upvotes but fewer words doesn't.

That's not to say that short stories cannot hit the feature box, it is simply to say it is more difficult for them to do so. Right now this story is sitting at #14 in terms of heat, so it needs a bit of a push to get over the top and end up in the feature box.

This is, incidentally, why people recommending your story to be read by others is so valuable when a story goes up - it greatly boosts the number of eyes on it in a given timespan, which helps increase its heat because getting a whole bunch of upvotes and favorites at once is better than getting them over a longer period of time. RainbowBob was nice enough to read this over for me before it went up, and he liked it well enough that he offered to recommend it to others in his blog; without that, it may well not have even hit the popular stories box. It was very nice of him.

I recommended Spring Is Dumb (HoofBitingActionOverload's latest story) in my own blog earlier this week because that story was great and I wanted more people to see it than the usual mediocre number of viewers that RariDash stories get. I'd like to think I helped, though most likely the story would have made it on its own anyway - it is a really great story, and I don't have all that many followers. But maybe I did? Who knows! It is nice to pretend you have agency sometimes.

If you see a story you really like, recommending it to others can make a big difference in it getting it more viewership even beyond the reach of your own blog - getting into the popular stories box is a boost, and then getting into the feature box is an enormous boost in terms of how many eyes end up on the story.

It's true that Heat and how many votes/favourites it gets in a given time span has something to do with it, but I'm not so sure about length... I recently published a ~13k word story, and it never even got near to featured despite getting upwards of 60 upvotes in only a few hours :applejackunsure:

The feature box consists of the seven stories which are less than X many days old (IIRC it is 4 days) with the highest amount of heat (and possibly some other factor as well - the highest heat story and the highest story in the feature box don't always match 100%) at any given time.

Getting into the feature box, thus, isn't only a function of heat - it is about having more heat that all the other stories above it which qualify for the feature box themselves.

So if you release at a time when the feature box is relatively weak, it is easier to get into the feature box than when it is at its strongest. There have been times when the worst story in the feature box had upwards of 300 upvotes. And there have been times when there were several stories with less than 100 upvotes were in the feature box.

Bah... Blasted Box :rainbowwild: It's such a hassle :derpytongue2:

There's one other factor that makes a difference as well, but only if your story isn't rated mature - people who have mature not ticked off (about half the users on the site) obviously don't see any mature fics in the feature box. This means that a fic which isn't a mature fic may get into the feature box for the portion of the site which does not read mature stories, without showing up as being in the feature box to those who DO view mature stories.

I know that, and my story was mature, so..

Heh, I'm afraid I don't really write much in the way of mature-rated stories; the only such story I have is not exactly erotic, unless your fetish is extremely silly fake scientific papers.

I'm glad you enjoyed my stories though, and I hope you enjoy what I have coming up. :twilightsmile:

\I'm not sure which of my unpublished stories is going to end up coming out next. I've got two which the first drafts are done on, and a half dozen which are halfway done. Plus I've got more chapters of Shotgun Wedding I have to revise and upload...

Hopefully my next week will be a prolific one.

I actually saw that in the popular stories box and RLed it; I'm afraid I've been kind of busy reading other things for the last week or so for another project, though, so I haven't gotten around to reading it.

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