• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Pinkie Pie invites you to join her for an outrageous show. Canon and logic go out the window as we proudly present Pinkie's Fourth Wall Breaking Variety Show! Take a break from the main story and enjoy off the wall antics, bizarre moments, and innumerable guest appearances! But most importantly, don't forget to have fun!

Just For Fun, no canon here. Enjoy!

This was originally posted on deviantart, with the system that allowed users to be deleted when a story was edited. And as such users were able to submit segments and scenes for the show. These were posted between episodes as breathers and to explore interactions between characters who could never logically meet in story.

The ponies here basically follow the Da Rules! of the Pony POV Series-verse. But ultimately, everything here is intended as fun and games and AS A RULE, follows a consistent INTERNAL-canon and events and scenes follow the fundamental rules of cause and effect. But ultimately, everything here is for fun.

Chapters (62)
Comments ( 465 )

I've really gotta start reading these from the first...

~Skeeter The Lurker


Things will make more sense if you check the author's notes.


Oh, I was talking about the whole POV series itself.

~Skeeter TL

Hey POV Pinkie!

You mind if I run the tech side of things?

Signed Priddy Pinkie

((Fanfic of origin: Awakening Pink))


Pinkie Pie, "Tell me more."


"Oh you know, I had some theatre experience before I fused, humanside anyway and--you have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"


"Nope! But I love a good story! Tell me more!"


"Well.... long story short, a version of Pinkie from around the end of season two got her mind fused with the mind of a random human and now I'm here! Tadaaaa.... yeah, it's... really mundane to me now, but it was kinda new back then." Priddy Pinkie brushes off his coat. "But hey, I've got a great fashion sense! No matter what Rarity says."

Oh dear, you're posting these? I'm eager to see just how people react to the weirdness.


Pinkie Pie, "SOUNDS FUN! But unless you get as popular or infamous as Nyx, I might have to kinda turn ya down fer help. Sorry." *pinkie pie hug*


"I have a trope page," Pinkie protests weakly.

2786750 But how many people have edited it?

Something tells me it's barely even known to anyone...:rainbowwild::trollestia:

"...it's a trope page for the entire verse," Pinkie mumbles further. "I mean..."

She sighs.

"I'm... just going to go now..."

I still love what happened with the rogue Nightmare-illusion spell (even if it turned out to be a bit prophetic). And that part at the beginning with poor Fluttershy? Yeah, that was indeed sad. Poor Flutts.:fluttercry:


Pony POV Pinkie Pie, "HEY! Don't go! And you! Shadow-Thingie! Leave her alone! Shouldn't you have something nice to say to her?"

2796221 The part at the very beginning where we're shown what would have happened with Fluttershy if she'd actually killed all those unborn ponies, griffins, dragons, etc.


Now I remember . . . I had compltely forgotten about that.

Just noticed something -- you spelled "Fourth" as "Forth" in the title.


Whenever you work with someone online, you can never be sure when it'll turn out they're the emotionally unstable type.

Nice to see this one back up again. I always liked this one, as demented as it is. Though in retrospect it's kind of a shame we didn't get Celestia in on it as Nightmare Sun/Solar Blaze/whatever the heck her fanon Nightmare name is.


Her Nightmare in the pony POV Series is called Nightmare Genesis.


For the 'episodes' that took more than one entry, should I post them separately, or I post them as one here?


For the 'episodes' that took more than one entry, should I post them separately, or I post them as one here?

5003285 That's right, I'd forgotten about that. You've done so much with so many characters it can be easy to lose things here and there.

5003316 I'd say go with whatever works best for you.

"Trust us, you do not want to see that pony become a Nightmare." explained Granfalloon.

Even Nightmares have standards, because regular Cupcakes Pinkie is bad enough, so Nightmare Cupcake, the Butcher Baker, that would be even worse. I somehow KNEW that Apple Pie would be Nightmare Paradox, weird. I wonder, Alicorns can go Nightmare, can Draconequui do the same or something similar?


I can already imagine several Nightmares of Discord, Nightmare Chaos, obsessed with the harmless fun he has with chaos, Nightmare Mind Game, self explanatory, Nightmare Mockery constantly mocking, another obsessed with Discord's Sadistic Choices and more cruel actions.


Discord is already a Nightmare at heart. He's disrupting creation instead of helping it along.

Alex. What you really need to do, if you haven't already, is write a Concordance for your world. It's become complex enough that I have to research it when I want to use elements from it at all properly, and I bet that even you as the creator are encountering this problem.

I am with my much simpler Shadow Wars universe.


Well, there was the blog entry I did a short while ago.


I added the second half of Mix of trixie BTW

"The author just had to, didn't he?"

Yes. Yes he did. Because it's funny. Speak of the devil and he shall arrive indeed. This should prove to be very entertaining.

In connection with what the Robot Chicken says


I have just read -- and given one of my rare downvotes to -- a technically very well-written story about Rarity ...

... suffering an attack of diarrhea.

Note: the writer didn't get her character wrong, nor was the plot implausible. It's just that the whole point of the story was to degrade Rarity, by pointing out "She has nasty poops too."

Well yes, she does, but there was literally no point to the story other than Rarity suffering an attack of diarrhea. Which I'm sure she has from time to time. And she might in some story that I write, if (say) she suffers stomach illness in the course of some adventure.

In which case I would not focus obsessively on the illness, even if I described it EXPLICITLY. Because while describing it explicitly would produce a disgusting affect, focusing obsessively on it would make a disgusting story.

And I probably wouldn't describe it in detail, merely mention that she was suffering the runs and was becoming too weak to clean herself, so that somepony else had to tend to her.

Apparently the author thought it was some sort of awesome revelation that Rarity gets sick sometimes.

I don't want to link to this because I do NOT want to promote this other story.

The flirting between Dissy and Celly came off as actually tragic -- given that we know what happens -- until you surprised me by raising the possibility of a happy outcome by having his be an alternate timeline and have another Discord intervene with Pinkie and Pinkie with Surprise on Dissy's behalf.

Interestingly, you came out with this right when I'm writing Chapter 14 of Divine Jealousy and the Voice of Reason, "A Fillyhood in Paradise Estate," which is all about Luna's early life and thus, also Celly and Dissy's love, and Dissy's fall into evil.

"Cutie-Mark Crusaders Roboticizers! Yeah!" Cheered three little robot fillies.

I can't believe I missed this the first time around! I thought for the longest time that the CMC were still flesh somehow roboticizing every pony in Equestria just because I missed that 'robot fillies' reference.

And I still like the part with the three witches returning and losing yet again. Poor old Hydia and her daughters.

5017584 That story not only sounds gross, but utterly pointless. Rarity get the trots and it's nasty this is supposed to be some big revelation?


Well, it's obviously meant to be a take-down of Rarity's "pretensions," because it starts off going on about how important and elegant and ladylike she is and how important the dress she's working on is and then it finishes with her racing to the bathroom because she realizes she's about to go on the floor and then having to poop a lot and having uncontrollable diarrhea in her toilet.

Which in my mind says nothing about Rarity's "pretensions," and everything abut the small-mindedness of the writer.

Yes, it's true that in the real world, the most dashing gentleman or elegant lady or admired brilliant artist has to go to the bathroom. And sometimes they're sick and they really have to go to the bathroom.

But ... so what? How does this make them any less than they are? How does it negate Rarity's Fabulosity that she is as equine as any other Pony and hence has natural functions and sometimes has those functions go horribly wrong for her?

It's a cult of ugliness, basically. And as Pinkie points out not even the fun kind of cult with robes and rituals.

5018783 Ah, I see. Yeah, it sounds petty and nasty to me too. It may help in my case that I've had to help clean several very close relatives when close to their ends, they had, let's say difficulties. I fail to see the 'humor' in it after that. Or how it relates to deflating anyone's pretensions.

Though simply because I have a nasty mind, I remember that crack by Lauren Faust about the ponies not needing bathrooms because they could just go and 'fertilize the flowers'. I know, a joke, but I've been on farms. Believe me, once you smell that you will NOT forget it. Makes me wonder what a agricultural community like Ponyville must smell like! I'm surprised Twilight didn't notice when she first visited! Not that the cartoon could have stated as much...

For that matter, imagine what it must be like to live under Cloudsdale. Cheapest real estate in Equestria, and boy oh boy but will your potatoes and roses ever grow!


Ah, I see. Yeah, it sounds petty and nasty to me too. It may help in my case that I've had to help clean several very close relatives when close to their ends, they had, let's say difficulties. I fail to see the 'humor' in it after that. Or how it relates to deflating anyone's pretensions.

It's also cruel because the reason the writer picked Rarity is obviously that she's the one who cares the most about presenting an image to the world of beauty and grace. The writer's basically saying that the very attempt to present such an image is wrong because of one's underlying base animal nature. But the whole point of Rarity is that she aspires to be something greater, and this aspiration is a good thing.

And yes -- I've never had to tend to a sick older relative losing continence, but I've been sick and my wife has been sick at times in our lives and we tend to each other. And the fact that when one is sick unpleasant emissions occur says nothing about the character of the person to whom it happens. Though writing a story about it in loving detail does say something uncomplimentary about the character of the person who did that.

Heh, I think that the center of town is far too congested for "fertilizing the flowers" in public -- Ponyville would smell pretty bad if they did this, even allowing for the fact that herbivore poop smells sweeter than omnivore poop. Yeah, I could see (say) one of the Apples just going in the corner of a field if the Call of Nature was really really imminent and the nearest bathroom, outhouse or latrine was too far away (it's a minor plot point in an unpublished story that Tangelo Orange insisted on improving the plumbing of the main farmhouse), a fact for which his son Big Mac is grateful at one point), but I don't see this being too common in the town proper.

And yeah, I don't want to live right under Cloudsdale. :unsuresweetie:

Say, Alex, would it be okay for me to post two of my own 'spin-offs' from the 4th Wall Breaking show here, like the Darkseid and baby Discord story or the one with Alicorn Megan meeting Celestia? I would also be willing to give you permission to post them in here with the regular 4th Wall Show.

5021035 Whichever would work better for you is fine with me. If I did post them in mine I'd have to link back to your own works so people could get what I was referring to.

Also, if I dd the 'Baby Discord versus Darkseid' one, it might be best to post the other omake as well, maybe with it as a two-chapter story, so people would get the references.


I hate gray decisions.

I'm sorry if there's a problem with my response. It's your series, I would simply prefer to proceed in a fashion that suits you best.

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