• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 2,823 Views, 52 Comments

Pathway to Oblivion - supersaiyanmikito

When a camping trip turns sour, Twilight is sent on a journey that will push her friendship to it's limits. Now in order to save her friends, she must take on the toughest challenge of her life, Castle Oblivion.

  • ...


/---Floor 1---\

“This… This can’t be right!?” Twilight stopped. She looked around her. “I’m… Back in Ponyville?” Indeed she had arrived in ponyville. Yellow and pink buildings with hay covered roofs, the brown and white town hall, everything. However, the streets were a bit empty.

“What you see isn’t real.” Came a voice. Twilight spun around to see a quick flash. Whoever was there was gone. “This town is an illusion created by your memories ingrained in that card.” Twilight turned back to see the creature she had seen before.

“My memories? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“When I looked into your memories, it took a location from your past and imprinted within that card.”

“So… I’m back in Ponyville then…”

“Traverse forward Twilight. Castle Oblivion a waits…” And like that, he was gone.

Twilight stood there, trying to gather her thoughts. “So this supposed to be Ponyville… But it’s not Ponyville?” She thought. “I need to get back to the library.” Twilight began to run in the direction in the library. The streets were barren, not a soul in sight. Twilight felt quite uneasy. She knew it was only a duplicate but there was clearly something wrong.

She neared the Golden Oaks library. She came to a halt in front of the door and opened to door… Or at least she tried. She pushed and kicked but the door wouldn’t budge. “SPIKE! SPIKE, OPEN THE DOOR!” She yelled. There was no response. “Either Spike is missing as well or the duplicate Spike is never around when you need him either…” She pushed the door a bit more before falling on her back. She laid there with her eyes closed. “It’s no use…” Then she noticed something. There was a small blue crown floating above the door. “Huh?” She stood up and looked at it for a second. “I wonder if I…” Twilight’s horn lit up as she attempted to grab the crown.

As the spell was casted, the door began to shine. The glow then took on the form of a card. The card had a red heart-shaped symbol with an X. Twilight wasn’t sure what to make of it. She looked down and noticed she was now holding a card herself. “Where did this come from?” The card was gold with a white key it imprinted in it. “Maybe I need this?” Twilight held card up high… Nothing happened… “Hmm, maybe I need to find a door with the same symbol?” Twilight turned back and began to search around Ponyville.

“This whole thing is just so confusing! I end up in a copy of Ponyville, everyone is gone, I can’t get into the library and now I somehow ended up with this weird card. As soon as I find the others, we are getting out of- OOF!” Twilight fell back again onto the ground and looked up. She has walked right into a door siting in the middle of the road. Behind the door rested Sweet Apple Acres. “Who put this door here?” She said as she got up. However, her confusion was quickly gone as a picture of a white key appeared on the door. “It the symbol!” She quickly pulled out the card and held it high. The card disappeared in a flash and the door opened to a bright light.

/---Key to Beginnings---\

As Twilight slowly trotted up to the home of her good friend Applejack, she saw a pink figure walking up to her. “Is that? It is!” Twilight jumped for joy seeing her friend Pinkie Pie. “Hey Pinkie Pie!” The pink pony suddenly bounced into the air giving off a huge gasp before bolting off. “Huh, Déjà Vu...” She just shrugged it off. Pinkie is Pinkie after all.

Twilight looked toward the orchard of apple trees and saw Applejack. She was quickly galloping towards a large apple tree then she spun around and bucked it. As the apples fell from the tree directly into the buckets below, Applejack stuck a pose, crossing her front legs. Twilight ran up to her friend with glee. “Oh Applejack! I’m so glad you’re safe!”

The earth pony turned to the unicorn. “Beg your parden?”

“Huh, hellooooo… It’s me?”

Applejack gave Twilight an odd look. “Sorry lady but ah ain’t ever seen you around these parts…”

Twilight was shocked. “What? But I thought…”

“Sorry Twilight, I ain’t ever seen you before…”

Twilight jumped. “There! You just said my name! You DO remember me!”

Applejack put her hoof against her head. “What? How is that possible? I’ve never known any Twilight Sparkle in all mah life…”

“But- Wha- Wait- Huh?” Twilight shuddered. “You’re not lying again are you? Did Discord get to you?”

“Discord? Is that one of your friends?” Twilight leaned in close. She stared directly into Applejacks eyes. Applejack looked straight back. “Would you mind?”

Twilight jumped back. “Sorry… It doesn’t appear you are lying. You’re eyes are proof enough…”

Applejack thought for a second. “Maybe someone else knows you?” She turned around and walked a few feel back. “Hey Rainbow Dash!”

The rainbow maned pegasus poked her head out of a cloud above Applejack. “What is it? I’m trying to take a nap here.” The pegasus jumped down and slowly floated to the ground. “What do you want?”

“Do you know this pony, Rainbow?”

Rainbow Dash inspected Twilight bottom to top. “Sorry, never seen her before…”

“But Rainbow, remember? Daring Do? Your favorite book? I got you into it remember?” Twilight replied.

“Book? Bahahaha!” Rainbow fell to the floor laughing. “Why in Equestria would I read books? Especially one picked out by a nerd like you Twilight?”

“Ha! You do remember me!”

“Huh?” The pegasus shook her head. “That’s weird… Why would I know a dweeb like you?”

“Now you’re starting to sound like Gilda…”

“Oh, you know Gilda?”

“Uh… Nevermind that… Why is it you remember my name but not ME?” Twilight thought for a second. “Come to think of it, Pinkie Pie was acting weird too…”

“Pinkie Pie is always weird Sugarcube…” Applejack added. “Since your new here, expect to see her again soon.”

“Yeah… I know…”

“Listen girl, I got stuff to do. I need to prepare food. We can talk more later tonight.” The earth pony turned around and headed into the barn.

“Same here Twilight. I need to get back to my nap…” Rainbow quickly flew back up and on to her cloud and fell asleep.

Twilight stood there unmoving. It appears Applejack and Rainbow had completely forgotten her. However they somehow knew her name. It was like something out of the Twilight Zone. Nothing was making sense. As Twilight turned back to head out, her hoof started glowing. Another card had appeared. This time it was a white hollow heart. “Close, but it still doesn’t match the one at the library. Where does this one go then?” She thought for a minute. “I could check Rarity’s place. It likely Fluttershy will be there too. They are great friends after all…”

/---Key to Guidance---\

The bell tinged as Twilight stepped into Rarity’s boutique. There in corner stood the white unicorn. She was measuring an outfit out for Fluttershy. “Ah, hello?” Twilight called.

Rarity turned around. “Oh, hello there. Is there something you need.”

Twilight thought about what to say. “Uh yeah, I’m just wanted to ask something. Uh, this may seem weird but… Do you know me?”

The white unicorn gave her a strange look. “Uhhh, not as far as I remember.”

“Oh ok, it’s just that I’m from Canterlot and I know you-“

“Canterlot! Oh my! I had no idea you were from Canterlot, Twilight...”

“Um, Rarity?” Fluttershy squeaked. “You just said Twilight… Maybe you do know her…”

“Really, I do?” Rarity pondered for a minute. “Maybe I saw you in some magazine. What do you do?”

“I am… I am Celestia’s protégé…”

Rarity’s eyes beamed. “OH MY! ROYALTY!” She quickly got down and bowed her head. “Sorry if I offended you in anyway milady."

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Just stop Rarity. Listen, I have had a weird day. I’m just going to go…”

“No you don’t!” Rarity protested. “I insist you stay and try out my dresses!”

“No really, I need to go.” Twilight quickly opened the front door and turned back the 2 ponies. “Sorry Rarity! Sorry Fluttershy!” The unicorn then bolted out the door and slammed it shut.

“That was weird…” Rarity said. “Wait…” She turned back to Fluttershy. “Did she know your name?” Fluttershy simply shrugged.

As Twilight was leaving, a third card appeared before her. A gold card with a red heart. Twilight jumped for joy. “Yes! I can finally get into the library.” She quickly made it back to the library and held up her card. The door lit up and finally opened.

/---Key to Truth---\

“SURPRISE!” The lights shot on and the pink pony herself jumped in front of Twilight. The library was littered with ponies and party supplies including balloons, food and games. “Well, were you surprised?”

“Uhhh, sure…” Twilight wasn’t really sure what to say. She knew this would probably happen if Pinkie forgot her too.

“Speaking of surprises, I was surprised you knew my name back there. How did you know my name? Am I famous or something?” *Blink* *Blink*

Twilight thought for a second. ‘What am I going to say?’ Then it hit her. “Actually, we were on a camping trip when you and 4 other friends were ponynapped. I followed a dark man to a place called Castle Oblivion. We currently stand within Castle Oblivion inside a fake copy of Ponyville created by my own memories and now I am trying to rescue you, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy…”

… “Okie Doki Loki! =)” The party pony just walked off humming to herself.

“What’s that about Castle… Oblivious or whatever you’re talking about?” It was Applejack and rest of the crew.

“Hey girls. You heard that didn’t you?” The girls all looked at each other. “Listen, I know you only just met me… Well as far you know anyway…”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” AJ asked.

Twilight sighed. “Guess there is no point in hiding it any longer. Truth is, I’ve known you for nearly 2 years now…”

“Uh, you sure?” Rainbow asked. “You just came to Ponyville today.”

“Yes, we are all friends. Best friends. We have stopped several dark beings in the past together. Nightmare Moon, Discord, and many others were all stopped because of us… However recently we got separated and ended up in a place called Castle Oblivion. You had been ponynapped and I came to save you. Right now, we stand in a fake Ponyville created by Castle Oblivion from my memories and it seems all of you have lost your memories…”

The 4 ponies stood there looking at each other. “Um…” Fluttershy squeaked. “It sounds like you went through a lot… I’m sorry we caused so much trouble…”

“Please, don’t be… It’s my fault for leaving you all alone during the trip. We have been friends since that one Summer Sun Celebration. Yet I still don’t feel like a true friends yet.”

“Wait, did you say the Summer Sun Celebration?” AJ asked.

“Yes… Why?”

“The Summer Sun Celebration is in a few minutes.”

Suddenly, it clicked… Twilight turned around and bolted out the door. As soon as she got out, she looked up as the mare shape on the moon vanished. “I finally understand!” The other 5 ponies came rushing out with her.

“Oh, what’s that?” Pinkie asked.

The sky crackled with lightning as a black vortex spiraled down impacting the ground. The wind blew fiercely at the ponies threatening to blow them away. “Hahahahahaha!” Came a voice. “After a thousand years, I have finally returned!” The vortex calmed revealing a black figure Twilight knew all too well. “Now that I am back from my imprisonment, the night… Will last… Forever!”

“Not if I have anything to say about it Nightmare Moon!” Twilight yelled.

“Huh, so… It appears someone knows who I am.”

“Yeah, and don’t think you can just up and take Equestria like it’s yours. Not when we have each other!”

Applejack quickly rushed up next to Twilight. “What are you doing girl? You can’t fight that thing!”

“I can’t but ‘we’ can. Remember everything I talked about? The reason you can’t remember anything is because it hasn’t happened yet for you. This place isn’t a memory of Ponyville. It’s a memory of the day we became friends and defeated Nightmare Moon.”

“You know how crazy you sound right?”

“I know, I know but listen to me. You remember how you kept saying my name right?”

“Of course, it was really freaky…”

“Well, don’t you think that’s some kind of sign? Our friendship was destined to occur. Only we can defeat Nightmare Moon. With the power of friendship!”

“I don’t know…” Applejack turned to the others. “What do you think girls?”

“Sounds fishy to me…” Said Rainbow. “This whole thing about a fake Ponyville and Castle Oblivion sounds lame to me. What if she is working with that… Thing?”

“I honestly think Twilight is a total darling.” Rarity replied. “Sure this whole thing may sound strange but us unicorns must stick together…” Rarity stepped up and rubbed Twilight’s face. “And if she needs our help, I’m willing to put myself out there for her.”

“She’s… Nice…” Said Fluttershy.

“I say we do it!” Said Pinkie. “My Pinkie Sense is telling me friendship is the way to go!”

AJ turned back to Twilight. “Please girls?” Twilight asked. “I’ve known you for almost 2 years. Please, I know it’s difficult to understand but I’m telling the truth. Look deep down…” Twilight held her hoof out.

The earth pony looked at the unicorn’s hoof. “Honest?”

Twilight grabbed AJ’s chin and tilted her head to they were eye to eye. “Honest…”

AJ simply stared into her eyes… “Alright, I believe you…” She put out her hoof on top on Twilight’s. Then came Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie. “You coming Rainbow?”

“I don’t know…”

“But Rainbow Dash. We need you…” Twilight pleaded.

Finally, Rainbow Dash sighed and put her hoof down completing the circle. “I still find this strange but if Applejack trusts you, I guess I do too…”

“Whatever you’re doing, it won’t work!” Nightmare Moon yelled. She began to start an attack when a bright light appeared. “What?” 6 small lights were forming around the 6 ponies. The light slowly began to morph into the recognizable shape of cards. The 6 ponies broke the circle and held their hooves in the air. The card began to spin around the ponies wildly, creating a rainbow barrier.

“Twi, what’s going on?” AJ yelled.

“The Elements of Harmony…” Suddenly, the barrier exploded, created a beam flying towards Nightmare Moon.

“Noooooooooooooooooooooo!” The rainbow circled Nightmare Moon, sending her screaming. The 6 ponies floated into the air and Twilight opened her eyes sending Nightmare Moon into the light…

The light cleared as the ponies returned to the ground. The storm from above was finally gone and Nightmare Moon was defeated.

“Wow Twilight!” Applejack exclaimed. “That was amazing.”

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow replied. “That was totally awesome!”

“So, whatever happened to that brute Nightmare Moon?” Rarity asked.

“Not Nightmare Moon…” Twilight replied. “Princess Luna…”

“PRINCESS LUNA!” Everyone yelled.

Twilight slowly trotted over to the weakened Princess. “Luna?” The Princess woke up and looked at Twilight.

“How did you know?” The Princess asked.

“There are a lot of things I know. I know you’re sorry for everything you’ve done.”

“It’s not like it makes any difference. Celestia isn’t going to accept me back after all the suffering I caused…”

“Don’t think of your sister that way Princess. She understands everything you went through and honestly…” Luna stared at Twilight. “She wants to see you again…”

“She does?”

“She misses you Princess, she really does. After 1000 years of loneliness, it has an effect on your personality. If anything, I think she felt more alone then you…”

“Thank you… I needed to hear that…”

“Now go Princess. Find your sister…” Luna nodded and spread her large wings. As she flew off, Twilight noticed a small chuck of Nightmare’s remaining armor slowly began to float into the air and swirl. The swirl then ‘popped’, leaving behind a single black card. A Nightmare Moon card…Twilight and the others slowly approached it.

“What is it?” Asked AJ.

“It’s a card. It’s kind of like the others but I’ve never seen a black card before.” With her magic, she grabbed the card and inspected it. “Seems safe…”

“Why don’t you hold onto it Sugarcube?”

“You think I should?”

“Well… Yeah… You said we are great friends so why not hold on to it as a memory of everything we have done.”

Twilight shut her eyes as Rarity trotted up to her. “It will also remind you of us. You did say we are copies didn’t you?”

“Yeah!” Bounced Pinkie. “You will have TWO sets of friends!”

“We won’t forget you Twilight…” Fluttershy added.

“Thank you everypony…” Twilight replied.

“Just be sure to save the ‘real us.’” Said Rainbow. “Wouldn’t want my awesomeness to go away now would you?”

“Of course not. I’ll make sure to bring us together like you did you did all those years ago.” Rainbow turned to look at the girls with a confused look on her. They just shrugged. As the pegasus turn back to look at Twilight, she was gone…

/---Castle Oblivion (F1 Exit Hall)---\

The white door slowly opened to Twilight. As she stepped out of the light, she came to a quick halt. “You…”

There in the middle of the hall stood the cloaked figure once again. Twilight approached him with caution. “Well Twilight, did you enjoy reliving you memories?”

“Yeah, it was great meeting everyone again but what do you really want from me?”

"What do you have to give?"

The hooded man began stepping toward Twilight as she readied a battle stance. Suddenly, a black swirling vortex appeared behind the figure. There a loud bang and a new character appeared. “Hello!” The new figure was clearly a pony. Although she had a coat like the other one, she had her hood down. She wore a dark grey mask with black eye covers preventing Twilight from seeing her real eyes. All there was was black and a red dot. She also had a horn and a long waving dark blue mane that spread out like a fan.

“What do you want?” The still hooded figure asked.

“You’ve had you fun for today. I want a turn…”

The figure reached into his coat and pulled out a small stack of cards. With a flick of his gloved hand, he threw then to the new pony. The robed pony caught the cards and gave a creepy smile. “Then perhaps you want to test her?”

“It would be my pleasure…” Said the pony as the cloaked figure vanished. “It’s my show now bearer of Harmony… In case you’re wondering, I am called Xalun. You got that?”

Twilight stepped back. “Yeah, sure…”

“Goooood, now that we have become better acquainted…” The unicorn pointed her horn into the air and a black vine-like aura engulfed it. “Don’t go off and die on me now…” She then quickly pointed her head forward and blasted a large black energy beam at Twilight. She quickly countered with her own energy beam. The beam impacted in the middle of the room. Twilight struggled to keep the spell going. Xalun simply smiled. “Not bad, the student of the great Celestia doesn’t disappoint but how long can you handle it?”

“Enough!” Using as much magic as possible, Twilight super charged the beam and quickly pushed Xalun’s beam back.

“Oh give me a break…” Xalun muttered before being engulfed in Twilight searing blast. The beam covered the entire hall in a bright purple explosion, destroying several of the statues within the hall.

As the smoke from the blast cleared, the small stack of cards Xalun was holding were floating directly where she once stood. Twilight trotted up and grabbed the cards with her magic. “More cards? They look kind of like the one that sent me to Ponyville. Perhaps they are used to progress in the castle…”

“That’s correct…”

Twilight’s eye shot over to staircase in front of her. “Xalun!” The pony was leaning against the wall in front of the staircase. “You thought after that introduction, I would go down like a common mare?”

“You… You were testing me?”

“And you passed. As to be expected of the great Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight bore her teeth and gave grave off a small growl. “You’re ready now, ready to take on Castle Oblivion... Follow your heart Twilight. Each of those cards contain a memory where your friends are currently trapped.”

Twilight lightened up for a second. “You mean, I just use one of these cards and I’ll find one of my friends?”

“You will just have to give some more thought to who it is that’s- Most important to you… A bond between ponies goes further than simple friendship. Something you have yet to understand, Twilight.”

“Beyond simple friendship?”

Xalun slowly began to raise her gloved hoof, offering her arm. “Would you like me to give you… A hint?” The 2 stood there, unmoving…

“No, I can figure it out myself. Celestia entrusted me to research the magic of friendship and if there is something I have yet to discover-”

Xalun quickly retracted her hoof. “Good answer. Just what I would expect from you, Twilight Sparkle...” Twilight readied herself again. “But be careful when stepping beyond the bounds of friendship. Sometimes the barriers that block us… Are there for a reason…”

Then, Xalun vanished...