• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 12,484 Views, 342 Comments

Choose Your Own Adventure: Lyra’s Quest - Wanderer D

A Semi-CYOA starring Lyra with others as secondary characters.

  • ...

Babylon 5

“Think about it Twilight!” Spike said, eyes flashing with curiosity. “All the worlds we have never imagined! Whole races, cultures... gems! Other dragons that are not jerks!”

Twilight winced, looking down at her assistant.

“Maybe one of those dragons will teach me what it means to be one!” Spike looked up at her. “Please! We have to go!”

“But, Spike, we don’t know what’s out there and-”

“This is our chance, Twilight.” Lyra interrupted, putting her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “For Octy, Vinyl and me... to get what we always wanted, for Spike to find better role-models, and for you to truly discover something new.”

Twilight gritted her teeth, but then sighed. “I do want to do something new... I just...”


Vinyl arched an eyebrow. “Only three?”


“Sounds good to me!” Vinyl said, turning to look at the others.

Twilight blinked. “Wait, that-”

She was interrupted yet again, although this time by three spheres that were projected out of the box.


The spheres materialized in front of the perplexed mares. Each looked and felt different.

Octavia approached the first. It had swirling clouds of black, red and white. It looked strange to her, she was no unicorn, but she could feel, somehow, that there was magic in that world. The other two spheres gave her different feelings... one of dread, and at the same time happiness, the third and last made her feel... young... like an infant trapped in a game of ancient beings. “Well... the first one seems relatively safe,” she said after a moment.

Vinyl snorted. “Which is why we should go for this one!” she pointed a hoof at the one that seemed to have flames and a permeating sense of dread as well as some humor to it. “This one seems like fun!”

Twilight sighed. “As safe as the first is and as... fun... as the second one seems to be to you, Vinyl, the third one... it just feels like it had more to be explored and learn from.”

“So... which one should we take?” Spike asked.

“I don’t know, Spike,” Twilight sighed. “But it’s not for me to choose...” she turned to look at Lyra, who was considering all three spheres. “Lyra, I think you should decide.”

“Wait, me?” Lyra asked, looking at Twilight in surprise. “But... but you’re the smart pony here! Well, you and Octavia at least, why me?”

Twilight smiled. “Because this is your dream, and even if I am smart, I’m not an expert on humans, like you are.”

Lyra blinked. “Oh...” She smiled. “Well then... if humans went extinct, doesn’t it make more sense to go where we feel the most ancient knowledge is?”

Octavia and Vinyl looked at each other, before looking back at Lyra.

“It... kinda makes sense,” Vinyl said, frowning a bit. “I just hope we won’t end up in a dusty library for the next few months. I can’t think of anything more boring than that! No offense, Twilight...” she added, looking at the purple unicorn.

Twilight huffed and looked away.

Octavia shrugged. “Like Twilight said, you’re the leader of this... expedition... Lyra.”

Lyra nodded resolutely as she looked at the box. “Box... whatever your name is, we’ve made up our minds. We will take the third option.”

The group shut their eyes tightly as the box flashed with a powerful white light.

Lyra almost wanted to shout as the world around her closed eyes seemed to expand and contract. There was no pain, but it was decidedly uncomfortable. Finally when everything seemed to calm down, the first thing that she noticed was the noise.

Her eyes snapped open as she stared at where she was. Metallic columns raised and curved from the walls around the very large room she was standing at along with the others. However, that was not what really caught her attention.

Staring at them were not just one or two... but... dozens of wildly different creatures looking at them in awe, curiosity or fear. Lyra’s heart started beating faster. Some had scales, some had really strange hairdos, some had tentacles where their mouths should be... but... they all stood on their hind-legs! She couldn’t help herself as her foreleg wrapped tightly around Twilight Sparkle’s neck and hugged her hard as she pointed with her other hoof at the creatures. “They’re bipedal!”

*Cough!* “Yes!” Twilight wheezed, “I see that!”

“Okay, okay! What’s the commotion? What’s going on here?!” a voice shouted from behind the group of creatures. “Hey, move out of the way! Security here! Come on, people, let me do my job!”

Reluctantly the creatures parted to let another bipedal creature through. It had a short brown mane on the top of its head, and not much of a coat where the ponies could see its skin under the clothes it was wearing. It stopped and oggled the ponies for a moment.

“Oh, great, not only is it a security breach, it’s a first-encounter situation...” it mumbled. Its hand (Hands! Lyra squeaked in her mind) went up to his mouth as he spoke to the back of it. “This is Chief of Security Zak Allan, can someone please tell the captain that we have a bunch of unicorns in the premise? Yes, unicorns.” He shook his head, lowering his hand as several individuals dressed similarly to him started pushing the other creatures back. “Okay everyone, there’s nothing to see here! Carry on, just new guests...”

“Mr. Allan...” a new voice emerged from the crowds, carrying a different accent to it.

“Oh no...” The creature, now identified as Zak Allan muttered, cringing visibly. “Not him... why him? Why now?” He quickly looked down at the ponies.

“Look, I don’t know if you understand me, but whatever you are here for, it’s better to do it without his influence...”

“Mister Allan, how rude!” Another, similar, creature but with a considerably longer mane standing straight up and open like a peacock tail said, stepping up to the very edge of the crowd. “To think, that you would sully my reputation in front of our new arrivals! No, no, Mr. Allan, that is simply not how you do things!” the creature smiled a big grin.


“Perhaps our new... friends would like to come with me? Hmm? I can introduce them to the wonders of the Station.”

“Not without proper identification,” Allan replied, glaring at him.

“As this is a first encounter, and I have considerably more experience with such, it is my duty, no, my pleasure, to help these... new friends... with their paperwork; certainly the Centauri Republic could do no less.”

“Girls, I think we should make a decision ourselves...” Twilight whispered to the others.

Octavia frowned and nodded. “I’d rather we got out of here, either way; we are just being stared at!”

“I say we go with the guy that has the crazy hair!” Vinyl said, grinning. “He looks like he can throw a party!”

“Yeah!” Spike agreed.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “What do you think, Lyra?”

But Lyra wasn’t paying attention. “Hands... they have hands! You called me crazy! But I knew!”

“Lyra!” Octavia grabbed her and shook her. “Snap out of it! What do we do?!”

Lyra blinked. “Oh... well... I think we should...”


Voting Has Ended

And the winner is:

1: “I trust this Mollari guy, his hair is funny but he looks like he knows what he’s doing.”

2: “Well, if Zak is the Chief of Security, we might as well listen to him, who knows what could happen?”
With 18 Votes!

3: “Hands! I must get some of my own! Let’s go!” Lyra shouted, horn flashing as she pushed an area free of gawkers with her magic.