• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 2,005 Views, 14 Comments

The Changing Lives of the Changeling Hive: A Documentary - Grazy Polomare

A documentary film crew is invited to the changeling hive!

  • ...

Construction and Maintenance

"First stop," Larvas proclaimed, "We are going to cut to Hive B to see maintenance crew #345!" With that, he led the group down a narrow passage that could only fit one pony at a time. It was decided that Larvas would take the front, followed by Raindrops, then Derpy, with Someone at the tail end.

"So," Raindrops poked Larvas. "What was your life like exactly before the peace was settled?"

"Life?" Larvas shook his head, his eyes intently studying the walls. "I was scout drone. Simple as that. I led field operation. What else would you have me say?"

"Well," Raindrops mused, "maybe your most daring expedition into Vanhoover? Or perhaps some heartfelt story for the mares back home. I don't know, something memorable?"

Larvas thought for a second, trying to think of any memorable tale he had to share. He could only think of one, and well...in all honesty...it wasn't as daring as it was stupid. But, it was something to give the audience. "Well, there is one story I could probably give you."

"Go on." Raindrops urged.

"You remember Canterlot Invasion no?"

Raindrops recalled the invasion vividly. Somehow, Derpy had gotten her a pass to go to the castle and be present at the actual ceremony when the Queen unveiled herself. The aftermath was pandemonium if she recalled. Ponies were running in all directions, trying to find loves ones and freezing when the said loved ones they found turned into monstrous, half-insect equines that covered them in a sickly green goo.

"Some of it," Raindrops lied. "Why?"

"Well," Larvas began, "I was a part of a special lance Queen had told to guard the chambers of Elements of Harmony. Morpheus was supposedly in charge, and it seemed we were going to win when they came. After that, it was total chaos on no changeling could tell the other apart very well. One of my own got stuck in a party cannon and...in my attempt to free him...cannon went off and we flew up into air, landing in some mare's balcony. We had one job, and Morpheus blew it."

Raindrops just rolled her eyes. "Gosh, if the Queen hated Morpheus that much, why did she bother appointing him the position of the commander?"

Larvas shrugged. "Because Queen saw that as easy job for him to do. He sits around, does nothing, and occasionally has to be present when Queen goes on trips."

Despite wanting to learn more, Raindrops dropped the subject and continued to follow her guide down the passage.

"What about a story from you guys?" Larvas inquired. "Or even Someone has story maybe?"

The changeling guard grunted, but remained stone silent. Apparently after reiterating his idea for mass-produced scat armor, Someone had resumed his duty to be the mute guard who said nothing and heard everything. And judging by the conversation placed earlier, he was probably thinking of several ways he could blackmail his commanding officer.

"Well..." Raindrops mused, "I guess I could talk about how I lost my job at Amanezon."

Larvas' curiosity perked up. "Was that not job you held with Derpy? How did you lose it?"

"Well," Raindrops began, "It had all started like any other day. We were moving some furniture to a house in upper Ponyville when we made a detour and got lost in the park. Well, when we did get to the spot, there was a holdup and we needed to unload some furniture. Nothing special mind you. Just an anvil, piano, wagon, hay bales, and a potted plant."

And from there, she went into full detail of how an Element of Harmony had been under them the whole time and how crushing Celestia's protege had been a bad slash on her reputation.

Larvas quizzically glanced at his friend. "How could you-"

"The point is," Raindrops interjected, "that we had an accident and...gravity took over. And it just happened that they miraculously landed on the Element of Magic."

"Oh," Larvas recalled the Elements of Harmony from his own point of view. He swore that on that day, he would never look at a party cannon the same way again. That pink one had scarred him and so many others for life. He still felt there was confetti in his snout from that encounter.

"I didn't need that schmuck anyhow," Raindrops said to herself, "and I got a full job on the weather team with Blossom Forth."

The group paused as the narrow corridor erupted into a large cavern that stretched for miles on either side. In fact, Raindrops was sure they were at the bottom of an underground ravine, although she couldn't be sure. Here and there, Derpy filmed various drones mixing several questionable liquids together in immense, black cauldrons. Taking a bucket full of the stuff, they began to stick it to gaping cracks in the wall. It only took a moment for the entire film crew to realize the wall wasn't covered in resin. Instead, they were staring at barren rock, where several roots and various cracks had pierced the smooth surface like a tear through paper.

"Welcome," Larvas held his hooves out, "to Hive B Tunnel B12!"

Raindrops and Derpy glanced at each other, before turning back to regard their guide with blank stares. Larvas began to grumble about the lack of appreciation in construction. Sighing to himself, the changeling indicated down the hall. "If you'll be so kind as to follow me, I believe we will be able to talk with Alter on how this works."

They followed the changeling down a residual slope. At the bottom, Raindrops noted a slightly shorter changeling directing several larger ones to move a cauldron to the left.

"-and when you're done, go and check with Snatch over there to see what the buck is taking him so long!" the changeling shouted. Turning around, he seemed to flinch at the sight of visitors, before taking a low bow.

"Overseer 770 at your service." He held his hoof out for Raindrops to shake. Derpy, on the other hoof, was focusing on the two bulky drones lifting the cauldron.

"Derpy," Raindrops called out, " why don't you come here and get this?" The pegasus must have felt a rush of panic as she dashed back to her friend at lightning speed. However, the sudden rush of wind sent both workers wobbling on their hooves. For a moment, it looked like they might have managed to right themselves, but soon they began to wobble again, they toppled down the slope, the clang of the cauldron echoing along the walls. After a excruciatingly long minute, the sound abruptly stopped, now filled with the agonized groans of several changelings. During this entire ordeal, all heads had turned towards Derpy, regarding her with a mixture of fear and annoyance.

Derpy only replied with a sheepish smile and raised her hooves. "Sorry about that, I just don't know what went wrong." A few changelings began to grumble about accidents and hazards before they got back to work.

"My leg," a voice below cried, "my leg!" Several other voices were also moaning similar complaints. After dragging Derpy away from the scene of the crime, Raindrops decided to deposit her friend for the interview.

"Okay Derpy," Raindrops spoke out in a cheerful voice, ignoring the faint pleas for help, "in three...two...one!"

Derpy just sat on her rump, her eyes sullenly gazing at the ground. Within moments, her eyes began to water and she let out a tiny sniffle. There were a few furtive glances towards the grey pegasus, as the changeling workers tried to ignore the scene.

"Derpy," Raindrops patted her friend on the back, "don't fret about that! It was an accident! Accidents happen! Right Alter?"

She turned to give the overseer a lethal glare that said that any answer other then yes would result in his immediate demise. Nodding his head, he blurted, "Why of course! Just an accident!"

If Derpy didn't notice the perspiring changeling-which shouldn't be able to perspire-she suddenly nodded her head with a weak smile. "I guess I oughta get on with the show right?"

"Exactly!" Raindrops helped her friend up, despite the few groans that still echoed throughout the cavern. "In...three...two...one!"

The beep of the camera indicated it was recording as Raindrops gave her best documenter's smile. "Raindrops here! And on my right is a changeling known as Overseer 770 or Alter!"

"Hello," Alter waved, "I am indeed an Overseer. In fact, if you'll follow me, we're brewing a fine batch of adhesive!" The changeling led the party down another entrance that widened into a cylindrical chamber that rose at least twenty ponies high. In the center of this room, was a large wooden platform bearing what was...perhaps one of the largest cauldrons of all. It nearly took up the entire room, and several changelings were using tree branches to stir the oozing green mixture within.

"This," Alter proudly presented, "is what we call the Mother Mixer 3000."

"Nobody calls it that, " a drone spoke out, "just you Alter. Just you."

Raindrops was taken aback by the drone's insult. She had expected that-even if Alter was a jerk-the workers would obey him without question. "Does every worker here disrespect you like that?

"Well," Alter rubbed his neck. "I mean...don't you know how changelings get into construction?"

Raindrops shook her head. "I'm afraid there is a lot you'll need to tell me."

"No changeling," Larvas whispered, "actually likes to work here."

"What?" Raindrops turned to study the workers near the cauldron. Perhaps it was simply because she was in here long enough, but she could already see that not all of them were maintenance material. Some of them looked lean and tall, while others were bulky and had scars on their faces. "You mean to tell me that-"

"This is Chrysalis' version of prison," Alter interjected, "or community service if you will. This is the job that every changeling starts out with, and once they prove themselves, they are promoted to other positions in the Hive. But if you're a troublemaker, Chrysalis will send you down here to be punished."

"So you're telling me," Raindrops stretched her hooves in a vain attempt to encompass the entire cave, "that you just led us into a prison? Where the gates are unlocked?"

"No no," Alter defensively gestured with his hooves, "we have dungeons for the particular nasty changeling. But we haven't had use of them in quite some time. So this acts as an informal prison for those who just miss work, pull pranks, are bullies, have a tendency for pyrotechnics, or is just too clumsy to put anywhere else."

"Wait," Raindrops held her hoof out, "I heard pyrotechnics and clumsy. How do those fellas fit in with your job description?"

"The pyros just go and mix chemicals. As for the clumsy ones..." he glanced furtively at Derpy, regretting it when Raindrops returned her deadly stare.

"Mix chemicals?" Derpy scratched her forehead.

"Well," Alter pointed towards the cauldron "you see that gargantuan bowl right?" Both pegasi followed his hoof where the cauldron was suspended on wooden pillars. Nodding, they shrugged, not entirely understanding his point.

"A crack in the wall," Alter explained, "is a hazard for changelings. It also doesn't help with the occasional Quarry Eels making new ones."

"Quarry eels?" Raindrops shuddered at the thought of a hundred hoof worm just cruising through the Hive, causing unfathomable damage in its wake.

"Yes," Alter sighed, "but not like the ones in Ghastly Gorge mind you. These are their lesser known cousins that thrive in the desert. Not to be confused with a Fang-goliian Death Worm. Those can eat a drone in one bite."

In the back, Someone shivered, backing away into one of the connecting tunnels when he bumped into a worker, who shoved him back.

"Watch where you're going you slime...SOMEONE?" the changeling gaped at the guard's appearance.

"COMMANDER!" Someone saluted, despite the disheveled appearance of his commanding officer. The changeling was covered in soot, and all his armor had been stripped down. "I forgot Queen sent you down here."

"Eh," Morpheus waved his hoof, "I've been through worse like that one time when I had to be a pony in band camp..."

"...But going back on topic," Alter flew up the large, carved out semi-circle. "Cracks disrupt the flexibility of changeling resin. You know what changeling resin is right?"

"Sadly," Raindrops muttered, causing Alter to give Larvas a quizzical look.

"Ponies don't use crap for walls," Larvas explained, "just skip any part with resin okay?"

"Okay," Alter shrugged, "but anyhow. Usually a minor wear and tear can easily be maintained with added adhesive from...resin. But ummm, for the really bad ones, like chamber B for example, we need to use special mixtures. Usually, we have an expert trot down every new site to determine what cracks need to be filled. for especially big ones, like the ravine we're under, we need tough adhesive to keep the water and anything else from that ravine out."

Raindrops nodded, "So where do you get this stuff from? I mean, if it isn't coming from...well...yourself?"

"Usually we use ingredients and minerals found here. But for the real fancy stuff, I have to write out a weekly quota for every construction unit here for the field duty officers. Then, they will make sure to pick up any ingredients we need." Alter grinned at the camera, hoping to look good for the changelings back in Ponyville.

"Interesting," Raindrops hovered over the cauldron, much to the annoyance of the changeling stirring it. "What's in this barrel?"

"Uhhh," Alter rubbed his frill, "well this particular adhesive is Prima-Auta-Sigma-B12.34. Basically, it's made with several crystals from the Crystal Mountain, trotite, buckite, mareite, topaz, sapphire, some bungus beans, a branch from a decaying willow, some water from Froggy Bottom Bog, and...dragon dung."

What is with these things and dung? Raindrops facehoofed herself. "So Alter...this is experimental I'm guessing?"

"Kinda," Alter answered nonchalantly, "it isn't totally dangerous if that's what your asking. And we made sure to test it on some minor cracks. The question is if it can cover an entire ravine if it collapses. The Queen is thinking of installing new sleeping chambers and fungi farms here, so she wants it done pronto."

Huh? Raindrops turned to notice their guard talking with none other then the commander form earlier, albeit without the helmet and armor. Odd...what are they talking about?

Seeing that Raindrops was intently focusing on the two changelings near the entrance, Derpy silently made her way on tip-hoof to listen in. Alter, however, just shrugged and began to check the wooden foundations. As long as no one makes any sudden movements on this pot we'll be fine.

"Anyway," Morpheus shrugged, "what about you?"

"Oh," Someone cleared his throat, "little ponies want me to send out my helmet idea to capital city in Canterlot! Can you believe it?"

Morpheus suddenly burst out laughing, dropping his pickaxe as he rolled over the dirt floor. "That's the funniest thing I've heard in weeks, Someone."

Clearly, Someone didn't get the joke, slanting his eyes. "Is not funny Commander. They said I really might be good at it!"

Morpheus stood, locking eye to eye with his subordinate. "Do you honestly believe that?"

Someone shifted, stuttering as he spoke. "Ye-yeah?"

Morpheus seem to raise a brow, "Someone, she's lying to you. You actually think those cretins back in Ponyville or even Canterlot would even propose investing in that helmet?"

Someone was now starting to shiver. "Well...I-"

"Believe me," Morpheus interrupted, "I've seen enough of Equestria to know they wouldn't even dream of using our recycling system let alone our..." the changelng paused, looking up to see the camera's light blinking with mild curioustiy.

"Excuse me," Morpheus moved up to the grey pegasi," you're not allowed to film this-"

What's going on? Raindrops watched the commander shove Derpy down the tunnel, followed by Someone. Searching for her guide, she found Larvas making small talk to Alter, apparently trying to catch up on current events. Taking a deep breath, the jasmine-coated mare slowly began to move forward.

"Hey miss," the changeling work chided, "will ya' quit being so darn creepy down here?"

The sudden outburst caused Raindrops to jolt back, crashing into the pot. There was a deep rumble, and a few heads turned to view the unstable cauldron. Even Alter and Larvas had flew up to the platform. There was a sound of splintering wood, and the two changelings hastily pushed their weight against the cauldron, the green liquid barely escaping the brim.

"We need to hold it back," Alter screamed, "just put enough pressure and-" But the wooden supports groaned as the pot slowly overturned. Before any changeling could react, there was a tumultuous clang and soon Alter and Larvas were carried away by a wall of...well...Prima-Auta-Sigma-B12.34


"I regret nothing that I've said," Morpheus replied grimly, facing the camera, "I told Someone what he needed to hear. You ponies ought to know this yourselves."

If Derpy took any offense, she didn't show it. Morpheus sighed, "I mean, really? Scat Armor? Who the buck would buy armor made with a hundred year old crap? I think I'm doing something really mature by telling Someone that. I mean...he's under my command and I don't need him prancing off to Equestria on some Chrysalis-forsaken quest to reclaim riches beyond his dreams and-what was that?"

The Commander turned around just in time to see two workers buzz past them, flying away from some unseen terror. For a moment, the three of them just stood there, confused. And that was when the large liquid wave of green adhesive began to flood the tunnel.

"RUN!" Morpheus turned, shoving Derpy and Someone as he made his way down the corridor. Someone followed, but Derpy simply stood there, captivated by the green ooze making its way towards her.

She could see several changelings trying to swim in the goo, which made Derpy question if it was safe. If she had any time to realize the danger it posed, it was already too late as she was engulfed in the wave of the slimy substance.

Meanwhile, Someone and Morpheus were buzzing down the hall, following the other two changelings to sanctuary. But everywhere, they turned, they saw only the smooth, barren surface of the tunnel.

"Where's exit?" Someone hollered, scanning here and there. "Commander, we're trapped?"

Morpheus turned to scowl at his subordinate. "What do you mean we're-OOF" He slammed snout first into the wall, a natural dead end that hadn't been excavated thoroughly. Getting to his hooves, the Commander turned to see the wall of adhesive cover the entire entrance.

"We're trapped!" A changeling shouted.

"It was an honor serving you, Commander," Someone grabbed his officer in a hug.

"GET OFF ME!" Morpheus knocked his subordinate to the ground. "I don't wanna die like that!"

"Who would do this?" A changeling cried out despairingly.

"Bucking documenters," was all the Commander had to say before closing his eyes to meet their inevitable fate.


"Well I have good news and bad news."

Raindrops, Larvas, and Derpy were sitting on an overturned piece of plywood, ignoring the glares a few passing workers gave them. Raindrops ignored them, considering the amount of trouble she had already landed herself into. "What's the bad news?"

Alter sighed, "The bad news is that you destroyed a month's worth of planning and I don't think our insurance covers this."

"Wait," Randrops raised her hoof. "You guys have insurance?"

"Ummmm..." Alter checked back and forth. "I'll get back to you on that!"

"Ok," the pegasus muttered, "and the good news?"

"The good news," Alter motioned to the tunnel, "is that the stuff wasn't actually that good of an adhesive after all. Something about a missing ingredient someone forgot to add. That, and your camera is in pristine condition."

"WHAT!" Raindrops heaved the metal device from Derpy's hooves, flicking the on switch as the machine slowly came to life. Sure enough, it was as if nothing had ever happened. "How did you-"

"Me and my brother have some experience...with your technology," Alter blurted, giving a nervous as he did so. "Anyhow, I think it's best you guys move on to your next stop anyhow."

"Well..." Raindrops turned to see Someone marching towards them with a lethal grimace. Raindrops was no stranger to a pissed-off pony, and she immediately rose to her hooves. "I guess we do have to get going! See ya!"

With that, the trio got up, following the sentry as he led them back up the slope. Alter looked back with a sense of longing to go with them. After all...it was a nice camera and he wanted to see it in action. But as his duty would have it, he needed to get everyone organized again.

"All drones sound off!"

Each worker yelled out his or her number, as Alter took out a tiny list which he marked with one of his fangs. "Ok...ok...ok...hey...wait a second...WHERE'S MORPHEUS?"

Scanning the tunnel, he saw no sign of the boisterous commander who frequented this cavern more then his actual job. He checked every rock, crevice, and cauldron, but with no such luck. After about a minute, he facehoofed himself. "That two-timing back-stabbing piece of resin!"

Author's Note:


In other words, Maintenance is a rather boring place anyway. Raindrops, Larvas, and Derpy continue on their little adventure, too where...no pony really knows.

Oh and Someone will get a nickname...eventually. No it's not going to be Eventually either!

Anyhow, we at the RDM are happy to see more people viewing this and we hope you can continue with us on this little journey into the changeling universe.

For more stories with Larvas, check out They Had One Job...I think he starred in that...I don't know...we'll have to ask him again.

Also...who thinks Derpy is one of the best cameraponies in the entire world of Equestria? None of us here think so...with the exception of Derpy of course.