• Member Since 15th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 23rd


It's five o'clock somewhere! And everywhere. All at once. Forever.


Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, both princesses, and a couple of guards.
What do these ponies have in common?
Well, they all happened to be in the same room when THIS happened.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 271 )

It's pretty good. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Oh, and Spike? What were you doing with Apple Bloom, hmmmm? :duck:

Good potential here. Nine good ratings so far, one from me. I reckon you should try to do this well*. People will like that.

*NOT implying it's not been done well so far.

This...this is interesting, I see some laughs coming from this. Keep it up! :twilightsmile:

that night is going to be interesting, since the sun won't go down.

Terrible cover art, decent concept, better than expected story.

Looking forward to some good old fashioned racism:pinkiehappy:.

nice start... fav and liked... keep it up


Twilight was floored. “And you get ponies to confirm reality for you every day?”
“Oh, heavens no.”
Twilight let out a breath.
“Sometimes I just guess. Can’t be looking too suspicious now, can I?”
The purple gryphon blinked, sat down, and said nothing.

Best dialogue of all time!

Give us all the moar and nopony gets hurt.:moustache:

Applejack held her heat in her claws?
I also thought the parenthesis in the third paragraph were better as commas instead.

Overall, an interesting concept.

Stop all work on your long story and devout all time to this! I demand it!

I have spoken!

This is highly entertaining. :twilightsmile:

Gryphon Mane six and princesses. Ok. Here is my reply. MOAR!!!! :flutterrage:

Applejack looked out the window. The sun was only now beginning to descend through the sky.

Wait... who is controlling the sun?

This is a story for FREAKING EVERPONY... And yet you still put the word fuck In there? SERIOUSLY!?

2815145 Would you like me to censor it?

Luna's intelligence was sort of downplayed earlier with that agriculture census. Not sure if that was supposed to be comedy or an accidental slip-up. Figured she pays more attention to what other say. Eh, idk. :facehoof:

Most transformation fics play the "suddenly... a _______!" card. Glad to see you worked this into the story to the point it can be believable. Who knows what happened, a faulty magic gem? Derpy?

i say it is a plot of the Gryphons, now they can claim that equestria is ruled by two of them :scootangel:

Oh wow this is so much better than I though it'd be!:rainbowwild:

why would they do that? How would it benefit them? It wouldn't suddenly make Equestria theirs or anything. Plus I'm fairly sure it would just piss the Equestrians off. But hey, no ones claiming gryphons are burdened with an overabundance of intelligence

Well what woul they get? that really depends on what they are here.
1) they want lasting peace, but they can't have that with some measely ponies, so they fixed that
2) they have to much pride, they cann't accept that the leaders of a nation more powerful then them are not Gryphons themselves
3) well i have no idea for a point 3 but there should always be at last 3 points :twilightsmile:

so in short raceisim ... wait ...no, i think that would count as specisim ...

"How should we achieve peace with Equestria?"
"I know, lets use magic to radically alter the bodies of their princesses and a couple national heroes without their permission! THIS CANNOT FAIL!"

Yeah...I'm gonna go ahead and called 'em idiots

to be fair the most likely didn't expect the three EoH there.

i imagined it more like this
"this is a grievious offense, mister president how can you even entertain the though of a peace treaty with these lowly ponies?"
"guards remove him"
some time later
"ugh that is the fifth time today i wish we could do something to shut them up"
"Well i might know a way mister president"
"that's not an assassination-plot? or a hostile takeover, right?"
"of course not, i assure you that noone gonna die, or get replaced"
"fine do it, i'm not in the mood to think to much"

furniture orchard

Lemme guess, they have chairy trees? Ooh, ooh, what about drapevines?

Cant wait until next chapter

haven't seen anyone tackle a gryphonized mane 6 in quite a while. there's been pics of course (everypony, look on deviantart for them, if your interested). I'm looking for two facts. 1. who's the wiseguy in the gryphon kingdoms, and 2. will Gilda be lolling as hard as dash would be?

@randomfacts137 Everypony knows what they're doing by NOW! Spike's #1 ship is Applebloom (rarity is moved down to remove the squick factor), and #2 is sweetie bell!

2816407 I HATE puns, but that was freakin amazing dude

wringing her heat in her claws,

Comment posted by WyvernQueen deleted Jul 3rd, 2013

Ok... I'm curious.

Let's see where this goes.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Lolololololololol I remember when this story was on the top of the new stories box. Last night. Lololololololololol! My reaction:

“Doc? There’s a moon tree in mah orchard...”

If this had a romance tag, I would have wondered if this wasn't hinting at a Lunajack or something! XD (LunaJack, or AppleLuna?)

lailed through the air, as the former unicorn rose and quickly fell hardly back onto the ground.”

Need to get rid of that "

Twilight was floored. “And you get ponies to confirm reality for you every day?”
“Oh, heavens no.”
Twilight let out a breath.
“Sometimes I just guess. Can’t be looking too suspicious now, can I?”

*dies laughing*

*Sends you the bill for the funeral*

Not as tired as her friend, she fidgeted in her seat, wringing her heat in her claws,

I think you mean hat, not heat (Unless she's in heat, and can somehow wring it, but I don't want to try to imagine that.)

TOTALLY loving this story, though, btw. Can't wait for the next chapter! :pinkiesmile:

2815372 Could use the Safe for woona Buck

Comment posted by Elira deleted Jul 3rd, 2013

Call me a cynic, but the sad truth is your silly little story will probably get more attention than your big ol' epic.:facehoof: Sometimes I hate the way this site works.

When they get to Ponyville + Shes a Pony Wooden Toaster's remix = OMG SO AWESOME! AAAAAAAH :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::ajsmug:

Twilight shrugged. “I don’t know, AJ. I guess Princess Celestia thinks I should take an interest in the inner workings of Equestrian government-“
In the palace, Princess Celestia sneezed.

:trollestia:< sorry, im allergic to bullshit

Pinie put an arm around Twilight’s neck, pulling the purple gryphon

needs more K

this promises to be fun. especially since it's really obvious the first thing Pinkie is going to do is annoy/bother/prank Dash. My guess is she's going to freak out way more once she realizes Pinkie can now fly, instead of some strange griffin messing with her.

And then Pinkie Pie gets a hankering for pony flesh she just can't resist... "Weeeeeelll, I'm a carnivore now... so it's ok this time!" :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

And then all the rest fall to the hunger as well... the carnage is unspeakable. :fluttershbad:


I sense this has all occurred because of A CONSPIRACY!! :pinkiegasp:

“Already having her doing royal chores? The wings won’t be a long jump.”

“Now now, that’s a surprise. She’s supposed to figure that out all on her own.”

“Tia, do you know what that will do to the racial dynamic of her small group of friends?” Luna asked. “It will set off the balance! Social activists will cry bloody murder!”

Apparently, "Social Activist" means "Brony :pinkiecrazy:

And BTW:

Pinie put an arm around Twilight’s neck, pulling the purple gryphon from her small stupor. “Oh, this is gonna be a fun week, Twilight. I can tell.”

Who's Pinie? :applejackconfused:

Also, what exactly were Spike and Apple Bloom doing? :trollestia:

Eh, just get the unicorns to move it again like they used to.

2817584 This answer has satisfied me!:yay:


Gonna read his later.

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