• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 2,212 Views, 96 Comments

The Forgotten Memory - Feather Note

A mysterious being is sent to a place where he has no knowledge of. Can he make it or is something going to happen that changes the destiny of all of those around him.

  • ...

Chapter VIII: The Keyblade Heroes

Again This has been done without my editor, so I'm sorry if it kind of sucks. Hope you like it still though. Oh and you don't have to click the link button if you don't want to.

Xaniel woke up, the morning was very bright as it’s light shone throughout his room. He shielded his eyes for a brief moment before putting his hands down to his sides. Xaniel stayed under the covers for a while longer, looking out into the world from his window view. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful again this world was.

This world is so precious and innocent, if darkness were to take it, I don't even want to imagine what would happen to the other worlds out there if this one was lost.

Xaniel still couldn't shake off the feeling that everything that happened so far was his fault entirely. "First I arrive in this world, next I awake to find my newest and dearest friends.” He then added, in an irritated tone. ”Now three Organization Thirteen members are after me for a stupid reason of just needing my existence to go away." He stopped and noticed the ponies outside his window, they all moved along as if nothing bad was ever going to happen.

Xaniel sort of envied their lives, they had calm and relaxing days ahead of them while he was a weapon of darkness; waiting to be unleashed upon this world. He felt sad, but he knew crying wasn't going to resort anything out.

Xaniel got up, he winced at the pain in his left side. That wound hadn’t healed so well this time and it still bugged him as he moved to his door.

He noticed as he walked out, a guard, who looked to be a white pegasi, was standing next to his door. It was odd that a guard was to be posted next to his room. "Ah, you're awake, the Princess has instructed me to be at your side from now on Xaniel. If those three should ever come back, then I'll get you far away from them don't you worry." He stated proudly.

Xaniel was wondering. She's joking right, not even this guard would be able to stop those three from attacking me. Xaniel didn't argue though and just decided to go along with it. He walked downstairs and then stopped, trying to decide where he should go.

"Ahem, the dining hall is down that hallway on the left Xaniel."

"Thank you sir." Xaniel said. He continued along until he reached the door that the guard instructed him to follow. Xaniel found that the dining hall was quite massive, although he didn't see any of his friends there.

"Your friends were told by the princess to head back to Ponyville for now, don't worry you're safe."

Xaniel wasn't felt saddened but also annoyed because the guard was pointing out the obvious. Even if this guard was beginning to annoy him so he just decided to find himself a chair to sit down in. He slowly walked along the room, looking at the very large table in the center. As if on cue, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna came out of an opposite door, they saw Xaniel and waved him over to join them. He reached where they were seated and sat down two chairs away from them. Celestia then said, "Good morning there Xaniel, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm doing better this morning, thank you for asking?" Xaniel looked around for a moment. "Would you know by any chance know where the rest of my friends are Celestia?"

"Celestia and I had sent them away for now, they'll come back later today to see how you are doing." Luna answered this time.

Xaniel kinda felt alone without his friends for they were the first people he had met. Luna then handed him something. "This is a gift from Rarity. She said that she had finished something for you."

Xaniel unfolded it and realized that this was his cloak. "Wow, this is absolutely amazing." Xaniel praised as he looked at the cloak before him. The cloak no longer it's signature black was a shine of pale forest green with a mixture of some sky blue coloring. But something else was added, a new emblem had been sewn into the coat. It looked like a chain, that connected to six different shapes. In the center of the chains was a heart. "I have to ask but um what are all these?"

Celestia and Luna took a closer look, then Celestia answered. "Why Xaniel, those are the Elements of Harmony. They are what helps keep this world in balance. Your six friends are actually the elements in living form."

Xaniel looked at it again. The chains that will link us together forever. A voice popped up inside his head, then he realized who it was. It was the third boy he had seen, Sora, and who Enial explained to him about Sora being the one who had saved countless worlds.

Xaniel had the trio finally pieced together, Sora, Riku and Kairi. Xaniel felt happy that he had remembered the three. They were very good friends the three of them. Then memories of his past self came up. They showed him struggling against the Heartless before those three came in and helped him out. They chatted and conversed with one another before going their separate ways, just like Enial had said. They were his friends he realized there and then, they would always be with him.


Xaniel had finished his breakfast and was heading back to his room. He realized that even if the organization members were to find him again, that his friends would help him until the end, which made him smile. These ponies, seemed to believe that a good friend, sticks with them forever, even if they are gone, they would always be within their hearts.

He had lost the guard on his way over here, and felt at peace for moment, not having someone following you around felt nice.

“Ooooh, what do we have here?” A voice popped up from out of nowhere, sounding like it was echoing everywhere.

Xaniel looked around, trying to find the source of it. “Well you're certainly something I’ve never laid eyes on before. The voice paused for a moment, before going on. “Hmmm, you certainly don’t look like a minotaur, no your not very furry. But oh what’s this.”

Xaniel’s necklace suddenly disappeared, he looked around frantically, trying to find the being that had stolen it. “Hey, whoever or wherever you are. Give me back my necklace!” Xaniel shouted out.

“Oh don’t worry, I’m not going to keep it...for long.” Then a maniacal laughter sounded, echoing throughout the hallways he stood in.

Something didn’t feel right, without that necklace, he didn’t feel normal. Yellow flecks of light began to emanate around him, flying up into the sky. The being that had taken his necklace watched in curiosity, as this new creature began to show signs of a sudden weakness. Xaniel began feeling weaker with each passing second, and not just that, but a pain on his entire body began to increase. He felt like he was fading away slowly without that necklace. He then slunk to the ground, falling onto his side, grunting in pain. Xaniel felt like he couldn’t move, and the flecks of light kept getting bigger. “Please...give me...my necklace...back.” Xaniel pleaded quietly.

It felt like an eternity had passed, before the sound of clinking metal got louder in front of him. There, came his necklace sliding along the ground. He slowly pulled himself over to it and gently grabbed it. Placing it over himself, he felt the weakness and pain slowly fade away, and soon he felt his strength come back.

“It was fun observing what happened to you there, umm, what’s your name?”

“Why should I give you my name when you almost killed me!” Xaniel yelled out.

“Oh what temper you have. The anger in you is sure different. I haven’t felt anything like that since a long time ago.” The being laughed again. “See you next time...Xaniel”

The voice soon faded away and all was silent. “Who was that guy? Never heard his voice before.”

Whoever that being was, he felt like he didn’t want to meet him. He continued his walk, slowly going back up to his room. Then he heard another voice from within himself, Hey Xaniel, are you there?

Who is this?

It’s me Enial. What happened to you? You feel like you went through some horrible ordeal. Wait...did one of the organization members attack you?

No, just some weird being that didn’t show himself. I don’t know what happened, but he took the necklace away and I...I felt like I was dying.

Oh that’s not good. How long was it off you?

For a good two minutes, why is that bad?

Hmm, well if fading away and almost dieing doesn’t sound bad enough then yeah, its bad. Enial stopped talking for a moment before continuing, If the necklace is off for more than ten minutes, then you’ll completely fade away.

What! I can die just by having my necklace gone!?

Yeah, sorry about that, I set that to happen, in case you lost yourself to the darkness. Now that I think about it, that wasn’t such a good plan.

Xaniel was greatly disturbed by this news. He could easily die without his necklace on, and if that being had it longer than that...he didn’t know what to imagine.

I was able to feel the energy of that guy who had your necklace.

Can you tell who it was Enial?

Ummm, let me look here. Nope, but his feeling of energy, it feels so chaotic. Xaniel, if you ever come across that feeling again, don’t interact with this being. He feels so negative, and another feeling I’m getting is that this guy lies, so whatever you do, don't trust him.

Well that sure seems weird in a world like this.

Just be careful Xaniel.

Yeah, I’ll make sure of that.

Xaniel felt Enial’s presence fade and he continued on his walk towards his room. Hoping not to run into whoever that was.


Twilight was sitting in her library, reading some books that she needed to catch up on. They were good distraction from trying to figure out if Xaniel was alright or not. In fact everypony else except for Rainbow Dash were trying not to worry about him, so they just did normal everyday things to keep them distracted.

Twilight was glad though that they would be able to spend some time with Xaniel, hoping that he didn't feel so cooped up in that great big castle. She was just finishing up one of her books when she heard a knock on the door. Twilight went to the door and opened it, seeing Fluttershy standing there. "Oh, hello Fluttershy how are you doing?"

"Um, good." She paused for a moment before adding. "I'm just worried about Xaniel right now. With all the dangers out there that could set him off, or the organization coming to hurt him, it just feels like he needs help." Fluttershy sadly implied.

Twilight wasn't thinking about him before Fluttershy brought it up. "Yeah you're right, I'm worried too, but we just need to be calm and hope for the best with Xaniel." Twilight said hopefully. That brought a smile to her face, as well as lighting up Fluttershy's as well.

Both girls then headed over to the train station and waited a bit longer until everypony else showed up. Rainbow Dash reluctantly came along, but only to keep an eye on Xaniel, as she said. They took the train which seem to last forever for everypony, before they finally reached Canterlot.

Vera had wandered out from the castle and walked around secretly in Canterlot for a while. She was bored and was curious to see what this city looked like, but knew to stay hidden though and stayed away from the more social areas of Canterlot. Vera wondered over to the train station there and saw the others. She was curious and remembered that they came here to check up on Xaniel and decided to followed them up from the rooftops, just to be safe. When they reached the safety of the interior area, Vera dropped down in front of them, startling them a bit but not enough to scare them. "Saw you guys come in from the train station, so I thought I might tag along."

"Yeah, hidden away from us on top of the roofs." Rainbow Dash blatantly blamed.

Vera just looked at her and said. "Oh come on Rainbow, you know I can't just wander around in public, think of what would happen. Besides no one saw me and you don't have to worry about me."

Rainbow just rolled her eyes and followed the rest. They came upon Cadence, which came the greeting. "Sunshine, Sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake." Both Twilight and Cadence giggle afterwards before Twilight asked a question.

"Hey Cadence, you know where we can find Xaniel at?"

"Yeah, the last time I saw him was when he was hanging out at one of the upper courtyards, he seemed to be meditating or something."

"Thank you Cadence." Twilight replied, smiling at her old foalsitter. The group walked off towards the direction Cadence indicated and sure enough they saw him from one of the windows, he looked like he was hanging out above one of the pools that Celestia had built.

They finally found the door to that area and found him still sitting there. By the time they got to him it was getting dark, the moon was out, the water glanced off light from the moon and it reflected off of Xaniel's exposed skin. He seemed to be only wearing some long shorts.

The group walked up to him Twilight then announced, "Hi there Xaniel, how were you today?"

Xaniel turned around and smiled back. "Oh, it's been kinda fun around here, but still quite boring without the rest of you here."

Everypony else smiled back, then Applejack asked Twilight something, "Hey Twilight how long we stickin around here fer?"

"Oh a while longer than last time." Twilight answered, then turned back to Xaniel and sat by him. Everyone else followed suit except for Rainbow Dash who was hovering above Applejack. "So Xaniel, did anythin else happen today?" Applejack inquired

Xaniel looked at her." I found a new memory, it showed me the last person among that trio of friends."

"Trio of friends?" Twilight asked.

"You remember when I told you about Riku and Kairi, well I remembered the last boy, his name is Sora, he's the hero of worlds." Xaniel stated.

"Wait, you're not talking about 'the Sora' right'." Vera asked, wondering if he was talking about the real deal.

"You know him Vera?" Xaniel questioned.

"Yeah, he helped me fight off my extreme hatred towards anyone who used the power of darkness."

"Why is that?" Fluttershy wondered

"Because I attacked Riku when we first met. I sensed darkness within him and thought that it was too late for him, but Sora showed me a different side to darkness, one I never viewed before." Vera turned to him. "That's why I didn't attack you because I felt light in you, even if your true self is just hatred and anger."

Everypony else was staring at each other in confusion. "Um, Xaniel, Vera, who are you talking about?" Rarity requested.

"Vera I think you should tell them, I may have memories but I've never actually met them before, you on the other hand have." Xaniel admitted

Vera nodded and stood up. "Alright we'll start with Riku, he's about me and Xaniel's age, taller than Sora and Kairi. He was controlled by the darkness for sometime before being able to gather the power of light and darkness." She stopped a moment before going on. "Riku now is a master of the Keyblade after saving Sora from his nightmare's."

Everypony stared for a moment before Twilight asked. "Wait he jumped into Sora's dreams? That doesn't seem physically possible." What Twilight said was true, for no one except Luna was able to see others dreams, yet she too had to be asleep. To hear that someone could jump into anyone's dreams was quite interesting, and made her feel a little uneasy.

"Well not if you're a Dreameater. He found out that he protects Sora from the bad dreams that comes his way." She paused, getting ready to talk about the next one. Now moving on to Kairi, she's one of the Seven Princesses of Light, wields a Keyblade like the rest of them and has a nobody named Namine."

"Is Namine bad?" Rainbow asked.

"Not really no. But what makes her different is that she had control over Sora's memories and could manipulate them. "Vera recalled. "But in the end she put them back together, now she resides back within Kairi."

Kairi sounded like she was similar to Fluttershy in some sense, but knowing that she too wielded a Keyblade was somewhat unnerving as well.

"Then there's Sora, the most famous of the three. He's been to many worlds and has saved them from all kinds of darkness, he's also like Xaniel, he just loves to make new friends and only see's the good in anyone's heart." Then Vera's lips formed a frown of sadness. "But he's not the only one without a nobody, his was named Roxas."

With that Xaniel, reached for his head again, the pain came back, so did the flashes of Roxas's memories. Everypony turned to him and saw the pain he was going through.

"Xaniel, what's wrong?" Twilight asked.

He looked up to her."It's those memories again from before, Roxas is back again."

Vera kneeled down next to him. "How long has this been happening?"

Twilight answered for him, "He's been acting like this since after he began to receive his memories. But even he doesn't know how they got there, aside from the fact that Enial is in there."

The pain in Xaniel's head faded away slowly, and soon he didn’t feel as much pain. Then a moment of silence before something happened. Xaniel was dropped straight into his memories. Something was weird about his one, because he didn't recognize where he was at. He looked down and noticed that his clothes were back on. "So, you're the one I've been seeing so much. Tell me who are you?"

Xaniel turned around to see who had spoken and saw another Organization member. He had his hood on, but then realized who this must be, for he had only met three others with a cloak on. "Hello there Roxas, I'm Xaniel, it is very nice to meet you."

Roxas then summoned both Oathkeeper and Oblivion. "Wait, what are you doing?" Xaniel asked.

As if to answer, Roxas attacked Xaniel. He only had a little time to summon his own weapon. Just in time too as he blocked the strikes from Roxas. "Tell me...tell me what's so special about you? Tell me why do I get memories of you?" Roxas demanded menacingly. He jumped away and got ready for another attack.

Xaniel prepared himself too but he never hoped to have to fight Roxas. He didn't want to fight his friend's nobody. "Wait, we don't have to do this Roxas, let's just talk."

"NO! You're a member of the Organization, you can't be trusted."

He then rushed at Xaniel again, swinging his keyblades violently and almost knocking Xaniel’s weapon away from him. He jumped back as Xaniel tried to strike him with his staff.

"Please Roxas, just listen to me, I don't want to fight you." Xaniel pleaded.

Roxas just charged again, dragging his keyblades across the ground, Xaniel quickly dodged Roxas as he swung his left keyblade at him and jumped back, but didn’t see him toss his right one, which struck Xaniel on his chest.

He stumbled backwards and was left open for Roxas to unleash a barrage upon him, slamming his keyblades down on Xaniel’s shoulders, which stunned him again.

Roxas then swung his Keyblades back towards his direction, and then unleashed a energy wave around him, yelling, “Take that!”

Xaniel flew back, yelling in pain and was sprawled across the ground onto his stomach. He lay there for a moment and felt nothing but pain.

But in the real world, Xaniel had fallen off the edge of the courtyard because of Roxas’s attacks and was facing upwards, eyes closed, while his friends watched in horror as he fell.

“Xaniel! Twilight yelled. She prepared to leap and fly after him, but then he suddenly disappeared from sight.

Everypony and Vera, were left to wonder in worry, at what happened to him.


Roxas walked up to the still body of Xaniel, and raised his left keyblade to finish him off, but then Xaniel disappeared. He quickly jumped back and prepared himself for wherever Xaniel would appear.


He looked around at the mention of his name, but didn’t see Xaniel anywhere. Then he was knocked forward, as Xaniel reappeared behind him and swung his staff at him. Roxas recovered quickly and looked at him. Something was different about him, he had a forest green aura emanating around him, and his expression looked serious.

“You ready to actually fight?” Roxas taunted.

Xaniel just raised his staff towards him, separating the staff into this two swords and getting into position.

Roxas immediately rushed him once more, but was surprised by the agility Xaniel had gained from his aura. He tried for a overslash, but Xaniel blocked it with his left and quickly lashed out with his right and got a direct hit to Roxas’s chest.

He stumbled back, but quickly regained his form and lunged with his right Keyblade. But Xaniel was prepared and jumped over him, quickly switching to his chain weapons, he wrapped the right one around Roxas as he jumped over him. It wrapped around his arms, trapping him, and then Xaniel proceeded to throw him around.

He slammed him onto the ground and tossed him into the air, where his left chain sword struck him hard in the stomach. Roxas fell to the ground, but slowly got back up.

Roxas then blindly charged him, anger rose up within him as he began to sloppily swing at Xaniel, who dodged each strike with such ease. Xaniel then countered with his chain, then he quickly switched to his plus weapons, and soon countered with repeatedly swinging them at Roxas, who was hit multiple times in the chest, stomach and arms.

Roxas, then jumped back, and began to swing energy strikes at him from a distance. Xaniel maneuvered around them with speed Roxas didn’t notice before. He then quickly brought back his keyblades into his stance, he tried to create the energy wave again, but Xaniel stopped him by throwing one of his weapons at him.

It hit him and sent Roxas skidding back. He ended up in the center of the glass tower that Xaniel took little notice until now. He was surprised to see who was floating there, with the others in the small circles. I...I’m inside Sora’s heart? Xaniel thought, as he wondered, how did he get here?

Roxas then slowly floated up into the air, the scenery changed as it got brighter, almost turning into a sunset like feel. An energy field appeared around Roxas, who then threw his keyblades inches away from his hands. He grunted in anger and then yelled, “Come on!”

Bright blue orbs of energy began to immediately rush towards Xaniel as he dodged each and every orb. After a few seconds from that attack, Roxas fell back to the ground, but was unaware that Xaniel had charged up a green ball of energy and sent it hurtling straight towards him. Roxas saw it, but was too late to dodge as the powerful ball of energy hit him straight on, right into the chest.

Roxas then skidded along the floor on his back, his keyblades disappearing from his sides. Xaniel walked on over to him, he stopped a few feet from Roxas, who slowly tried to stand up. “You know, I could have ended you there and then Roxas, but I didn’t now did I?” Xaniel told Roxas, irritated that he had to fight him.

“If you’re one of them, then why don’t you finish me off?” Roxas asked, as he got back up on his feet.

“Because I’m not like them, I’m being hunted down, just because I exist.”

Roxas stood there for a moment, then said, “Guess you really aren’t one of them then.”

Light flashed into Xaniel’s eyes, as his vision was still blurry. But what he didn’t realize was teleporting back to the real world had taken much of his energy, and he also didn’t realize that he was falling thousand’s of feet from the air over the courtyard. A bright light flashed above everyone. As they looked up, they saw Xaniel falling down head facing first to the ground.

“Xaniel!” Twilight screamed, who quickly launched herself into the air. She may have not flown well before, but she surprisingly was able to keep her course and intercepted Xaniel as he neared the courtyard. She landed without much trouble and laid him down. He quickly regained his vision and saw Twilight, and the others rush up to him.

“Xaniel, are you alright?” Vera asked.

“How did you disappear like that?” Twilight added, concerned and worried for him.

“I don’t know? All I remember was somehow ending up in Sora’s heart, and...I saw Roxas.”

“Did he hurt you?” Vera persisted.

“Well, he did try to hurt me, but we both came to a stalemate at the end.” He winced in pain, realizing that his left side’s wound had slightly opened again.

“Okay, lets get you back to your room.” Twilight stated. She lifted him up on her shoulder and helped walk him back. It took some time but she helped lay him back onto his bed. She slowly moved the covers to see that the wound had opened up slightly, trickling only a little blood. She summoned more bandages and wrapped another layer around him. “There, hopefully that should hold this time. Be careful next time...alright?” Twilight asked. Xaniel nodded and she stepped back. She said goodnight and walked out of his room.

Everypony soon went back to their rooms, everypony except for Rainbow Dash, who flew into Xaniel’s room. “Listen here buddy, you may be able to fool everypony here, but I’m not buying your little story.”

She then flew right up to his face. “Do you understand?”

“Well of course I do Rainbow Dash, and I understand why you don’t like me.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“It’s because I’m different, and I can respect that. I know why and I don’t mind.”

“Whatever man, just...wait what?”

“I understand, and I don’t mind why you don’t like me.”

“But how can you say that. Why are you just so calm about this?”

“Given the position you're in, I probably would’ve done the same.”

Rainbow Dash, didn’t know how to react to this, and flew off to her room quickly.

Xaniel laid down on his bed, but there was still something that troubled him as he tried to go to sleep.

"Why do you hurt so Roxas?"


It was the middle of the night. Xaniel had a hard time trying to sleep, he felt that something wasn't right. He felt that whatever Roxas had gone through, it began to bother him more and more. Xaniel finally stopped rolling and got out of the bed. He walked up to his window and looked out into the night. The moon's silver light was beautiful as it reflected off everything it touched. His skin also turned a lighter color as it's weak light radiated off him.

Whatever it was that memory that bothered him, he needed to walk it off. So he headed to the same courtyard he hung out at. Xaniel found his way easily and was soon at the destination he was at some time ago. He went back to the pool and sat down by it again. Only dipping his feet in this time. He wandered into his thoughts again, finding with ease some of his more less harmful memories and ones that he were making with his friends.

Then he heard that same sadistic voice again. "Well, you sure made it easy for me to find you alone."

Xaniel didn't turn around, surprisingly though he was very calm. He knew who it was. "What are you doing here, where are your two other pals?"

"Oh, they went back to HQ, so I thought I'd scout around and find out where you're held up. Turns out I didn't need to look for long." The being behind him said, readying his weapons.

Xaniel just got up and stared at him for a moment. "I don't have time for this, can't you just leave me alone and bother Sora or somebody else, besides I'm not much of a threat to you guys anyway."

He just laughed. "Of course we wouldn't worry about you Xaniel, hmm as if. Besides, all you've ever done is just be declared a nuisance, or so I still wonder why the old coot said so."

"The old coot, I can take it that this old man is your leader?" Xaniel asked.

"Yeah, his name's Xehanort. He's pretty much the head honcho of the new Organization Thirteen, he's pretty strong for someone like him. Any who enough about the boss, how about about we get this show underway." Xigbar implied, readying his weapons.

Xaniel just looked at him, then as he walked past him, he said, "Pass, I'd rather not fight with you guys right now."

A look of confusion spread across Xigbar's face. He turned around and asked, "Wait, what do you mean you're not going to fight me?"

"Like I just said, I'm not going to fight you, end of story."

Xigbar looked down and then shot at Xaniel.

Xaniel jumped out of the way, he disappeared and reappeared above Xigbar, hitting him in the chest with his staff. Xigbar fell flat to the ground a few feet away and was amazed by Xaniel's speed. "What, how have you gotten stronger? It can't be." Xigbar recalled worringly, remembering the first time he fought Xaniel and he was nothing but a pushover. Now he seemed different.

Xaniel just looked at him. "I said no, I'm not fighting you." He then raised the staff towards him. "If you shoot me again, then I will end you."

Xigbar thought he was bluffing but when he looked in Xaniel's eyes, they were full of nothing but hatred and anger. He didn't hesitate to disappear after realizing that Xaniel was being serious. After Xigbar left, Xaniel walked back over to the pool and sat down again. Trying to calm himself down after seeing Xigbar again. But something felt wrong, there was this feeling of cold and hatred, and it wouldn’t go away.


Luna felt an energy spike somewhere outside of the castle as she was attending her night watch. She quickly ran to the location where she had felt it earlier. It was strong whatever she felt and she was worried. Luna found the place which happened to be at one of the upper courtyards that was located outside. She looked out upon the yard and saw Xaniel sitting there. Luna was nervous after feeling that energy spike because she didn't realize it was Xaniel's. She cautiously walked over to him. "Xaniel are you alright?" Luna asked nervously.

He didn't respond. "Xaniel, what's wrong?" She asked as she walked right next to him.

He looked over to her, his expression was emotionless and he didn't seem normal. Then he suddenly grabbed his head and gasped in pain. He fell into the water, thrashing underneath the surface.

Luna could only watch in horror as he fell down. She waited for a moment but nothing came up. Luna cautiously neared the water, fearing for Xaniel's safety. Then he came up, exploding from underneath, scattering water onto her and making her jump back.

He gasped for air as he dragged himself out, Luna helped him out by dragging him far away from the water. She quickly looked at him this time, saying. "Xaniel, are you alright, what happened?" Concern was rising in Luna's voice.

Xaniel finally looked at her, he seemed normal now, but what happened. "I...I don't know, I was walking out here and then Xigbar showed up, he was trying to pick a fight with me and then." Xaniel stopped. Then Xaniel continued. "It happened didn't it, my other self almost came out. I remember everything it's just that I felt like someone else was there, that I wasn't me." Fear rose in his voice as he recalled the short time that had transpired.

Luna was far from being nervous, she was scared that Xaniel almost lost himself. "How...do you feel now?"

"I feel like myself now, but I never want to feel like that again." Xaniel sadly uttered, staring down at the ground in sadness.

Luna just stared at him, seeing that he was sad again made her feel the same way, as she wanted to make him happy, not sad. "Xaniel, there's no need to worry now, all of that is over, right now we just need you to get back inside the castle, okay." Luna stated, her voice becoming more calm.

He looked over to her, his face still showing the same sadness. "I...I know, but right now, I'd rather stay out here for a little while longer. Besides, whenever I had any trouble sleeping, I'd always go out at night and just look at the moon, for looking at it sometimes helped calm me, and the light of the moon was always beautiful to me." Xaniel recalled.

Luna felt happy that he complimented her moon. To hear that a being other than a pony state that her moon was beautiful and helped calm him, really made her feel good and happy.

So Luna walked with him back to the pool and they continued talked for sometime. Celestia woke up to feel that energy spike, she walked out of her room and noticed that Twilight and Cadence were also up. Celestia walked out of her room with the others to check out what had caused such a spike in energy.

They were all nervous, wondering if it was the Organization Members was most likely and they hoped that they hadn't found Xaniel. Soon they heard voices out in the same courtyard Xaniel was earlier that night.

They walk out to see that Xaniel was talking to Luna. Xaniel heard the others walking towards them and turned towards them, greeting them. "Hi there guys how are you doing?"

"Fine...why are you up so late Xaniel?" Celestia asked.

"Is it because of that dream still?" Twilight mentioned.

Xaniel then looked over to the pool. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep." He stated sadly. "It's just I get this feeling that Roxas is hurt somewhere and he can't get any help."

Xaniel looked over to Luna. He had retold the events that had take place here, so she knew what he was asking so she nodded. "There's something I was going to tell you guys?"

Cadence jumped forward. "Are you telling us why there was a big magic spike that we all felt earlier?"

"Yeah, about that...you see, that energy spike...that was me." Xaniel sadly admitted. All three looked at him with concern. “I came out here earlier before Luna got here, I was trying think about that dream when...when Xigbar showed up."

The three other princesses gasped. "Did he hurt you Xaniel?" Twilight asked.

He shook his head. "No, I dealt with him quickly. It's just, I didn't feel like myself when I fought him, it felt like I was somebody else, like I wasn't myself."

"Then...does that mean that-"

"Yeah Celestia, I felt my other half." The three princesses gasped, then Xaniel added, " Luna saw him first hand for only a little bit after she approached me, but I was taking back over by the time she got next to me."

"So that means, that he's getting close to finally escaping?" Cadence nervously asked.

Xaniel shook his head again. "No, he's not getting out of me, nor will he ever escape, I'll make sure of that." Determination sounded from his voice. The four princesses knew that Xaniel, even if he wasn't too keen on fighting anyone, wasn't one to be messed with. But they worried for him and they hoped that he wouldn't need to be drawn into another battle.

"Come on Xaniel, I think it's time you returned to bed." Luna stated.

Xaniel looked at her for a moment, then got up and walked back to his room, the four princesses then gathered together. "What should we do now Celestia? This shows that the Organization is far more capable of easily breaking into our domain, it would only take them seconds before they reached Xaniel." Luna fretted.

"I don't know sister, but I do know that if we are to protect Xaniel, that he has to be kept under constant supervision from now on." She stated. Then she added, "He can not be left unattended without at least one of us watching over him. So who would like to take first watch over him?"

Twilight quickly raised her hoof up first. "I'll take first watch Celestia, you can count on me."

Celestia giggled. "I don't doubt you at all Twilight."


Xaniel was just getting back to his room when he saw Vera right next to his door. "I heard about what happened. I should've been there quicker, so you didn't have to go through that." Vera uttered sadly.

"There was nothing that you could've done. I mean don't blame yourself for not being able to help me in time." He stated smiling at her.

She smiled back. "You know, for a Nobody, you're quite friendly towards others."

"Well I wouldn't be the same without my cheery smile now would I?"

Both laughed. Vera wish things could stay this peaceful. "But don't worry Vera, I know that you'll be there for me and I the same."

Vera blushed at what he said. "Thanks for that Xaniel." With that, they both walked back to their rooms. Xaniel fell into his bed. Sleep came easy and he found himself in a dream again. He saw everyone sitting together from his past life. Sora, Riku and Kairi were laughing about something. He could also see Roxas hanging out with them. Namine and Vera were also there, joining in there laughter.

Even his pony friends were there too, laughing along with them. He couldn't help but be happy. For the first time, he saw everyone from his dreams having a good time together. No matter what happened, this dream would be something that he would keep in his memories. He smiled and kept dreaming about happy things.

Author's Note:

Hey there everybody. Hoped you liked this one and the feels that were also put into place here. Oh and I should hopefully be able to have someone else help me with this so that I don't have to keep editing it on my own. Kuddo's to you all for reading and hope you have a good morning, afternoon, evening, night or whatever.