• Published 1st Dec 2013
  • 5,119 Views, 399 Comments

The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter - TalonMach5

Part two, of books two of four, in the Great Slave King Saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Chapter 4: The Journey Home, The End of One Adventure, and Beginning of Another

The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter

A Story by TalonMach5

Chapter 4: The Journey Home, The End of One Adventure, and Beginning of Another

He saw the magnificent city shining in the distance, the sun reflecting off its golden parapets and towers. Catching a thermal updraft, he flew even higher above the familiar mountainous terrain of his homeland. Below him, he saw his mother being flanked by several of her honor guard, which were escorting her back to the palace. He saw her looking up at him, and knowing that look, descended to fly the rest of the way by her side.

Pleased that her son had rejoined her, Lady Zephyr gave him an approving smile, before preparing to land in one of the palace courtyards. Following after her, Dawson flared out his wings, and slowed his descent. Landing gently on the ornate masonry of the courtyard, he joined his mother’s side.

Glad to be safely home, she embraced him tightly. “I’m so glad you’re safely back in the nest,” she said, as her guards, save two, returned to their posts.

Though he missed the South he hadn’t realized until now just how much he’d missed his home. “It’s good to be back, mother,” he said, gently kissing her head.

“I’m glad you feel that way, Dawson,” she said, looking into his soft brown eyes and offering her son a contented smile. “Because you’re grounded for at least the next month.”

“But, mother!” he tried protesting, before being silenced by a sharp look.

“Don’t but mother me, Dawson,” she scolded, letting him know just how much trouble he was in. “You left home without leaving so much as a note, left the safety of our domain to go adventuring, and betrayed my trust not once, but twice.”

He thought about protesting, but decided against it. Even though he was the focus of her wrath, he was happy to see his mother back to her old self, especially after what had had happened between herself and the Slave King. She’d been nearly inconsolable, and had refused to even attend the wedding. So seeing a little fire in her eyes once more warmed his heart.

“Alright, mother,” he said, agreeing to abide by her punishment.

When she saw that he’d gracefully accept his punishment without complaint, she gave him a strange look. “Who are you, and what have you done with my son?” she asked, motioning for him to follow her into the palace. “Dawson, I guess your little excursion to the South did wonders for you.”

“Yes, I think so too,” he agreed, escorting her to the throne room.

“Lady Zephyr,” a large griffin said, walking towards them.

His plumage was black and silver, which was a stark contrast to his snow white coat. Tapping his talons several times against the floor, he gave Dawson a harsh look with his blue eyes, before bowing low to her.

“Councilor Johan,” she said, placing a wing protectively around her son’s shoulder.

“It’s so good to have you back with us one more, your highness,” he said, belying his true feelings regarding her return. “I was almost afraid I’d have to run the entire domain into the foreseeable future without you.”

“Well fortunately, for everyfeather involved,” Dawson said, giving the councilor a flat gaze. “That will never come to pass.”

“Yes, Dawson,” the councilor sarcastically agreed, running his tongue along the edge of his beak and teeth. “Hopefully your mother won’t ever have to embarrass herself in the future on your account.”

“Listen you…” Dawson growled, allowing his personal dislike for the councilor to heighten his emotions.

“Dawson, please excuse us,” Lady Zephyr said, when she saw things were threatening to get out of talon. “I have much to discuss with the council. I’ll join you for dinner later.”

Dawson wanted to protest, but once more he saw the virtue in her words. “Very well, Mother,” he said, hugging her. “I’ll see you then.”

Happy that her griffin-half son was leaving them, Councilor Johan slicked back his feathers, and extended a wing towards Lady Zephyr. “Allow me to escort you the rest of the way, your highness,” he said, admiring her attractive blue plumage.

“I know the way, councilor,” she sharply replied, disliking how blatantly he was ogling her.

“As you wish, Lady Zephyr,” he said, backing away and giving her her space.

Walking towards the council chambers in silence, she looked disparagingly at Councilor Johan. In truth she didn’t care much for him personally, but his clan was both honored and storied, and had always served her well in the past. She only hoped that his future replacement was a more worthy inheritor to their legacy. Although she’d hoped for a chance to spend alone with Dawson, discussing his future here in her domain, she also needed to speak with the council about the domain’s slaver problem.

Even though she’d heard numerous reports over the years of griffins going missing, until a few days ago she’d never had any solid proof. Honestly, the easiest solution to their problem would be raiding the pony settlements that straddled the borders between the Domain of Air and central Equestria in retaliation, slaying the inhabitants, and burning them all to the ground. However, if they did that she was sure Princess Celestia and Princess Luna might decide to send a reprisal, also then there was the issue of the Slave King. As Luna’s husband, the ponies were his subjects as much as theirs, he might take offense if she authorized the attacks against them in retribution.

Though pressing her subjects into slavery was vexing, central Equestria and her domain had experienced a prolonged period of peace and prosperity. Though her griffins were brave and strong, her domain was rather resource poor. Any prolonged conflict, would surely cause hardship for the entire Domain of Air. Of course, her other option was demanding that Celestia remove all the settlements straddling the border. She was almost certain the slavers base of operations, were amongst the numerous settlements found along their shared border. But eliminating the border towns also carried the risk of reduced the trade her people greatly depended on.

A majority of the trade routes through her mountainous domain, was handled through those border settlements and towns. And even if Celestia removed the ponies from the settlements, there was no guarantee the slavers wouldn’t just move their base of operation to a new location along the border. The more she mulled over the problem in her mind, the more she regretted not snagging the Slave King when she’d had the opportunity to. It certainly would have made resolving things much simpler.

Passing by the murals that Lord Darkpaw, her former lover had once gifted her with, she hung her head in shame. For so long, she’d turned a blind eye to this problem. Perhaps had she pushed the issue more forcefully, he’d might have done something about it. But she’d not wanted to risk angering him over it. And even though his successor, the Slave King, had done what he could to reduce the number of griffins enslaved, he held little influence outside of his own domain.

She’d asked him long ago why he tolerated slavery, when he’d once been a slave himself. His answer surprised her. He’d told her that the evil in others hearts was beyond even the power of gods to stop, and all he could ever hope to do was make it bearable. She thought back then, that he was only trying to justify his actions to her. But now, she wasn’t so sure. Certainly his domain needed the labor, and he insured that most were treated relatively well.

So she was back to her original problem, what to do about the slavers acting with impunity in her territory? The consequences of a war with the ponies, would certainly be more expensive than her domain could withstand. Isolationism also brought similar problems, and her griffins were too proud feathers, to ask for help from the knights of the Lawgiver.

Sensing the deep thoughts that hung over head like an oppressive fog, the councilor cleared his throat. “Lady Zephyr,” he said, running a talon against his beak thoughtfully. “Is something on your mind?”

“Yes, Councilor Johan,” she admitted, sighing deeply over the plight of the griffins she’d failed to protect over the years. “I recently learned of just how bad the slaver kidnapping gangs have gotten.”

“Oh…” he said, his voice carrying little emotion. “While the slaver gangs have been more active of late, the more pressing issue is the trade routes they’ve been interrupting.”

“How can you say that?” she asked, feeling agitated that the councilor apparently thought bits had more worth then feathers doomed to toil against their will for a decade.

“We can’t be everywhere,” he said, trying his best to calm her down. “And while anyfeather being kidnapped is tragic, the loss of income from the disruption in trade causes greater overall suffering.”

When she heard his retort, she somehow suspected he was more worried about his clan’s extensive trading ties to the border towns, than the good of the domain. “I’m glad you agree with me, Councilor Johan,” Lady Zephyr said, eying him with her steely blue eyed gaze.

“Excuse me?” the councilor said, not quite sure what she’d meant.

“Agreeing with me, that something must be done about the slaver gangs,” she said, with a predatory grin.

“Well…” he said, not really relishing the idea of disrupting things. “I suppose I could put forth a motion to the council, to explore the possible feasibility of an exploratory committee to discuss the issue.”

“I’m glad you agreed to help,” she said, giving him the distinct impression he had no other choice but to comply. “I’ll expect you to support me in the council.”

“But of course, your highness,” he said, sighing deeply.

When they entered the council chamber, everyfeather present stood in respect for their deity. Glad to be back amongst her people, and able to do something for those she’d failed to protect, she took her seat at the head of the council. “Gentlefeathers, please be seated,” she said, smiling that she was finally doing something constructive for her domain. “I would like to discuss an issue that has been ignored for far too long. The enslavement of our fellow griffins, by black hearted pony slavers…”


The aged kirin, took a deep drag from his hookah, and sighed. A storm was coming, he could feel it deep in his ancient bones and aching joints. It was nearly dusk now and he was sorely missing his evening tea. He found it odd that his disciple hadn’t yet brought it to him. In fact, judging by his rumbling stomach, it was worrying that she’d not brought him his lunch or supper either. Usually she’d interrupted his studies, making sure he always ate a proper meal. But today, he’d been pouring over his celestial almanac all afternoon without a single interruption.

It was so unlike her. Perhaps, she’d finally grown tired of being his disciple, and returned to her own people. Being a sage wasn’t for everydeer after all. With only a decade of training under her, she still had at least twenty years more ahead of her, before she could even be considered an acolyte, let alone a sage.

“By Lord Raiden’s beard, where is she?” he muttered, annoyed with her disappearance. It had been so long since he’d made his own tea that he doubted he could locate the teapot, let alone the tea to make it. “Glitterwing, confound it all. Where have you gotten off to?”

“Oh, here I am, Sage Zhange,” he heard her high pitched voice call out, shouting at him from the steps that led outside the ziggurat that they called home.

Relieved that he didn’t have to make his own dinner, or brew his own tea after all, he breathed a sigh of relief that he still had a disciple to serve him. Looking as stern as he could manage, he furrowed his brow, as he waited for her to fly up the stairs.

“Where have you been, Glitterwing?” he gruffly asked, shaking his unruly grey beard at her, while stamping his hooves impatiently.

“Forgive my tardiness, master,” she apologized, poking her head up from the stairwell. Flittering in front of him, she bowed her head low. “I was gathering herbs in the Razorthorn thicket, and ran into some trouble.”

“Trouble in the Razorthorn Thicket?” he murmured, rubbing his gnarled antlers against the room’s stone walls. “Was it a windigo, or a yeti perhaps?”

“No, master,” she said, locating the kettle, filling it water, and setting it on the stove to boil. “It was a griffin.”

“A griffin,” he replied, wondering why griffins would bother attacking anydeer in Autumn. “Was it a marauder?”

“No, master,” she cheerfully replied, filling a pot with water, and setting it on the fire to boil. Entering the pantry, she gathered some ingredients, and set out to make their dinner. “They were attacking a pony.”

“A pony, how curious,” Sage Zhange mused, wondering why the griffin would even bother, since most ponies didn’t have the stomach for fighting. Spying how much food Glitterwing was preparing, he looked at her questioningly with his milky blue eyes. “That’s a bit more then I’m able to eat.”

“I thought we might entertain a guest, master,” she replied, busily chopping up some vegetables with her potent magic.

“A pony guest, perhaps?” he asked, putting two and two together.

“A pegasus actually, master,” Glitterwing replied, throwing the ingredients into the pot of boiling water. “He carries news from the South.”

“Very well, Glitterwing,” he said, sitting in front of the fire to warm himself. “Tell them to enter.”

“Come on in, Bucky!” she called down the stairwell.

Moments later, a white pegasus cautiously poked his head over the stairs. Offering them a smile, he sniffed the air appreciatively, enjoying the delicious smell coming from Glitterwing’s cooking.

“Your hospitality is much obliged,” Bucky said, enjoying the warmth of the fire.

Eying his many wounds, Sage Zhange pointed his hoof at Bucky. “I hear you found yourself in a bit of a scrap with a griffin earlier,” he said, stroking his greying beard thoughtfully.

Looking up from the fire, Bucky absentmindedly nodded his head. “Yeah, I ran into a bit of trouble at a tavern over in Nestoria,” he said, licking his lips in anticipation of the meal Glitterwing was preparing. “I guess they didn’t care much for ponies.”

“Yes, the tensions between your two races is strained at the moment,” the sage agreed, gratefully accepting the cup of steaming tea from his disciple. “There’s been talk of pony slaver gangs, faunnapping anydeer they can get their hooves on.”

“I wonder why Lady Zephyr allows it,” Bucky said, brushing his yellow mane out of his eyes with his hoof.

“The gods have been distracted of late,” Sage Zhange replied, taking a sip from his tea, smiling as its flavor pleased his tongue. “The Grand Celestial Conjunction is happening this year, so changes among the Pantheon are possible right now.”

“Ah, so that would explain that, then,” Bucky said to himself, remembering the mysterious preparations happening in the Slave King’s palace and the Neo Vale for the past three months.

“Would explain what?” Glitterwing asked, heating up some preserved bread to go along with their dinner.

“All the activity in the South,” he replied, imagining how tasty their meal was going to be.

“Yes, Glitterwing had mentioned you were from the South,” Sage Zhange said, carefully studying the pegasus.

“Yes, well I was originally from Londwhinium,” Bucky explained, tilting his ears slightly. “My family had debts, and when they were unable to pay, were sold into slavery to cover them. And well… You know how the rest goes.”

“Indeed,” he said, taking a few puffs from his hookah. “So, Bucky, what brings you so far from the South?”

“I wanted to see the world,” he replied, preening his wings.

“What did you find?” Glitterwing asked, tasting the soup boiling away on the fire

Rubbing his aching muscles with his hoof, he wearily looked towards the setting sun. “A whole lot of trouble for one,” he said, offering her a tired grin.

“Oh,” she replied, slightly disappointed by his answer.

Seeing her frown, he smiled. “But also a friend,” he said with small chuckle, before wincing in pain.

Spying his brand, Sage Zhange took a long drag from his hookah. “I see you once served the Slave King,” he said pointing towards the symbol of his former enslavement.

“Ah, I see you found out my little secret,” Bucky sheepishly said, no longer bothering to hide who he was.

“Hmm, no wonder the griffin wanted you dead,” the sage said, blowing out a perfect smoke ring. “Currently, there’s no love lost between servants of the Slave King and the griffins.”

“That’s former servant, thank you very much,” Bucky said, pointing to the broken chains surrounding his brand.

“So what do you plan on going next?” Sage Zhange asked him, accepting a bowl of soup from his disciple.

“Well,” Bucky said in between spoonful’s of soup, not nearly eating, but inhaling his meal. “I did agree to discuss my time in the South with Glitterwing, so whenever she’s heard enough, I guess I’ll decide.”

“Glitterwing…” Sage Zhange sighed, giving her a tired look. “I thought we discussed this already.”

“But, master,” she said, pointing the over large serving spoon in her hooves at him. “The visions only keep getting worse.”

“What happens to the Slave King is none of our concern,” he said, dismissing her fears. “Besides, I’m much too old to go adventuring, and you’re much too inexperienced. Now I expect to hear no more of this, Glitterwing.”

“Very well, Sage Zhange,” Glitterwing sighed, before taking a large bite from her bread.

“Excuse me, Glitterwing,” Bucky said, his curiosity piqued by their exchange. “What sorts of visions have you been having?”

“It’s the true sight,” Sage Zhange explained, emptying his bowl. “It allows those with a sufficient connection to the spirit world, to see things beyond seeing.”

“That’s rather peculiar,” Bucky said, thinking of his own special gift. “I have something similar, I call it my second sense. It lets me know when there’s trouble brewing.”

“Is that how you survived the griffin?” Glitterwing asked, flittering above him, and trying to discover the secrets of the second sense he possessed.

“Well, just barely,” he admitted, rubbing his hoof against his mane.

“Interesting,” Sage Zhange said, looking out a nearby window and up into the star filled night sky. There in the heavens, he saw the Twins, signifying Loki and Lugh, between the Winding River, signifying Jormungandr, twinkling in the heavens above. Could this be a sign from the gods?

Deciding he needed to consult the heavens about this is greater detail, the ancient sage picked up his astrologer’s almanac with his magic, and excused himself. “I must be off for now, you two,” he said, walking towards the stairs that led to the top of the ziggurat. “The heavens are in need of cataloging tonight.”

“Do you need assistance, master?” Glitterwing asked, worried that he might stay up all night once again.

“No, thank you, Glitterwing,” he said, looking over his shoulder at them. “Just bring me more tea every hour, and I’ll be fine.”

“Alright, master,” she said, as she began cleaning the remnants of their dinner. Seeing that Bucky seemed to be nodding off, she smacked his muzzle with a wooden spoon.

“Ouch!” he cried out, now fully awake and rubbing his throbbing nose. “Glitterwing, what was that for?”

“No sleep for you,” she said, giving him a predatory grin. “Not until you’ve answered some of my questions.”

“Alright, what do you want to know?” Bucky asked, yawning deeply and wishing he could just fall asleep.

“Everything!” she excitedly chirped, flying around the room in a flurry as she cleaned.

“Ugh…” he sighed in disappointment. Judging by how excited she was, he knew it was going to be a late night.


Snorting in fury, he charged the rebels alone, unaided by any, except by his own ferocity, cunning, and magic. Rushing headlong into battle, with his sharpened horn pointed forward, he charged at who he supposed was the leader of this peasant rabble. He felt his blood lust rise, as he smashed into two burly crystal pony stallions, who foolishly thought they were up to the challenge of stopping him.

Growling at their defiance, he reared up and struck them with his arcanum shod hooves. As the magical metal met their crystalline coats, he heard the metal shrieking as it impacted against them. The two ponies, strong in their faith in the Slave King’s protection, returned his strike, with blows of their own. Feeling their weapons pierce him, he grimaced in pain, as both fear and fury welled up within soul.

Try as he might, he found himself struggling against his opponent’s greater numbers and their seemingly invulnerable crystalline coats. Pressing his weight forward, he tried shoving the two larger crystal ponies aside. But unlike the others, these two were stronger than the other opponents he’d faced thus far. It was like fighting against a mountain. No matter what he did, they blocked his path and refused to move. And if he didn’t manage to dispatch them before he tired, he was sure his reign would be the shortest of any monarch in history.

Deciding that he was done playing around, he channeled his arcane might through his horn, and into the two stallions standing in his way. Arcs of lightning leapt from the tip of his horn, and into the unsuspecting ponies. Shrieking with pain, they were knocked aside by the magical onslaught. Giving the others a malevolent glare, he sneered at them for daring to defy their proper place beneath his hooves.

“Stand your ground, stallions,” their leader shouted, unwilling to be cowed by this pretender. “We simply need to keep him occupied, until word can be sent to the Slave King of his betrayal.”

That can’t be allowed to happen, he darkly thought, preparing to launch another flurry of magical bolts at these worthless rebelling plebs. Releasing his magic, he sent a crystal pony flying into a nearby column, as he prepared to charge the ringleader with his horn. Stamping his arcanum hooves, he rushed forward, knocking the rebels aside like tenpins. Their cries of fear were music to his ears, and he smiled, enjoying their pain and terror.

Though his former master, the Slave King, loathed the Domain of Shadow, as a shadow knight, of ‘The Order of the Shadow’, he’d been instructed in the discipline of shadow magic. Though under strict guidelines on its acceptable uses, he’d decided long ago, that such restrictions were for the plebs, and not for those who were more worthy of wielding its power. Combining the power of the Dark, with that of the Earth, he tapped into the abundant ley lines that flowed through his palace, and unleashed Hades on these treacherous swine.

He mockingly laughed as their screams filled the palace. Out from each of the traitor’s shadows, dark crystals, each as black as his wicked heart, burst forth out of the ground. Injuring some, wounding others, but successfully immobilizing them all. Seeing how he’d humbled them with his superior unicorn breeding and magical talent, he sneered at them. These peasants had actually thought themselves worthy and capable of overthrowing him? He who served the mighty Second, and their dread master. Soon, he’d show them the folly of their self-delusions.

But how should he proceed? There was procedure that had to be followed after all. He couldn’t very well call himself their lawful sovereign, if he ignored the law on a whim. Choices, choices, he thought about having them caged in the public square, and left to rot. But though it might prove useful to demoralize any others that thought to rebel, they would need constant surveillance to ensure they weren’t being clandestinely fed, or even dare he say it, an attempted jailbreak.

No, he needed to break their spirits, and then release them back into the general population. By doing so, he could spread both fear, and show himself as a merciful ruler to everypony else. Then he hit upon a most wicked devious plan, one that would break their resolve, and ensure nopony would ever dare defy his rule again. He’d make the price of their rebellion so high, they would suffer for an eternity.

Congratulating himself on how clever and ruthless he was, he turned his attention back to the rebels. They were quite a frightful sight, each was covered with lacerations and deep purple bruises, while others were moaning in pain and going into shock from their broken bones. Though in pained him to do so, dead ponies would serve as martyrs to their cause. Channeling his magic into a nearby communication crystal, he summoned the remainder of his still functioning constructs to him.

“Do your worst, tyrant!” the leader of the crystal pony rebels shouted, his purple eyes staring defiantly into his own. “Once you’ve killed us, others will take up our righteous cause.”

Annoyed at his captive’s foolish obstinance, he returned a thin lipped smile. Once the massive stone and arcanum constructs entered the great hall, he directed them towards the prisoners. “Restrain these rebel scum,” he said, spitting out the words with disgust.

The runes covering the giants glowed green in response, indicating they understood their appointed tasks. With their giant hands, they held each pony in place, immobilizing them even further. Satisfied that there wouldn’t be any more unexpected surprises, he released his magic’s hold over the crystals piercing their shadows, causing them to dissolve into the aether.

Removing a small flask from his saddlebag, he removed its stopper with his magic, levitated it over the closest rebel’s mouth, and released a single drop. Almost immediately, the crystal pony’s many wounds rapidly healed, while the broken bone jutting out of his leg, retracted and knit itself back together. He repeated the process to each rebel in turn, offering them a tiny drop from the draught in his flask, before turning his attention towards the leader of this pathetic band.

“What are you doing?” the pony asked, unable to believe that such a cruel pony would willing show any kindness to his enemies.

“Healing you,” he said, shaking his head that he had to explain the obvious to the fool.

“Maybe I don’t want your help, monster!” the pony snarled, closing his mouth, and moving his head away from the draught filled flask.

Feeling a cold fury at the peasant’s continual rebellion burn within him, he roughly grabbed the stallion’s muzzle, and forced it open. “Who said you had a choice, stupid mud pony?” he growled, pouring a few drops in his mouth.

Inspecting his prisoners and fully satisfied they were all completely healed, he activated the communications gem on the wall, and had the constructs carry them away to restrain them in his dungeon. Confident that the rabble was all taken care of for now, he trotted back towards his room, and his waiting mare.

Approaching the ornately carved and gilded door that led to his personal quarters, he smiled when he thought about all the fun he’d have with her, now that he’d proved to her that any further resistance by anypony, was doomed to failure. In a way, he was grateful to the rebels who had dared to openly attack him. Since they would provide him with a unique opportunity, in quelling any further dissent in their fellow subjects.

Opening the door, he scowled at what he saw. His mare, his favorite plaything, was laying prone on the floor in a pool of her own blood. The carpet she was laying on, was stained crimson from the blood flowing from her self-inflicted wound. How dare she! he inwardly seethed, furious that she had the audacity to try committing suicide before he’d finished with her. Though he held not an ounce of care in all his black heart for the dying mare, he wouldn’t allow her to die a moment before he tired of her.

Looking into her glassy eyes he saw between her labored breaths, her smiling in relief that she was finally free from his cruelty. Offering her a flat look of contempt, he removed the flask containing the Draught of Renewal, removed its stopper, and upended the remainder of it into her mouth. The moment the sparkling effervescent liquid hit her tongue, she screamed as her mortal wounds closed, and the color returned to her pale face.

Releasing a lament of anguish when she realized there was no escaping him, she looked up into his merciless red eyes. “Why…” she whispered, nearly unable to speak due to her despair.

“Because… Topaz, you belong to me,” he said, picking her up roughly with his magic, and throwing her on his bed. “Mine to do with as I please, to use however I wish. Then when I’ve tired of you, and only then, are you free to embrace oblivion.”

She looked down at the bloody knife near his hooves, and shuddered. It had taken nearly all the courage she possessed to try ending her life the first time, and she didn’t think she had it in her to make a second attempt. Spying the open door to the balcony that overlooked the streets below, she stood up off the bed, and knew what she had to do. Leaping off the bed and running towards the balcony, the desperate mare tried to escape the monster that had stolen everything from her.

Jumping into the air, she smiled as she cleared the railing, and knew in a scant few moments she’d finally be free from him forever. But before she could begin her descent to meet her final destination, she felt herself getting pulled back into the room by his magic’s powerful clutches.

“No!” she wailed, as the freedom from her tormentor that death promised, was denied to her once more.

Forcefully slamming her against the wall of his room, he began strangling her with his magic’s hold. “You… Treacherous… Whore…” he snarled, emphasizing each word with a blow from his arcanum shod hooves, leaving her face bruised and bloodied from the impacts. Releasing her, he dropped her to the ground, as she gasped and coughed, trying to get air. “Topaz, you don’t get to die until I kill you myself. Now thank me for saving your worthless life.”

“Thank you…” she whimpered, under his scathingly vindictive glare.

“Thank you what?” he said, displeased that she’d failed to thank him properly.

“Thank you, master,” she wept, crying as the hopelessness of her situation weighed down heavily on her heart, like a millstone around her neck.

“And?” he said, looming over her threateningly.

“I don’t get to die until you say so,” she sighed, despondently lowering her head.

“Now it’s time for my reward, don’t you think,” he said, implying she’d better agree if she knew what was good for her.

Choking back a sob, she fearfully nodded her head, returned to the bed, and waited for him to do to her as he willed. Nodding approvingly at her docile behavior, he smiled, delighted that she was making such good progress. Approaching her, he stopped in front of his bed, and rubbed his hooves together in anticipation. Thinking back to the rebels in his dungeons, he could scarcely wait to begin rewarding them for their treason appropriately. If Second was here, he was sure he’d appreciate what he had in store for them.

Pressing his muzzle against her coat, he deeply inhaled her scent, relishing the perfect combination of fear and despair she was exuding. As far as he was concerned, there was no superior aphrodisiac. With a dark chuckle, he began plundering her treasure, as he thought to himself, Sombra, it sure is good to be king.


Flying high above the clouds, she felt his arms wrapped tightly around her, and sighed with happiness. It had been so long since she’d last known his touch, and every night she ached to know it once more. Of course intellectually, she knew his embrace had been one of necessity rather than genuine affection, but her heart had longed for him for so long, that it made her happy imagining that the heartbeat she felt beating inside his chest, beat only for her.

Catching a thermal draft, she gained more altitude in order to avoid the Steamspout Fields that separated the Domains of Fire and Earth. The last thing she wanted, was risk being hit by one of the hundreds of geysers that could erupt at any moment. Especially when the feather she loved, was counting on her to get him safely to the Western Sea, so he could finally fulfill his promise.

When she’d heard him mention the promise, her heart had reached out to him, and to the Slave King. The Slave King… That poor feather. He’d suffered for so long, if only he’d been able to accept her gift. If only she’d had more time. If only she’d not been so desperate. But what was done, was done. She’d lined her nest, and now she had to sleep in it.

But looking at her ruggedly handsome passenger, her heart swooned and soul sang. Though the Slave King didn’t have room in his heart for her, perhaps Elrey might be convinced to return her affection if she gave him the proper motivation. Although he probably didn’t know it, he was no run of the mill wayfarer. She could feel the spark of divinity burning within his breast, and it was only a matter of time until he discovered it for himself.

Entering the badlands of the Domain of Earth, and leaving the lava flows of the Domain of Fire behind her, she was flying over the Lonely Road, which would eventually take them to the Western Sea. The Lonely Road, one of the Slave King’s great works, connected all the various cities and towns in the Domain of Earth, with the Capital, Neo Vale. Additionally, the road was constantly being expanded into the other dominions as well. Eventually, she supposed, it would crisscross across all Equestria, until it finally connecting all the domains to each other.

But as interesting and ambitious as his roads were, her mind wasn’t focused on the engineering marvel. Instead, her thoughts dwelt on the feather who had designed and planned it out. She wondered if the Slave King was happy with his marriage to Luna. Even though she’d had her heart set on herself becoming his bride, now that his wedding was over and done with, she thought that perhaps the mistress of the night might be the one to help him get out of his shell.

Over the years, she’d tried everything she knew of to make him happy. But not even the birth of their daughters, and giving him the feathered folk tribe had failed to mend his broken heart. She could only hope, that Luna would succeed where she’d failed. She worried greatly for him, she truly did. Over the past few centuries, she’d seen something vile affecting her fellow deities on the Pantheon. What else could explain Ouroboros’s and Cerynitis’s recent behavior? Something terrible was eating them from the inside, like worms feeding on a rotting corpse.

And it wasn’t just those two. Almost without exception, everyfeather else seemed to be poisoned by the same debilitating miasma, that had successfully corrupted a Prime Element and one of the Seasons. She suspected, that even if she hadn’t escaped its influence unscathed. How else could she explain what she’d done to the Slave King in her desperation?

And though it had given her Elrey, she’d still wronged the one she loved, and the guilt was eating her alive. Because a moot hadn’t been called, she was certain he hadn’t perished. But even though she didn’t know how badly her actions had harmed him, she was fairly certain she’d grievously wounded him. If she wasn’t so concerned for Elrey’s welfare, she’d kneel before his throne, and beg him for his forgiveness.

She wondered what he’d do to her when he found out. She remembered how he’d avenged himself against Lord Ouroboros and shuddered. He could be so vengeful, and yet he possessed a tender side as well. She remembered the remorse filled look he’d given her back inside his palace, and wondered if it had been because she’d willingly let him go instead of choosing to hold onto him.

If only, my love. If only… she silently lamented, wishing her heart would stop aching for him.

She felt Elrey fidgeting on her back, and turned her head to look at him. “Something the matter, my love?” she asked, pumping her wings a few more times.

“No, it’s nothing, Suzaku,” he said, grasping her even harder.

“Love, I can sense your anxiety,” she said, flying through a large cloud bank. “Are you worried about reentering the Domain of Earth?”

“No, it’s…” he said, as she banked hard to catch a thermal draft, causing him to hold onto her as tightly as possible.

“Ugh, love, it’s not that I don’t enjoy your embrace,” she said, feeling his arms tightening even further around her. “But you’re making it difficult for me to breathe.”

“Sorry,” Elrey murmured, loosening his grip on her. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m just unaccustomed to traveling like this.”

“Oh,” Lady Suzaku said, finally understanding his apprehension. “Elrey, love, are you afraid of flying?”

“Not so much the flying per se,” he replied, trying his best to remain calm, as they flew over the hard unforgiving earth that lay far beneath them. “But I was never much one for heights.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, love,” she apologized, sending her magic into him. “I promise my magic’s hold won’t allow you to fall.

When her divinity touched the innate magic flowing through him, she felt her self-restraint beginning to slip. Oh, how greatly she desired him, but she’d made him a promise, and fully intended on keeping it. She’d promised to see him safely to the Western Sea, and she was determined to keep her word to him.

“Will it take us long to reach the Western Sea?” Elrey asked, still tightly clinging to her red silken feathers.

“Maybe the better part of a week,” she replied, looking at the ground beneath them for a good spot to land. “Better hold on tight, love.”

“Why?” he asked, before gasping in surprise and holding onto her for dear life, as she sharply banked towards one of the many shelters along the Lonely Road.

She tucked in her wings, and dived towards the shelter, all the while adjusting their trajectory for an optimum descent. Then right before they hit the ground, she flared out her wings, and slowed their descent to something a little more manageable. With all the grace and poise of lithe dancer, she flapped her large beautiful wings, and gently landed them down on the ground. Turning her head towards Elrey, she motioned for him to get off her back.

“I’m trying, Suzaku,” he said, struggling to remove himself from her. “But something’s holding me tight.”

Realizing her mistake, she blushed when she remembered that her magic was still keeping him attached to her back. “Oh, love, forgive me please,” she said, relinquishing the hold her divinity still had on him. She felt a pang of regret as her connection to her wayfarer companion was severed, and felt a sense of loss once he’d slipped off her back.

“Thank you, Suzaku,” Elrey said, stretching out his legs, as he walked along the breadth of the pavement of the Lonely Road.

“Be careful, darling,” she called out after him, worried that something would happen to him here, where her power might fail to protect him. “Stay close, there’s all sorts of predators out here, to say nothing of the Slave King’s numerous agents and spies.”

Nodding his understanding, Elrey walked back towards her, and joined her beneath the shade the shelter provided them. Looking at what was here, he saw a small bubbling fountain flowing with water into a pool, and several stone benches. Walking to the fountain, he cupped his hand, and dipped it inside the flowing waters. Bringing it to his mouth, he tasted it, and smiled at how refreshed it made him feel. Dipping both hands into the fountain, he splashed some water in his eyes and face, and sighed as it cooled him off from the hot sun overhead. Now feeling cooled and refreshed, he sat down on one of the benches and relaxed.

What he would have given to have had something like this when he’d first arrived here. Instead, he’d been forced to track through the badlands with a makeshift sledge, and a couple gallons of stale water. He was certain, that that experience had inspired the Slave King to initiate this project. As long as someone followed the road, they were guaranteed life giving water and shelter from the sun. If they followed the road, they were guaranteed to eventually come across at least a small town or settlement.

Lady Suzaku looked at Elrey, and wondered what he was thinking of. Walking towards him, she stood in front of him and plaintively looked at him with her large ruby eyes. “May I sit beside you, love?” she implored, placing a wing on his shoulder. When he nodded his assent, she sat down close beside him. Resting against his wide broad shoulders, she contentedly sighed, when she felt him relax against her soft feathers.

Laying his head against the bench’s backrest, he tilted his head and looked at her with his warm brown eyes. “Thank you again, Suzaku,” he said, closing his eyes to rest them from the harsh glare of the sun reflecting off the ground.

“Your welcome, Elrey,” she replied, not wishing to say anything else, and only wishing to enjoy this moment here, with the one that shared her love’s heart and soul.

“Suzaku,” he said, opening an eye and looking at her questioningly. “May I ask you a question?”

“Of course, love,” she sighed, basking in the intimacy of this moment. “Whatever you want.”

“I know you say you love me, because I remind you of him,” he said, straightening his back and sitting upright. “But why do you love the Slave King?”

Though she loved him with all her heart, his question was a hard one to answer, why did she love him so? True, she found his great strength, wily cunning, and sharp mind quite attractive, and his wisdom, foresight, and ambition had always intrigued her, but that didn’t answer the question, not fully. Of all his qualities she decided, it was his lack of guile and personal integrity that endeared him to her. With the exception of the matter of their chicks’ parentage, the Slave King rarely if ever, played the great game the rest of the Pantheon regularly engaged in.

But in the end, there was no single thing that had made her love him so, it was the culmination of many tiny things, which had won her heart over the years. Originally, she’d only ever intended to be his part time lover, allowing Zephy to have him all to herself. But slowly and surely, she’d found herself drawn to him, like a greedy dragon to an unguarded cache of gems. Eventually, thoughts of her aloof love had consumed all her waking hours, and that’s when she’d decided to betray his trust, in hopes of cementing her hold on him.

“Elrey, I don’t rightfully know,” she finally admitted, at peace with the knowledge, and loving him all the more for it. “I just know that I do. I think love is strange that way.”

The wayfarer offered her a knowing smile. “Yes, I agree with you,” he said, thinking back to Little Bleu and Snowe, and how dearly he’d loved them.

“Elrey, are you rested enough to resume our journey?” she asked, enjoying the feeling of his hardened muscles against her.

Nodding once, he got up off the stone bench, splashed some more water on his face, and drank his fill. Taking one last look at this oasis, he looked towards the west. “Yes, Suzaku, we can go now,” he said, climbing onto her back. He felt his heart race and held onto her worriedly, when she experimentally flapped her wings a few times in preparation of their flight.

Sensing his anxiety, she looked up at him and offered him a warm smile. “Elrey, darling. Don’t worry, my magic will hold you,” she said, sending her divinity back into him.

“I know, old habits die hard, I guess,” he chuckled, feeling flush from her magic’s touch.

With a soft giggle of her own, she leapt into the air. Pumping her wings hard, they were shortly air born, and back on their way towards the Western Sea. She felt him relaxing against her feathers, as he remained firmly in place on her back. As they soared west, through the blue, cloudless sky, thoughts of the Slave King ran through her mind. Even though she didn’t know what the future held in store for them, she was determined to help Elrey come to terms with his past, so he’d be free to face the future.


Clearing her mind of any stray thoughts, she closed her eyes as she meditated over the past week’s events. Though most of what had happened might be considered historical in their context, she choose not to dwell on them. Instead, she thought of him, and how he’d managed to elude justice for a second time. She could almost forgive herself for the first time he’d escaped, she’d been woefully unprepared, and he’d managed to incapacitate herself and her allies before managing to escape.

Yesterday’s fight had left her troubled. Not only had she failed to bring the blackguard to justice, they’d lost artifacts of great power as well, the Elements of Harmony. Her only solace was her enemy had been denied his prize as well. But that only left her with more questions than answers. What would a changeling possibly want with the elements? Though she knew little of them beyond what the legends told, she was acutely aware that the consequences of them falling into the wrong fins, could have devastating consequences.

She was sure by how the changeling reacted when he lost the elements, that he must’ve been working for somepony else. Why else would he have howled in fury over their loss? But then the question was, who was it that profited by the changeling’s actions? Fixing the tournament at Bone’s Landing had aided the Slave King, but he already possessed the elements, so why would he steal them from himself, or seek to harm his own servants?

As far as she knew, anypony else who might’ve gained from the changeling’s actions hadn’t. Sombra she’d heard, had greatly coveted after the prestige of becoming the garrison commander of Bone’s Landing. But had been somehow convinced, to take the regency of the crystal domain all the way up in Winter instead! No, it had to be something she was missing, some small detail she’d overlooked.

Even though it was unthinkable that her lord would perpetrate such acts, losing both the tournament and the attempted theft, were out of character for the Lawgiver. By losing the contest, he’d lost both prestige and honor for his beloved order, and Sir Hurricane had nearly been killed due to the changeling’s interference. Additionally, her master would never stoop to stealing. If anything, he’d have publicly made demands to the Slave King that the elements be turned over to the Pantheon, had he known of their existence.

Judging by Princess Luna’s reaction to the revelation that the Slave King had been in possession of the Elements of Harmony, she doubted that her sister Celestia knew of their existence either. Lord Cerynitis perhaps? No, that was unthinkable, she decided. He was a staunch ally of her master, and even though relations between their domains had been chilly of late, she highly doubted that Rimefrost would seek to harm her lord in that way.

Maybe Lord Ouroboros was to blame. He had a rivalry with Lord Triton, and absolutely detested the Slave King. However to her knowledge, the Fire Tyrant had never worked with the changeling race before. Somehow, she felt that all the scheming that she’d seen so far, was uncharacteristic for the great dragon. If his previous behavior was anything to go by, he’d have sooner attempted a full frontal assault then resort to trickery.

If Dawson and Melody were indicative of their parents, she didn’t think Lady Zephyr or Lady Suzaku would seek to actively harm the Slave King. If anything, they would have most likely advised the Slave King he was in possession of such powerful artifacts before anything else. As for Lady Minoa, was subject to the Slave King, and she couldn’t fathom any reason the Lady of Spring would risk incurring his wrath, though stranger things had been known to happen.

As for the rest of the Pantheon, she knew precious little about the minor deities to guess at any possible motives they might have for seeking harm towards the Slave King, let alone risk associating with changelings. Ananse and the rest of the gods of the Zebrakan were all the way on the other side of the world, Discord was currently nothing more than a statue, and Jormungandr had aided them against the changeling thief. The unmentionable one was trapped in the Pit, and unless he had agents working for him, she doubted he could do anything.

In fact, the very idea was preposterous. As a senior member of the Pantheon, surely Lord Triton would know if he was attempting the break free from his prison. Exhaling, she furrowed her brow. She was no closer to discovering the identity of her true enemy now, then when she’d first began this mental exercise. Until she’d redeemed her honor, she vowed she wouldn’t return home to Marelantis. Besides, there was no telling where her quest might lead her. In fact, she just might even bump into Dawson again during the course of her search.

Thinking of the griffin-half, brought a light blush to her normally pale green skin. Of course, her motives to see him again were entirely due to the quest, and for no other reason. Certainly not to look into his warm brown eyes, or to slip her fin into his strong talons. If they were destined to ever meet again during the course of her quest, of course she would gladly invite him to join her. She definitely didn’t have any untoward desires for him. But if they had to share a fire under the stars over the course of the quest, then who was she to complain.

Thinking of all the questing she and Dawson might do together, made her release a tiny titter, as her cheeks took on a decidedly rosy tint. In fact, she was so enthralled in the thoughts of the possibility of them sharing a questing adventure together, she didn’t hear the others entering the room.

“Sounds like somehound is having a good time,” Chrysalis said with a teasing grin.

“Ah!” she cried out, feeling extremely flustered and self-conscious at having been discovered thinking about decidedly unquest related activities. Opening her eyes, she glared daggers at the diamond dog bitch, for embarrassing her so.

“So, Dame Squall,” Chrysalis asked, drinking in all the potent emotional energy the seapony was exuding. “Who were you thinking of, is he somehound handsome? Or perhaps instead of dreaming of a hound, your thoughts were lingering on a bitch?”

For her part, the seapony looked away, trying to hide her shame beneath the violet locks of her mane. She felt her heart race, and bit down on her lower lip. “I was merely contemplating the identity of the changeling we fought,” she huffed, trying to compose herself.

Chrysalis gave the seapony a teasing smirk, knowing full well what she’d been really thinking about. “Oh I’m sure you were,” she said, enjoying the flustered chevaleresse’s embarrassment.

“So what do you want with me?” Dame Squall demanded, feeling frustrated by her constant teasing.

“I was curious where you had gotten off to,” she haughtily said, raising a paw to her muzzle. “And surprise, surprise, you were getting off instead… Ouch!”

“Chrysalis, stop teasing Dame Squall!” Gunhilde barked, activating the brand that linked them together.

Whimpering in pain, Chrysalis gingerly rubbed where her brand had bit her.

“Dame Squall, forgive her rudeness,” Gunhilde said, lowering her antlers deferentially towards the seapony. “She still has much to learn, regarding how she should respect the Slave King’s guests. Chrysalis, apologize this instant.”

Before lowering her head, Chrysalis gave her keeper a sour look. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Dame Squall,” she said, not relishing the thought of experiencing her brand’s bite again.

Mollified by her apology, the seapony reached out her fin in friendship. “It’s alright,” she said, readily accepting her redress, but instinctually knew that Chrysalis would somehow tease her again in the future. “There’s no hard feelings, we’re pax now.”

Satisfied that her seapony friend and changeling charge wouldn’t begin feuding anytime soon, Gunhilde approached her. “Dame Squall, what will you do now?” she asked, giving the trident the Slave King had given her a careful look.

Picking up her weapon, she held it aloft as she contemplated its previous wielder. The Slave King had mentioned to her that they had once served him in some capacity, but she was unaware of any knight of the Lawgiver who had ever willingly worked for Domain of Earth. Usually the knights of ‘The Most Illustrious Order of Triton the Lawgiver’, had always opposed him on principal alone. But she found the revelation that they had once worked together surprising.

Of course she knew what she wanted… no needed to do, but didn’t know if she’d be allowed. After all, she had responsibilities to tend to, and her lord had just assigned her to his personal retinue. Now that it had been revealed that the changeling had tried stealing the Elements of Harmony from the Slave King, things had grown significantly beyond her personal quest to avenge Sir Hurricane and restore her honor.

Returning her thoughts back to the trident, she thought she heard it telling her to trust in the quest. Knowing what she needed to do, she holstered her weapon across her back, and turned to her friend. “Gunhilde,” she said, thinking of the legacy she’d been bequeathed when she accepted the Slave King’s gift. “I’m not sure, but judging by Jormungandr’s intervention in the aqueduct, perhaps we may have a greater part to play in this yet.”

“Well I for one, certainly wouldn’t mind paying that changeling back,” Chrysalis said, fully remembering how he’d been responsible for her initial incarceration and torture at the cruel hooves of Sombra and Second.”

For her part, Gunhilde didn’t really care one way or another. Although he was her master, she was still the Slave King’s slave. So if he ordered her to, she would search for the Elements of Harmony. She only hoped that their search would take her north, to Winter, so she could see her homeland once more. Although it had been several years since she’d last seen her parents, or even snow, it wasn’t until she’d become a slave that she realized how homesick she’d become.

She’d been promised by the Slave King, that he wanted her to inspect the Crystal Domain, and had said if she wished to see her parents in the interim, she had his permission. But she felt that such speculation was pointless, if she was tasked with locating the elements, then she would do as he asked. If not, it was somedeer else’s problem. But if such was to be her task, she could do worse than having the seapony, and even her changeling charge as traveling companions.

But remembering the reason for her coming to see her, she gestured towards the Slave King’s throne room with her antlers. “Come, Dame Squall,” she said, pawing at the stone beneath her hooves impatiently. “Lord Triton asked us to retrieve you.”

“Thank you, Gunhilde,” she said, activating her innate magic and creating a magic bubble around her. Floating above the ground inside her magical bubble, she headed towards the door to see her liege lord. Before exiting, she turned to face them both and bowed. “I enjoyed our little adventure together down in the aqueduct. I wouldn’t mind fighting alongside either of you in the future.”

Once the chevaleresse had left, Gunhilde turned towards her charge. “Chrysalis, come. We need to return to the Slave King,” she said, motioning towards the door with her antlers.

Nodding to her keeper, the changeling followed after her as she walked towards the Slave King’s throne room.


Exiting the ley line, he panted with exhaustion as he struggled to stay standing upright. The trip from the hateful monster’s lair had been a taxing one, and thanks to his wicked enemy’s treachery, he could scarcely even use his own magic now. Limping through the empty halls of his abandoned home, the Forever Ice Keep, the howling wind outside seemed to reflect his melancholy and sorrow.

He’d stolen her from him, and had almost certainly tainted her loveliness with his dark soul. Why couldn’t the others see what so patently obvious to him? Didn’t they know the danger of allowing him to remain a member of the Pantheon? He might be content to play in the mud for now, but what of tomorrow? What possible stumbling block could they offer to his ambition once he’d fully consolidated his power in the South, and the lands north of his domain had finally caught his greedy eyes?

Celestia was nothing but a fool. She was so eager to win over the Slave King to her side, that she even willingly prostituted her own sister to him, in order to further her misguided cause. He was sure that before the end, all this would end in nothing but tears, and when that happened, she’d have nodeer to blame but herself. He could still see his moonflower in all her beauty and majesty standing beside that monster, eliciting in him a rage he’d not known in ages.

“Damn your meddling to Hades, Celestia!” he screamed, smashing several nearby windows with his silver shod hooves, showering him in a mist of icy shards and snow blowing in from the winds howling outside his keep.

He’d been so close to having his plan succeed, but then she had to go and stick her muzzle where it didn’t belong. It would have worked too, he was certain of it. He’d poured so much hate and malice into the spear, that even the normally benevolent and gentle Celestia would have eventually succumbed to its poison. The plan should have worked, it was perfect in its simplicity and elegance.

All he’d had to do was challenge the Slave King for Luna’s hoof in marriage. Had his enemy declined, he would have won. If not, all he had to do was defeat the monster in armed combat. A feat that should have been mere faun’s play. By the Pit, he’d been the one who had made the first spear, and even invented its associated fighting style. There should have been no possible way, an unskilled beast like his enemy could have possibly been capable of defeating him.

But defeat him he had, and soundly too. In fact, that hateful beast had had the audacity to beguile the others with his supposed mercy. But he knew better, he did. The rules of war and honor didn’t apply to him, and had no place amongst his kind. That was reserved for the more civilized and refined races, of which he suspected he was slowly becoming the lone member of. Otherwise, how else could he explain how everydeer had abandoned him when he needed them most?

Which is why he’d intended to strike the monster from behind. He’d been so certain that his blood rune covered spear would have struck him true. But then, not only had Celestia warned the beast of his attack. She’d used her magic, deflecting his strike, and preventing it from inflicting him with its poison. He could only thank creation that his darling moonflower had been spared. If she’d been wounded by its venom, he didn’t know what he would’ve done.

But now, thanks to her stupidity, he was a pariah amongst his fellow deities on the Pantheon. Had his plan been a success, he’d not have minded their scorn so much. But now… Now, nodeer would want anything more to do with him, for the next few centuries at the very least. Worse still, the monster had robbed him of not only his doe, but also of his pride and dignity.

The faen had used that hateful weapon, the Vendetta, to cut off his right antler! Without the weight of both of them on his head, he was having trouble keeping his balance when he walked. Adding insult to injury, he found that using his magic was next to impossible without suffering through extraordinary migraines.

Walking through the empty halls of his keep, his heart felt as empty as his home. Entering the keep’s grand hall, he limped towards his vacant throne, and laid down on his haunches. Laying his head between his forelegs, thoughts of her consumed him. Without her, his soul felt empty and hollow, and life held no joy.

No longer caring for himself or any other, he sank into the mire of his own despair, as the winter’s fury raged outside his keep. Dead to the world and the pain of his emotions, he sat unmoving as the ice and frost crept forward, covering everything in its path, including himself.

It was then, that Cerynitis the Rimefrost, Lord of Winter, spoke the name of the one he loved above all others, and who he’d had lost to his most hated enemy. “Luna, I love you so much…” he whimpered, before closing his eyes, and wept as one who had lost everything.

The last thing he saw before he was enveloped by the encroaching ice, was her portrait on the wall smiling down at him. “Forgive me, Luna. Forgive me,” his voice echoed, before finally being silenced by the howling roar of winter’s fury.

Author's Note:

Thank you gentlereader for reading chapter four of The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter, as always comments are appreciated.

It appears Lady Zephyr's first talon experiences in the South regarding slavery have effected her greatly. It appears that she plans on doing something about it, but what that is, we can only speculate. Regarding Councilor Johan, might there be more to his reticence in getting involved regarding the pony slaver issue, then the simple love of money?

Sage Zhange, Glitterwing, and Bucky have enjoyed a meal together. It appears that the pegasi must now pay the toll, we wonder how long it might be before he can finally go to sleep. And what of Sage Zhange? Why is so adamant that Glitterwing mind their own affairs, does he really enjoy being served muzzle and hoof so much by his disciple, that he doesn't want to lose her to some mad quest?

Sombra seems to have taken to his new post, like a fish to water. But we wonder what fate he has in store for the rebellion. Elrey and Lady Suzaku, are on their way to the Western Sea, as they travel the Lonely Road together, what other secrets might they share with each other? Will she admit to him her guilt, or continue hiding it from him.

Dame Squall meditating on the possible motives for any to try stealing the Elements of Harmony, might have inadvertently discovered the one behind the theft. But how long until she realizes it, or will she continue wandering ignorant of her discovery? As for Lord Cerynitis, will Rimefrost ever know happiness again?

Find out the answers to these questions and more, in the next exciting chapter of The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter, coming soon to computer near you!

Once again, gentlereader, thank you for reading and all your kind words and support. You make writing worthwhile. Until next time!