• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 2,673 Views, 56 Comments

A Dark Infection - DawnedDusk

A Sequel to Dark Magic: Two years after Midnight's defeat, Queen Luna is having trouble turning Midnight back into Twilight and also ruling Equestria. A shocking event draws back her progress, and now she must fulfill her promise before time run

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Fighting the Darkness

It’s been two years since Midnight’s terror. Equestria has been healing slowly but surely after the damage it had taken. Cities and towns of the lands were being restored. The ones lost in Midnight’s rage were mourned with tributes. Life wasn’t easy nowadays but then again maybe it never was.

With a loud scream, Luna had shot up from her bed. Heavy heaves and gasps were escaping her chest as sweat dripped from her forehead. Just then a knock came against the door. The queen sniffed and cleared her throat before answering, “Yes, who is it?”

“It’s me, Blueblood,” the stallion spoke as he opened the door wide enough to poke his head in, “Are you okay?” The unicorn walked in further after asking his question. Luna shook her head to clear away the aftershock of the nightmare.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Blue. It’s just-“the blue mare stopped in mid-sentence. Tears flooded from her eyes as she began to cry uncontrollably. The white unicorn walked over to his relative and pulled her close, allowing her to cry on his shoulder. The blue mare could not help it. The constant nightmares kept making her relive the terrifying moments that happened that day.

“It’s the nightmares again isn’t it?” Blueblood asked her. The queen pushed him away gently and brought her hooves up to her face to wipe the tears away.

“There just nightmares, I can handle them,” she lied. Her eyes were still red from the crying. Blueblood raised a brow; he obviously wasn’t going to take the same excuse over and over again. Luna smiled softly and placed a hoof on his broad shoulder. “It’s okay don’t worry about it, but thank you,” she said to both reassure him and herself.

Blueblood nodded his head and walked towards the door, but he stopped abruptly on his way to turn and look at her. “Are you sure?” he asked. Luna nodded in response as she watched the stallion leave.

Luna was taking notice to how much he had changed since Celestia’s untimely death. He had become much more mature than before. She also praised him countless time for visiting towns and cities to keep up appearances for her. He’ll make a fine ruler one day, she thought.

The queen remembered hearing a few servants say that she herself wasn’t fit to rule. She it was very seldom that she walked in on such conversations. She never was angry though. She just apologized and asked them how she could do better as a ruler.
The mare shook her head. It was best not to think of such things now. The mare prodded her hooves at the blanket that covered the lower half of her body. The blanket was a gift from her sister. Luna had received it from her as a filly on her Birthday. She smiled softly before directing her head over to the window. She had to raise the sun up soon. The blue alicorn gave off a smirk and threw her hooves into the air.

“The night shall last slightly long than usual!” she shouted quietly to herself before collapsing onto the bed and throwing the blanket over herself.

Later in the morning, Luna was finishing a pile of paperwork. It was her least favorite thing to do, but it was her responsibility now and she just had to accept that. With the glow of her horn, she levitated the last document onto the pile. Just then, one of her personal guards walked in. This one being Rarity in her slightly primped up guard uniform. Her horn’s blue aura was levitating a bouquet of flowers as she approached Luna’s desk.

“Princess Cadence sent another bouquet to the kingdom,” she mumbled as she set them on the desk. The young mare had an angry yet upset expression on her face though she still retained some charm.
“Make sure my thanks are sent to her,” Luna ordered as she placed them in a vase, “What’s the matter?” Rarity lowered her head and began to glare at the carpeted floor. Luna showed a look of sympathy and walked over to the angry mare. She draped her wing over Rarity to console her, “Go on. Tell me.”

The unicorn sighed, “Somepony set fire to Twilight’s home back in Ponyville. I know she did bad things when she turned into Midnight, but I want those you won’t forgive to remember that she was once good. I want them to remember the real Twilight instead of that monster.”

The queen nodded in understanding before removing her wing. “Have they found the ponies who committed the crime?” she asked. Rarity shook her head which disappointed Luna. How could such ponies get away with such a crime? “I’ll be sure to look into the investigation,” Luna informed her, “You and friends can have the rest of the night and tomorrow off.”

“Are you sure? What if something were to happen?” Rarity asked, giving off a surprised look. Not that she disapproved of the idea of a short vacation, but she wanted to make sure Equestria’s queen felt safe. Luna smiled, “I’ll be fine. Besides, I want you and your friends to find any of Twilight’s possessions that survived the fire.”

Rarity nodded her head, accepting the offer before bounding out the door. She called out a thank you before exiting the room. Luna sighed, Yeah. Everything will be fine. The time was almost here, and she really didn’t want to return to the prison. She had to do it though because she promised to return Twilight to her old self. Sadly after two years, the queen hadn’t made any progress.

Luna then took a deep breath and gathered enough magic to teleport to the Dark and Light realm. Using the spell, she arrived in the center of the realm. A gasp escaped her lips, the queen backed up. She saw dark blotches leading into the light. She’s come into the light, Luna thought surprisingly.

“Twilight! Where are you? Twilight?” she called. There were no signs of her. Had she escaped? Even if she were good again, she shouldn’t have been able to leave the realm. Only Luna could teleport her back to their dimension.

A dark laughter sounded from the darkness as a figure approached. It was Midnight, but she was in a disgusting form. Half of her body was so terribly burned that Luna could see parts of what were her bones. “You see Luna? I can’t ever go back. I won’t ever return. I will never leave,” Midnight said. She was breaking into a psychotic laughter but at the same time bursts of tears were flooding her face.

Luna backed up from the monster. Was Midnight that dark of a creature that the light burned her? It seemed quite comical, but in such a serious situation it wasn’t a good thing. This was a big sign that Twilight’s mind was gone and Midnight was all that remained.

“You see Luna, I was trying. I really was,” Midnight teased. The gray alicorn came closer, “I tried so hard to listen. No, she did. Your Twilight tried and looked what happened. Her new body has become a monster inside and out.” The queen hardened her surprised look into a deep glare. Half of her wanted to give up. She’d have to destroy Twilight and Midnight, if there was any of Twilight left. The other wanted to get the princess back. She wanted to keep the promise she made to her sister and Twilight’s friends.

“I hate to rain on your parade, but I’m not giving up. No matter how many times you say you won’t come back. I’ll keep trying. I’ll try to my last breath. You forget Twilight, I have an eternity to try, but your friends don’t. I’m trying to get you back to them as fast as possible,” Luna began, “It’s clear that I’m trying with all my heart. So, I guess it’s you who will have to try harder!”

Midnight’s victory expression melted away and turned to rage. “Shut up!” she yelled. The crazed alicorn paced back in forth. “I won’t let you win. I won’t lose. I can’t lose. I’m god. I am god. I will sacrifice my soul. Wait haven’t I already? I will rid the streets of the weak vermin. Only the strong can survive in this world!”

Luna stepped towards the darkness, trying to get herself close to the mangled alicorn. “You really have changed. Twilight, you’ve gone mad,” she whispered. The gray hued mare froze in place and directed her orbs to Equestria’s queen.

“Luna?” a more calmed voice escaped from her lips. Was this the real Twilight? Had Luna finally broken the barrier that kept them apart for so long? The blue mare reached her hoof across into the dark realm. Pain electrified her body and caused her to retreat back into the light. She let out screams, she’d been infected. A black and gray hue of colors lasted on her fore-leg. The colors were only near her hoof, but if this was truly an infection of the darkness then it would spread.

Midnight reared back and slammed her hooves onto the ground. “It worked!” she screamed, “It worked!” Luna, who was still lying on the ground, looked up at her. The queen’s eyes were filled with sorrow and were pleading to ask why, “What have you done?”

“I’ve been flooding my soul into this darkness. I knew you come into it when you thought your lovely Twilight was coming through. It will infect you. Poison you until you end up your dark self once more!” Midnight screamed. The gray alicorn flapped her wings rapidly in triumph while Luna stayed on the ground. Her eyes stared out blankly. She couldn’t believe the events that had just occurred. How could I be so stupid? She thought, I’m going to turn into Nightmare Moon again.

Author's Note:

Surprise. Sorry it’s not Chapter 2 for A Princess, A Klutz, and A Timelord. I got a huge writer’s block for it’s Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. In a dream, I had a dream about Dark Magic’s sequel. Thus, this chapter was born. For now, A Princess, A Klutz, and A Timelord will be on a brief hiatus. I want to get all I can remember of my Dark Magic 2 dream out before attempting to write them both at the same time. I wanna see how it goes. ^.^ For now, enjoy this. (Thank you snow for giving me time to type.)