• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 23,532 Views, 639 Comments

Along Comes Twilight - Spacecowboy

An emotionally distant Celestia begins to reconnect with her ponies thanks to a young filly called Twilight Sparkle. (A Celestia adopts Twilight story)

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Chapter 7 - Checking In, Checking Out

"And remember, young filly, to take it easy for awhile, okay? You can't do anything like, oh... pouncing on your brother or you might hurt yourself, understand?" Stable looked at Twilight, beaming widely, happy to see the her out of the hospital at last. Turning around, he walked over to Shining, who began quietly talking to him.

"Thanks a lot, Doc. I'll make sure Cadance or I bring her by in three days, and we'll make sure her bandages stay on at least until tonight." Shining looked over to see Twilight already starting to bounce around next to Cadance, even with her horn in a cast and most of her barrel still wrapped in gauze. He couldn't help but let out a short laugh as he smiled as well "Well, we'll try to make sure they stay on until tonight. I think she just found all her energy from being cooped up in that bed for so long."

Stable took a look at Twilight as well, letting a ghost of a smile come to his face. "Son, you're one hell of a brother, I can see that already. Just keep showing her the same support you have until now, and I believe you two will do just fine." He levitated a card from the nearby counter to Shining, who brought it up to his face to read. "This is my friend's card, she has a private practice specializing in trauma and grief counseling. She's accepted you and Twilight as patients and payment has already been arranged; all you need to do is contact her to set up an appointment. I'd recommend doing so as soon as you can." Stable gently rested a hoof on Shining's shoulder.

"From what little I've seen, you and Twilight are both strong. It might be rough for some time, but I know you'll make it through just fine once everything is said and done. Stay strong," he nodded in Twilight's direction, "for her, but don't forget you're allowed to have your own moments of weakness. We're only pony, after all." Stable walked off, leaving a stunned Shining in his wake, who simply stood there processing what he had been told.

A pair of lips again his cheek and the sound of a young filly gagging broke him from his thoughts. Blushing slightly, he turned and saw Cadance looking at him, concern clearly written across her face. "Are you okay, Shiny? What did Doctor Stable tell you?"

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and gave the best reassuring smile he could muster. "I'm good, Cady. Just... thinking." He pecked her on the cheek, eliciting yet another gag from Twilight. Shining walked over to his sister and carefully scooped her up onto his back. "Shush, you." he blew a raspberry at her, "I've got a surprise for you, are you ready to see where we'll be staying in the castle now?"

Twilight giggled slightly before her expression dropped at the mention of staying in the castle. "Shiny, what about our house?" she quietly asked, not wanting to let go of another thing that reminded her of her parents.

Shining followed Cadance through the doors as they began their walk to a more private area of the castle. "Don't worry, Twily. I asked about it, and Princess Celestia has somepony looking after it. It's just not practical for us to live there since it's clear across Canterlot." he carefully nuzzled her as they walked into an open courtyard filled with ponies, the warm afternoon sun shining down on them.

Continuing to follow Cadance, they came to a smaller area tucked away in the rear of the courtyard, two guards waving them through the open doorway. "This is the private area of the castle," Cadance began, getting her company's attention, "and only those who live here can come and go as they please. You'll find there's plenty of privacy, too."

"That's a good thing, I'm guessing?" Shining asked Cadance, looking around at the decorated hallway. Stained glass windows filtered the light, painting the wooden walls shades of the rainbow.

Cadance nodded her head in reply as she stopped in front of a closed door where two members of the Day Guard were stationed. "Good afternoon, Princess," the one on the left spoke, pointing a hoof towards Shining and Twilight. "these are the ponies we were informed about?"

"Yup, they are." Cadance turned towards Shining as the guards opened the door for her. "Shining, Twilight, meet Night Blade and Morning Glory. These two are some of the select few of Auntie's guards that ensure nopony gets to her room; or yours and mine as well."

Shining looked at the two guards in front of them with awe, admiration sparking in his eyes. Morning Glory was a pegasus, her wings tucked in tightly to the sides of her gleaming golden armor. Her deep blue eyes were the only part not masked by the illusion held within the armor, a curious look within them as she looked at the colt before her. Night had an ivory horn spiraling from his forehead, and looked at them with golden eyes that nearly matched his armor.

Twilight waved from her perch on Shining's back, drawing smiles from both guards. "It's nice to meet you both, I'm Shining Armor and this little monster," he pointed his hoof to Twilight, who smacked him on the head, "is my sister, Twilight Sparkle. It's nice to meet you two."

"My, what a gentlecolt, isn't he, Night?" Morning asked, her voice smooth and almost musical in nature. Her partner let out a deep, rumbling laugh that seemed to come from the earth itself.

"What's this, Glory? Is this young stallion already holding your heart hostage?" He snickered as Cadance glared at him at the same time Glory raised a hoof and slugged him in the shoulder. "Oh, I see. It seems you have to wait in line, for he seems to have captured our fair princess' heart already."

Glory just rolled her eyes as Cadance blushed. "Don't worry, Princess. He's just being a moron right now. Celestia informed us about it, and I gotta say... he looks like a good catch!" Cadance simply groaned as Night got Shining's attention.

"Shining, Twilight, I need you both to touch this with a hoof." Night levitated a large blue crystal from an alcove in the wall and brought it before them. Once both had their hoof resting on it, Night charged a spell. "Now, this might tingle just a little bit. This will attune your magical signature to this wing, nothing you really need to worry about."

A quick spell later and the crystal was put back in its place, then a panel put in place that covered the alcove. "There, all done. Suppose we shouldn't distract you any longer, I'm sure you've got a busy day ahead of you." Morning giggled one last time at Cadance before joining Night at their post.

The three of them walked into the hall, Cadance pausing a moment as a thought came to her mind. "Oh! I never answered your question, Shiny. Having privacy is kind of a big thing for us, I mean, could you imagine having some random pony being able to just walk up to your bedroom door? Creepy, I say."

Cadance pointed a hoof towards a door on their left. "This is my brother's room, you haven't met him yet because he's been sick this past week, but hopefully you can get along with him. Especially you, Twilight, he's actually right around your age. Blueblood can be... a pretty big brat, sometimes. He's gotten basically everything he's ever wanted since we moved here, and that's spoiled him. Don't let that throw you off, though. I think you'll both like him."

She pointed out the next door, this one on the right side. "This is my room, it's actually right next to yours, Shiny." Cadance shot a seductive smile at Shining, who blushed. The moment was ruined rather quickly; as Twilight began gagging rather loudly and pounding his back with a hoof. Cadance began laughing, Shining joining her moments later.

They came to a split in the hallway, each branch gently curving out of sight. "This is the base of Celestia's tower, that door right there," she pointed with a hoof again, "leads up to her room." Taking a right, Cadance stopped at the first door they came to. "Here's your room, Twilight. Your brother helped pick everything out."

Opening the door as Shining set Twilight on the ground, the little filly rushed in as quickly as she could, letting out a large gasp of surprise as she took in the room. The carpet was a thickly woven wool, dyed in the color of Twilight's coat with pink stripes running through it. The walls were painted with a landscape that gave way to the sky; one half day and the other night. The ceiling had the sun and moon meeting in the center, stars filling out the night's sky, clouds in the day. Two of the walls were lined with bookcases, a few of them already filled. Twilight rushed over to them and began to run her hoof over the spines, looking through the titles.

"They got all of them from the house and brought them here, Twily. You'll find your favorite ones next to your bed." Shining was smiling, happy at seeing Twilight enjoying everything. She let out a squeal as she looked at the nightstand that had a shelf built into it meant for books.

"Oh my gosh, Shiny! My Daring Doo books! But, aren't there only three of them so far?" Twilight asked curiously, pulling out the fourth one present and looking at it, her eyes widening as she read the title. "This one isn't even out yet! Yes yes yes!"

Cadance laughed at Twilight's reaction, already feeling a strong sense of kinship with her, despite the short time knowing the rambunctious filly. Shining walked over to the bed, which was adorned with dark blue sheets, and floated a small box over to Twilight that had been resting on it.

"Twily." she was so absorbed in looking at the unreleased Daring Doo novel that Shining's voice went unheard. "Oh, Twily..." Shining waited a moment before carefully lifting her in his magic, causing her attention to refocus on him. "I've got something for you."

He settled the box down in front of her hooves as he gently set her down on the soft mattress. Twilight looked at the ribbon and paper wrapped box, slowly working her way through the twine as Cadance walked off to one of the two doors in the room that hadn't been opened yet. Finally removing the ribbon, she tore that paper apart in her hooves, quickly exposing the box underneath.

As she opened it and saw its contents, Shining began to talk. "My room is right through that door," he pointed a hoof to where only Cadance's rear end was visible, "and anytime you want, you're welcome to come and talk to me. That door will never be locked. However, when I go off to school, or if I'm not here... this is something to remind you of me. You can talk to it just as if it were me, Twily."

Shining hugged Twilight, a small doll in her hooves as she returned his hug. "Thank you, Shiny. You really are a big brother best friend forever."

Big brother best friend forever... I like that. Hmm, how to return that... "No problem at all... Little sister best friend forever." He pulled back from their hug and shared a smile with Twilight, completely oblivious to Cadance eyeing them both. "Now," he began, adopting a stern tone, "I think your new friend needs a name, don't you?"

Twilight rapidly nodded her head up and down; then held the doll in her hooves, staring at it. Cadance giggled in the background as Twilight's tongue slightly poked out the side of her mouth. After a few moments, Twilight jumped up in glee. "I've got it! He's going to be Mister Smartypants!"

Shining brought a hoof up to his chin, rubbing it and pretending to be in great thought. "Mister Smartypants, you say? That sounds like a most wonderful name, I must say." Twilight laughed and jumped at Shining, who quickly caught her with his magic. "Now, Twily, what did Doctor Stable tell you?"

Twilight pouted slightly as she was set down on the floor. "But, I feel just fine!" she insisted, even as she tried and failed to suppress a cringe of pain. "What's over there?" Twilight began walking to Cadance, peeking her head into the next room. Shining followed her as she crossed into the other room.

"Shiny, this is your room? It's so... boring!" Shining's room was sparsely decorated, and filled with neutral colors. The only thing of real note was the bed back against one wall, its size making it stand out.

"Yeah, I was kinda preoccupied with helping out for yours... I didn't wanna leave your side while you were in the hospital, Twily." He ruffled her mane playfully, chuckling as she tried to escape his hoof. "If you want to, you can help decorate my room... a little bit."

Twilight took one last look around and went back into her room, leaving Cadance and Shining alone. Cadance leaned over and whispered into his ear, teasing him. "I see that you got the extra large bed... hoping to be lucky sometime soon?"

Shining blushed and stammered, backpedaling away from Cadance right into the wall, causing him to lose his footing. "I wasn't, I didn't, I–" he was silenced with a chaste kiss on the lips from Cadance, who simply pulled back and giggled as he climbed back to his hooves.

"Oh relax, Shiny. You're too easy to tease, you know that?" The couple shared laughter, only to be cut off as they heard Twilight speak in the next room.

"Princess Celestia!"

Cadance and Shining rushed back through the door into Twilight's room, where Celestia stood in the entrance, a solemn look on her face. Looking over to Cadance, she simply nodded her head, causing the younger alicorn's face to drop slightly.

"It's time to say your last goodbyes."

Author's Note:

So, what was supposed to be a simple segue turned into a full scene, which then turned into a full chapter (for this story, anyways). So, save the tissues for the next chapter, I'm guessing most of you know what's coming up. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and some hints for future interactions and events have now been made. Plus, the plans for handling both Nightmare Moon's return and the Wedding, should I cover them both, have now to come mind. And no, they're definitely not rehashes. Rehashes suck, don't they?

And with this, here's 40,000 words this month from me to you, readers. Now, excuse me while I go ice my hands in preparation for September.

P.S. That last line? I mean a funeral. Just got up from my nap, seems it's not as clear as I thought it'd be. Blunt, yes, I know.