• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 3,696 Views, 39 Comments

Between Sisters - Yoru-the-Rogue

Princess Luna wallows in painful memories, but a song on the wind carries through...

  • ...

Between Sisters

Desolate, icy solitude. That was the fate awaiting all who were sentenced to imprisonment on the moon. Not everypony knew that, but then, not everypony would stop to ponder what sort of crimes were so extreme that banishment to such a place would be warranted.

But one pony knew all too well.

After all, she was still becoming accustomed to her dark, frigid prison and judgment of exile.

Time was starting to hold little meaning for Princess Luna. She could barely keep track of the hours anymore, now that her world was reduced to a dark void. Not even her beloved moon in which she dwelled illuminated the darkness for her, and any light she could generate with a simple spell remained centered on the tip of her horn. She was left with nothing but empty, cold shadows. Empty, cold shadows...and memories. Memories that pierced her heart and haunted her spirit.

In her mind, she could see her sister—kind, strong, and loving Celestia, with whom she had vanquished their foes, Discord and King Sombra, with whom she had grown up and played with every day of their lives, with whom she had ruled their beautiful kingdom of Equestria—staring up at her with huge, glassy lavender eyes on the verge of tears. She saw every detail in her mind's eye as clear as though she was experiencing it once more. The tremble that rippled through every feather of her elder sister's wings, the hesitant steps backward, her mouth agape in silence as she looked up at Luna casting her spell, determined to finally reign eternal in her never-ending night. Then the sudden darkness that sprang up around her, twining itself tighter and tighter around her, until it sank into her coat, mane and tail, clinging and sticking to her like spiderwebs, until she could no longer tell what was shadow and what remained of her true self. She saw through eyes blinded by hatred; her sight was blurred on the edges but sharper and more focused in the center, a vague tunnel vision that focused on Celestia.

Focused on Celestia, and hated her.

She could still feel it all deep inside her. Her jealousy, her anger, the feelings of worthlessness that had stirred when she saw her subjects sleeping through her nights and reveling in the day her sister brought. But Luna had also been afraid, terrified of the thought of daring to speak out against her elder sister and overstep her boundaries as the younger of the two. What would everyone think? After all, Tia had never done anything to her, not really.

She has stolen the spotlight since the two of you were fillies, overshadowed you with every step of her hooves and flip of her mane.

The thought was not her own, not truly. Surely it couldn't be. It had been a feeling that she had focused on for a while, a worry that had become a nagging fear in her heart over time, but the venom and poisonous menace laced in every syllable was not her own. Surely it couldn't be...

Oh, but it is, my dear. We are one now, you and I. Have you forgotten so soon?

Shame. Guilt. Pain. Anger. All the emotions seemed to batter her at once, and a stitch twisted in her chest, igniting a burning cold pain just above her heart. A soft, mocking laugh reverberated through the black void, sending a shiver through Luna, and she folded her wings tightly against herself. Unsurprisingly, they shifted and bumped against something unfamiliar, something that felt utterly wrong.

Nightmare Moon's armor.

Yes...that was who she was now, wasn't it? She was Nightmare Moon, the princess of shame and exile.

She shook the thought off quickly, burning with anger, and the mocking laugh echoed in the stillness again.

“You and I are not one.” She said stubbornly.

Aren't we? After all, without me, you never would have had the power to put your pathetic, cowering sister in her place. Without me, you would have cringed and remained alone, overlooked, unloved and unwanted forever; Eclipsed by the cursed daylight your sister shines across Equestria!

The words cut deep, and Luna's heart gave a twinge. The Nightmare spirit was her sole companion each of these long, lonely hours that stretched into the void, just as it had been before she had turned on her sister.

But of course, poor Luna. I am the only one who loves you. Without me, you are nothing.

“Be silent!” She cried, sucking in a breath of anger. “I am the Princess of the Night!”

Poor, little, forgotten, unloved princess. The spirit mocked. Who was it who coaxed you, who saw the pain and loneliness within you? Was it not I? Am not I the one who shall bring you to your true glory?

“You said all that before.” Luna answered icily, closing her eyes as if she could shut the spirit out through willpower alone. “And we failed. My sister is now fully united with all of the Elements of Harmony while I am severed from their power. And now we are united in that failure, and I am to be saddled with you for a thousand years yet to come.”

The other fell silent for a time, as it was prone to doing when reminded of its failure to overthrow Celestia. It was those moments when Luna felt most like herself again, as though she was beginning to pull away from the foulness that rode within her body like a parasite. But in time, it spoke to her again, as it always did.

We will rise again. Your sister's spell shall not hold us forever. And when we break free, Nightmare Moon shall rule over all of Equestria in eternal night.

“Celestia will stop us, and I shall thank her for it once I am rid of you!” Luna shouted into the pitch-black void, pouring as much of her poisonous feelings that still remained into dealing with the spirit. But it disliked these moments of her rebellion, and it lashed out at her, forcing her to relive the worst of her most recent memories: Celestia's lavender eyes spilled over with tears, her beautiful, ivory face twisting as she struggled to choke down sobs of heartache, and she held out for only a moment before she broke down and wept as though mourning the loss of life.

Luna could only handle so much of it before her legs began to buckle, and she sank down onto her stomach, tucking her head between her hooves and shutting her eyes tight.

“Stop it! STOP IT!” She screamed, but her venomous companion allowed the image to linger, as though the sight of Celestia's lament was burned into the young princess's eyelids. “STOP IT!”

Your sister is weak. She is a fool, blinded by familial love. She is too weak at heart. She is not fit to rule. Her heart cripples her.

She was unsure of what to say to those claims. Her guilt continued to weigh heavily upon her heart, and she could not escape the memory of Tia's tear-streaked countenance. She had watched, through some enchantment she couldn't explain, her sister look up at the moon that first night after Luna's banishment and weep, calling Luna's name over and over. She had not wept since, but every night, Luna saw her down there, looking up at the moon with an expression of such longing and sorrow, it confused Luna. Why didn't Celestia hate her, hate Nightmare Moon, for what she had done and what she aimed to do?

She is weak. The other repeated. Look! Here, she returns!

Luna glanced up, and realized in shock that something was happening. As it had the nights previous, a ripple ran through the void before her, and a hazy blur of colors began to appear. The enchantment again! The blur began to focus, sharpen, and finally became an image of the land below the moon. A long field of grass stretched out beneath the moon and the stars, and their soft glow fell upon a tall mare with a gleaming white coat. Her wings hung limp at her sides, just brushing against the blades of grass, and she raised her head to the sky, light winking briefly off the point of her horn before two large, lavender eyes became visible.

“Tia...” Luna murmured, her own emotions mixing with that of her parasitic companion, and she became overwhelmed by the conflicting feelings. She watched, confused, as her sister looked up at the moon. What point did she see in so useless an action?

But then, Celestia did something neither her sister nor the Nightmare spirit could have foreseen.

A shimmering spark of magic lit up her horn, music filled the air, and a moment later, it was joined by Celestia's voice as she shut her eyes and began to sing.

What is this?! The voice of Nightmare Moon shrieked in anger, furious and bewildered by this change.

Luna flicked her ears forward to better listen, her eyes going wide with shock.

Celestia sang to her, about her, about what had happened, and Luna's heart began to ache worse than before.

Her elder sister blamed herself. She considered herself the cause of all of Luna's rebellion, and it burdened her. She believed she had not expressed before how much she loved her younger sister, and that her perceived neglect was the cause of all of this.

Sharp pangs assaulted the younger princess's chest.

“No...” she whimpered in a low voice. “No, Tia...it wasn't your fault...”

Lies! The spirit hissed. Just lies she's trying to trick you into believing.

They weren't, and she knew it. In spite of all her misgivings and her bitter feelings, Luna could hear her sister's love pouring out through her song as she drew out the lullaby, the notes rising to the moon on the wind's back, music and voice filling the dark void, and warmth began to spread within the young mare's chest. Desperately, she wanted to say something back, but the part of her that was bound, that was still Nightmare Moon, choked off her words and shut her eyes against Celestia's lullaby.

Lies. Your sister can never love you after what you have done.

“But she does.” Luna whispered into the silence.

You are nothing without me.

“Tia thinks I am.” She whispered back. “She still loves me.”

The song went on, and the warmth within her grew stronger, battling the cold bitterness that the Nightmare spirit had latched onto.

And the princess who was Luna and yet not, who was Nightmare Moon and yet not, lay in the darkness, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks as she let out a shuddering sob.

Author's Note:

Published also on deviantArt under my selfsame username. This was just a little thing that had been lurking at the back of my mind for a while after listening to both "Lullaby for a Princess" and "Luna's Reply." Both songs had a really strong impact on me, and I've been wanting to write this for some time, as a result.
Special thanks again to Sapphire for all of her help with the title, proofreading, feedback, and suggestions! She's a gem, just fyi.

Comments ( 37 )

This, this is poetry in motion. Words cannot express the shear beauty and feel you have captured with what you have written. :pinkiesad2:

I crey evertiem </3

3499610 Oh my goodness! :twilightsmile:Thank you. That honestly means a lot to me to hear. This is my first time writing anything for MLPFiM, and it was honestly really intimidating for me, because I'm very worried I wouldn't be up to par for how fanfictions for this fandom are written. So thank you; thank you so much for your kind words! *hugs*

3499667 Few writers can produce a masterpiece with their first fanfic. You are onf those writers. :pinkiesad2:

3499682 Excuse me while I now go blush and hide under my desk. But really, truly, thank you. I'm very, very honored.

Personally, I would say you need to elaborate a little more on a few items, specifically the enchantment that allowed Luna to hear her sister. I was somewhat confused by it. Asides from that, I'll agree with PinkBrony, this is excellent and captures a great deal of emotion.

This is amazing for your first fic, keep writing :pinkiehappy:

3499746 :) Thank you so much for the feedback! It's really appreciated; And I'll definitely keep that in mind! (If I get time tomorrow, I might just go back and edit that particular part.) And thank you, so much for your kind words and feedback! It means a lot to me! :twilightsmile:

3499760 Oohhh! Thank you so so much! :') It means a lot to me to hear that, it really does!

After you did me the kindness of reading my story, I felt it only fitting to share the kindness to you, friend. I absolutely ADORED Between Sisters! :twilightsmile: I could feel the agony and the torment and the guilt that Luna felt from her banishment, even more so from separation from her big sister. I don't know if this is saying much, but I literally trembled as I read this, and I hope to see more of your work! Masterfully done to say the very least. :pinkiehappy:

3500004 Awww! :pinkiesad2: Thank you so much for giving this a read, you didn't have to do that! But oh my goodness! It means even more to me that you could feel all the different emotions that I tried to invoke with this story and that it had an impact on you. Thank you so, so much!! *hugs you* That, if anything, means that my goal with this story was achieved and more, because of the impact it had!

You just got here and you already wrote a story? Just like me!:pinkiecrazy: I'll take a peek.

3502263 Writing is a delightful addiction, what can I say. :pinkiehappy: And thank you!! I appreciate you taking the time to look at it! :twilightsmile:

Oooh. Your speling and grammar are most excellent and the pace is at a steady flow. One thing, though. I'm well aware that you're using book paragraphs, and I commend that. However, it doesn't look appealing to the eyes when on a screen. That's why we usually make the paragraphs separated, like in letters, so it's easier to read and doesn't give the unknowing reader a false sense of "Wall of text". Also, you need to separate dialogue from paragraphs, but the way you did it by tabbing allows one to easily see the difference.:pinkiecrazy:

The Illogic is always watching Woona. And if Woona wants the parasite to leave her alone, she needs to do this:


3502314 Ahh, thank you very much for that! I'll admit, my friend mentioned that to me when I posted this, that typically book-paragraph format isn't always appealing on this site. :twilightsheepish: Thank you for pointing that out though; I appreciate it, and I'll bear that in mind as I'm working on future writing!! :twilightsmile:
FFFFFFFFFTTT!! :rainbowlaugh: THAT VIDEO. That seriously gave me a much-needed laugh! :pinkiehappy:

3502343 There's another person on this site that can help you with your stories too. He's been following since I first arrived here, man. I think he stalks me in my sleep!:raritydespair:

3502354 Oh my. :twilightoops: Perhaps an alternative concept might be that his stalking is a form of flattery? :twilightsheepish: But I'm excited to hear this nonetheless! If I may ask, what is his username? :pinkiesmile:

3502367 Samaru163. He's gotten his ice breaker with his recent story. For me it happened with my fourth story...that became a liked series on this site. I wonder when yours will happen? After all, you just came here, so most people won't really do much with your stories yet, but five followers is a good start in such a short time.

Well... here's my problem: I'm a hard, empty, souless emotional shell. Any story that can really make me feel something (the easiest is usually sadness or adoration) automatically deserves praise in my books. Sadly enough, I didn't really feel anything while reading this... that's no fault of yours; like I said, I'm a souless empty emotional shell ("My Little Dashie" had little effect on me, just to give you an idea of what that means). However, based on the comments you've been recieving I very much SHOULD be feeling something. Looking at this from a purely critical standpoint, I think maybe the pacing was too fast and you didn't linger long enough on any particular part to really flesh out Luna's emotions. Your tone was great and your dialogue was decent; the story started out a bit foggy in terms of what the hay was going on with Luna, but that actually enhanced the story in this case. My only other qualm (and this is just a purely personal preferrence) is that Nightmare Moon has no character beyond evil; not pure evil, just plain evil. When I read Nightmare Moon, I like her to be either purely, diabolically evil, or to have some sort of actual, in depth character. Nightmare Moon may be an embodiment of Luna's inner conflict, but if you're going to treat her like a separate character, then give her a little character! That is all. :rainbowkiss:

Overall Rating: :twilightsmile:

Congratulations! you commited 0 of the 7 deadly sins of MLP fanfiction! :pinkiehappy:

This comment is brought to you by Weekly Watch. If you appreciate my feedback then check out my group; maybe you'll like what I do!

3502828 Thank you very much for the feedback! And I'm totally okay if it didn't evoke emotion from you the way it has my other readers; there is a list of personal rules I have set up on my profile, which are rules that I stand by for my writing when I take on a new venture, and as I state there, I don't expect everyone to view my writing as perfect, because we're all humans and we all have flaws (and that translates into writing as well.) But it is very nice to hear more constructive criticism and feedback from a critical standpoint, so thank you very much for that! :twilightsmile: This is the first thing I've ever written for this fandom, so it helps a lot to hear what you think I can improve on! Also, thanks for the tidbit about Nightmare Moon; she's never struck me as too diabolical (probably because I see too much sympathetic pulls written into her character in the canon,) but I love getting feedback from the readers on their preferences! Every little tidbit should help me to better improve and flesh out the characters in future writing!
Once again, thank you! And I'll be sure to check out your group! :pinkiesmile:

Sweet sacred J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, this is your first time at this rodeo?:pinkiehappy:
There is an elegance and poetry to your work that I struggle to put into my own work. I'll be watching you.
Welcome to the fandom. I think you'll like it here. The music's awesome, the people are nice and the snacks are
tasty. (Don't eat the cupcakes.:pinkiecrazy:)

3503177 Yes, yes it is! :pinkiehappy: Thank you so much for the compliment on my writing, the warm welcome, and for the watch as well! :twilightsmile: I'm duly honored, and I shall watch you in return!
:twilightoops: Ooooh, I've heard about those cupcakes, man...

3503481 Please excuse me while I roll in feels. I read your comment and the wind was just knocked out of me. Thank you so much for this! *hugs* I wasn't entirely sure if the way I wrote Luna would stand out at all or not, or Nightmare Moon respectively. But I find, when it comes to stories of battling one's personal demons, they work best if those demons try to be controlling and manipulative. And that rarely means that they're sweet and soothing; if you're facing your personal demons, they're going to want you to believe that you'll never amount to anything without them there, because that's how they keep you under their control, where they want you. I'm actually a bit surprised to hear that more people don't write Nightmare Moon that way. :twilightoops:
Once again, thank you! Your comment has truly brightened my day!

3503540 Oh my goodness, I love that song! And I can totally see what you mean with it too! :pinkiehappy:

3502852 Sweet Celestia, someone who appreciates my feedback! :rainbowkiss: you're one of the few people all week to even reply, and the only one to actually appreciate the feedback! :yay:

3503679 Well, you took the time to write an entire critique and give me honest feedback, it is only fair I should acknowledge that! :twilightsmile: You could have passed the story by and not said anything, but you took time out of your day to write that for me, and I truly do appreciate that. And besides, if a person wishes to grow as a writer, they should always listen to feedback and critique, in my opinion, and politeness and honesty should be returned in kind. :pinkiesmile:

Nice writing. Hope you make more fics like this. I love Princess Luna so much and I think you really exposed her true feelings when she was on the moon.

3503818 Thank you so much! :twilightsmile: I'm glad to hear that a Princess Luna fan approves of how I have written her! :pinkiesad2:

Yeah I used to like Celestia better but after reading more fics about her I get how she feels. Sometimes I feel the same way to sometimes.

3503481 You forget the canceled story of Blumarak.

3503774 Much like my own policies on the matter... well, perhaps we'll meet again, should I come across another of your fics. but until then, adieu! :duck::duck::duck:

I positively adore sad fanfics about Luna :twilightsmile: (Or Discord, or Chrysalis, or.... I'll stop, you get the idea...) MOAR! :flutterrage:

3533340 Awww! :twilightsmile: Why thank you! *hugs* Heh, and I'm with you on that one. Don't worry, I'm presently working on a oneshot for Chrysalis, and I'm planning a multi-chapter fic centering primarily on Luna. So you'll be getting more soon! :raritywink: Thanks for the favorite and the watch back, by the way! :scootangel: You didn't have to do that!

3533428 YAY! :yay: But I felt like it, there isn't enough interesting sad fanfics on this site, I follow whoever makes them pretty much as soon as I find them. :raritywink: (Does that make any sense?)

3503818 I totally agree with u.I :heart: Princess Luna 2!!!!

I feel like there should be more stories coming from "Lullaby for a Princess." Maybe I'm just looking in all the wrong places?

In any event, this was a nice one-shot. Especially enjoyed the bits of headcanon you gave us re: Nightmare.

Nice, short, and sweet. Good stuff.

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