• Published 21st Apr 2014
  • 22,332 Views, 1,566 Comments

Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant - Wanderer D

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Epilogue: Forward

Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant

Epilogue: Forward

By Wanderer D



Both The Normandy and The Tempest had barely landed on the landing pad prepared for them at the Nexus when the two ponies emerged, running or flying straight at each other to embrace.

The little unicorn jumped into the waiting hooves of the pegasus, who lifted her up in the air with a twirl and pirouette before landing gently and holding the little filly close.

The crowd that had gathered to receive the victorious warriors and hear the leaders of the Nexus talk about the new species they had recently seen on their feeds, reacted as expected, plenty of 'Awws' and cheering accompanying the touching reunion.

At the front of said crowd, Princess Luna smiled brightly at the event, while the Nexus crew, including Director Tann, either smiled at the pair of ponies, or simply took it in with stoicism and a very slight twitch of mandibles.

"I thought I'd lose you forever, I'm sorry I took so long!" Derpy whispered, ignoring the cheers as she held her daughter gently against her. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Mom…" Dinky returned the embrace. "I got lucky that Miss Sunset and the others found me really quick. They've been taking good care of me."

Derpy nodded. "I know. But I'm still never taking the chance again." She released her daughter, using a wing to gently wipe the tears from Dinky's eyes. "I've spoken to Twilight, I'll be joining her crew full time. I'll be working on Astro Engineering with EDI."

Dinky's smile grew and she hugged her mom again. "I'm so proud of you, mom!"

"And I'm very, very proud of you, sweetheart."

As drones hovered around taking video and pictures, the rest of the crews emerged from their respective ships, waving at the crowds to stand in front of each other.

Luna nudged Tann, who nodded at her. Both walked over to join the crews as they had planned during their communications after the battle with the pirates, and made a show of shaking hands and hooves with the recent arrivals.

Tann then turned and stepped forth, getting the attention of the journalists as he took the stage in front of all the others. Tann allowed the various drones to slow down and arrange themselves in the usual order for government interviews before clearing his throat and standing proudly for everyone to see.

"As many of you have already reported, the ship to my left is indeed the SSV Normandy SR-2, formerly belonging to Commander Shepard, the first Human Specter, Hero of the Line, and all around Legend," he said, waving his hand towards the ship that had captured the imagination of anyone reading the news about the first Human Specter, the attack on the Citadel, and other events that had shaped the Milky Way, and in turn had—somewhat secretly—prompted the creation of The Initiative.

"The last time we saw this ship, it was preparing for war, and we never expected to see it again outside of the video archives we brought with us to this galaxy. This time, the SSV Normandy came not to fight the impossible, but to rescue an innocent being." His hand glided down from indicating the Normandy, to presenting Dinky, who stood nervously at attention, with her mother's hoof gently encouraging her on her shoulder.

"From the stories, and indeed history of our past, come both EDI, the AI who helped Shepard in his battles, and Urdnot Wrex, Leader of Clan Urdnot in the Milky Way, and they have brought with them Commander Twilight Sparkle, first Unicorn Specter, and guardian of her world, alongside a new crew for the Normandy."

Flashes of cameras and questions popped around, but ever professional, Tann weathered them and motioned for them to calm down, not speaking until he could be heard again.

"Although the circumstances that forced them to visit us were unfortunate, we should see this for what it truly is: an opportunity to learn about other species, to grow as a universal community, and to seek a new future together."

He stepped to the side, allowing Luna to step forth. "I present to you, Princess Luna of Equestria."

The crowd cheered for a few minutes before it quieted down, eagerly waiting for her as she regally studied them before smiling and nodding slightly. "It is our pleasure to make acquaintances and friends here in the Nexus.

"For far too long we kept the stars around Equestria closed to visitors, shielded from the rest of the universe in order to protect our ponies from the dangers of…" she glanced at Tann, then at Wrex. "Ancient enemies, but once more the universe embraces our culture, and we can again look to the stars, not just for their beauty, but to join them!"

She raised her head, and her mane waved in the light, the darkness and vastness of the universe within glittering and shining with stars, novas, clouds and dare Tann say it? Magic.

Luna smiled at their reaction. "Director Tann has graciously offered to open an embassy for us here in your station, and I have offered the same for the Nexus in Equestria. Once I have discussed matters with my sister back home, I believe we will take him up on the offer and eventually finalize the details."

She straightened up. "Our worlds and technology are very different from yours, so I expect fully embracing our differences will take some time, but the gesture of friendship and solidarity the leadership of the Nexus has offered us will not be ignored or forgotten."

Luna waved her hoof, encompassing all of the people in front of her, and then the rest of the station. "You have taken care of my kin, and helped one of my subjects regain her stolen daughter. My people take friendship very seriously, and as you can see, we are not without our own skills and firepower."

This drew a small chuckle from the crowd, and Luna nodded gently. "This alliance might be in its infancy, but we will be here for you if needs be to help defend you, and to reinforce the existing bonds between our respective cultures."

"Princess!" an asari journalist called out, drawing her attention. "Keri T'Vessa, Nexus News Network. Given the mysterious way you all appeared in the Andromeda Galaxy, alongside being here for what amounts to a few hours, how can you say that we have a strong bond already? Wouldn't um… Dinky Hooves' capture and rescue be too quick a relationship to build trust?"

Luna tapped her chin in thought, seeming to consider her words, before shrugging with her wings and smiling. "Perhaps, if that was all your people had done for us… perhaps then it might be a bit precipitous to encourage this. But it has come to our attention that our people's relationship began much earlier than that. About… six hundred or so years ago, wouldn't you say, Pathfinder?"

"Luna! You'd better—"

Sunset was interrupted by Keri, who spoke up again. "What do you mean, Princess?"

Luna tilted her head, then pointed with a hoof at Sunset. "Why, the Ryder family, and by extension your Initiative have been taking care of my niece for what amounts to over six hundred years, have you not? Methinks that counts for something."

The morning news would publish the next day with a picture of the Pathfinder having jumped over her crew to tackle a laughing princess.

The Eastern Courtyard had been emptied of all decorations, and the grounds magically reinforced. The ponies of Canterlot and the Pegasi of Cloudsdale had been informed to keep away from the area, as some very important guests were arriving.

Celestia stood on one of the castle balconies, overlooking the grounds, but her eyes were turned skyward, where a large, mechanical ship the likes of which hadn't been seen above the skies of Equestria for thousands of years, followed by a much smaller, rectangular ship.

Far up above in the sky, past the clouds, she could make out the shape of another, different ship in orbit, but her thoughts were on the bigger of the two ships landing, although she was curious about the unexpected visitor.

"Huh. Sparkles always knew how to make an entrance."

"Are you sure you should be talking like that about The Commander Sparkle?"

"Yeah! I have heard bad things happen to creatures that annoy her."

"Shaddup brats, she and I go way back."

"Easy now," Celestia said to her companions. "You'll get your chance to talk to her and the others. I think she'll be happy to see you."

"She'd better. And also apologetic! She did this whole thing! Without me!"

Celestia grimaced. "Well. This whole thing was unplanned. I sent her to Ponyville to find friends, not restart Algol."

She set her jaw and ignored the guffaws that followed that, as well as the two panicked voices trying to calm down the first. "Ahahaha—you. You actually thought—hehehe—that Twilight Sparkle would let Algol go?"

Celestia took a deep breath, letting the air out slowly, and thankfully her companion took heed. She nodded curtly. "I tried to give her options," she said a bit icily, but her gaze warmed as she took in the crew exiting the ship. "But she defied me… and made me proud."

"Ugh, too sappy."

"Wait here, I'd like to surprise her," Celestia said, and the three with her nodded.

Not waiting any longer, Celestia took flight and glided down to where Twiligtht and the others waited. The silver creature, humanoid, was the term was not exactly alive in the traditional sense, but she could see through her mannerisms that it was no simple automaton.

One of Wrex's companions then. EDI.

"Sister," Celestia greeted, landing in front of them, "Twilight, welcome back." She smiled at Derpy and Dinky. "Miss Do, I am forever glad that the mission to recover your daughter was a success."

"As if there was any doubt," Twilight declared with a grin. "And she's not the only daughter we brought back."

Celestia tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

It was then that the other vehicle opened and two more humanoids emerged, arguing. One was similar to… "Hm." Celestia narrowed her eyes. It was female. A… turian. The other was softer, also feminine and not oviparous. A mammal. Human. But there was something…

They both stopped and stared, the turian standing straighter before pushing the human forward. The female human stumbled, teal eyes wide as they studied her.

Celestia felt a pang in her chest. She knew this human… somehow. Those eyes and… and the mane. "S-Sunset?"

"Um," the human grinned uncomfortably. "Um, hi, Princess Celestia."

Celestia bit back the tears, then stepped forward to embrace her wayward student. "My Little Sun."

Sunset stiffened, but then leaned in and wrapped her unfamiliar arms around her neck. "Hi Princess."

Celestia gulped. "We have much to talk about, My Little Sun," she said, pulling back. "Papers that you didn't sign before you left…"

"You still want—" Sunset stopped when a white feather pressed against her lip.

"In due time, my student," Celestia growled, turning to glance at the smug faces of Twilight, Luna, and the rest of the crew. "First, revenge."

She turned to look at the balcony she had left earlier and nodded. She heard Twilight and Rainbow Dash's gasp as the three figures jumped from the balcony and flew down to land firmly in front of them.

"G-Gilda?!" Rainbow Dash gasped, galloping over to the griffon, who grinned at her as she approached.

"One thing at a time, Rainbow Dash," Gilda said, leaving behind another griffon and another creature, who were dressed in dark gray uniforms.

She patted the pegasus as she walked past, only to stop in front of Twilight.

And then she punched her. Gasps and weapons being drawn filled the courtyard, alongside Wrex's laughter.

Gilda ignored the guns. "Dumbass! What the hay are you doing going to space and leaving me behind?! I thought we were in it together!"

Twilight shook her head, coughed and gently placed a hoof on Gilda's shoulder. "Gilda…" Before the griffon could react, she decked her across the beak, then spun and kicked her, sending the predator tumbling back. "You jerk! I wrote you last week!"

"Last week! LAST WEEK! How long do you think it takes to get here! By the time I arrived you were gone!"

Twilight snorted, but then grinned and hoofbumped Gilda's claw. "Sorry Gilda, it was urgent or you'd been in there with me. We reactivated Algol officially just two days ago."

Gilda snorted, "Tell me about it."

"Wait, wait, wait…" Rainbow Dash said, "you mean you two know each other and Gilda was part of Algol? Like with you and Spitfire?"

"That's right, Dashie," Gilda said smugly, elbowing the mare. "OG space pirates."

Twilight frowned. "Space command. We're not mercenaries or pirates."

Gilda shrugged. "Hey Wrex."

"Hehehe, good to see you back, kid."

"So… who're the other two?" Rainbow Dash asked, pointing with her wing at the griffon and other. "Had kids?"

"Ha!" Gilda punched Rainbow Dash in the stomach. "No. These are cadets Gallus and Silverstream. Newest members of Algol. Spitfire's in as well, although she was… occupied."

Twilight turned to look at Celestia, who smiled at her, just as smugly as she herself had been smiling earlier. "And that's not all."

"I see you met my newest recruits!" a new voice called.

While Wrex started laughing uproariously, and EDI brought a hand up to her mouth as her eyes widened in surprise, Twilight blinked as the doors under the balcony opened and someone else walked out. At first, she couldn't believe her eyes, then they widened as much as the smile on her face. She let out a long "Eeeeeeee!" of excitement as their unexpected visitor walked up to stand between Gallus and Silverstream.

Wrex, it's been a while," Garrus drawled, crossing his arms. "EDI, always a pleasure." He nodded. "I hear you've been flying around without someone to properly calibrate the Normandy's guns." He shook his head ruefully. "That won't do, Commander, especially if we want to get back the rest of the old crew together."

Wrex pushed through and punched Garrus' arm. "Aha! I knew you were too stubborn to die of something as simple as a Galaxy-shaking explosion of Eezo!"

"Glad to see you too, old friend," Garrus replied, taking a moment to give EDI a surprise (if gentle and quick) hug. "It's been far too long."

When Twilight approached, he leaned down, smirking at the grinning unicorn. "So, what do you say, Commander? Ready for your next adventure? I have some friends that need finding."


The End

Author's Note:

And so, a story finishes. I'll post a blog during the weekend, and provide more info about what's to come.

Thank you for reading! And don't forget to post your thoughts down in the comments!

Comments ( 59 )

Complet... The heart breaks in joy and a singel tear of sadness...
It is finaly complet. Yet it is over...?

Well. I didn't realize the capstone was coming so quickly; but I can't complain about anything in it. (I figured all those loyalty missions would be leading up to a grand conclusion, but it's hard to top everything that happened in Derpy's.) Delightful way to tie a bow on the journey and leave a tantalizing hint of things to come. Assuming you have anything planned, of course. That is, needless to say, entirely up to you.

Still, thank you for an long, strange, and thoroughly enjoyable journey. I'll have to find time to reread the whole thing to properly appreciate it all.

Holy Shit... Best Bro Garrus is back in the last chapter? Your evil...
It is worth gold already! :raritystarry:

Yeah, considering that this is Luna I can just see the 6 O'clock news "Pathfinder assaults royalty, gets atomic wedgey." :rainbowlaugh:
There are some SERIOUSLY lucky pirates in this story considering the damage a gryphon could have caused and would have considering Gilda's apparent training
Loved tia and her "revenge"

Hoping for another story

Dude..... you have got to make a sequel.... if not, l am going to find you, and slap you, because you are freaking awesome.

Hell of an ending! But now I am very curious about what you have planned in the future. :moustache:

Was expecting a 2-3 chapter epilogue. Then saw the complete tag and thought "Damn, already? Well, maybe now we can convince Wanderer to finish Three Sisters." Then I read and realized why you only needed one. This was swiftly followed by the realization that this story demands a sequel. Looking forward to your next adventure. :pinkiehappy:

Sparkle's fannish squeeing at the end echoes my own. A grand conclusion, and delightful hints of things to come!

Yo, Pick me up if you do, will ya?

You got it buddy, we can fit quite a few in the truck, YEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAA *southern banjo plays*

and i want in on that truck..this story is AWESOME...think im going to fully re-read it in an hour or so


i HOPE for a sequel...

And why wouldn't you re-read it? because it is worth repeated re-reads, the action, the dialog, and the HUMOR is great.... l loved the Rainbow dash arch...... and every time l re-read the story, have down it 5 time... l keep picturing Twilight have the ultimate fangirl-gasm if she were to meet Shepard himself.

Played it day one, dead human face Animations.
Played it 3 weeks new, because male Ryder save files was corrupted. Finished the story in a marathon over the weekend before 1 month over.
Noticed the glitch on stairs in month two, think it was a inbuild gag.
Month 2 found time play male ryder trying 3 romances.
Month 3 was female ryder marathon. Lost two Profiles
Instead of the save states...
Didn't play until i owned the game 5 months. Maraton played them after google romance options.
GameStop traded it after month 6.
Regreat it later, when stuff was added. (But some contect was blocked to buy for some reason...



..or herself...cause in the games sometimes people have sheperd change genders after coming back from the dead cause of ceribrus...

also yea..this is WORTH the re-reads cause this is just as good..if not BETTER than a weapon for hire...and i DO NOT say this lightly

..i mean..i did the game fully within 3 months..full playthrough with about half the side quests done...

and all done with a VERY accessorized female character.

Favorit romance male & female?
Im a total sucker for Vetra...

The morning news would publish the next day with a picture of the Pathfinder having jumped over her crew to tackle a laughing princess.


Celestia gulped. "We have much to talk about, My Little Sun," she said, pulling back. "Papers that you didn't sign before you left…"

"You still want—" Sunset stopped when a white feather pressed against her lip.

Naturally :eeyup:

hehe...i..kinda wanted that..female pilot ..i forget her name since the last time i played andromada was around half a year ago...i ALWAYS kept trying to get into a romance with her at the start of each of my run-through's ..

but she is the pilot for the main ship...and i ALWAYS went and went thru all the romantic line of talk with her in the first..10 missions i do with the ship??..but...i NEVER unlock more romantic type stuff...so i never get to go past base one with her...dont know if i have to have a male character for that or not...

Luna tilted her head, then pointed with a hoof at Sunset. "Why, the Ryder family, and by extension your Initiative have been taking care of my niece for what amounts to over six hundred years, have you not? Methinks that counts for something."

Wait... six hundred years? Is this the time distortion caused by the portal or does Sunset actually that old?

I kinda want Sunset to become pone again and then be taken to Nexus, for the petting and the lulz.
Ok, not kinda, I totally want that. Dunno if Commander Twiggles will accept it before the mandatory menage with her and Octavia though :rainbowwild:

Ah, Celestia must've been proud of her little sister. Such delightful trolling :trollestia:

I did NOT expect that ending. Or how he's alive. Or who else are they going to rescue. Still find it awesome and want the sequel :yay:

I would say technically both. Since Sunset wouldn't have been around for the trip to Andromeda if there wasn't some time distortion, then she would have been in stasis during the trip preventing her from aging. Though the question becomes how did Luna get that number, considering she had basically unreachable for 1000 years.


My bad... I confused Reapers with Ravagers

But there is a powerful race in the MCU that appear in the 2nd Guardians of the Galaxy movie called The Sovereign.

The End...?! Fucking Glorious beginning!!!

curious how garrus is alive as turians don't live that long but thats a moot point. here is hoping twilight gets wise and proves tann is a STG plant and gets him jailed, dude is corrupt as hell and actively hurting the nexus with his leadership.

Found it, read it, and like many others waiting for a sequel, I wonder what could Wrex do about Discord

Reload the shotgun and keep unloading.

Somehow I can just image Discord as he could use the Toon Force to just evade everything making it so that he is unnafected

Pretty mutch the hole fun of it. Wrex get to shoot something and Discord has a excuse of creating chaos by aiming Wrex misses to hit ugly art Celestia wants destroyed and stuff.

Maybe he could just take it in the mouth like in Deadpool Vs The Mask

Since Wrex rocked Celestias sun enough to have her riding and lowering it rapidly she won't be to harsh towards him, might get a good night out of it :trollestia:
Discord on the other claw/hoove/paw has to play it save for all he did before :unsuresweetie:

But Celestia if I'm not wrong is a mortal, Discord is more powerful

Pretty sure by now Celestia has a Tatzelworm throwing laucher in her armory.

Is Celestia even aware of Tatzelworm?

I am +30 andknw of animals i will never meet in life.
A +1000 years Celestia most likely do.

You have internet, Celestia have Dragon Fire

Both equally burn people life's to ash on occasion :pinkiegasp:

True but dragon fire don't send spam or is used by teenagers to insult everyone

Actually I see Fimfiction story use Dragonmail for spam :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah well, Twilight need to have her dose of Playcolt

So would you suggest just watching all the cut scenes?

Romance options are fun, overall cutscenes and maybe the dialog made into videos. Loved some of the driving dialogs when in-game driving or stunt driving.

Nice story, I laughed myself silly at pirate's galaxy-wide humiliation, it probably woke half the district since it's way past midnight here.

Easy.... Tell Princess Celestia they are holding cake hostage

Words of wisdom :ajsleepy: - :ajsmug:👍

If we ever get a sequel remember folks:

Especially with Commander Twilight Sparke at the leadership position :rainbowlaugh:👍

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