• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 24,319 Views, 1,579 Comments

As Sweet As Lavender - Draconian Soul

The world sees her as an abomination. They see her as a gift.

  • ...

Sweet Sweet Lavender

“But Mooom!”

“No buts, young lady!”

The young dracony was practically begging at her mother’s hooves. Rarity ignored her daughters antics while strapping a bag around her back. “I’ll do anything!” Lavender whined.

“It doesn’t matter what you do, you’re not changing my mind about this.”

“Oh I know! I’ll stop eating the gems you keep in your cabinet!” the desperate little dracony pleaded.

“I’d appreciate it if you stopped, but that won’t stop this from happening.”

“Come on Mom! You’re not giving me much to work with here!” Lavender cried out.

“Listen here young lady, this was never up for negotiation! You’re going to school whether you like it or not!”

Lavender’s hopes crashed down on her heavily. Defeated in her attempts to persuade her mother, she sat in the middle of Rarity’s bedroom floor and folded her arms, lips pouting out in annoyance.

“Getting an attitude isn’t going to change anything, sweetie,” Rarity stated, looking into the mirror to carefully attach her eyelashes and powder.

“It’s not fair…” Lavender moped, staring at the floor in frustration. After finishing with her makeup, Rarity trotted towards the distraught dracony and leaned her head down to eye level.

“Now Lavender, every filly and colt has to go to school so they can grow up and become smart,” Rarity explained. “It’s just how things are.”

“Mom, I’m not really a filly,” Lavender argued.

“No, but you are my daughter; and as my daughter you have go to school like everypony else. There are no exceptions to the rule.”

“Daddy didn’t have to go to school,” Lavender groaned.

“Your father….was a special circumstance,” Rarity stated patting her daughters head to ease her of the idea. “He was the assistant of your Aunt Twilight, who taught and raised him herself so he didn’t need to go to school for an education.”

That was it! Lavender had the answer she needed. “What if I get Auntie to teach me then? She’s smarter than most other ponies, so I’ll get a better education if she teaches me!”

The snow white mare shook her head. “Honey, we aren’t going to bother her with something we can take care of ourselves. Besides, you’re already enrolled in school so there’s no backing out of it now.”

Lavender sighed, disappointed that all her attempts to get out of going to school failed.

“We’ll talk about this later Lavender. Right now your father and I are going out for a while so I want you to be on your best behavior while I’m gone.”

“Yes maam,” Lavender answered turning away slightly, grumbling. “I’m going to raid your dresser later today...”

“What was that young lady?” Rarity asked, glaring at the little deviant.

“I said I wonder if you can find a good hairdresser these days.” Lavender tried to convince her mother that she was telling the truth, smiling widely to sell it.

“I see…” Rarity responded, unsure of what her daughter actually said. “Well, let’s go downstairs then. We’ll be leaving soon.”

With no other argument to give, the little dracony followed her mother downstairs and into the living room to where the two found Spike lying on the couch snoring quite loudly. Rarity giggled at the lazy drake and nudged him.

“Get up sleepy head,” she commanded causing his eyes to slowly open up. “I swear that’s all you do these days: eat and sleep.”

The lanky dragon sat up and stretched, yawning loudly. “Maybe if you didn’t take a thousand years to apply that makeup, I wouldn’t be inclined to fall asleep so often. I mean, we’re only going gem hunting!”

Lavender stood and watched as her parents argued, the little dracony giggling at their banter. This was her last chance to weasel her way out of her predicament.

“Daddy,” she began looking at him with big beady eyes. “Do I have to go to school?”

“Lavender, we already discussed this upstairs,” Rarity began, her tone more agitated than normal.

“I believe that question was directed towards me, Rares,” Spike interrupted, earning Rarity’s disapproving glances. Lavender grinned widely, believing she had found her solution.

“So, you don’t want to go to school, is that it?”

“Yes Daddy!” Lavender stated ecstatically, her tail wagging about.

“Sorry kiddo, but you need to go to school. I’ll give you an ‘A’ for trying, though.”

And once again, her hopes have been shot down. Lavender sighed sadly and looked down.

“Now come on Lavender, you got to be a big girl for Daddy!” Spike stated lifting her chin with his claw and smiling at her. “It’s not going to be that bad; you might even make some friends.”

The upset dracony looked away. “I doubt it...” A small frown formed on Spike’s face. He hated seeing his daughter so distraught, especially considering he too was worried about her going to school.

“C’mon, Lavender,” Spike whispered, trying to fill his daughter with more hope. “It’s not going to be the end of the world. I want you to be a good girl for us, especially in school. You don’t want Mommy to get mad, do you?”

“No sir,” Lavender sighed. Rarity heard someone knock on the front door, well aware of who it could be.

“I’ll get it,” Rarity stated trotting to the door. Spike took this opportunity to whisper something in Lavender’s ears.

“You know those gems in the cabinet you’ve been eating?”

“What about them, Daddy?”

“I can sneak in and get some a lot easier than you can. If you promise to be on your best behavior at school, I’ll sneak some out for you.”

“Really!” Lavender exclaimed excitedly, forgetting that her mother was only a few feet away, forcing Spike to improvise as Rarity turned towards the two crooks.

“Yes sweetheart, you are the best little gift that happened to me!” Spike stated nudging Lavender’s nose; Spike winked at his daughter, her confusion at his statement fading away as she came to the realization that he was misleading her mother. Rarity softly smiled and resumed to the door, pushing it open to let the guest in.

“I must say you are a real lifesaver,” Rarity began. “We were running low on gems and it’s becoming increasingly hard to find a babysitter to watch Lavender while we’re out.”

“It’s no problem,” a sweet voice chimed. Rarity took a step back to let her sister Sweetie Belle in.

Rarity’s swirly maned sister walked inside the house with a warm complexion. After finally figuring out her talent, she began practicing her singing. She eventually applied to the Canterlot Conservatory of Music, being accepted in a heartbeat. Now that she moved to Canterlot, Sweetie didn’t get to come to Ponyville often because of her schedule, but when she did she always made sure to visit her sister, brother in law, and niece first.

"So, how did everything go?" Rarity asked.

“Everything went better than expected,” Sweetie Belle smiled hugging her sister. “My voice strained a bit because I was nervous, but they were impressed nonetheless. They want me to come back and sing for them again!”

“That’s splendid!” Rarity joyously proclaimed, returning the strong embrace. “I’m very proud of you, darling. You’ve grown to be a very talented young lady.”

Sweetie Belle waved a hoof in denial. “Who me? Naw, I’m just somepony just trying to make a living.”

“Auntie!” Lavender chirped right as she noticed her aunt was here, jolting past her mother and tackled the unsuspecting pink and purple maned mare.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite little niece!” Sweetie smiled, lifting herself up and wrapping Lavender in her arms.

Silly Auntie!” Lavender giggled, “I’m your only niece!”

“Oh, so that’s why there’s no other competition for my affection then!”

Lavender giggled, hugging her favorite Aunt and nudging against her. The display gave Spike and Rarity a warm feeling inside.

“Well, as much as I would like to catch up with you, we should get going. We have a lot of work to do if we want to get back by sunset.”

“I’m not looking forward to doing all the work,” Spike dully responded.

“I help!” Rarity stated, offended that Spike would suggest she does nothing. “I search for the gems and you dig them up. I say the work is divided equally!”

Spike simply rolled his eyes, knowing it was best not to argue with her. “Whatever you say hon. Whatever you say…”

He leaned towards Lavender, who was still tightly held by Sweetie Belle, and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Now you be good for Sweetie Belle, okay?”

“Ok Daddy,” Lavender giddily replied.

“There’s food in the fridge in case either of you get hungry,” Rarity stated walking towards the door. “She does not get any sweets until she eats all her dinner. We’ll see you two later this afternoon!”

“Alright sis,” Sweetie waved. “See ya Rarity! See ya Spike.”

“Bye Mommy and Daddy!”

They exchanged their goodbyes and the couple walked off together, leaving the young dracony and her aunt by themselves.

“So now that they’re gone, how’s my little niece doing?” Sweetie asked, rubbing Lavender’s hair playfully.

“Fine Auntie,” Lavender responded. “I missed you while you were gone. How was Canterlot!?”

“It’s pretty spectacular. It’s definitely higher standard than Ponyville, so you get a few snobbish ponies, but other than that it’s really fun! When I’m not practicing my singing, I’m out with some friends exploring the sights, and eating some of the finest delicacies ever. Which reminds me…”

Sweetie Belle put down the bag she had on her back and levitated a bunch of white chocolate brownies wrapped in foil towards . She uncoiled the plastic wrapping and pulled one of the brownies out, sending it towards Lavender. The purple dracony’s eyes lit up when she saw the delectable treat dangling in her face.

“But, Mommy said I can’t eat that until I eat dinner first,” Lavender reminded Sweetie.

“Well, Mommy’s not here is she,” Sweetie replied deviously, tempting the easily swayed child into taking it.

“I guess not,” Lavender replied grabbing the brownie, biting a huge chunk of the chewy treat. Lavender hummed in delight, smiling widely as she chewed on the brownie.

“Methinks someone likes it!” Sweetie laughed watching as Lavender tore into the brownie.

“Yef mwam! Phank wu!” Lavender tried to speak as small spurts of brownie shot out of her mouth.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Sweetie giggled. “I’ll bring you back some napkins after I check up on Opal.”

Lavender sat there eating the sugary snack. She watched as Sweetie Belle walked away, taking a better note at Sweetie’s cutie mark. The mark was a ringing silver bell, covering two conjoined hearts.

“Auntie Sweetie, how long have you had your cutie mark?” Lavender asked after swallowing her mouthful of brownie. She set the remaining brownie on the cabinet and followed Sweetie in order to hear her answer.

“Well Lavender, I’ve had it ever since you were just a little baby,” Sweetie smiled, grabbing the cat’s water bowl to fill it. “In fact, you were the reason I got to explore my special talent.”

“I was?”

Sweetie nodded as she tended to Opalescence’s needs. The cat looked nonchalantly at them as Lavender’s aunt as she filled her bowls with food and water.

“I remember when you were just a toddler. Every night I came over into your room to sing you a lullaby. I still remember it so well because I made it just for you.”

Sweet sweet Lavender, bright and full of love
Sweet sweet Lavender, my angel from above
Close those tired eyes and drift into your dreams
Under the alluring light of the moonbeams
And one thing will always remain true
I will always be here for you
Sweet sweet Lavender, bright as can be
Sweet sweet Lavender, means everything to me

“You’re really good!” Lavender complimented.

“It was thanks to you that I even recognized it,” Sweetie stated. “It was your favorite song growing up.”

“It still is.” Lavender hugged her aunt and smiled widely. After exchanging warm embraces, the little dracony looked at her flank out of curiosity.

“I don’t think I can get a cutie mark, can I?” Lavender innocently asked.

“I’m not quite sure, but I don’t think it really matters,” Sweetie replied. “You can find your own special talent whether you can get a cutie mark or not.”

“But I don’t have a talent yet!”

“Trust me, you’ll find something you’re good at eventually.”

Lavender sat and pouted once more. “Great, I’m talentless, I can’t get a cutie mark, and I’m not like other ponies. I’m going to hate school.”

“It won’t be that bad, Lavender,” Sweetie Belle tried to comfort. “I know you’ll enjoy it.”

“But what if somepony is mean to me? You were bullied as a child, and you’re actually normal!”

“True, but I also had friends,” Sweetie stated. “Two close friends that I still hang out with to this day.”

“I suppose,” Lavender sighed.

“Also, there’s nothing wrong with you not being normal ‘cause you’re my special little niece. There is no one else like you, and I want you to realize how special that makes you.”

With that, Sweetie Belle kissed Lavender’s forehead, causing her worries to melt.

“Auntie, can we play a game?” Lavender asked.

“I have no problem with that? What do you want to play?”

“How…about….TAG!! You’re it!” Lavender tapped Sweetie Belle on the shoulders and ran off, leaving her aunt there giggling.

“Ohoh, it is ON!” Sweetie shouted out, giving chase towards the energetic dracony.


The couple spent most of the day searching for gems to restock on Rarity’s supply. She organized the gems into two piles, one for her work and the other for her husband and daughter to snack on. Spike pulled the heavy haul of gems, following behind his wife who was leading in the front.

“Mind helping with some of these!” Spike grunted. “These things are getting heavier by the second."

“Oh, I know I can leave it up to you deary,” Rarity flattered, wrapping her arms around him. “You’re a very strong and burly dragon after all.”

His ego inflated so much it was visible. He boldly smiled at his wife’s compliment and kept moving forward without complaining.

“This was an impressive bunch we got today,” Spike smiled. “I say all in all it was a good dig.”

“Indeed it was, Spikey,” Rarity responded. “Indeed it was.”

The two carried on idle conversations as they trotted down the mountain. The sky turned orange as the sun began to recede into the horizon. While walking, Spike’s stomach rumbled loudly, indicating something that was extremely obvious to the both of them.

“Um, Rarity, could we stop and get something to eat somewhere?” Spike suggested, patting his stomach.

“Can’t you just wait until we get back home?”

“Not really…”

“Come now darling, we’re almost home and we have food over there. You’ll just have to wait.”

“Okay, fine you win,” Spike submitted, dropping the two baskets of gems he was holding to raise his hands in defeat. “Looks like I’ll just starve to death…”

Rarity rolled her eyes at her husband. “You’ll be fine, dear.”

Spike started to playfully moan. “I’m so hungry…”

He dramatically collapsed on the ground, making sure none of the gems fell out of their baskets. He was on the floor wriggling around, holding his stomach as if it started to digest his own innards for nourishment.

“I’m going to die… if only my wife took me to go eat out somewhere… ” Spike said weakly before making a few guttural noises. He then went limp, eyes closed as he feigned his own death.

Rarity walked over to her husband after watching his performance, slowly shaking her head. “You really are childish sometimes, dear.”

“I can’t hear you. I died of starvation,” Spike smiled.

She went over and planted a small kiss on his lips. “Fine, we’ll go get something to eat, but let’s get it to go. I just want to get home and take a shower already.”

Spike smiled victoriously as he rose up and grabbed the baskets. “Thanks Rares!”

The two decided to eat at a local outdoor restaurant. They walked towards the building to claim their seats and menus and sat at an umbrella protected table. There weren’t too many ponies sitting around, so it left for a quite atmosphere, which Spike enjoyed.

“Can’t wait to get something to eat!” Spike stated, licking his lips and rubbing his hands together.

“I bet you can’t,” Rarity chuckled. “It seems like that’s all you like to do.”

“I like to do other things.”

“Like what?”

“Mess with you,” Spike playfully answered.

“Yes, you do quite a lot of that...”

The two sat and talked until a young, brown colt walked towards them. He was carrying his order book in his mouth, preparing service the two.

“Good afternoon, I’m Cherry Fizzy and I will be your waiter today. Can I get you anything mam?”

“I will take the narcissus on rye, no mayo and extra tomatoes please,” Rarity ordered. “Oh, and if you don’t mind, could you add a little extra hay fries?” Her husband stifled his giggles, causing her to scrunch her face up a bit. She’s been married to the drake long enough to know what he was implying. She could practically read it on his facial expressions.

But Rares, whatever happened to getting rid of that baby belly of yours? It’s been four years and you still have it, all because you eat like a little piggy! She knew Spike wanted to blurt it out, but for his own health, he decided to hold off.

“Why of course,” the waiter replied jotting it down on his pad. “And how about your friend over here, what would you like?”

“Husband, actually.” Spike corrected, showing him his emerald crusted engagement ring.


“Yes, husband, as in happily married.”

“Ahh I see!” Cherry Fizzy responded. “So you’re the couple ponies have been talking about!”

“Talking about?” Spike asked stoically.

“Yeah! My boss told me about this one dressmaker who actually decided to marry a dragon of all things! When I heard this, I didn’t believe the stallion; it sounded too crazy to be true. But here I am, talking to the unusual couple!”

Spike clenched his fist in agitation, knowing that the gossip surrounding them could only be negative things.

“I see you’re new here if you just now know about this,” Rarity stated, keeping herself calm.

“Actually I am. Moved here a few weeks ago. Man, you two are the talk of the town! Why did you marry a dragon? It wasn’t because you had no other options was it? You couldn’t have possibly done it out of desperation.”

Spike tried to keep his cool, but his anger was boiling over at this point. Rarity glanced at Spike, giving him a reassuring look, calming the disturbed dragon. She then returned her focus to the waiter.

“Well, that’s not really any of your…”

“Oh, and is it true that you have a child? That’s so unusual! Ponies say it’s like some kind of lizard thing…”

“LIZARD THING!!” Spike stood up and looked down on the slightly intimidated colt. Everypony was now staring at the enraged dragon as he roared at their waiter.

“Please don’t hurt me!” Cherry replied shakily. “I’m just saying what I heard. It’s not my place to judge you two on what you decide to bring into this world.”

“Just take my order,” Spike hissed, green embers blowing out of his nose as he sat down. “Half of a poesy pita, no hay fries. Make both of ours to go.”

Cherry jotted down his orders and acted as if there wasn’t a conflict at all. “Your food should be here shortly. Please enjoy.”

“Thank you,” Rarity replied.

“Yeah, thanks,” Spike huffed as the colt trotted to the kitchen to fill the order. “Ass…”

The irate dragon received a light tap on the skull for his harsh word. “Spike, there is no need for that kind of talk.”

“No need! He blatantly insulted our relationship and our child!”

“One, I’d like it if you didn’t have that tone with me. And two, you weren’t really helping the matter much by intimidating him. You’re just going to give him more of a reason to say rubbish about us.”

“So what, just sit here and let him treat my family and I like trash?!”

“Spike, their words are empty. They mean nothing, especially if you know they aren’t true.”

"So, that’s what you’re going to tell Lavender if she comes home hurt from the bullying she’ll get at school?”

Rarity fell silent, staring at the dragon whose complexion has turned from angered to saddened. The true concern has finally come out, resulting in the alabaster mare to put a hoof on Spike’s chin and look into his eyes.

“I know you’re worried about how others will treat our daughter,” she began warmly. “I am too. But we aren’t going to help her by keeping her locked up inside for the rest of her life.”

Spike looked into the loving mares sapphire eyes, softening his expression even more. “Yeah, I know. This is going to be rough on her though.”

And that’s why we’re here, to make it easier on her.” Rarity smiled softly. “Now please, from now on try not to make such a scene. You aren’t cute when you’re angry.”

Spike was still discouraged by the comment of the waiter, but for the sake of his wife, he gave the biggest smile he could without seeming forced. “For you Rarity, I’ll do anything. Can’t have you thinking I’m not cute too often.”

The two sat and waited for their food to return, making light conversations like they had never experienced the little incident they did. After about ten minutes, the waiter returned with two paper bags, placing them on the table.

“Your orders,” Cherry replied. “That will total up to 15 bits.”

The two paid for the meal and finally left for home.


“Lavender, where are you!” Sweetie Belle yelled. She had looked all around the house for the missing dracony, but was unable to find her. She checked every little nook and cranny around the boutique for her niece. No matter where she looked, Sweetie Belle could not find her.

“Where in Equestria is she?” Sweetie asked herself, scratching her head. “Not too many areas she could be.”

She checked the open space of the backyard, but found nothing. Little did she know, was that there was a pair of dilated eyes watching her from the bushes.

That’s it, just a little closer.

Sweetie Belle heard a rustling sound come from the bushes. She cautiously made her way towards them to find the sneaky little girl. Sweetie opened some of the bushes to see if she could find her, but with no luck.

“Ugh, she’s too good at this,” Sweetie sighed in slight frustration. “Might as well look back inside…”

“RAWR!!” Sweetie Belle didn’t have time to react. She was tackled and thrown to the ground before she knew it. A giddy Lavender danced on top of her, happy with her accomplishment.

“Hah! I got you, I got you!” Lavender sang gleefully. “Predator captured her prey…again!”

“Where do you come up with these games?” Sweetie Belle asked, both laughing hysterically. “Come on; let’s go inside for a bit.”

“Aww, but I wanted to play some more,” Lavender whined stepping off of her aunt.

“We’ve played all day Lavender. Right now Auntie’s tired and wants to do something that is less taxing on her limbs. Why don’t you we play with some of your toys?”

“Okay,” Lavender sighed, walking back inside the boutique, Sweetie Belle following behind. The musically talented mare splayed herself on the couch and lied down, resting herself from a long day with her niece. Just as she was about to get comfortable, the door opened, revealing Spike and Rarity.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Lavender called out running to give her parents a hug. She immediately went after Spike, who grabbed her with one arm and hugged.

“How’s Daddy’s little girl doing?” Spike said, smiling at the dirty dracony.

“Good,” Lavender chimed. “Mommy! Sweetie and I played all day today!”

“I can tell,” Rarity cringed, causing much confusion within the dracony.

“Something wrong, Mom?”

“Well, it’s just that you’re so dirty!” Rarity replied dramatically. Lavender looked at herself, not seeming to give much notice to it. “You have grass and leaves all in your mane, your coat is thick with dried mud, and you smell like…”

Rarity cut herself off after getting a strong whiff of what Lavender smelled like. It was strong enough to make Rarity hand Spike her bag of food and levitate Lavender.

“Hey!” the young girl cried out. “What gives?”

“I can’t have you lying around here when you’re so messy and unclean,” Rarity stated. “You’re going to get washed up now!”

“Come on Mommy, I’m not that bad!”

“I beg to differ, sweetie.”

The two continued on arguing with each other as Rarity carried her up the stairs to the bathroom. Sweetie turned to Spike and giggled.

“Are those two always like that with each other?”

Spike let out an exaggerated sigh, grinning at his sister in law. “Sweetie, you don’t know the half of it.”

Author's Note:

Don't die of diabetes again. I can't handle the lawsuits.