Twilight Velvet always dreamed of one day writing a best-selling novel, but she keeps finding herself stuck on a couple of very important things. Maybe a talk with her best friend, Firefly, and seeing her friend's first Wonderbolts performance can give her the inspiration she needs.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Very, very nicely done. You did damn well on crafting the characters.

I enjoyed that a lot. I could see this becoming a series.

Is it bad this made me tear up? I mean unless I'm mistaken Firefly is Rainbow's mom? And the bases for her favorite series. I know the most common fanon idea is that Rainbow barely knew her mom. It makes me just...it touches something in me. It was a good story, very good.

Only four likes and three comments? I think something is seriously wrong with this picture

Whoa... THIS fic really deserve more attention and likes... :rainbowderp:

I loved it and to put it simple; It had feels, good humour, nice characterization and and a overall sweet story. I'll fav this in order to read it again wheen the mood strikes me.

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