• Member Since 20th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"What is better...to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" -Paarthurnax, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim


After Big Macintosh builds a play castle for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the excited fillies spend a great deal of time waging epic battles against and alongside each other, besieging and defending the castle, saving princesses, deposing warlords and tyrants, and often suffering melodramatic deaths while they're at it. Often they find themselves aided by and fighting against various monsters hailing from Vaati's palace that want in on the fun. This is a record of all their various adventures.

DISCLAIMER: The author henceforth takes no responsibility for any exploding hearts, cuteness overloads, or diabetic seizures that may be suffered by reading these.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was originally going to just be a oneshot, but other people have persuaded me to add more to it, thus this shall be a collection of oneshots based around the games the CMC and various monsters play in this castle. This takes place in the Equestrian Wind Mage continuity.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 49 )

Nice story but can't see the art to well.....

That's why you click on it to see the image in a higher resolution, dude.

Derp lol oh yeah:pinkiehappy:

Glad you liked it! I might make this into a mini-series consisting of similar oneshots.


Quick! Somepony get him a doctor!

Why thank you.

I wonder if the next side will involve any of the school fillies? Maybe... Diamond Tiara as a troll?:trixieshiftright:

Comment posted by LordSiravant deleted Dec 12th, 2013

Vaatis little Crusaders this should be cu-HHHHHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!

3063408 The irony of that statement to Dalek is so thick i could make a bloody suit of armor from it :facehoof: either way, GO TEAM VAATI!

...Would you accept reader submissions for these? Because now I kind of want to write one...

These should be animated shorts... the resulting diabetes epidemic would be delicious!:pinkiecrazy:

ooh! ooh! i have a good idea for the next one, Vaati, Maulgrim and Nigellas get in on the battle! (vaati did adopt scootaloo after all!) it would be hilarious seeing Maulgrim with a wooden sword!
or maybe Nigellas can summon thousands of toy cannonballs out of thin air , and fire them at his opponent, only to have them vanish upon impact!
as for vaati himself, all i know is that he should be on scootaloo's team.
oh! and one more thing: HNNNNNNNGGGG!!!!!

Man, I'd love to make that happen, honestly. But I think I would get arrested for Celestia-knows-how-many counts of manslaughter due to all the exploding hearts.

3615850 ... But I like exploding hearts: they're delicious!:trollestia:

3615916 Yes really. When they're done right anyway.

But then they're not their best.

3615956 Perfection is as impossible as it is overrated.

How DARE you.


3615961 Well, you've certainly been trying hard to be impossible.

I have been known to do that.:derpytongue2:

Well, that was just... d'aww, this makes me feel happy. Don't expect me to fall over and die though, I've got almost Pinkie levels of sweetness tolerance. And Pinkie can handle a lot. :pinkiehappy:

But, anyway amazing bit of cuteness to enjoy to calm down from the drama of the main story.

Thank goodness. Everybody else has been keeling over with alarming frequency. I think the police are starting to piece together what's happening.

When you've lived with a little sister that can make the CMC look tame in cuteness you tend to build up an immunity, not to forget I'm Practically got Vatti's mindset on adorable things at least the one in your storyline.
"Cute, but don't think I'll fall in line for it."

Miniblins are best minions to play with foals ^^. Loved this chapter, I look forward to more adventures involving the CMC & Miniblins, possibly other servants of Vaati too.

Applebloom, use your grappling hook

:twilightblush: the moment i read that, i thought of this...

i think i might sue you, because my heart just exploded from the adorableness of this chapter. DAMN YOU FOR MAKING ME FEEL THE ADORABLENESS.:rainbowlaugh:

3627896 to deal with adorableness i learned to shut off my emotions.

3061092 whens the next one or few?

Whenever the mood for one strikes.

Squee! My Second favorite Nintendo NPC! I LOVE MINIBLINS! Right behind Bumpties, from Mario....but still, MINIBLINS!:yay:

You mean to tell me you just now found this????:derpyderp2:

I can see them recreating a battle from the Overlord games... ANY battle from the Overlord games.

We need more fillies and colts in on this.... and maybe Discord whipping up some foam swords, spears, and nerf bows and arrows?????

Evil, princess-napping Scootaloo? Huh, like father, like daughter, I suppose.

Will there any more chapters added to this story? I really want to know badly.

Dunno at this point. Maybe, maybe not. Writing is difficult right now.

Wonder how they might adventure on when the playful rival of daring do gets in on the fun? The battle to stop an ancient summoning or, mayhaps, the stopping of an evil beast to stop a curse from being unleashed that would turn everyone into cats?

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