• Published 11th Feb 2014
  • 13,546 Views, 343 Comments

Facing Changes - Sketchy Changeling

Having a new stepparent brings a lot of change and a lot of mixed feelings. Having that new stepparent be Princess Celestia makes it even harder.

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Chapter I: The Ceremony


I haven’t been to many in my life, so far. I’ve only been to one other wedding when I was three, according to my dad.

Speaking of my dad, he just so happened to be the groom at this wedding, and I, having just turned eighteen, was just old enough to be a groomsman. I stood with the other groomsmen, who were all at least twice my age, and I could hear them whispering amongst themselves.

“Man, Calvin’s one lucky bastard, ain’t he?”

“For sure. He’s got himself quite the catch there.”

“Her sister’s pretty good looking, too. I wonder if I have a chance with her.”

I rolled my eyes at that last comment. They were right, though; my dad was lucky. Hell, saying that he was lucky would be the understatement of the year.

I mean, how many human men can say that they were going to marry an Equestrian princess?

Not just any Equestiran princess, but Princess Celestia! From what I had heard, many a suitor have tried to woo her and earn her hand in marriage, only for it to be all for naught. Who would’ve thought that my father, a small-time business manager from New York City, would be the one that she would end up marrying?

The minister looked at my father and asked “Do you, Calvin Summers, take this mare, Princess Celestia, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?”

My dad smiled and said “I do.”

The minister then turned to Celestia and asked “Do you, Princess Celestia, take this man, Calvin Summers, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?”

The princess gazed into Dad’s eyes and said “I do.”

“The bride and groom have written their own vows, which they shall read to each other now,” announced the minister.

Celestia took out her vows and read them first, as per the tradition of standard Equestrian weddings.

“Calvin, in all my years, I’ve never felt the kind of love that I feel for you. There was something special about you, something you did that no other man or stallion had ever done: you treated me like a normal mare. Yes, you did spoil me every now and then, but you never saw me as Princess Celestia. You saw me as just Celestia. You didn’t care that I was a princess; you simply loved me for who I was behind all the grandeur. The month that I spent in the human world when I first met you was the best month of my life, and you turned what was supposed to be a boring political trip into an incredible experience. As we continued to keep contact, and as our friendship blossomed into a romance, you became someone that I could be myself around, and eventually someone that I wanted to spend every waking moment with. You’ve brought a special kind of joy to my life, and as we stand here today, I want to tell you, in front of every person and pony here, that I love you with all my heart, and that you mean the world to me.”

I could hear the bridesmares sniffling and holding back tears, especially Twilight Sparkle, the mare that walked with me down the aisle when the ceremony began. Apparently, she was very close to Celestia.

Plus, she was supposed to be my cousin now, since Celestia’s niece is Twilight’s sister-in-law. God, these family ties are complicated.

It was then Dad’s turn to read his vows, and he cleared his throat before he began.

“Celestia, I first want to tell you how incredibly lucky I am to have met you. In fact, ‘lucky’ doesn’t even begin to describe my fortune. A better word to describe it would be ‘blessed’. I’m blessed that we got to know each other. I’m blessed that our relationship has grown despite our distance, and I’m blessed to be standing at this altar with you. You brought a spark to my life that I had been missing for years, and there are just so many things that I love about you. I love how you can be calm and reserved at one moment, then goofy and mischievous the next. I love how you put others before yourself, making sure that the ones you love are always happy, but most of all, I love the fact that you found something about me that made you feel all the things that I feel for you and more. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, and I will be nothing but the best husband to you.”

The audience aww’ed and sniffled, and as Dad and Celestia exchanged their rings, a smile grew on my face. I was incredibly happy for Dad. He had finally found someone to love after being alone for six years. He deserved to be happy with a good, loving wife by his side, and I was certain that Celestia would be just that. Things were only looking up for him, so why…


Why was there a part of me that felt mad at this whole situation?

Granted, this was a big change, and all, but I said that I was willing to face that change for the sake of my Dad’s happiness. Who was I to deny him that?

Not only that, but I had no personal issues with Celestia, either. She was a very nice lady, and she never once treated me in a way that would be considered bad, or even questionable. I actually found her to be a fun individual to be around. She was, in essence, the perfect mare.

That feeling of discontent still gnawed at me, like it did since the day Dad told me that he proposed.

So I did what I always did whenever I felt as though a part of me was uneasy. I imagined that I was talking to that part of myself in order to find out why it felt that way.

“Why do I feel a little mad that Dad’s getting married?”

“Why SHOULDN’T I feel mad?”

“Well for one, Dad’s finally found someone that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Ever since Mom died, he’s lacked companionship. Sure, he lived every day like he did normally, but he was still lonely.

“Bullshit! How could he have been lonely when he had his son to keep him company? I was his best friend, and he loved to spend time with me. He was happy!”

“That may be true, but I’m about to leave for college in less than a year. Who’s he going to have then? Dad was lucky enough to find someone that he had a connection with, and now he won’t be all by himself when I inevitably move out.”

“But he didn’t even think about me! He didn’t give a single thought to how I would feel, or how this decision would’ve affected me!”

“That’s far from true, and I know it. Dad always thought about me and my feelings.”

It was not exaggeration either. When Dad started dating Celestia, he told me straight up that he wouldn’t continue the relationship if she didn’t like me, because, in his words:

“I can’t be in a relationship with someone that mistreats my son.”

Dad would always ask me how I felt about his relationship with Celestia, and he’s even let me tag along sometimes when he went out with her.

If that wasn’t proof of how much he cared, I didn’t know what was.

After explaining this to myself, I went even further. “Several months ago, he even asked me how I would feel if he ever decided to get married again, and I told him that I wouldn’t have any problem with it.”

“I didn’t think that I was practically giving him the OK to propose the very next week!”

“My answer still wouldn’t have been different otherwise.”

“Still, Dad could’ve waited until AFTER I graduated high school and moved out. Thanks to his engagement, I had to move with him all the way to Canterlot!”

This was true, and it was one of the biggest changes to come out of this whole thing. Dad had proposed early in the summer, and they had decided to have the wedding early in the fall. In the meantime, Dad and I moved to Canterlot and lived in Canterlot Castle.

“If that wasn’t bad enough, I have to go to that stupid prep school. Since word of the engagement had gotten out before I even started attending, all those stuck-up snobs kissed up to me, pretending to be my friend like I couldn’t see through their façade. If they hadn’t known that Celestia was going to be my future stepmother, those posers wouldn’t have even given me a second glance!”

“I’ve only been there for a week. I’ll find a real friend there, sooner or later. This is a big change for everyone, not just me. I can’t be selfish about this; I simply need to cope and adjust.”

“I shouldn’t have to cope OR adjust!”

My inner conversation was interrupted when I heard the minister say something that called my attention.

“If anyone objects to this union and has a reason for these two not to be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

“This is it! This is my chance!”

“Shut up! There is no reason for me to object to this. I’m perfectly fine with this.”

“No, I am not!”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!”

“Well then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the minister declared. “You may kiss the bride.”

My dad and Celestia got closer to each other, held each other’s hands tightly, and leaned in to kiss each other.

That was it. The union was sealed. There was nothing I could say or do about it now. The voice inside of me began to yell and curse, berating me for not speaking out against the marriage.

I merely tuned him out and focused on what was going on. Dad and Celestia had broken their kiss, and were presented by the minister as the newlywed Mr. and Mrs. Summers. Everyone then began to exit the chapel, starting of course with Dad and Celestia, followed by the ring bearer and flower girl. Next was Princess Luna, who was Celestia’s maid of honor, and she walked alongside Dad’s best man. Then the rest of us groomsmen walked with the same bridesmaids we walked with when we entered the church, which meant that I had to walk with Cousin Twilight again.

Once everyone was out of the chapel, Dad and Celestia rode in their own carriage while the rest of the family went in another. We were on our way to the royal gardens to take some photos before the reception. My father’s side of the family consisted of me, Grandma, Grandpa, and my Auntie Vanessa, while Celestia’s side consisted of Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor, and Princess Twilight.

I was told that there was another prince named Blueblood that was supposed to show up, but he never did, for whatever reason.

As the rest of the family talked amongst themselves, I simply stared out the window, looking up at the sky.

All I could think about was how much my life was going to change, and how much coping it would take to get through it. I tried to think of the positives in order to lift my spirits, but it was barely working. Thankfully no one seemed to notice my less-than-ecstatic demeanor.

We finally got to the gardens and once everyone was gathered around, we all decided the different photos we would take.

And by “we,” I meant “everyone else.”

First, of course, were the bride and the groom. The photographer was all set up in front of a decorative gazebo, and the happy couple stood in front of him to take the picture.

“Okay, smile, and… There we go! Now let’s have the son come into the photo.”

“Come on up, Devin,” Dad called, beckoning me with his hand.

“Coming,” I say, putting on a warm smile and walking up, standing in-between my dad and…

…and my new stepmother.

The three of us smiled at the camera, and the photographer took several pictures.

From then on, everyone went in and out of the gazebo, taking pictures in different groups: me and Dad, the guys, the girls, the parents, the siblings, the cousins, Dad’s side of the family, and Celestia’s side of the family.

“Okay… I think that’s everyone,” Dad said, making sure that there wasn’t a group that was left out.

“Actually, honey, Devin hasn’t taken a picture with me yet,” Celestia told him.

“Oh yeah, you’re right. Come on up, son. Take a picture with your new mom.”

“That bitch will never be my mother.”

“Shut up! Don’t call her that! What did she ever do to me?”

“Devin?” Celestia asked. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I was just spacing out, is all,” I lied.

I approached Celestia, and she didn’t hesitate to pull me closer to her. She looked down at me and smiled, and I nervously returned said smile.

“Okay, you two. Watch the birdie!” the photographer said to us, and we looked at the camera with smiles on our faces.

The photographer took the pictures, and with that, the photo session was over.

Despite my yearning to just go back to the castle and stay in my room, there was still one more event I had to attend:

The reception.

Author's Note:

And there you have it, the first chapter of Facing Changes. This idea had been festering in my mind for a while now, and I finally decided to write it. The second chapter will be posted whenever I get it done.

Am I good at writing something other than comedy? Let me know in the comment section.