• Member Since 10th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago

Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.


The new industrial revolution is a fact. Every town in Equestria from Manehattan to Appleloosa has changed for the best. Or do they?
As technology has made the lives of who can cost it more easier, its also brought back some notions from the past before harmony.
This is a story about apathy, greed, corruption, power.
This is a story about hope, courage, honor, justice.
This is the story of a crusader that will give everything to protect the innocents. Everything.

Constructive criticism is welcomed and if you dislike this at least have the politeness of commenting why you did it.

(Set in the same universe as The Doom Patrol and Lightspeed Rescue, but it's not necessary to read those to understand this, they are separate stories.)

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 69 )

apathy, greed, corruption, power.
hope, courage, honor, justice.

Is it just me, or do those two lines make anyone else think of the intro to Batman Beyond?

4075798 No, I was thinking more along the lines of the the end to the Dark Knight.

Well done... One of the best MDW stories I've seen.

Are you implying that I'm deliberately a reference to a story about taking an old symbol in order to bring justice to a city/town that needs a hero? You're crazy.

Hey, Firestorn162, does the identity of MDW count as a mystery for your group? In further chapters (the second if I got enough space) Twilight and another pony will investigate MDW's identity by deduction from her MO.

Well, that was one of the best comments I've received, thank you for reading, the fav and the comment. By the way, that PotC crossover seems nice, I will read it when I got the time.

4079380 Yes, actually, MDW is a crime fighter, and her identity is a mystery, so I'll allow it.:twilightsmile:

4079380 Yes, actually I am slightly crazy. That notwithstanding I'm fairly certain I'm right. Also, I'd like to point out that the cover art for this story is reminiscent of the poster for the 1994(?) movie "The Shadow" starring Alec Baldwin.

And that makes two, very good eye.

Now discover her identity and you will have my full respect.

4080984 Snail is mare-do-well and Snip is future robin :moustache:

As a follower of the deductive and scientific methods I seriously need to ask, in the name of everything that is logic, how did you came to that conclusion?

analyzing available data. subject: Mare Do Well. Data: the calling card. referencing lightning as a source of hope and fear. Data: skill. Subject is possessed of higher than average agility in combat maneuvers, skill level on par with military training, probability of Subject possessing Guard or Wonderbolt level training 98%. Data: location. all of Mane 6 not present in town at time of Subject reappearance, probability of secondary pony 90%. Data: attitude. Subject is mildly snarky, speech pattern consistent with self confidence. data: equipment. Subjects weaponry consistently nonlethal, takes great pains to inflict minimum harm. analysis complete, compiling...function complete. conclusion: probability of Subject identity 95.71%, Subject identified as Lightning Dust...

Holy Arthur C. Doyle and cursed Edgar A. Poe. That actually makes a lot of sense.:pinkiegasp:

If you wish to know where you were right and where you were wrong send me a PM.

4128567 it is simply a matter of logic, from the presented data, it is the only possable concuion...

You sure? After all, isn't logic based only in what you think you know, in what you perceive? Isn't perception based on speculation? Can perception be fooled?

4128587 yes and no really. logic is looking at the presented evidence and then going where that leads, at least in this case. it can be warped by perception if one is not careful, however, i am using wolely logic, and not letting any preconception into the mix, thus i am able to view the problem without distraction and come to the appropriate solution. all part of the program really...

Nice paraphrasing of Doyle's beliefs. Or you truly understand the method or you have read a lot from him. I'm impressed.

But let me clarify something to you, or better , make you some questions.
What can MDW do and what she can't?
What have we seen? And what we haven't?
What did she said and what she didn't?

4128665 as previously stated, MDW is possessed of above average agility and knows how to handle herself, this eliminated many Earth Ponies simply from the level of her combat training from consideration. the only known Earth Pony who could compare is Pinkie, but she was out of Ponyville and in Canterlot at the time of MDWs reemergence, not that this completely eliminates her, Pinkie is Pinkie after all.

however, during the first encounter, she utilized a combat move used exclusively by the Wonderbolts, using another pony as a springboard to deal with an airborne opponent. this would indicate that she had Wonderbolt training, a branch of the Equestian Military that is only open to Pegasi. furthermore, she did not use magic, strengthening the argument that she is of the Pegasus tribe of Ponies.

that being said, there r still a lot of Pegasi in Ponyville, many of whome r mares and attended the same training camp as Dash. still, there was MDWs attitude...snarky at best, displaying quite a bit of self confidence yet tempered in that she went out of her way to use nonlethal force, like she had made a significant error in the past that had resulted in ether a death or near death and didnt want a repeat of that. with this...the likelihood of MDWs identity is further narrowed down. then theres that little preview u posted of the next chapter, clearly showing that not only is MDW unmasked, but Dash knows her...and is surprised by that fact.

the data and evidence is clear. to quote Mr Doyles most famous character, "Once you eliminate the imposable, whatever remains, no matter how unlikely, must be the truth"

You know? Now I'm feeling like if she's not Lightning Dust I'm gonna be highly disappointed. And I'm the author.


Let's see it using Poe instead of Doyle, shall we?
The subject show impossible levels of self confidence by revealing a tactically advantageous position just to drop a commentary, teases her enemies making them angrier and more dangerous, still talks even when pointed from multiple guns and to leave calling cards.
She doesn't fly and the absence of a magical aura discards her being a pegasus or a unicorn so this lead to her being an earth pony but there's no proof of using the strength levels of said tribe, careful enough to not show off?
The gadgets suggest an intelligence level over the average or some contacts to somepony that fits in that description.
The calling card and the crossbow suggest that this was planned with some anticipation.
Final profile: Intelligent and agile over the average, shows no distinctive skill from neither of the three tribes, goes from menacing to kind back and forward, trained and/or well connected, knows about some Ponyville's citizens. What does this tells you?

4129324 there is logic to ur statements, it merely from a different point of view. Lightning Dust is not a stupid mare, and her experience with Rainbow in the Wonderbolt academy was incredibly humbling for her. u insinuated that this Equestria is more technologically advanced, but really, a crossbow is a crossbow, its not all that hard to figure out. also, we do not know if Lighting Dust even had friends outside of the academy, or where she came from, or her home situation. it is entirely possible that she does have that kind of mechanical skill, or enough bits to have the device made.

going from ur profile data, i would still have to lead up to the same conclusion as before, however. Lightning Dust has, or at least had, an ego much like Rainbow first had before she met Twilight. she is portrayed as a show off, and very proud of her skills. it is concivable that she would have heard of the MDW incident, and, wanting to make amends for her earlier actions, taken up the mask. she learned to not be so overly reckless after she almost killed everyone in that uncontrolled tornado as it cost her her leadpony status, any spattering of respect she might have gained from her teammates, and her spot in the academy. the lack of a visible magical aura means very little, it just indicates that there was no active magic in play. thus, MDW being a Unicorn is imposable, she used her hooves to draw and fire her crossbow, a Unicorn would find it easier and more accurate to use their magic and levitate the weapon. strengthwise, Rainbow is about on par with Applejack, so the lack or display of Earth Pony strength means little, a Pegasus can be just as physically strong as an Earth Pony. MDW constantly talking and angering her opponents is actually a good strategy. yes it makes them more dangerous, but it also makes them much more predictable as they wont be calm enough to use more sneaky tactics and be much more prone to exploitable errors...

as i said, there is only one Pony who fits both profiles looking at the situation logically. and that is Lightning Dust, my assessment remains unless there is another piece of evidence to contradict this. and the fact that she knows a few Ponies of Ponyville doesnt really count...as the Mane 6 as well as several other residents have made quite a name for themselves outside the city limits. everypony knows of Derpy of the Hyper Destructive Butt, shes still a good mailmare who also happens to have a strange obsession with muffins...Mayor Mare, of course, is also well known, as is DJ PON3, Time Turner, the Apples in general, the Rich family, Lyera, and several others. heck, the exploits of the CMC r already legendary...those three fillies r know by reputation if not by name...

You know? There's two options here.

One: You're absolutely right and I'm just trying (and miserably failing) to mislead you so the mystery stays as one till the revelation.
Two: You're so wrong that I was trying (and miserably failing) to put you on the right tracks to avoid other readers from killing me when your theory is wrong.
And of course the alternate implication that I'm just messing up with you to see if you brak or not. But before you can come to a conclusion and before I say anything revealing...

So posting random videos eh? It's on!

This is pretty much the leitmotif of MDW

4130585 who said it was random? W is a detective...indeed, he is two detectives in one...and we r talking about a crime fighter...MDW may not have to deal with Gaia Memories...or the Dopants they create...but it is kindred...

I see, very well then, I will take this as a challenge. I will keep putting clues on MDW's identity in the next chapter. Let's see how you can solve them.
[insert evil laughter here]

The story was good, but just one thing: Maremobile or Do-Wellmobile?
(Let's admit it folks Mare Do-Well is a play on Batman and we all love Batman for the Batmobile.)

Maybe. [even more evil laughter]
Okay okay, I'm joking, she is a canon pony. Just look at the clues, but (don't) listen to Night_Moon60606, he's (not) right.

Especially you know that I'm trying to advert the Bat parallelism. With that said, if I go to the noun-mobile it will be a Do-Well-Mobile. Calling it the Mare-Mobile sounds like calling Batman's car the Man-Mobile.
To the Wavemobile! (Epic sound effect)

Well, I already know it's not Lightning Dust from having talked with you. Plus, Lightning Dust is kind of to arrogant to be Mare Do-Well.

I know you're trying to stay away from Batman, but you gotta admit the Batmobile is pretty bitching. :rainbowkiss:

Well, I already know it's not Lightning Dust from having talked with you. Plus, Lightning Dust is kind of to arrogant to be Mare Do-Well.

I know you're trying to stay away from Batman, but you gotta admit the Batmobile is pretty bitching. :rainbowkiss:

Do you really know?
[insert evil laught- ERROR evil_laughter.exe overused.

Yeah, you told me during our discussions. Although you refused to say who Mare Do-Well would be.

I insist, I already said in the chapter who is MDW. When you look at it, is (not) pretty obvious.


Trixie. yup fireworks, smoke powders, an ego. yup Trixie.

You know, the last guy who tried to figure it out at least gave more than just a line to back up his guess, here: 4128489.

Away from the tricks, what else you got that makes you say that MDW is Trixie?

P.S. and which fireworks?

Your statement or his statement? Is MDW a braggart magician or a braggart flyer?

4183483 there is no supporting evidence to indicate Trixie, i stand by my previous statement...


both Trixie and Lightning dust both have similar stories true, however Lighting Dust is a quick and can fly for what reason is there for her to even bother showing herself to the enemy logic dictates that Wonderbolts are stealth fighters they need to move in fast and take out their opponents, she may have flunked but even a newbies knows the code of wonderbolt protocol she could go in and not be seen at all yet she chooses to fight on the ground no less? perhaps she doesn't want them to know she has wings maybe she just wants too show off, but it just doesn't seem her style... although MDW is also more than one pony so it could be both.

Trixie on the other hand knows the key elements of Illusion, she can utilize powders and magic while she is in the cloud of smoke she can use magic on say a arrow to change the direction her knowledge of the theatrics makes her a good hero, mare do well also has trick arrows i mean TRICK ARROWS! come on who knows tricks better than Trixie not to mention the firework arrow that she used at the end of the chapter.... But like I said it could be more than one pony to throw ponies off on who it might be because I remember a batman movie about Batwomen which turned out to be two people not one so it could be that Lighting and Trixie are working together? perhaps the mare do well seems inconstant with the one from the start of the chapter to the one later on.

Oh God, you got a very inquisitive eye. Without knowing that much I would even venture that you may be trained or have a talent for this.


Sadly I can't tell you where you are right and were are you wrong, only tell you that the right part is microscopically accurate and the wrong one is astronomical (or maybe not).
Keep calm and wait for it, after Doom Patrol #2 I will finish Mare-Do-Well Strikes! #2.

well that was a long one , good and long , too bad that Trixie is having such a hard time because of her past , she's just trying to get enough money to survive

just to get a good laugh :

The red mare spoke first. "Whoever she is, she has a terrible taste for clotting." After smirking in amusement. "And barely knows how to attack. Defensive training at least but nothing too aggressive."

"Not a bad shooter, maybe a natural one." The unicorn followed her, stroking his goatee. "But slow in the timing." Frowning with some disappointing.

The purple pony was the last to speak. "Agile and fast, if not a pegasi then she trained very hard." He took a moment to think about it. "Definitely an athlete or an acrobat. Must be around her twenties."

"So, I assume that this is not a problem beyond your skills."

The purple one looked down at the speaker and replied. "No, it isn't."

"They call her a hero, don't they? Then you can call us the villains." Added the red mare.

"Good, good. When will you do the job?"


when i read that part i was like damn , ponyfied Red Hood , Deadshot and Bane are going to team up against Mare-do-well:rainbowlaugh:

still the chapter was good to read and fun keep this up:twilightsmile:

Ps: sorry i haven't be able to read the other story you publish recently , i've been quite busy lately but i'll go fix that mistake :eeyup:

Well, the comic's Lady Vic had actually fought Deadshot AND Bane AND survived both as Merlyn had fought and survived Azrael.
P.S.: Don't worry for that, you are always helping me a lot with all the crazy stuff I do.

Curious, I was thinking more in the Green Hornet than Batman.

processing new data...probability of Subjects tribe Pegasus 98%. data: Subject MDW continues to display cocky attitude and significant confidence. Pattern is consistent, even if opening joke is taken from Spectacular Spiderman cartoon. data: Subject MDW financial status is confirmed. estimate moderate status consistent with weather management duties. data: combat skills consistent with moderate training level. Defensive style could be seen as a weakness, but is more likely to be a measure of restraint. supports previously stated theory that Subject wishes to prevent fatalities. strong evidence of possible past guilt affecting current mannerism of Subject. probability of 'Red Herring' is negligible. data: estimated age of Subject is within expected parameters. data processing is complete, conclusion: 99.98% probability, Subject identity: Lightning Dust

Ah, Rainbow Dash. Why is it so overwhelmingly easy to write you as an unlikeable douche? One of these days you'll get arrested for assault.

So is Trixie's sad tale her canonical one of losing her reputation and standing, and as such you off-screened it to avoid redundancy, or will we see an expanded version? Either or is fine. I suspect that it's easier to have sympathy for her when she's working minimum wage instead of terrorizing town with dark magic. Incidentally, the scene with her and Spike was very good. Of all the characters to act mature and treat her like an individual... yeah, it was good.

Also more fuel for my controversial headcanon that Trixie is probably pretty nice if you just treat her with some basic courtesy. :facehoof:

There's a sprinkling of typos throughout, or rather the kind that are proper words but not the right ones. Such as Rainbow Dash's mod or the red mare saying "she has a terrible taste for clotting" Other than that, a very good and intriguing story I will continue to read.

As for Mare-Do-Well's true identity, it's obvious if you look at the evidence. Agile but without real combat training? Showy and mouthy? Access to explosives? Showing no sign of magic or flight ability? It's obviously the Cutie Mark Crusaders standing on each others' shoulders. Particularly since we never see them at the same place at the same time.

Spectacular Spider-Man?
Nope, not at all. No sire, nothing like that. Nada de nada.
Oh crap, he/she discovered me. In retrospective, I shouldn't have used very first scene of that series.

But in a more serious note:
You come closer and yet, farther. Is the trees what you have in front, or a forest? Who is wearing a mask?

Most of Dash's characterization here comes from the Blackest Night version which is the one I've read the most about her (for me, she's like a pony Guy Gardner as Applejack is Hal Jordan). With that in mind, hothead and hair trigger temper comes very easily (this will bite her back soon).

With Trixie I got a complete list of cliches that I want to avoid, but the sad back story is already canon so I can't do too much against that. Part of her character is a composite between the ones in my favorite list and an old project I had that never came to a good port.
I really wanted to make something new with the meeting scene so I skipped the most obvious parts (awkward greetings and sad story) and went directly for character establishment.

Sorry for the typos, just have some patience with this chilean guy, I will keep writing if you keep commenting, your comments are always a good extrospective to read.

And for MDW being the CMC's. This is happening in the same universe with Doom Patrol. Sorry for blowing up your theory (which explosive anyway?).

And finally, in a more meta sense, MDW is Oliver Queen, with Peter Parker's sense of humor, using Elena Bertinelli's equipment and has Dick Grayson's training.

Most of Dash's characterization here comes from the Blackest Night version which is the one I've read the most about her (for me, she's like a pony Guy Gardner as Applejack is Hal Jordan). With that in mind, hothead and hair trigger temper comes very easily (this will bite her back soon).

I'll take your word for it. I'm sadly not very much into comics these days.

Hair trigger temper can be interesting, as long as it's not the entirety of her character. And, as you mentioned, it's recognized that it can have consequences. A lot of authors unfortunately seem to think that being a protagonist gives you carte blanche to commit unprovoked assault as long as the targets are 'bad guys'.

With Trixie I got a complete list of cliches that I want to avoid, but the sad back story is already canon so I can't do too much against that. Part of her character is a composite between the ones in my favorite list and an old project I had that never came to a good port.

I still would like to see that story. Transmetropolitan was messed up, but it was enjoyable, and Spider was a surprisingly compelling protagonist. I could see Trixie in the role. ("What a great bar. Trixie hates it and everypony in it.")

I really wanted to make something new with the meeting scene so I skipped the most obvious parts (awkward greetings and sad story) and went directly for character establishment.

I found it interesting that Trixie would have the guts to essentially walk into the lion's den on Twilight's invitation... and then all they do is hide in the kitchen until she leaves.

Sorry for the typos, just have some patience with this chilean guy, I will keep writing if you keep commenting, your comments are always a good extrospective to read.

You want comments? I will give you comments. So many comments will I give.

And for MDW being the CMC's. This is happening in the same universe with Doom Patrol. Sorry for blowing up your theory (which explosive anyway?).

Ah, um... not the current CMC, of course! I was referring to the Silver Age CMC! Obviously. :trixieshiftright:

Also, the explosive is fireworks. It's canon!

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