• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 10,332 Views, 819 Comments

Growing Pains - Peroth E

Action-Adventure with Romance and a hint of Horror, features all the Mane Six and some Backgrounders

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“I know it’s not really your style, but you look so elegant when your mane is straight.” Twilight ran the brush through the pink mare’s hair slowly. Dash watched as Twilight scooped water from the bath and ran it down Pinkie’s unfurled mane.

It was so surreal. Pinkie was smiling and hiccupping out the remnants of her sadness at the same time. Pinkie Pie was actually sad. You never said ‘Pinkie Pie’ and ‘sad’ together in a sentence unless it was ‘Pinkie Pie is never sad’, or ‘The ultimate cure to sadness is to sit next to Pinkie Pie for four seconds’, or ‘Pinkie Pie stole all the cupcakes in the whole house and built an enormous mountain in the middle of town made of all the cupcakes in Ponyville and invited everypony to share the cupcakes and music and punch and that made Nasty Greed really really sad.’

She had seen Pinkie Pie angry before, and looking back on it maybe she was sad back before the invasion, but more angry than anything else. She had never actually seen her cry out of sadness though. It was absolutely depressing to watch, yet at the same time it gave her a sense of relief. She felt like she was the only one freaking out over the whole trip. Twilight managed to keep an air of cool and control around her no matter what she said, always acting as the comforter to her. Her wings being all but incurable, finding out about Teller, when she nearly had her mind eaten… She didn’t like being the weak one, but the sense of comfort and love Twilight brought her made up for some of the role switching.

Knowing she wasn’t the only way breaking down right now, that she wasn’t the only one absolutely petrified with sadness made her feel a bit more sane. But of all the ponies, it had to be Pinkie Pie; happy, fun-loving, optimistic Pinkie Pie was the one who was breaking down. Not that she didn’t have a good reason, which just made the situation that much worse knowing something so bad had happened to Pinkie. She was glad that clown thing was dead. Even if Tanat didn’t know it, he’d gotten them some revenge for what that monster had done to Pinkie Pie.

“When I was a little foal, mom would tell me that if I would just smile and let the light into my hair I could be a model. When I saw the Sonic Rainboom it made me so happy, I couldn’t stop my hair from getting all whooshy and curly.” Pinkie smiled and lowered her head. “I wish I could say goodbye to her before I go.” She whispered.

“Dangit Pinkie…” Dash sighed, her heart feeling so heavy from how sad the little mare was making her. She wasn’t just a master of happiness, if she was sad, you were going to feel sad with her, not because she wanted you to but because you couldn’t help it.

“Oh Pinkie Pie, we still have some time before we leave. We’re going to be leaving at noon, and Celestia did promise to get everypony here for goodbyes. I know my parents would kill me if I left without a hug.” Twilight chuckled, and Dash nodded her agreement.

Pinkie let out one more tiny little sniffle, and nodded her head as Twilight set the brush down. The bath had been a good idea. The warmth and the steam comforted the mare, while her friends being nearby and understanding only made her feel better about telling them how scared she was. She was happy they thought of her as a never ending stream of joy, and were so confident in her optimism. It made her happier that they accepted her joy wasn’t endless.

“I’m sorry…” The pink mare whispered as she was helped out of the bathtub. “I never even should have thought about abandoning you guys. You’re my best friends and-”

“Don’t worry yourself.” Dash waved her hoof as she tossed a towel onto Pinkie. “We’ve all thought things we might not be proud of. But you didn’t go through with it, that’s the important part.” Twilight nodded, and helped Pinkie dry off. When she took the towel off, her hair was no longer straight. It was curly, kinky, fluffy, and looked just like cotton candy. Twilight and Dash smiled, and so did Pinkie.

Pinkie took a deep breath, and turned sharply towards the door. “C’mon everypony, let’s go find everypony else!” Pinkie hopped out the door, and Twilight and Dash sighed to each other in relief as they followed her.

The elevator ride down was what gave Twilight a feel of how big Laputa was. She hadn’t paid attention at all yesterday both times she’d used the elevator since she was so tired or putting all of her attention elsewhere. She stayed quiet the entire time as she watched the library go by, memories resurfacing, the mazes, the mind tricks, the loneliness…

Had it really only been yesterday? Or was it the day before? She didn’t remember, it felt like one giant blur from sun up to sun down, like time had stood still just so that entire escapade could go by unheeded by time or exhaustion. She touched her horn lightly in thought, while Dash and Pinkie spoke amongst themselves about something involving cream-filled donuts. Twilight wasn’t paying them any attention, her mind was somewhere that didn’t involve delicious sugary snacks.

She wondered if Pinky was truly okay. She wondered if Dash would ever be okay. She wondered if she herself was okay. She felt okay, like she knew what she was doing. Did she know? Go check on the other Alicorn brothers, there was that. Then… Ask them for help in protecting the leylines. Then return home. Easy three step plan, find brother, protect leylines, go home. There. She liked it simple.

Speaking of which, there were twelve dragons in her throne room. Dash’s jaw dropped as she stared at the dragons, who slowly turned to stare back. One of them waved. The three ponies waved back. “Now the lot of you had better turn your massive hides around this instant and get out of here right now! This is no way to treat a throne room!” Rarity yelled from a corner, not getting much attention as she stood on shaky knees, Fluttershy just behind her with her eyes covered as the twelve dragons chewed on cushions, stuck their heads through doorways, and laid out lazily all over the floor. One swallowed a whole pillow, and was hacking it back up in the middle of the floor. “No! No no no no no! You nasty things, cough that up elsewhere!” Rarity shouted, once again getting nothing more than a glance.

Twilight stared at the dragons, then back to Rarity, and could only wonder how, why, and when this happened. It made her head swirl some just trying to consider why twelve Golding dragons would be in her castle. It also took her a moment to realize that all she was doing was standing there watching twelve Golding dragons investigate her castle.

“Hey!” Every head in the room swiveled to stare plainly at Rainbow Dash, who rubbed her forehead in bemusement while sighing in frustration. “Alright, look, enough messing around. Anything that is not a pony better get out of here right now! Yes I’m looking at you! And you!” Dash swung her head back and forth, watching the dragons.

Nothing happened at first. All the dragons merely stared at Dash who stared back, while Rarity stood still, her breath held as Fluttershy lifted a hoof off her eye to watch. She saw the twelve dragons eyeing Dash, and immediately her little heart began to beat faster. Dash did not back down, and Fluttershy stood up slowly. “Y-you’d better listen to her! Please leave right now!” Fluttershy called out to the dragons. Rarity stared back at the timid pony with a surprised glance, but turned back to see the dragons slowly slinking backwards, away from the two Pegasi. Rarity watched with some surprise but even more relief as they slipped out of the building, leaving behind only a very nasty-smelling pillow. “… Th-that worked?” Fluttershy stared in surprise as Rarity just smiled.

The two ponies of grace moved to meet Pinkie, Dash, and Twilight halfway, all three smiling. “Nicely done, the both of you. Drawing on experience, Fluttershy?” Twilight smiled nicely at the shy Pegasus, whose face turned beet red as she rubbed her leg with one hoof and smiled to herself.

“Meh. They’re big lizards. Shout loud enough and you can make any lizard run away.” Dash rolled her shoulders as she quietly popped, Dark Dash appearing next to the dragon’s ingested pillow with a disgusted look. “Oh that’s just wonderful.” Bright Dash sighed heavily, her face crinkling as Dark Dash wisely went to go grab a towel.

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie just watched in small awe, looking back and forth between the two Dashes before focusing on Bright Dash as she gagged a little when Dark Dash wrapped the pillow up. “I still can’t believe my eyes.” Rarity rubbed her eyes gently with one leg, then blinked rapidly as she watched Dark Dash disappear beyond a door.

“I still can’t believe all four of mine.” Dash smirked as Twilight gave a small chuckle.

“Is it easier or harder when you have twelve total?” Twilight asked with a smile as they walked out of the castle, the other three ponies’ eyes shifting to Dash quickly as the dark streaks in her hair returned.

“To believe?”



Twilight shared in everypony else’s confusion as Dash proudly strode past Twilight. The dragons had not left Laputa. A majority of them were resting around the front door, though two or three were exploring the upper reaches of the castle, at least until a sharp roar sent them back down to the ground.

Everyone’s eyes, dragons’ and ponies’, looked to the sky as a familiar dragon slowly descended. Hayseed landed as softly as possible to not jostle his rider, and Applejack dismounted with as much grace as less than a day of practice granted her. That is to say, Rarity was shocked at the amount of dirt and grass stains now clinging to Applejack’s castle-provided morning gown as Applejack spat and coughed before standing up straight. Hayseed nudged her gently with the tip of one finger, and Applejack waved him off. “I’ll be alright you big ol’ worrywart.” Applejack assured him, shaking herself clean of some of the dirt.

“Applejack!” Rarity cried out, trotting closer. Applejack turned to the Fashionista and smirked.

“Shucks Rarity, nothing to be worried about. A little fall won’t hurt me!” Applejack smiled in triumph, but it quickly fell as Rarity began to scan the hem of her gown with the softest whimper. “Uh,” Applejack raised an eyebrow, “Rarity?”

“You,” Rarity whimpered, holding the cloth delicately between two hooves, “this isn’t machine washable! This is going to require at least a good hour of hoof-scrubbing and then sun-drying!” Applejack sighed heavily in annoyance, and between her hooves and teeth had the outfit off and in Rarity’s hooves in an instant.

“Well, I was up visitin’ the dragon roost and gettin’ Hayseed moved in until it occurred to me: Twilight, we’re goin’ out of Equestria, yeah?” Twilight just nodded smartly, and Applejack let out a deep sigh. “Right, well, do you know how we’re gettin’ out of Equestria? I ain’t no Cart-a-graphicer or whatcha call ‘em but Equestria is big, and we’re technically wanted women right now.”

They all turned to look at Twilight now, Dash calmly nudging her with her shoulder. “Well go on, what’s your plan?” They watched her expectantly. Twilight stood still. Easy three part plan, go find the brothers, get their help, go home. Easy. She opened her mouth, closed it, gulped loudly, opened it again, then began to chuckle very nervously as Applejack and Dash gave her flat looks, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity now looking between each other. “Aww c’mon Egghead…”

“We’ve been busy and I haven’t had a lot of planning time! At least we’re getting this solved now.” She pointed out, trying desperately to deflect the annoyed stares.

“Right,” Dash sighed heavily and turned to Applejack, the other four paying attention to the two now, “so Twilight knows where to go, how do we get there?”

“Been thinkin’ on that some. We can’t go flyin’ the castle around, we’re too big of targets to do that. Not to mention its speed ain’t exactly the greatest.” Dash nodded in agreement while glancing around slowly.

“Walking is out of the picture too. Even slower, even if it is a lot more stealthy. Twilight, exactly how far are we going?” Dash turned to Twilight, whose eyes began to glow. They watched as her pupilless gaze traveled along the ground and pointed west, off towards the horizon.

“Far. Beyond Equestria and over an ocean. The ocean is wider than Equestria is by more than three times over. Beyond that, the closest brother is Terraria, and the continent he’s on is wide. We’re going to be going around maybe a fourth of the world to get there.” The unicorn answered, her glowing eyes fading as her pupils came back.

“A fourth of the world.” Fluttershy repeated quietly in wonder. She knew Equestria was wide, she had to fly the distance once to grab medicine when she simply couldn’t wait for the bureaucracy of the mailing system. The flight, non-stop, had taken her three days by herself. With the girls, especially since they couldn’t fly, the time would take quite a bit longer. Unless… “Can we teleport?”

“That’s quite a bit of ground, and water for that matter, for us to cross. Teleportation would be incredibly efficient and even more than that, comfortable.” Rarity smiled at Twilight, who was now very shyly pawing the ground. Rarity’s smiled slowly became nervous. “It can be done, right?”

“Well, um…” Twilight’s face turned red, and she coughed politely. “See, I’ve never actually learned group teleportation, and even if I did I wouldn’t know where exactly he is. I just have a trail leading to him. On top of that, the entirety of Equestria has been carefully enchanted and maintained by professionals in teleportation to remain safe. Outside of Equestria we have no reassurances that we wouldn’t end up in tree trunks or off cliffs or under a house, and of course there’s a chance of splinching…”

Rarity was aghast at the word and shivered, while Pinkie finally asked, “I followed you all the way up to that last word! What’s splinching?”

“Well, dearie think of it like,” Rarity gave a tiny, nervous laugh, “it’s something every Unicorn learns about when they’re learning about magic. In the olden days, only the real pros could ever teleport as proficiently as Twilight could because they mastered it to the point where they could easily transport their whole body without leaving behind, well, bits…”

“… Bits?” Pinkie repeated, her expression slowly changing to one of unease as Fluttershy shivered in terror at the thought. Dash made a gagging expression while Applejack just groaned.

Rarity nodded rapidly, her beautifully curled mane bouncing as she did, “You know, like a few strands of hair, a hoof clipping-”

“-a leg-” Twilight interrupted with an idle wave of her hoof.

“-perhaps your head even.” Fluttershy had her mouth covered at this point and Pinkie looked like she seriously regretted asking.

“Hey now! If there’s that much danger in teleportin’ before all this protection stuff was set up then why would anypony be dumb enough to try it!?” Applejack demanded, looking utterly flabbergasted at the thought of somepony risking themselves in such a way. Dash was looking away now, staring at something…

Rarity and Twilight looked to each other briefly, then back to Applejack, and as one spoke in agreement: “Lazy.”

“Very lazy.”

“Incredibly so, it was a period when they were discovering most of our modern day utility spells.”

“Washing, carrying, creating doorways, grooming, making moustaches.”

“It was truly an age of discovery in magic, but it came with its accidents. It eventually became more of a race to create the protection necessary for newer Unicorns to practice without fear. They were so incredibly necessary that more research was being poured into the protection than finding new spells. It takes a lot of practice and licenses nowadays to try and research a new spell, and must be performed in a very specific place with a lot of professionals ready to take action.”

“Guys.” Dash called from the side.

“I always sorta wondered why I never see you tryin’a create your own spells. Seems like somethin’ that you’d do. And hold up, you’re supposed to have this buttload of magic now, why wouldja be worried about castin’ somethin’ new?” Applejack raised an eyebrow. Dash tried calling out again, got ignored, and turned around with a sigh.

“Casting new spells can require intense focus. If anything, Twilight having more magic power available to her would increase the risk since she has greater chance of affecting more than herself if she cast it right on the fly. Sure she’s more powerful but there’s a learning process in every part of it and-”

The five ponies were bowled over by a nearly ear-splitting roar just a few feet away, and they turned to stare at the dragon Dash was standing on top of. “Girls.” Dash smirked a little and pat the dragon’s head. “Let’s take the dragons.”

“… Pardon?” Rarity stared up at the tall, smug looking lizard.

“You heard me. They’re small, we only need three, and they’re fast. On top of that they seem to like us, or at least you.” She pointed to Twilight. The dragon cooed a little, making the unicorn chuckle nervously. “… And you.” Dash pointed to Applejack who just smirked in pride.

“Yeah, but…” They turned to Pinkie Pie, who stared up at the great lizard with a small, nervous expression. “Are they trustworthy? I know Hayseed is nice, what about the rest of them?” Pinkie whispered. There was a brief moment of silence as Twilight calmly rubbed Pinkie’s back, and Dash looked down at the dragon she stood on.

“They seem pretty cool with us. This one’s letting me stand on him.” The dragon snarled. “Her.” The snarling stopped. “Who’s to say they won’t let us ride them around? We just need two more of them.” Dash glanced around at all the dragons sitting in the courtyard, who lazily looked back.

“Well…” Applejack rubbed her chin, glancing to the others.

“It’s the best idea we have so far.” Twilight agreed, walking towards one of the dragons. It hopped onto its legs, and watched her with intense curiosity as she approached. It leaned its great head down, and Twilight touched its nose gently. It sniffed, and as if sensing what they wanted, turned around and presented its broad, saddle-free back. “This one seems compliant.”

“I think they’re all pretty easy goin’. Anypony else have a problem with the plan? Dragons seem like our best bet. We just need ta gather them the saddles and supplies.” Applejack stared from Hayseed to the two dragons Twilight and Rainbow Dash had climbed on.

“Now hold on just a moment.” Rarity spoke up. “Dragons would still cause quite a stir if one of those Golding ponies noticed them!” She squeezed her inner thighs together, suddenly very afraid of her finely groomed coat. Fluttershy nodded rapidly, staring at the nearest dragon with a terrified expression, even as it made soft cooing noise from Twilight rubbing the muscle around its wing.

“A-and dragons are really temperm-mental an-nd a li-litt-le prob-blem could s-s-se-set them o-off.” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Not these ones.” Applejack smiled as Hayseed leaned his head over as he saw the six ponies’ eyes go to him. “They’re military trained. S’long as you don’t mistreat ‘em they’re nice. Hayseed here wouldn’t go haywire unless I tried t’start buckin’ him around.” Applejack tried to reassure them as she rubbed Hayseed’s large nose with affection.

“I don’t know, this seems really,” Pinkie rubbed her chin quietly, “I don’t know…” Her voice lacked its usual enthusiasm. Fluttershy took a moment to look to the pink mare, a worried little expression on her face. She was acting incredibly cautious. Normally she’d be bouncing to get a chance to fly on a dragon, but right now…

“The dragons are fast anyways. By the time anypony spots us we’ll be well out of sight by then. We’re leaving Equestria after all, and everything they want is in here.” Dash waved a hoof around, then paused. No, that wasn’t true. She looked to Twilight, who was carefully sitting on her chosen dragon’s back, then cautiously scanned the area around them.

“I suppose, but, I don’t know…” Rarity’s arguments died out, Fluttershy was still looking at Pinkie, and Pinkie stayed silent.

“It’s decided then.” Twilight nodded, slowly climbing down to the ground and walking towards the middle of the group as the dragon turned around to follow. “It’s not the safest but it’s the fastest choice and it’s not as noticeable as a flying castle. Let’s ask some of the Guards to fit the saddles while we pack-”

“Already done.” Rarity interrupted.

“-alright then let’s gather it up and say our goodbyes. I’d like to leave as soon as possible.” She stared around at the gathered ponies, and felt the energy of the group slowly drain as Twilight made the order. “If nopony minds…”

“Well…” Applejack and Pinkie Pie mumbled quietly.

“Twilight’s right. We can’t put this off. The faster we do this, the faster we get things back to normal and the faster we can go home. The longer we put this off, the worse the wait is going to be. Twilight, let’s go tell Celestia. Everypony else, do what you gotta do but be back here ASAP. I don’t want to wait.” Dash stepped towards the stairs, and felt the rest of the group follow slowly.

“Wait, Dash?” The blue filly stopped and turned her head to watch as Twilight approached. She had a small, sad smile. “I have something important I need to go do before I can say goodbye to anypony else. Will you please go talk to Celestia for me?”

Dash hesitated to answer but finally nodded, earning a small nuzzle from Twilight before she ran inside the palace and took a left rather than a right. Dash sighed heavily, but felt a tap on her shoulder. “I’ll go with ya Dash. I need to keep an eye out for Applebloom anyways and I don’t think they’ve left yet.”

“In that case I should go too.” Rarity walked forward. “I need to find Sweetie Belle and give her some instruction on what to do with the Boutique. And, well, I need to tell her I’ll be going.” Rarity grimaced. Applejack nodded in understand as they turned to look at the other two.

“I need to go say goodbye to Mister and Misses Cake, then goodbye to my family.” Pinkie’s smile looked a lot more forced now.

“We can take a carriage together.” Fluttershy gently touched Pinkie Pie’s leg with her own. “If we go inside together I can ask Big Mac to watch my animals for me, then I need to stop by my cottage and tell Angel what’s going to happen.” Fluttershy whispered as the two moved forward to join the five. “We’ll follow you guys then, then catch a carriage home and be back soon.”

Dash just nodded quietly. This all felt so unreal. Each step she took felt like it took every ounce of willpower and energy she had. Glancing side to side, to her quiet, heavily thinking friends, she knew they felt the exact same way.


It wouldn’t take long to find him. Having lived in Canterlot for a grand majority of their lives meant they have their favored places to visit and it was easy to find the other. Twilight walked down the familiar pathways of the old Magical Academy, crossing through the wide yard full of unicorn students.

Memories resurfaced. How little time had she spent out here? She was almost never outside back then. She crossed the yard and that was all. Point A to Point B, no stopping to consider the fine architecture, no looking at the finely kept flowers, no sitting among the shaded trees or saying hi to anypony in passing…

She was an isolated little thing. She could barely recall names of ponies she had been in class with almost all her life, and those were just the ones she recognized even a little. She remembered getting a party invite her last day here and ignoring it. How many party invites had she ignored all this time? How many ponies did she blow off over the years?

How many times did she miss the opportunity to make a friend?

These days she couldn’t imagine not having friends. The sense of relief, comfort, warmth, and fun they brought, even at the end of a long, hard day where they were the problem, but that was part of it. You took the good with the bad, and the bad rarely lasted. Not to mention the things they taught her, the strength they brought her, the wisdom they’d shared with her…

She stood on the bridge over a small stream, and stared down into the water. Crystal clear. The grounds were absolutely gorgeous. She didn’t remember them being this pretty. If only she could go back and kick her younger self’s rear end and tell her she should be out enjoying life as well as studying it.

“Twilight Sparkle? Is that really you?” Twilight raised her eyebrows and turned her head. She stared at a white unicorn, with bubblegum pink hair. She recalled this Unicorn, from the day she had left…

“Glamour Dancer.” Twilight spoke, feeling the other unicorn’s eyes go straight to her horn. That’s right, most of the unicorns here knew what she used to look like. “It’s been a while.”

“No kidding. I’m surprised you even remember my name, I always figured you were too busy…” Dancer waved her hoof back and forth idly, moving forward to eye Twilight’s horn even closer now. “They weren’t lying.”

“We did a research project together before, I think. Lying about what?” Twilight asked. This felt awkward. It wasn’t like meeting new ponies, who didn’t go to school with you and work with you for most of your child life.

“Things. This and that. You gaining a few inches for one thing.” Dancer snorted in amusement, and Twilight blushed. “So, is it true that you’re a Queen now?”

Twilight opened her mouth, and the day finally caught up with her. Oh yeah. That’s right. She’d been letting ponies call her a Queen and never bothered to correct them. Wow, she still did not pay any attention. “No no no no, see, that’s just a joke. Ha ha joke, you know? Nopony is actually serious when they say that-”

“I beg to differ. Solstice claims to have seen you flying a giant castle and even used a memory spell to show us. You were even introduced as a Queen! What sort of things have you been hiding from us this whole time?” Dancer accused with a smirk.

Twilight sighed, and made a beckoning gesture so Dancer would follow her as she walked to the Gyms and Crystals building. “It’s a very long story, and kind of painful to recall, so I’ll sum up the parts that answer your question: I own a giant flying castle, no I’m not a queen, and I’m actually going to be leaving for a while today.”

“And why is that? Going back to Ponyville?” Dancer walked by Twilight, finding her surprisingly sociable. In her experience with Celestia’s student, she was reclusive, a short and direct talker, and had a tendency to lose herself in thought in mid-conversation. She was always a fairly distant, though bright filly. She was still a short and direct talker, but she didn’t speak so awkwardly and didn’t phase out halfway through their talk.

“No, I’m not sure how to explain this, I’m sure Celestia will make the announcement once everything pieces together, but I’m going to be leaving Equestria temporarily.” She stopped when Dancer jumped in front of her, wide-eyed.

“Tell me you’re kidding.”

“No, I’m not.” Twilight smiled apologetically, as well as sadly. She let out a heavy sigh. “It’s for a mission of national interest, I can say that much.”

“But Twilight, nopony leaves Equestria! We barely know what it’s like out there! Celestia hasn’t permitted anypony to leave, nor has anypony wanted to leave! It could be dangerous!” Dancer insisted, frowning deeply as Twilight nodded.

“It will be, but I’ll have some of my closest friends next to me, and the support of all of Equestria.” She paused, and smiled warmly at Dancer, who could feel herself blush at how genuine it was. “I hope?”

“Twilight, I,” Dancer reached back and rubbed the back of her head. Was she actually flustered by this? Silently cursing her sexuality, she nodded, “I don’t know what you’re doing out there, I don’t know who you’re going with, but I trust you’ll make it back okay Twilight. Yeah, you got me behind you.”

Twilight smiled, and bowed her head silently in thanks, and Dancer did the same. “Thanks Dancer, that means a lot right now.” She turned and opened the door. “I’ll be back. And…” She chuckled a little. “When I do, we should hang out some. Make up for old times.” She smiled again.

Dancer nodded her head rapidly, and Twilight gave her one more smile and walked into the building. The door shut, and Dancer stared. She began to walk away a few steps, then rubbed her head. “Aww!” She smacked her forehead, just below her horn, “And I just got over you!”


“Spike?” Twilight stepped into the room. The middle of the room was empty, except for a counter that wrapped around the walls. Beyond that, there were hundreds of gemstones and crystals lining the walls of all sizes and shapes, waiting to be bought or borrowed for magical purposes and beyond. There was an elderly unicorn with enormous, thick glasses behind the counter with a bag of gems sitting on top of it, a certain purple dragon standing next to it eyeing each piece with speculative eyes.

“Sorry boy, prospectors have been getting better about not sending in flawed gems. Don’t have much waste to hand over.” The old unicorn stated with an apologetic shrug, and Spike grumbled in annoyance to himself.

“But I have a big journey to make today! Are you sure you don’t have a pile sitting in the trash somewhere? It would be reeeeeaally helpful!” Spike smiled big and wide, and the Unicorn sighed and shook his head. Twilight walked up as Spike tossed over a few bits and took the sackful of worthless gems in hand and turned around. “Oh hey Twilight. Just grabbing some rations for the old dusty trail. Speaking of which, when are we leaving?” Spike hoisted the small bag over his shoulder as Twilight tried to smile, but ultimately just grimaced into a sad look. Spike calmly dropped to the floor and looked up to Twilight with a serious expression. “What is it Twilight?”

“…” Twilight quietly beckoned him with her hoof, and Spike followed quietly. Something was deeply, terribly wrong. For a moment he was fearing for the worst, but she was alive, he’d seen them all alive. Something was seriously dragging Twilight down, and he could see it eating at her the entire time they walked towards a secluded, tree-covered area of the grounds. The silence up until then had been absolutely dreadful. “Spike…” Twilight finally spoke up, stopping suddenly under a tall tree.

Spike walked around to her front and dropped the gems behind him, and he stared up into Twilight’s eyes. “What is it Twilight? What happened?” He demanded softly, trying to keep his voice as level as possible as he spoke.

“…” Twilight nervously rubbed one leg with the other hoof, then took a deep breath. “Alright Spike.” She started slowly, firming herself up after closing her eyes for a moment. She stared down at her assistant with a very serious look. “Spike, I want to get this off my chest since I have no idea what’s going to happen once we leave Equestria.”

“Well duh.” Spike interrupted. “We’re going to find these Alicorn brothers and keep the leylines safe, right? That’s what we’re all going for.” He watched Twilight’s firm face soften, and she cast her eyes down. He didn’t like this. He reached up and touched her chin and frowned. “Twilight?”

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She let it out a moment later, and spoke. “I love you Spike.” Spike felt a pain in his chest. He rubbed at it softly while he stared up at the unicorn. It was so rare they shared these sort of words. There was trouble ahead. “From the day Celestia gave you to me to raise to this very day, I’ve always loved you. You’ve always been the best assistant anypony… Anything could ask for. You’re loyal, you’re kind, you tell me your honest opinion but you look out for me, and-”

“Alright alright I get it!” Spike waved his little hands frantically. His chest really hurt right now. He didn’t like this at all. He stared up at Twilight with a pained look. “What’s going on Twilight? What’s happened?”

Twilight glanced to the left and right, behind her and ahead of her, and then stared down at her hooves. “I don’t want you to come with us.” She finally admitted, not wanting to see his expression but she did anyways. It hurt to see his dejected eyes.

“No, Twilight, you can’t be serious, can you? I need to come! I’m your number one assistant, remember? If I don’t come-” His eyes were wide, and the pain in his chest made every word he spoke sting as Twilight turned her head away from him.

“I’m not negotiating this with you Spike.” Her voice was low and level, extremely controlled to hold back the emotion welling up. “I can’t let you go. It’s going to be dangerous and you’re just a baby dragon.” She looked back to Spike, her eyes wide and shining with moisture. “Not just that but, Spike,” her voice cracked, “you’re my baby.”

Spike shook his head rapidly. No, he couldn’t be hearing this right. This was all wrong. Twilight wouldn’t do this to him, they were friends, they were family, he was his… Did she actually acknowledge that he was a son to her? No, they were always brother and sister right? Just, she raised him… “Stop…” He told her, holding his hands out to hold her head still. “Stop talking like this, okay? I’m going with you. I have to. I’m your assistant, if I don’t go-”

“If you do go I’ll spend every waking moment worrying my head and hooves over you. I don’t want you to get hurt Spike, you’re young, you’re easy to tire, your scales are tough enough to handle needles but not the elements…” Twilight whispered, and found Spike suddenly clinging to her leg with his eyes squeezed shut.

“Stop that Twilight! I’m going and there’s nothing you can-” he found himself gently pulled off her by an unseen force, and lightly set in front of her as Twilight sighed.

“Spike, I’m pulling guardian law on this. As the pony who raised you,” she paused, then gently lowered her head and her voice, “as your mother,” she could have just bolted him and it would be less painful to hear, “I’m barring you from coming with us.”

Spike’s little legs trembled and he finally fell onto his backside, barely keeping himself up with his arms as his eyes trembled as he stared into Twilight’s. Twilight resisted every maternal instinct inside of her firing off at this very moment to embrace him, apologize, and take everything back, but she held herself. “Twilight…”

“I love you Spike. More than anything or anypony or, heck, anyone you are the most valuable thing there is in my life. If anything at all happened to you, I think… I think I’d just lose it. You’re not a target here. You’ll be safe with Celestia.”

“But what if you need to send her a message…?” He whispered, and Twilight finally let herself crack a little. She approached and embraced the dragon to her chest.

“Not with this magic field over Equestria.” Twilight’s voice wavered as she held him tight. It took him a moment to hug back. The hug meant accepting defeat, something that made Twilight sigh.

“I’m going to miss you though. I’m going to worry so much…” He murmured, seeking the safety and warmth of Twilight’s bosom as he tried to handle the feelings welling up inside of him.

“It’s okay Spike. I’ll be worried too, but I’ll be able to sleep at night knowing you’re with Princess Celestia.” Spike turned his head up to look into Twilight’s eyes as she smiled down at him with tender care. “And you never have to worry about me Spike. I have the best team in the world backing me up, and the old Lords of Equestria guiding me, as well as Celestia’s teachings to keep me safe. What Princess Celestia will have is the greatest assistant in the world helping her through this crisis.”

“… I’m going to miss you.” Spike mumbled, burying his face into her coat again. Twilight understood. They had never been apart for more than a few days, and only once during something so incredibly dangerous.

“I’ll miss you too, my number one assistant.” Twilight sighed softly, keeping him close.

Spike mumbled something very soft, something that may have been “mom”, and Twilight had to summon up everything she was, all her strength, stamina, and will to resist putting him on her back and never letting him go.


“-and ya’ll had better brush your teeth and hooves ‘fore ya’ll get to bed. If I come back and found out any of ya’ll have had cavities I’m gonna start brushin’ ya’ll myself!. Again.” She narrowed her eyes at Applebloom, who began to laugh nervously as she nodded furiously. “That’s my girl.”

“And Sweetie Belle, I trust you to make sure they keep not just themselves clean but our homes clean as well. We won’t be around to watch them and clean them for who knows how long, and I would like to not come home to a mess.” Sweetie Belle nodded a little more slowly as Rarity quietly stroked her pink and purple mane. “You’re a good girl and I know you can keep yourself and your friends out of trouble.”

“But Rarity.” Sweetie Belle stared up at her sister with big, sad eyes that made Rarity more quivery than she dared show. “Who’s gonna keep an eye on you?” The fashionista sighed, nodded slowly, and stroked little Sweetie Belle’s mane some more before answering.

“Well I have my five friends to make sure I’m fine and dandy, so I have no need to worry, but I need you to be a big girl and keep Applebloom and Scootaloo in line.” Rarity smiled as Sweetie Belle sniffled.

“Hey!” Scootaloo stomped her little hooves in indignation. “I don’t need anypony to keep me in line! I’m a perfectly capable little mare!” The small Pegasus insisted. Applejack looked to Rarity, Rarity looked to Applejack, and they both quietly nodded.

“Of course dear. Have Sweetie Belle keep an eye on you anyways so you don’t try to build anymore…” She sucked in a deep breath and grinned, “Tables…”

“None of us weren’t meant to be carpenters anyhow! All we’ll be doin’ is try and find our Cutie Marks. We promise that by the time ya’ll get home we’ll know our lot in life!” Applebloom smiled in pride, the other two little fillies joining in. Applejack joined in with Rarity for the nervous laugh this time.

“Listen girls, I know we’ve been tellin’ ya’ll this a bunch but it ain’t somethin’ ya’ll can just hunt down and find. It’s about findin’ your true callin’, not just watcha like ta do.” Applejack said with a small smirk.

Rarity nodded her head rapidly. “It may not always be as powerful or special as ours was thanks to Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo grinned, “but to you personally that moment will be special. Even if it’s just a tiny revelation of who you truly are.”

“We’ve heard this a million times, sis.” Sweetie Belle wiggled her little hooves.

“And it’s not gonna stop us! We’re gonna have our special moments during our adventures as the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Scootaloo held up one hoof, and the other two foals did the same, touching them together. “We’ll travel to the highest peaks and swim along the lowest, uh…” Scootaloo paused, “Lowest lakes?”

“Depths.” Sweetie Belle corrected, and Scootaloo nodded rapidly.

“Right! Lowest depths! What’s a depth? Anyways, to find our cutie marks and nothing’s gonna stop us! And the first thing we’re gonna try?” She turned to the other two, and Applejack and Rarity prepared their ears…

“GUARD DUTY!” They shouted together, whooping and cheering as they hopped and flipped around on the floor, stopping only when a dainty white leg touched down on the lowest step of the nearby staircase.

“I don’t think I’ve seen this much enthusiasm since I told Twilight about her advanced magic courses. What’s this I hear about you young girls on guard duty?” Princess Celestia asked, Rainbow Dash stepping down from the staircase to join Applejack and Rarity.

“Did the Princess say anything?” Rarity whispered as the three Crusaders bouncily informed their Princess of their plan to protect her from the evils of the world forever (or until they got bored).

“She isn’t sure about the dragons.” Dash said in a low voice, very flat. She had felt awkward during her entire talk with the Princess. Her eyes. The Princesses’ eyes had been on her wings the whole time, and it made her squirm. It just reminded her that she would forever be crippled, that she would never fly by herself again, that she would never race the winds, start a little tornado, or even hit the Sonic Rainboom again. It reminded her that she didn’t trust the Princess. It reminded her that, right now, she barely trusted anypony. A rational part of her told her that her friends wouldn’t care, but the proud part told her that had no reason to know that she was grounded forever. “But she agrees that it’s the best chance that we got. We’re going to take three of them, two ponies to each one, and leave once everypony’s here and the dragons are loaded up.”

Both Applejack and Rarity nodded as they watched Celestia chuckle as the Crusaders merrily explained what their little club was all about. Applejack watched Applebloom leap up and salute the Princess with a small smile. At least the family’s trademark strength and loyalty was running through her little sister’s veins. “Then, this is actually happening then.” Rarity whispered, sitting with as little noise as possible. “Soon…”

“Very soon.” Applejack nodded slowly, and Dash pet the Fashion pony on the back.

“We’ll be fine.” She said. Rarity didn’t feel very relieved by her words, but she could tell something was on Dash’s mind. Something that was keeping her back.

“Of course we will.” Rarity nodded, taking a deep breath.


Fluttershy never understood why anypony hated long goodbyes. Short goodbyes were the worst. Short goodbyes left so much unsaid, so few hugs had, so few tears spilled and so few promises made. Short goodbyes felt weak, rushed, unprepared and left her aching for more. Long goodbyes had all the emotion she needed, and let her say everything she wanted to say, and cling as long as she wanted or until she had to leave. That was why she felt so empty.

Angel, her lovely little bunny and one of her best and closest friends sat and listened to her story attentively, understanding perfectly this was no joke. The little bunny did not hesitate to run into the rooms and grab her her things, and with one final hug pushed her through the door. She’d wanted to stay, to say goodbye some more, to hug him and kiss him and all her little animal friends, but he insisted she go. So she did. She missed her bunny already.

She sighed quietly over the side of the chariot. The ride was so silent. The two ponies guiding the chariot flew as smoothly and noiselessly as possible, heads turning rapidly to watch for invaders as they took their only, and possibly last chariot for a while back to Canterlot. Beside her, Pinkie Pie was still, and silent, and lost in her thoughts.

She’d been there when Pinkie Pie had said goodbye. Pinkie Pie had smiled, or at least put one on when they visited her parents. Her parents, Fluttershy had seen, were nothing like she’d expected. Pinkie was all bright and perky and full of joy, her parents were old, slow and cautious, and very soft-spoken. They had brightened up for sure on seeing their daughter, but somehow they could sense something was wrong. They were very loving and handled her with much care, embracing her and speaking soft encouragement to her when she explained what was happening. They did not argue, did not question, but they simply understood and encouraged.

Fluttershy could see where Pinkie’s love and understanding came from. The party part of the pink pony, though, seemed to all come from inside of her. Yet by the end of the visit, Fluttershy could see something was clearly wrong with Pinkie. She frowned. She actually frowned. She thought a dragon was scary and disturbing, but nothing terrified her as much as seeing Pinkie frown. She didn’t know what to do, or what to say to the pink mare as they flew towards Canterlot, the bright sun above them making the world seem so normal despite the pressure they were under.

Fluttershy turned her head to Pinkie Pie again, but froze as she saw Pinkie watching her as well. They stared at each other for several long seconds, before looking away with nervous blushes. “Hey.” Pinkie whispered, sounding strained.

“H-hi.” Fluttershy whispered back. Deep down they were still friends though, she had to remember that. Pinkie wouldn’t get mad at her for looking. She didn’t get mad at Pinkie after all. They sat quietly for a moment, before Fluttershy turned back to look at Pinkie. “Are… Are you okay?” She asked in a meek whisper, afraid of the answer.

Pinkie Pie stared down at her hooves. Fluttershy could tell. She bet the rest could tell too. Her smile and words were empty. It was hard to feel that old joy again. It felt wrong. It felt out of place. Her parents… Sweet Celestia did she love them, they cradled her, knowing there was a problem, waiting for her to open up, but she never did. She was scared to. Scared to admit that she was, what, scared? Was this pride? No, it was definitely fear. She didn’t want anypony to know that she was scared. “I-I’m fine.” Pinkie whispered.

Fluttershy stared, and frowned softly. This wouldn’t do. This wasn’t the Pinkie she knew. This wasn’t the premier party pony of Ponyville. This was a pony in need. Fluttershy calmly looked ahead to see the guards busy watching the skies, and leaned over.

Pinkie froze as a pair of warm legs wrapped around her in a hug. “P-please d-do-on’t l-lie to me P-p-pinkie.” Fluttershy stuttered in a low voice, finding it so difficult to believe that she was being assertive, but pushing hard to be strong. She couldn’t be weak, not if she was going to ride a dragon.

Pinkie squeezed her eyes shut and said nothing. She shifted in Fluttershy’s gripped, and squeezed her soft, quiet friend hard. Fluttershy squeezed back. “I’m okay Fluttershy. I will be okay.”

Fluttershy silently stroked her friend’s back, and sighed softly. “You can tell me.” She told Pinkie, but Pinkie just sighed.

“I will. But later.” She relaxed the hug and made a move to tug away, but thought better of it and stayed in it. “I just need some time to think about it myself.” Fluttershy just nodded and stayed quiet.

She understood. That was why she just snuggled Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie snuggled back, slowly feeling a bit of peace come back.


“Lotion!?” Rarity twisted her head quickly to the side to meet Applejack’s hard stare, and looked down at what Applejack was holding out. A bottle of simple lotion. Leg lotion to be specific. It promised a lack of chafe and sweat and a smooth, clean coat after it was washed off.

She smiled up at Applejack hugely. “Ah-hehe, why yes, lotion. You know, for the, uh,” she glanced to the sky, “the sun! So the sun rays don’t give us sunburn, you know how it is, working those long, hot days in the-”

Applejack cleared her throat, and with a voice graced with elegance and class, with a deep hotness that could send colts into a panic attack, with a smooth whisper that just dripped with whimper-inducing sexuality, “Laddy Bo~ores’ promises not only a pleasant smelling and dry coat in the folds between a delicate filly’s legs and torso~, but it serves a dual purpose of keeping your hairs sssuh-LICK and FIRM so those oo~ooh-ssoo~oo bo~otherssome leg harnesses won’t rub the fur right off your legs, leaving no~ unssightly bald spotss for those ssweet young colts to ssee.” She then dropped the voice, “Not intended for work purposes, merely casual travel and light chafing.” Applejack stared back up at Rarity with a flat look, while Rarity stared at the farm pony with her jaw nearly on the floor.

“How-? You-,” she stammered, shaking her head, “Your accent! Your voice!”

“What? Ya’ll thinkin’ jus’ ‘cause Ah’m awn a farm awll the teime ah can’t not speak classy nuhne?” Applejack accused, eyes narrowing, daring Rarity to challenge her.

“I-! but-! I just-! it’s not-! Applejack I-! you just-! Triple! Negative!” She stammered, rigid as a board as Applejack tossed the lotion off of Laputa.

“We ain’t taken the lotion, takes up space where we could put an extra apple. Or ointment.” Applejack turned back to the six bags sitting on the stone ground just outside the castle’s entrance. Rarity continued to babble in confusion.

Applejack turned her head when Hayseed lifted his up, and they both watched as Twilight walked upstairs with a tiny, sad smile on her face and a big kiss-shaped lipstick mark next to her left eye. “Hey.” She called quietly.

“Howdy Twilight. Are things alright?” Applejack asked, noting the sadness in her eyes. Twilight nodded her head slowly, and Applejack could see she was. Sad, for sure, but she was alright.

“I said goodbye to everyone. Mom left this.” She pointed a hoof to the lipstick mark. “Princess Luna and Princess Celestia nearly crushed me when I stopped by to say goodbye. Your sister and her friends all wanted taking turns riding my back before I left. Spike…” She sighed heavily. “He’ll be okay.”

“Yeah, everypo- everyone’s gonna be okay. ‘specially Spike.” Applejack smiled sweetly, and Twilight’s eyes lost some of their sadder edge. “Right Rarity?”

“Do the sexy voice again.”

“No.” Applejack turned back around as she buried her head in one of the packs. “Bird whistles?” She tugged out the four small thin tubes, and laid them on the ground. “What the hay? No no no, nothin’ just for, I dunno, entertainment.” Twilight chuckled a little as Applejack built a small pile of unneeded objects, then she paused.

She nearly forgot something. Something important! “I’ll be just a moment.” She ran up into the castle while Applejack muttered to herself and Rarity continued to stare at Applejack.

“Are those bird whistles?” Applejack turned her head, and stared at the green, blue, and purple-haired Dash sitting next to her with a raised eyebrow.

“Ee-yup. Some foal tried packin’ ‘em in. Lightenin’ the load some. How ya holdin’ up?” Applejack saw Dash smile a little as she lightly kicked a whistle. She knew that smile, something got her all bashful.

“Dad’s getting, hehe, dad’s getting sentimental on me.” Dash chuckled quietly. “He keeps threatening to go hunt down my wing-cutter and knock him around, then he switches to demanding if I’m okay and if I need a smoothie or somethin’, and mom won’t let go of me…”

Applejack sighed heavily, and nodded slowly. “If ma and pa were still kickin’ I imagine they’d do the same for me. Think they’ll be lettin’ go anytime soon? Pinkie and Fluttershy are comin’ in.” Applejack watched in the distance as a chariot pulled into a landing platform.

“Doubt it. I can try to speed it up but dad will just hold me tighter. I kinda realized I miss them.” Dark Dash sighed, and Applejack gave a slow nod as she handed Dash a sunhat. “… Hat.”

“Yep. Ya never really appreciate watcha lost ‘til ya lose it, and ya never wanna let go once ya get it again. Or somethin’ like that. How’s it go Rarity?”

“The voice. Do it.”

“Will ya get off it Rarity? It wasn’t that great.”

“It made me tingle in places I didn’t know could tingle!”

Applejack made a gagging motion and put the pack’s lid back on. “Anyways, Twilight’s gonna be down soon, she’s just grabbin’ somethin’. I picked out our two other dragons by the way.” Applejack looked up the castle. The dragons were roosting on the wider sections of the castle, wings tucked in tightly as they softly growled, purred, and whistled to each other, being strangely quiet for, y’know, dragons. Dark Dash followed Applejack’s eyes and saw Hayseed sitting high at the tower’s top, and below him was a pair of larger dragons, one with an incredibly long, flowing tail, the one that Dash had stood on earlier to get the girls’ attentions, the other possessing a dark spotted pattern on his scales, the one that allowed Twilight to climb on him. “The snake-tailed one’s name is Rattler, the spotted one is Dick.”

“… Dick?”

Applejack nodded slowly. “Gots kind of this snooty, high and mighty attitude, and I swear he’s snarkin’ at me whenever I turn my back and do somethin’ ‘cause he kinda stares at me with this smirk.” She snorted, and Dash laughed a little.

“Then why pick him?” Dash asked, staring up at Dick.

“I didn’t. He volunteered himself. After I picked Rattler for the second, Dick kinda backed the other dragons down and got himself in there. I couldn’t tell him no, he was just so insistent.” Applejack watched as the three dragons, outfitted with saddles, slowly floated to the ground. “How do ya argue with a dragon anyhow?”

Twilight leapt off of Dick’s back, a book in her mouth. Dash recognized that book. It was the brown-covered, gibberish filled book with no illustrations that she kicked around a bit while Twilight had tranced out when speaking to Anemone. Wow, that felt like forever ago. “Aww, Twilight, I told ya’ll, no entertainment.” Applejack grunted, and Twilight shook her head as she dropped the book onto a pack.

“It’s not entertainment, it’s a gift from Anemone.” Twilight explained, opening the pack and slipping the book in. “I can’t just leave it behind. It may have some very valuable information.”

Applejack groaned heavily. She really did not want any extra weight but if it was an Alicorn’s gift, it would be a mistake to not take it. Alright, they can have it their way. “Fine, fine, bring it. But I ain’t carryin’ it.” Twilight just nodded, and began to fix the pack to Dick’s saddle.

They started attaching the rest of the packs to the dragons when Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie walked up. Dark Dash turned to watch Pinkie closely as Fluttershy stood so close by their normally cheery friend, and could make out a smile. It was tiny, it wasn’t grabbing for attention, but it was an honest to goodness smile. “Hey girls!” Dash waved, beckoning them to come join.

“Do it!”

“No!” Applejack huffed loudly, and Rarity made a small whining noise while Pinkie and Fluttershy approached Dark Dash. It took Pinkie exactly a third of a second to realize this was not entirely Rainbow Dash, and it took Fluttershy ten times that to figure it out.

“We’ve picked the dragons.” Dash explained, the colors in her hair doubling as she suddenly grew three streaks of brightly colored hair. She was blushing a little too.

“Oh, well, that’s very good. It’s two ponies to a dragon, correct?” Fluttershy asked, glancing to the spotted one, the whip-tailed one, and then Hayseed. They were all kind of terrifying looking, all sharp angles, all scales, all teeth and claws and corded muscle and membrane wings; it made her shiver some until Pinkie touched a hoof to her leg.

“Right.” Applejack tied the last pack to Hayseed’s saddle and slipped to her hooves as all six of them moved in to talk. The three dragons, by themselves, began to compare wingspans. “So, all that’s left is to decide who rides with who on what dragon. I’m obviously on Hayseed.”

“And I’m going with you.” Rarity interjected quickly, drawing some curious attention from the others. “She has the most experience riding one of these things and I would like an experienced pilot, thank-you-very-much.”

“Ya’ll realize my whole ‘experience’ is basically a few hours?” Applejack raised an eyebrow, and Rarity shook her head.

“Still better than the rest of us combined. With that settled, I’m going to go prepare Hayseed’s saddle for myself.” Rarity trotted off towards the dragon, with Applejack narrowing her eyes just behind her.

“Now hold your mouth-bits for just a moment, what ya’ll mean by ‘prepare his saddle’?” Applejack demanded, leaving the other four ponies to talk out the rest of the issue.

Twilight glanced between her three friends. She looked to Dash first, and saw Dash’s eyes on her. They smiled to each other, already knowing their choice, but it took Twilight a moment to notice Fluttershy had been watching her as well, and had quickly turned away when Twilight turned to meet her stare. “Pinkie Pie, would you, um, you know, like to ride with me?” The shy mare asked the pink mare.

“That sounds fine to me. Hey, since this trip is going to take a while, we’ll probably have to stop for rest every now and then, right?” Pinkie Pie asked, some of the enthusiasm back in her voice. Strange the wonders a hug could work on a pony were.

Applejack turned her head to answer, “Ya’ll know it. S’why we got tents and sleeping bags packed and- aww Rarity, ya’ll got to be pullin’ my leg!” She pleaded heavily in exasperation as the fashion pony turned her head and scoffed.

“I assure you I am pulling nopony’s leg! This will ensure both my comfort and the safety of my coat the whole trip!” Rarity smoothed out the thick, baby-blue blanket over the saddle while Hayseed watched curiously, touching his nose to one of the edges to sniff. “Yes Hayseed, this is genuine Equestrian cotton weave. Softest in all the land. Go ahead, admire all you want.” And Hayseed did.

“Well, if we stop, we can switch partners in the morning. Me and Fluttershy for now, then tomorrow it can be me and Dash, and then it can be me and Twilight, and then back to me and Fluttershy again.” Pinkie offered, and Fluttershy began to nod her head with enthusiasm as Dash shrugged.

“Well, alright, as long as you two keep Twilight safe I’m okay with it.” Dash agreed with a touch of her hoof to her chin. Twilight smiled quietly at that.

“Rarity!” Applejack grunted in annoyance. “You are not embarrassin’ my dragon with that frilly thing! Hayseed is a strong, tough man and you’re just-”

“Making him a comfortable ride. Maybe you’re okay pressing leather between your thighs all day but a mare like myself needs a lighter, softer, more loving touch.” The unicorn laid on the blanket with a pleased sigh while Applejack fumed.

“Aren’t you forgetting about Rarity and Applejack?” Twilight asked, turning away from the two feuding ponies.

“No, but you know Rarity won’t ever switch away from Applejack as long as she has the most flight hours.” Pinkie snickered, watching as Rarity and Applejack began to tug at the blanket, back and forth.

“Unless Applejack pushes Rarity off. Or hay, if they don’t kill each other right now.”

“You’re! Ripping! It!” Rarity tugged, using Hayseed’s side to tug backwards harder as Applejack used gravity to pull downwards.

“Then let. Go. Ya fussy. High-strung. Pesterin’ little-”

Hayseed reached up and picked up the blanket. Rarity and Applejack both fell with a grunt as they watched the dragon drop the blanket on his face, covering his eyes. He snorted, and laid his head down. “Hayseed, this ain’t no time t’be nappin’, we have flyin’ t’do soon!” Applejack pushed him a little, but Hayseed made an exaggerated snoring sound.

“At least the dragon can keep an eye on them.” Twilight could barely hide her chuckle as she hid her mouth behind her hoof. “So, who is ‘driving’ and which dragon should we take?”

“Dibs on taking Dick.” Fluttershy’s jaw dropped, and Pinkie Pie hid a squeak as Dash blinked, then sighed. “I mean the dragon! Applejack named the spotted one Dick.” Fluttershy closed her mouth and shook her head, blushing while Pinkie began to giggle. “So that means you two dirty little fillies can have Rattler.” Rainbow Dash snorted, walking towards the spotted dragon with Twilight just a few feet behind her.

Dash approached Dick, who turned his head away from sniffing some tea leaves to look at her. He glanced to Dash, then Twilight behind her, bowed his head, and straightened his back and haunches. Dash climbed on first to get in the front of the saddle, and soon felt Twilight awkwardly sliding in behind her, hooves wrapping around her midsection. Dash smiled a little at that as Dick stood up and walked towards the other dragons.

Applejack had managed to rouse Hayseed awake, and Rarity got her blanket back, much to Applejack’s eternal grumbling annoyance as she spread it out beneath her to protect her precious coat. She stopped grouching so much when she felt her front legs lock around her chest, and she just sighed. She’d put up with it for now. Hayseed stood up, and turned to face the other dragons.

Rattler had spent a few seconds sniffing both Pinkie Pie and a quivering Fluttershy before turning to present his saddle, her long tail sitting still behind her to not hit the two ponies as they carefully climbed her. Pinkie, being the more confident of the two, took the reins as Fluttershy held her friend from behind. Rattler stretched her legs first before getting up, and turned inwards to watch her comrades.

Twilight, Fluttershy, Dash, and Rarity had never felt so awkward before. The three dragons were so calm, quiet, even pleasant, yet they still knew they were dragons. Of the six of them, only Applejack had actual flying experience, but Pinkie Pie had ridden on Hayseed as well. She’d watched Applejack give the commands, and felt she knew what to do. She just hoped Dash could figure it out and keep up.

“Alright girls, this is it.” Twilight announced from behind Dash, peeking her head around to face them all. “We’ve packed, we’ve said our goodbyes, and we’re ready to leave, so let’s not waste any more time. Let’s go find the brothers and settle them, and let’s get home as soon as we can.” There was a small cheer.

Dash nodded vigorously and spoke up. “Keep safe. Eyes peeled, ears open, packs checked regularly to make sure nothing’s fallen out. It might not be friendly out there, so keep an eye out for anything everypony else isn’t paying attention to. Let’s get this over with, and let’s get Equestria safe again.” Another small cheer, and the three dragons turned to face the west.

Twilight turned her head to look at Canterlot one more time before she left, and in the windows, saw them. The two Princesses stood at the steps leading to the gardens, smiles bright and hopeful, stances proud and regal. Her parents were near them, eyes full of tears but smiles full of trust. The Cutie Mark Crusaders stood in front of the Princesses and were saluting smartly, proudly, and finally…

She saw Spike, standing in front of them all. He stood relaxed, and he smiled, small and honest for her. He raised an arm and waved, and Twilight blew him one last kiss before Applejack’s voice got her attention. “Alright fillies, take-off’s rough but once they smooth out it’s easy goin’s. So on my mark, hold on tight and try not to swallow any bugs on the way up.”

“Bugs?” Rarity asked out loud in surprise.

“Mark!” Applejack gave a sharp whistle, snapped the reins, and the dragons charged towards the edge of Laputa and extended their wings. In a moment, Twilight, Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy felt everything in a rush. The wind ripped past their ears as the dragons leapt from the island and spread wide, catching air and gliding high. The clouds beneath them raced by, and Canterlot and Laputa were left behind in their wake.

Twilight offered one last look to the two royal palaces, then turned her head forward, facing west, her eyes glowing as she sought to sense Terraria’s power source. The dragons leveled out, as promised, and the wind screaming in their ears. Twilight squeezed Dash tightly, and rested her chin near Dash’s neck.

“We’ll be back.” Dash whispered in promise, the world seeming to open up before them as they flew towards an unfamiliar horizon.

So here's the official beginning of the adventure. Took a while and a half to get here but YAY.