• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 18,790 Views, 951 Comments

Scorched - Kody910

[2nd Person] You, a thief, winds up working for the Apple Family.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven

Walking up the stairs, they give an eerie creak with each step. You had expected this, of course. You were used to it, anyway. Reaching the top of the staircase, you look down the connecting hallway.

You immediately begin to walk down the hallway, your gaze fixed on a specific door. You knew precisely where the goods you were looking for were, and wasted no time getting there.

Putting your hoof on the door handle, you turn it and walk right in with no hesitance. You hoped nobody else was in the room, or the house for that matter. That could get a little...weird.

Walking into the room, you saw everything you expected to find. The bed, the dresser, mirror, desk, all the works. Nothing out of place, just like you liked it. Turning your gaze to the right, you find the closet, and walk to it.

Pulling the door to the closet open, you find a variety of boxes. They were stacked rather high, and were covered in dust. These boxes hadn't been touched for years, it seems. You weren't surprised. There was probably nothing of real value in most of them, anyway.

Rooting through the closet, you find one specific box. It had an orange, striped pattern on it, and it was a little damaged with age. Pulling it out of the closet, you blow on it to dispel any dust. Taking the lid in your hoof, you pull it off.

Inside rested the goods. Wrapping the chain around your hoof, you lift the trinket out and look at it. There was no doubt about it, this is what you were searching for.

"Oh yeah...I can't wait to see the look on her face."


Every day, things changed.

Every day, you enjoyed three marvelous meals provided by the generous Granny Smith. The majority of these meals consisted of apples in some way. There were a few lunches and dinners that consisted of sandwiches and salads respectively, but they were nowhere near as good as the usual morsels. Each apple-based meal never failed to surprise you.

Every day, you watched as Big Macintosh grew closer to his little sister. He began to find more and more spare time for both himself, and those around him. You even got the pleasure of meeting his marefriend, Cheerilee. She took a liking to you rather quickly, and even thanked you for helping Big Mac with his plight. It seems everypony was concerned with his workaholic attitude.

Every day, you bonded with Applebloom. She dragged you into a few crazy escapades to try and earn her Cutie Mark. Most of these ended in disaster, however. It took you days to scrap all the jelly out of your hair after one specific incident. She introduced you to her friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, her two comrades in crusading. They drilled you with questions about your Cutie Mark, which you delicately avoided answering. At one point, Applebloom called you her 'second big brother,' and you were just fine with that.

Every day, your debt dwindled down, though you didn't know specifically how much you owed. You were both glad and disappointed with this knowledge. Eventually, you would have to leave this farm. Once that debt was done, there would be nothing binding you to staying here. You could go free. It was nice knowing that burden would be off your back soon, but it hurt nonetheless knowing you would have to leave the hospitality of these country ponies.

Every day, the nightmare returned. With each passing occurrence, every event in the nightmare intensified. The cold, the tusnami, everything. Yet at the end of it, you felt happy. The warm light at the end of it all grew more and more inviting, more sincere, more...friendly. You didn't even have to struggle when that part of the nightmare occurred. It almost felt like the light was pulling you toward it now.

And every day, you grew closer to Applejack. From the cold hatred the two of you shared for each other due to your initial introduction, you forged a strong friendship. She no longer treated you like a child being punished, and grew to respect you.

In your spare time, you would often chew the fat, and share tales of your foalhoods. Applejack would tell you stories of how she grew up on the farm and even how she saved Equestria a few times (something you held tentative belief in). You recalled bittersweet tales of your time with your sister. You avoided anything that dealt with your 'career activities.' It wasn't something she was particularly fond of.

At the end of each day, you and Applejack would finish the day with a viewing of the sunset. Though it still held a bittersweet sentiment for you, you didn't dwell on it as much as you did before. Perhaps because you finally had someone to share it with.

With time, you noticed she acted differently around you. Not just being kinder to you, but other things began to arise in her. She would often shift uncomfortably when you complimented her, and you noticed she would walk closer to you when you two were together. A few moments during work, you would have to brush up against her. Doing so elicited a very slight blush from her on occasion.

All things considered, you two somehow managed to become friends over the next several weeks. Even with that, there was something inside of you, very lightly tugging at your heart. You didn't know what it was, and you didn't know how to satiate it. You began to notice this tugging growing slightly stronger every day.

Every day, things changed. For better or for worse.



"Hey! It's time for breakfast!" Applebloom calls through your door.

You sit up in bed, and rub your eyes gently. Looking towards the door, you call back.

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute!"

Hearing her hooves trotting away, you toss the sheets off yourself and bring yourself over to the mirror. It had become a part of your daily routine to start off with fixing your unkempt mane.

It had been roughly four weeks since you had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres after your failed heist. You were truly an accepted part of the household by all of it's inhabitants. Yet, as much as you loved it here, you couldn't keep this up forever. Eventually, you would have to leave, as much as you regretted it.

Shaking your head to clear your mind, you finish up your mane, and head out the door. Trotting through the same hallway and down the same stairs, you quickly make your way to the kitchen, once again, you find the familiar smell of one of Granny Smith's amazing breakfasts.

Walking into the kitchen, you immediately find Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Applebloom in their usual spots. Applejack, however, was strangely absent. Granny was the first to notice you.

"Mornin', sonny!" She calls out, as cheery as ever.

Trotting over to the table, you take a seat. "Morning, Ms. Smith. Big Mac, Applebloom." You say, giving each pony a nod along with their names.

"Mornin'." Big Mac replies, in his usual, stoic voice.

Looking to Applebloom, she seems a little worried. She speaks before you can ask. "Hey, have you seen Applejack this mornin'?"

"Uh, no. Can't say I have." You reply.

"I haven't seen her yet, either." Granny says. "Have you, Big Mac?"

"Nnope." He replies simply.

"Humph. Would you mind runnin' upstairs 'n lookin' fer her?" She asks you. "Applebloom musta just missed her."

"Uh, sure. No problem." You say. Glancing to Applebloom, you can see she's pouting slightly at the unintended insult.

Pushing yourself out of your seat, you trot through the living room and back upstairs. Looking down the hallway, you identify Applejack's bedroom and trot to the door. Putting an ear to the door, you listen closely.

"Applejack?" You call out. "You in there?"

No response. Curious, you lightly push on the door to find it is ajar. Pressing a hoof against it, the door nudges open, and you let yourself inside.

Looking around, the mare you're searching for is very much absent. Stepping into the room cautiously, you look around. You hadn't been in this room very much. In fact, you can only recall coming in here twice, and both visits were very short.

Immediately to your right was her bed, which was equipped with a red blanket and pillows that sported an apple pattern. On the wall was a peg that held her usual rope. She had attempted to teach you how to handle the rope like she does. You only hurt yourself trying to replicate her tricks. On a peg on the wall to your left, her hat was hanging. You've never seen her walking around without her hat...Did she forget it?

Next to her bed was a small table with a lamp and picture frame. The picture consisted of her, Big Mac, Applebloom, and Granny Smith. Big Mac was in the back with his usual, dull smile. Granny was nearly asleep, and Applebloom was hugging Applejack around her neck. A pretty cute photo, really.

To the right of the door was a small pillow lying on the floor. It must be where that infernal dog sleeps. Winona still hadn't warmed up to you after all this time. You didn't care, you were more into cats anyway.

On the other side of the room was a dresser with a mirror hanging above it. You don't know why Applejack even needed a mirror. She herself told you she wasn't horribly concerned with her appearance. Something you admired in her, to tell the truth.

One of the higher drawers on the dresser was jutting out slightly, and the corner of a piece of paper was protruding from the top. Though it was probably nothing, something about it caught your attention. You walked toward it and pulled the drawer out a little more.

Looking inside, you see the drawer is filled with a bunch of papers and a few photos. Most of the photos are of the household family, but there are pictures with relatives you've yet to meet. You picked up the protruding photo and looked at it. It depicted a rather young Applejack, along with two classier looking ponies, a stallion and a mare. The mare had her orange hair done up and wore a flashy necklace. The stallion sported a shocking green mane and blue eyes. Both of them had oranges on their flanks. These two must be the Aunt and Uncle Orange that Applejack told you about a while ago.

The picture looked like it was taken in a city. It must have been taken during AJ's trip to Manehattan. But there was something else that caught your eye. On Applejack's neck was a small, golden necklace. At the center was a heart-shaped piece with wings protruding from either side. Strange...you had never seen Applejack wearing that before.

Even stranger...you have seen that necklace before.

At that moment, you hear hooves coming towards the room. Closing the door, you left the photo on the dresser, and turned around. Applejack was walking through the door, and had started reaching for her hat on the wall when she noticed you.

"What are you doin' in here?" She asks, slightly skeptical.

"I was actually looking for you," you reply. "We were waiting downstairs on ya."

"Oh, sorry, I was just takin' care of somethin'." She looks towards nothing in particular.

Curious about that photo, you ask. "Hey, uh, this photo over here..."

She walks towards you and looks at the picture in question. "Oh, that? That was just taken back when I went ta Manehattan all those years ago. What about it?"

With your premonitions about the photo correct, you get straight to the point. "That necklace you're wearing in it...What is that?"

"Oh..." Her expression saddens. "That was a little locket I had when I went ta Manehattan..."

"Had?" You asks.

She nods. "Yeah, it was very...dear to me, and I...went and lost it..."

"Oh...Sorry to hear that..." You pause for a second. "You lost it while you were in Manehattan?"

"Yeah, it was about three or so days 'fore I left."

"And...when exactly was that?" You continue to prod her for information. Something about the necklace just bugged you.

"I...I don't remember what day it was exactly...Oh!" Her eyes light up and she looks to you. "It was during a carnival!"

"Carnival?" You think back to your foalhood, and remember something that may resemble what she was talking about. "You mean that carnival they hold every year outside the city? Krazy Karl's Kiddie Karnival?"

"You been to it? Hoowee, it's somethin', ain't it?" She looks upward. "I'll never forget that day...that little fair was the first one I ever been to. It was a whole load of fun..."

Thinking back, you remember that carnival. They had all sorts of kooky rides and cheap prizes available for winning. You took Sky Line to it a few times, though she opted not to ride the bigger rides. She never had a strong stomach. Often times you went alone, just to see what you could scavenge off of potential targets.

Then, it suddenly clicked. Applejack said she lost that necklace while she was at that carnival. You remember finding something at that carnival. Something very familiar.

"Welp," AJ says, interrupting your thoughts. "We'd best not keep them waiting downstairs. They'll start wonderin' where we are." She begins for the door.

"Uh, yeah. Let's move!" You reply, unusually perky.

As you two walk for the kitchen, you couldn't help but think about that necklace.

You have seen it before.

And you knew exactly where it was.


For once, you weren't going to have that nightmare tonight. If only because you weren't sleeping.

With the rest of the family having gone to bed long ago, you tossed the covers off of yourself and stood up. Only taking a few seconds to readjust your mane, you head for the door. Luckily, the work from the day hadn't drained you to the point where this little mission of yours wouldn't be possible.

Cracking the door open, you peek into the hallway. All the other doors were shut, and it looked like it was clear to move. Pushing the door open all the way, you step out and start for the stairs. Taking your time, you very lightly step down on every step, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Once you reached the bottom of the stairs, you head straight for the front door. Placing your hoof on the handle, you glance around again to make sure no one was in the kitchen or living room. With the coast clear, you turn the handle slowly, and pull on the door. Of course, it had to be as loud as possible at this very moment. The door creaks ever so eerily, causing you to wince. You could only hope that they weren't light sleepers.

After a few heart-stopping seconds of loud creaking, you finally manage to slip out of the door, and pull it shut. For some reason, it didn't creak on the return trip. With the door locked in it's frame, you let loose a sigh of relief. Turning around, you prepare to head to your destination.

"Up so late?"

A voice to your right causes you to jump in fright. Looking over, you see Big Macintosh sitting on the porch, eyebrow raised.

"Yeesh, give me a heart attack, why don't ya?" You reply curtly.

"Sorry. Jus' didn't expect ta see you out here so late."

A knot forms in your stomach. Though they were kind enough to put the little incident from four weeks ago behind them, the memory of the heist was still there for the Apple Family. How was Big Mac going to respond to the little thief sneaking out at this time of night?

"Uh, I could say the same to you." You reply shakily, trying to dispel the awkward air.

"Hm." He turns his head to the sky. "Y'know, I've always like the moon."

"Really?" You say, looking to the object of his attention. The moon hung lazily overhead, casting a cool light across the land. The stars around twinkled in their usual manner, but the moon was in full view tonight, and was incredibly beautiful.

"Eeyup. It's so... nonjudgmental." He says calmly.

"Er...what do you mean?" You question.

He taps a hoof to his chin a few times before replying. "It sits there at night jus' watchin' what happens when everypony is asleep. It can't do anything about what they do at night, but it sees everythin' that happens. It can only witness what ponies do at night." He turns to face you, with his usual stoic look. "Like a silent observer."

"Uh...yeah, I guess I see what you mean." It kind of scared you when Big Mac went on little monologues like that. He seldom spoke much, but when he did, it could be kind of intimidating.

"So...what is it gonna witness tonight?" He asks.

You knew where he was going with this. Sighing, you answer. "Look, this isn't what you think. There's something I have to go and get for..."

"...For?" He presses.

"...For Applejack." You reply, turning your head away.

"And it can't wait until mornin'?"

"...Not really. Since AJ has been so hesitant to let me leave, I doubt she'd change her mind if I said it was for something for her. Heck, that'd make her more suspicious!"

"And yer comfortable telling me this?" He asks.

"Well...AJ can be kinda quick to jump to conclusions, ya know?" He nods. "And, well, you seem more understanding. Er, no offense to your sister."

He shakes his head. "Tell me. What exactly are you goin' out to fetch?"

Your stomach tightens a bit. "Uh...It's something very dear to AJ. She lost it years ago, and I just so happen to know where it is..." Mulling over your words, you realize just how unbelievable and corny that sounds. "I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous, but you have to trust me!"

He merely stares at you in silence for the longest time. His face showed no strong emotions, and his eyes barely twitched any direction. You could feel his gaze boring into you, as if he were staring right at your soul, evaluating your intentions. It was sort of frightening.

At last, he spoke. "Why exactly are you doin' this?"

It was a question you had asked yourself many times over the course of the last few weeks over many different topics. Your motivations and intentions behind most everything you had been doing here had been something that most everyone would think unfit for you. For your character. Considering what most anyone else would think of you, most of the actions you had taken seemed out of your quota.

Of course, no one knew you better than you. You knew why you were doing this. It was something you wouldn't have thought possible based on your arrival to this farm.

Because you cared about Applejack.

"Because...I, uh...I can't stand to see her so upset over this." He merely looks at you. "She seemed pretty torn up over this...thing she lost, and I don't want her to beat herself up over it."

Again, he merely observes you in silence, evaluating your statement. You really hoped that he wasn't about to go off on you.

He stands up after a few moments. "Just be back before mornin'."

"Y-You're letting me go? Really?" You were completely dumbstruck.

He begins for the front door. "When ya open this door, make sure you lift it. It'll keep it from squeakin'." He demonstrates by lifting it and pushing it open. It opens without a sound.

"Er...thanks." You reply dumbly. "And thanks for letting me do this."

"I don't know what your talkin' about." He replies with a smile. "But before you run off, I've been meanin' ta ask. Any reason I found a newspaper in that barrel over there a few weeks ago?"

That familiar knot forms in your stomach again, and you can't find any words to reply with. "Er, I, uh..."

"Or do I want to know?"

"Not really, no."

He simply shrugs and walks into the house.

You finally let loose that breath you had been holding. You were terrified that you may have just signed your death warrant by running into Mac. If he hadn't been that understanding, who knows what could have come from that encounter...

Shaking your head, you trot off towards Ponyville.


"It's been far too long..."

Trotting through the streets, you relish in the familiar town of Ponyville. It has been weeks since you walked down the familiar paths of the humble town, and you hated having to be away from it for this long.

Even in the night, you were able to pick out your favorite restaurants, shops, and other locations. It all felt familiar to you, and you were glad to be back in the town you loved. You opted to not take a path leading to the Quills & Sofas store, however.

However, none of these stores were your destination. No, you were headed to a much more familiar home on the edge of town. Your own house, to be precise. You knew precisely where that necklace was, and took no detours to reach it.

Walking through the streets, you stop when you spot a mare and stallion talking. You immediately dart for cover. Seems old habits die hard. Though you can't hear what they are saying, you can see them clearly. Taking a closer look, you see the mare is currently wearing saddlebags. They look to be full of something.

You stop yourself from moving. In any other instance, you would be making preparations to swipe those bags from her. Yet right now, you couldn't bring yourself to do that. The thrill of the hunt that you loved so dearly...wasn't there. In fact...you didn't want to steal from them.

Why? This is the first time you have felt like this in years. This is the first time you didn't want to go through with a potential heist. Ever since you started your 'career,' you had never turned down an easy heist like this...why? Was it because you had a preset objective? Have you lost your luster after having been on the bench from stealing for so long? Maybe living in a household of righteous ponies brought you out of your usual mindset.

...Or was it because you had changed? Did you really not want to steal anymore? It was the only thing you knew, heck, it was your special talent defined by your Cutie Mark. How could you not want to do it anymore? It was a sort of existential crisis. The purpose you were defined to fulfill no longer held its usual merriment for you.

Then again, perhaps it was for the best. You were going to get caught one day by the wrong group of ponies, you knew that. Your career might have even gotten you killed too. The life of thrills and hunts was a dangerous one, and though you were all for it before...You no longer were. Something in your heart didn't want you keep doing this. Perhaps you were finally giving in to her wishes...

She never wanted you to. Now you were finally listening.

Stepping out from your cover, you walk right past the two ponies. The stallion gives you a passing glance, but heeds no mind to you. It felt strange. You had never casually passed a potential target like that. Them knowing of your presence just felt unsettling. It might take some getting used to. You pass them by, and continue trotting to your home. It was only a short distance away, and you could see it from here.

After a few minutes, you were standing on your doorstep. Looking over to the few potted plants you had resting on the porch, you lift up one of them and take out the key from beneath. At least no one knew about this key but you.

Putting the key in the lock, you turn it and open the door. Stepping inside, all of the lights are off. You found yourself standing in your living room. It was just as you left it, albeit much dustier. Not wasting anytime to reminisce, you immediately turn and head for the staircase.

Walking up the stairs, they give an eerie creak with each step. You had expected this, of course. You were used to it, anyway. Reaching the top of the staircase, you look down the connecting hallway.

You immediately begin to walk down the hallway, your gaze fixed on a specific door. You knew precisely where the goods you were looking for were, and wasted no time getting there.

Putting your hoof on the door handle, you turn it and walk right in with no hesitance. You hoped nobody else was in the room, or the house for that matter. That could get a little...weird.

Walking into the room, you saw everything you expected to find. The bed, the dresser, mirror, desk, all the works. Nothing out of place, just like you liked it. Turning your gaze to the right, you find the closet, and walk to it.

Pulling the door to the closet open, you find a variety of boxes. They were stacked rather high, and were covered in dust. These boxes hadn't been touched for years, it seems. You weren't surprised. There was probably nothing of real value in most of them, anyway.

Rooting through the closet, you find one specific box. It had an orange, striped pattern on it, and it was a little damaged with age. Pulling it out of the closet, you blow on it to dispel any dust. Taking the lid in your hoof, you pull it off.

Inside rested the goods. Wrapping the chain around your hoof, you lift the trinket out and look at it. There was no doubt about it, this is what you were searching for.

"Oh yeah...I can't wait to see the look on her face." You say to yourself.

Looking at the necklace, it was the exact same one in the photo. A small gold chain with a heart shaped trinket in the center. On either side, wings were protruding from the heart. It was a bit worn with age, and had a few scratches in the surface here and there, but it certainly was the one AJ was talking about.

You remember the day you had found this little trinket. You were visiting a yearly carnival just outside the city. It was a small carnival, intended for younger ponies, and you decided to pay it a visit to see what you could pickpocket. During your time there, you had stumbled across a dropped necklace. With no idea who it belonged to, and nothing better to do with it, you had initially planned on selling it or something, just to make a few bits.

But you never did. You don't know why, but you never brought yourself to selling it. Perhaps you had forgotten to, or you just didn't want to. For whatever reason, you just held onto it for all of these years.

Applejack said this was a sort of locket. You wanted to open it to see what was held within, but the only problem was that she never told you how it opens. You turned the trinket over, searching for anything that resembled a button, but no dice. There seemed to be nothing that resembled a keyhole, so that throws that out of question.

With no idea how to operate the mechanism, you shrug. With no better way to carry it, you lift it over your head and rest it upon your own neck. Satisfied, you exit the room, and begin the walk back to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Applejack is in for a surprise tomorrow."