• Published 7th Mar 2012
  • 97,595 Views, 4,778 Comments

Hands - Andrew Joshua Talon

A slightly more realistic take on the "Human in Equestria" story concept... For a given value of "realistic."

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A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction

By Andrew J. Talon

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

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The Northern Forests of Equestria were broad expanses of taiga, covered in pine trees poking out of the snow. It was gorgeous, green and white stretching out in all directions under a perfectly clear blue sky. The moon was visible dimly in the day, lit up by the sun. I sucked in a deep breath of the clear air, and smiled.

"Homesick?" Asked Cadence. I shrugged and leaned back against the railing of the airship we were riding. I looked down at the forest as it passed by underneath us.

"Yeah... Just a bit," I admitted. The Princess of Love smiled at me and nodded.

"I too feel homesick," she said, looking to the north herself. "I'm not from Equestria originally."

"No?" I asked in some surprise. I mean, I knew that there were more nations than Equestria but it was still somewhat new to me.

Cadence shook her head.

"No... I'm from the distant Crystal Empire," she said. "Long ago, it was the home to the Crystal ponies, and my family. But we had to escape it a thousand years ago, because the current ruler, King Sombra, banished it forever."

"Woah," I said in shock and sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear that, I... I can kind of relate."

"Yes," Cadence said with a sad smile, "the pain is near to us both. It was so long ago for me... But there are times it is as clear as day," she looked ahead. She looked at me. "You're good for her, you know."

"Hm?" I asked. Cadence nodded.

"Twilight, I mean. You don't have any magic, or powers, but you trust her enough to use her abilities and give her everything she needs," she said. "And you'll insult an alien demi-goddess to her face for her... And Fluttershy." She smiled and winked. "That kind of thing sticks with mares, believe me."

"Well, in my world, there aren't any more dragons to slay," I said with a wry smile. "So it's harder to impress women."

"That is a shame," Cadence said with a nod. "Though I've found that males of any species will make themselves some dragons to slay."

Shining trotted up to Cadence, clearing his throat rather loudly. "Dear, we're almost there," Shining said. "I was hoping we could check over the charts." He raised his eyebrows significantly. Cadence laughed and nuzzled him.

"Join me in the map room then~," she cooed, floating down the hatch into the airship's cabins. Shining watched her go with a grin, and then looked back at me with a scowl. I raised my hands.

"Hey, relax dude," I said. "I would never rub another man's rhubarb."

Shining's scowl deepened. "See that you don't..." He leaned in closer with a growl. "Because I remember everything you said you've been doing to my little sister."

I coughed. "... Yes, well... I was trying to break you out of the spell... Eheh..."

Shining smirked. "I'm married to the Princess of Love, Monkey Boy. Don't you forget it... Like I won't forget it," he growled. He turned and trotted down the hatch into the airship. I sighed and looked out at the trees below.

"Just great," I muttered.

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The site looked like any number of clearings below. I suppose that was the point-The snow dusting hid everything. We descended down to it, and I followed Shining and Cadence out into the snow. I shivered a bit, and held my package in my gloved hands.

"This way," Cadence said softly. We trotted through the snow, passing through the trees. Over a ridge, I saw a small gray gravestone poking out of the snow. As one, we walked up to the grave.

"Hello Nicole," Cadence said gently. "We brought you a visitor."

"Much better than the guest we had before," Shining said. He glanced at me, and clearly held back a "Barely". His wife was looking at him. I sighed and walked up in front of the grave. I kneeled down, and unwrapped my package-A bouquet of flowers.

"Hey," I said with a smile. I looked over at Cadence and Shining. The couple backed away, as though to allow me some privacy. I sighed and tapped my fingers over the bouquet.

"... It's cold," I said. "I mean, I'm..." I was silent again, and I groaned. "Look... We never met, but I saw your recordings. And your ship helped us save this world." I smiled brightly. "You helped save two worlds, how many people can say that? You were awesome... And... And you and Isaac..." I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

"I don't know what you believed in... If you believed in anything," I said. "I believe in God. Why is... Is kind of personal, but I do. I believe that there is purpose and good in this universe... Any universe, and you need to fight for it... So I do know you at least believe in good. And put it into action. So you know what? You are a hero. You and Isaac and... And everyone else. And without you, none of us would be free right now. Or alive," I said. "So... So I hope you're not offended, but I'm going to pray you and Isaac met up in the afterlife together." I looked over at Shining and Cadence, and back at the gravestone.

"I have first hand experience that love is a powerful force, no matter who shares it," I said with a smile. I set the flowers on the grave, and I rose back to my feet. I gave it a salute and smiled. "Thank you..."

I stepped back from the grave. Cadence and Shining smiled back.

"May we... Be alone?" She asked. I nodded and walked off back towards the ship. My hand went to my wallet, and I looked down at the recently added photo. Twilight and Fluttershy and the rest smiled back at me, and I smiled down.

"Yeah," I said softly. "Love... Is pretty awesome."

And someday, hopefully, Earth would know just how awesome...

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Author's Note:

Yeah, it is short. But a friend told me it worked as it is, and I can't argue with that. Hope you don't mind a bit of feels in your humor.