• Published 15th Feb 2012
  • 33,117 Views, 909 Comments

On a Whisper of Wind - Conner Cogwork

What would you do, if you met a pony who was at once your brother, and yet not?

  • ...

Part 4: To Face the Music.

On a Whisper of Wind

By Conner Cogwork

What would you do, if you met a pony who was at once your brother, and yet not? Applebuck wishes to reunite with his 'Cousin JayJay', and braves the dimensional divide to reach his goal. But being a small foal, how will he deal with a world in which everything is flipped? His friends, his family, and even... himself?

Image credit to KtKat! Thanks!

Part Four

To Face the Music


Row after row of apple trees passed them by as they traveled up the dirt path towards the homestead of Sweet Apple Acres. The yellow colt let his eyes take it all in, drawing a bit of comfort from the knowledge that at least he would be sleeping in familiar territory.

Even IF some of that territory is uncharted. he thought. Ah'm finally doin' it. Ah'm goin' t' see Cousin JayJay. Ah think Ah'll be okay, just as long as Ah can handle a 'Granny' Smith, an' a big Red Gala-

They passed through the white wooded gates of the family yard, and buzzed along past the big red barn. As they did so, one of those large doors opened up, permitting a pony to exit.

"Big Macintosh!" Applebloom proceeded to call out, waving a hoof. "Ah'm home, big bro!"

Applebuck's eyes shrank as he spotted the hulking red stallion that was Big Apple Macintosh, everything else dropping away from him. The draft horse gave a smile to his little sister, before his green eyes locked onto the boy's own orange ones. He could see the sprig of hay in his mouth shift slightly as he watched them buzz on past, a look of curiosity on his long face.

That was Red Gala. Oh lawrdy that was Red Gala. Th' eyes, th' hair, th' hay, everything! He ducked his head back low and tilted his hat to partially cover his eyes. On second thought, maybe Ah ain't so ready fer this after all.

They drifted to a stop in front of the farmhouse, and the yellow filly leapt out of the Crusader-mobile with a bounce in her step, her male self following afterwards with a touch less enthusiasm. "Thanks fer th' ride, Scootaloo!" she cheered. "Ah'll see y'all tomorrow! You gals have a good night, y' hear?"

"You too, Applebloom!" the pegasus returned. "Remember. Bungee-jumping, first thing!"

The farmpony nodded before turning towards the house, the colt following in her footsteps before he heard a small squeaky voice ring out. "Uhm... Applebuck?"

He looked back. It was Sweetie who had called out to him. He doubled back and faced her again, a niggling feeling in the back of his head. "Yeah, Silv- um, Sweetie Belle?"

The white pony fidgeted for a second, a pink tint coming to her cheeks. "I-I just wanted to say, it was nice to meet you. Even though we never found your mystery pony, I-I had fun today. Did you?"

"... y'know, Ah think Ah did. Yeah. Ah had fun t'day too." He gave her a familiar smile in return. Nearly had mah tail shocked off on 'bout half a dozen different occasions, but yeah, ah still had fun t'day.

She returned the smile. "I'm glad to hear that. Uhm... see you tomorrow?"

When he gave a nod in confirmation, she then launched a surprise on him, in the form of the little unicorn darting her head forward and landing a peck of a kiss on his cheek.

... Silvy just kissed me. But this is a filly. A filly who just kissed me. But she's Silvy. As a filly. Who kissed me. As Kissy. Like a Silvy. And he's a filly. And... and... his eyes became wide and unfocused as his brain proceeded to shut down.

Scootaloo simply shook her head at the scene with a chuckle. "Cool meetin' you, Applebuck. Looking forward to hanging out tomorrow. Stay loose!"

With that, the orange pony kicked her wings into high gear, zooming across the yard and out the gate, the two waving goodbye all the while. Applebuck stared into space for a bit longer, untill he felt a hoof on his shoulder. Looking back, he made eye contact with his other self once again, a smile on her face as she tilted her head in the direction of the door. "Care t' come in, Cousin?"

He turned and followed the filly inside, his steps a shadow of hers as he entered a sort of auto-pilot. Applebloom trotted into the kitchen and wiped her hooves, the colt echoing her actions right as she left the mat. She then proceeded to make a beeline for the fridge, popping it open and snagging a bottle of apple juice. Again he went through the same motions as she did, grabbing a glass of his own.

The two tuckered ponies proceeded into the living room, before collapsing on the rug and digging into their bottles. A thought came to Applebuck to not guzzle his juice so readily, but a quick glance over at his doppelganger revealed that she had no such compunctions, neck and head craned back as she gulped her drink down.

Silence reigned for a while. Again, the colt felt his nervousness from before begin to return. Now he was alone with his other self, as opposed to being with her friends. Now he was home. Or at least, it felt like his home. Same familiar board creaks. The heirloom mirror hanging on the wall by the windows. The wallpaper was peeling in exactly the same spots as they were in his world. As far as he knew, he hadn't gone much of anywhere at all.

The only evidence to the contrary was the yellow bow-bearing pony who sat on the floor a scant few inches from him. She was looking at him with a bit of curiosity in her big orange eyes. She'd caught him looking around the room.

He made eye contact with her, before darting his head down slightly. A new feeling was working its way down his spine. That of guilt. Ah didn't think of her when ah started out. All ah wanted to do was find Cousin JayJay. But JayJay's HER sister... and ah wanted JayJay to be mine.

I... I-I should...

"Cousin App... Appleb-bloom..." he stuttered. Amazingly, throughout their entire time together, he'd not uttered her name even once. "Ah... Ah need t' make a confession..."

She tilted her head, before speaking softly. "Thar never was a Dusk Blitz, was there?"

The boy stared at her for a second, before looking down again and muttering. "Big bro was right, Ah am a bad liar... yeah, Ah'm awful sorry 'bout leadin' you girls on a wild griffon chase like that... A-Ah was tryin' to stall fer a chance to look fer somepony else..."

"Somepony else?" the filly asked. "Who?"

He gulped, before looking back up at her. "Ah was lookin' fer mah Cousin JayJay."

She narrowed an eyebrow as she looked up to the ceiling in thought. "Cousin JayJay... y' shore y' don't mean Cousin Johnee Red Jonathan? Don't he live over in Appleloosa?"

"Nope. Cousin JayJay's a girl... an' ah know she lives right here in Ponyville. Ah came a long way t' see her... just t' be with her..." He dipped his snout back towards the ground. "She means... th' whole world t' me..."

"She does?" Applebloom asked, tilted her head to the side to get a better look at his face. "Who is she then? Who's Cousin JayJay?"

He opened his mouth to answer, but the answer came from elsewhere. It started with the loud creak of the front door being swung open, followed by the drawl of an older farmfilly as she announced "Ah'm HOME everypony!"

The colt suddenly contracted a severe case of frozen gut right on the spot, his pupils shrinking into tiny pinpricks.

"Applejack!" the red-maned filly exclaimed, unaware of her doppelganger’s distress as she hopped to her hooves and dashed towards the living room entrance. "AJ, AJ! Where've you been, what took yah so long!?"

"Had an order come in fer two bushels o' Pink Ladies, so ah had t' do a li'l extra buckin'." came the reply. The voice was slightly muffled. He could tell that she currently had a basket in her teeth, most likely filled with tonight's dinner. Slowly he managed to sit himself upright as her voice continued down the hall. "What've you an’ th' Crusaders been up to t'day, sugarcube?"

"Oh, oh, you won't BELIEVE this, Applejack!" the younger sister gushed, bow bobbing as she bounced in place. "A NEW COUSIN came intah town t'day! More APPLE FAMILY! C'mon c'mon, he's in here, hurry, ah want yah t' meet 'em!"

His chest pounding, he turned his head to look towards the door. A second or so later, a sight appeared that made his heart both soar in joy and flutter in panic at the same time.

An orange farmfilly with a freckled face came through the entrance, a familiar stetson hat perched upon her blonde mane. Indeed there was a basket firmly secured in her mouth, as her green eyes searched the living room. "A new cousin? Well shoot, Ah hope Ah brought enough apples, why don't you-"

Applejack's eyes found Applebuck's. She froze in mid-step, her irises shrinking rapidly, before the basket fell from her teeth, a clatter resulting as fruit and nuts scattered all about the floor.

Applebloom raised an eyebrow in confusion at the reaction, looking first at her sister, then to her 'cousin', and then back again. Both ponies ignored her, nothing else registering in their vision, except each other.

At length, the colt finally spoke.

"Cou... C-Cousin JayJay?"

The yellow filly gaped at him, before looking back in surprise at the orange mare. AJ remained silent for a second longer, before responding in disbelief. "Applebuck...?"

He nodded, before getting onto all fours. He wasn't sure if he was seeing things or not, but there appeared to be tears gathering at the corners of his 'cousin's eyes.

"Applebuck..." she began again. "What... what in all th' great soarin' trees of Equestria are you doin' here?!"

He bit his lip, before replying. "Ah... Ah wanted t' be wit' you, JayJay. Yah left without sayin' goodbye... Ah just, Ah missed you so much..."

The farmer lowered her haunches to sit on the floor, head shaking back and forth in denial. "But... why? Applebuck, if you're here... th-then you gotta know… you gotta know the nature of this place! Of YOUR place! Otherwise yah wouldn't-!... Applebuck..." Her face was a mixture of shock and anguish, tears slipping loose as she forced the words past her lips. "Don't you know who Ah really am?!"

He gritted his teeth as he felt his own eyes becoming misty. "Ah... Ah do! Ah know who you are! And Ah don't care! JayJay, Ah still wanna be family wit' you! Ah wanna get t' know you like a cousin should! Like FAMILY should! Ah... A-Ah wanna know you like a SISTER, JayJay!"

Applejack sagged on the spot, letting out a barely-chocked sob. Oh Celestia help me! her head echoed. Why is this happenin'?! Applebuck's here, in our world, on MAH farm, wantin' me t' be his SISTER! She looked down at her younger sibling, noting that she was still rooted to the same spot by the door as before, though now she had her forehooves to her mouth, looking back and forth between the two with a panicked, fearful expression.

Ah cain't possibly do this! Him an' Applebloom, t'gether, at th' same time?! This isn't just like wit' a cousin, this is mah SISTER we're talkin' bout here! Ah cain't just think of him as a siblin' like that, like Twilight could! He's not Applebloom! He's... he's ...

The blonde filly looked up again, and realized that while she had been sitting and thinking, the yellow colt had remained at his spot, standing up as straight as he could, fighting to keep a steady face despite the tears that were rolling down his cheeks, trying not to broadcast the fact that his heart was breaking the longer she kept her silence...

...it's her heart too...

And... ah just cain't...

...aw buck it.

"Oh Applebuck," she suddenly gushed, setting herself upright on her hindquarters and flinging her forehooves wide open, the look of anguish on her face now shifting into one of resolve. "Celestia buck it all th' way t' the midnight castle an’ back Applebuck, git yerself over here an’ give yer Cousin a hug!!"

He didn't need anymore prompting. He flew from his spot and tackled her in the midsection, hooves wrapping around her tightly, as Applejack wrapped him up into a heartfelt embrace. It was then that the dam burst for both ponies, the two proceeding to cry to their hearts content. Applebuck wept in joy, finally having reunited with his otherworldly sibling, while the mare wept in regret, for having not given her 'brother' the farewell that he properly deserved.

"Ah really didn't want t' do that to you, y'know." she whispered. "Ah swear Ah didn't. But Ah was... Ah was so scared. Ah'm so sorry, sugarcube," She bent her head down to nuzzle at his cheek. "Can you ever fergive your stupid, silly pony of a cousin, Applebuck?"

He sniffed a few times, before returning her nuzzle. "Ah... Ah fergive yah, JayJay. After t'day, Ah... Ah think Ah know where yer comin' from now..."

The orange equine couldn't help but allow a smile to come across her face. "You know mah name's not really JayJay, hon..."

"A-Ah know, but... it feels kinda weird, to call you 'Applejack', cousin..."

"It's okay." she soothed, a hoof going back to stroke at his mane. "You can still call me JayJay if yah want... *sniff* oh lawrd, Ah still cain't believe it you crazy li'l colt, you went through all that trouble, just to reach me... "

He had no answer to that, except to squeeze her tighter. She swallowed noisily as she cradled him, before looking back up and seeing her little sister still watching them. By now, the filly herself had tears gathering in the corners of her bright eyes, moved by the reunion scene in front of her. "Big sis..." she spoke quietly. "Y'all never told me you had a nickname..."

The farmpony's eyes bunched up again, fighting off a new wave of tears. She held out a hoof towards her sibling, wordlessly beckoning her into the hug, which Applebloom quickly accepted. The yellow colt didn't even budge as she joined the embrace, the three ponies simply sitting and taking in each other's presence.

Applejack looked at the two red-maned ponies in her arms. Again she found herself set aside with worry and indecision. What was Ah thinkin'? He may not be Applebloom, but he's still mah... mah brother! Now here Ah am, holdin' th' same pony twice, and Ah cain't help but feel th' same fer the both of them! How in Celestia's kingdom did Ah ever think ah was gonna be able t' decide between them? Hay, why am Ah still foolin' mahself? Applebloom or not… he’s still mah family!

"JayJay?" the boy pony looked up at her, a bit of trepidation in his expression. "Are... are y'all mad at me fer comin' here?"

She held his eyes, before shaking her head. "No sugarcube. Ah ain't mad. Ah'm just... y' caught me by surprise, is all... Ah wasn't sure Ah was ever actually gonna see you again..."

The Bow-bearing one piped up as well. "A-ah wouldn't mind you comin' 'round more often mahself, Cousin Applebuck... Ah mean, if Big sis is okay with it..."

At length, the mare relinquished her hold on the two foals, sitting back and looking at the both of them, before rubbing the tears from her eyes. "Hooo, land sakes... ah think ah needed that... alright now, Applebuck." She fixed the colt with a more composed gaze now. "Ah'm hazardin' a guess that yer brother an' his friends don't know yer here, am Ah right?"

Applebuck looked down at the floor and rubbed the back of his head, which was all the answer she needed. "Thought so." she continued. "Sugarcube, you... you cain't stay here. Believe me, Ah'm awful touched an’ pleased that you came to visit, but... they're gonna get right worried when you don’t show up fer dinner, y'know?"

"Oh come on, AJ!" Applebloom gushed. "Cain't he stay th' night? He's been hangin' out with us all day, an' he's been an awesome pony! An' if you two know each other, then why cain't he stick 'round fer a while? Ah'm shore his folks wouldn't mind!"

“All day?”

“Yeah! We made him an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader! He’s been a right awesome pony, an’ we’re lookin’ forward t’ going to Dead Hoof’s Drop with him tomorrow!”

Applejack regarded her little sister with an odd look, as she pursed her lips in thought. There was one other sizable issue remaining on her mind, and even though she was well aware of the can of worms that would open as a result, she knew the words needed to be said.

"Applebuck... she doesn't know yet, does she?"

The yellow colt paled. "Kn-know what, Cousin JayJay? A-Ah mean, Ah've got nuthin' t' hide, right?"

The farmer narrowed her eyes at him, while the ponytailed filly looked back and forth in confusion. "Know what? You two ain't keepin' secrets from me, are yah?"

"P-please, Cousin." he begged. "Ah dun know how she'll take it! A-Ah mean, when Ah met her... Ah was... A-Ah was..."

The look on the applebucker's face softened, though she still shook her head. "She still deserves t' know th' truth, hon. If you don't tell her, Ah will, y'know. Applebloom..." She then raised her head to look at her little sister. "Both you an' Applebuck go over to th' mirror over there. Look inside it. Tell me what y'see."

The filly raised an eyebrow, but nonetheless got to her hooves and prodded her other self to his feet. Together, the both of them trotted over to the wall-mounted pony-height mirror that was gestured to. Upon stopping in front of it, both ponies looked at themselves... and each other.

"...Golly..." was all Applebloom could say.

Now that she could see both herself and her new cousin at the same time, she now saw just how similar they were. The same shade of yellow. The same red hair. Even the same orange eyes. Applebuck was only an inch taller than herself, though she inarguably had the longer mane.

On a whim, she reached a hoof back and pulled at her bow, undoing it and allowing her hair to fall free. On noticing this, the boy took his own cap off, both ponies now letting their stares widen even further as their manes fell into exactly the same arrangements.

"Cousin?" the girl asked. "Are ya'll seein' what Ah'm seein'?"

"Yeah..." he gulped noisily and heavily. "Yah Ah am. Here cousin..." he handed her his cap. "Try this on. M-maybe you'll..."

She took the headwear and put it on. Her jaw hung in shock as the reflection showed that if it hadn't been for her eyelashes, she would have been neigh-indistinguishable from her cousin.

"Now y' see, Applebloom." Applejack drawled, stepping up behind the two. "There's a reason why th' two of you look so much alike. But ah think that's Applebuck's place to tell, not mine."

The colt gulped again, turning to look at his other self. He spent a few seconds of silence gathering himself up, before finally opening his mouth. "Cousin... y-y'see... this m-might sound strange, but... th-th reason we look so alike is-"

"Wait wait, let me guess!" his doppelganger suddenly stated, taking the hat off before spreading her forehooves wide, sitting on her haunches as a serious look came over her face. "Yer really... MAH LONG-LOST TWIN BROTHER. Ain't that right, Applejack!?"

The both of them stared for a long second. Applebuck looked up at the farmer with a hopeful look, to use this angle instead. She out a sigh however, and gave a shake of her mane as she drawled. "Sugarcube, if that were all it were, this'd be a heap of a lot easier."

"Okay, okay… A-Applebloom, listen." he started again, redirecting her attention back to himself. "Yeah, we're related. But we're not just cousins. We're not even simply siblin's. Ah... Ah never told you where Ah came from, did I?"

"Well... that's true, but then again Ah forgot t' ask..."

"An' Ah didn't think you'd believe me. Y'see... Ah come from a farm... a farm called Sweet Apple Acres."

The filly raised an eyebrow. "Now hang on thar. That don't make much-"

"Ah'm not finished." the boy interrupted. "Th' farm's located in a place, called Ponyville. Ah live thar with mah family. Ah have a grandpa. His name's Grampy Smith. Ah've got a big sister. HER name, is Red Gala. And... a-and ah've got a big brother. His... his name is..." he took a quick glance to the orange mare, who gave him a nod. Gulping, he finished with "His name is... A-Applejack..."

Applebloom's eyes began to slowly shrink, as her big sister added to the tale. "Ah know it sounds weird sugarcube, but listen t' what he has t' say. Y'all remember that time Ah said we were goin' to Manehatten? Turned out, we went way off th' mark. Off to someplace else entirely… and while we were there… we all met some ponies we weren’t expectin’ in the least."

"One day, ah met a buncha fillies." Applebuck continued, looking into his counterpart's ever-widening eyes. "One of them, reminded me a lot of mah big brother... she introduced herself t' me as a new cousin. Cousin JayJay. Ah got t' be with her for a few days. But she always seemed t' be scared of me. Because ah reminded her of her li'l sister..."

He got to his hooves and faced his double, forcing the last few words through his lips. "Applebloom, we're... We're not just cousins. In mah world, ah'm Applejack's li'l brother. In your world, you're... Applejack's... li'l sister... Don't you see? We're th' same pony." He shut his eyes as he said this, before opening them again to take in the filly's wide-eyed state.

"A-Applebloom... I'm YOU."

By now, the yellow pony's eyes were nothing but pinpricks of overwhelming shock. Her face remained slack and devoid of emotion for a good long minute, silence ruling the household for a period of infinity...

...and then Applebloom opened her mouth, her face slowly bunching up in anguish as she took in a wheeze that built itself, before being released in the form of an ear-shattering scream of terror.


To be continued…


"Awww, c'mon b...b-big sis!" Applebuck pleaded. "Just lemme stay th' night! Ah left them a note in th' house, they shoulda found it by now! So, you don't have t' worry 'bout them none! Just lemme sleep over t'night, an' then ya'll can send me back tomorrow! Though, uhm, that'd mean missin' out on bungee-jumping..." He spared a glance towards the crusaders. "Do y'girls mind me skippin' out out Bungee-jumpin' tomorrow?"

The plans had almost been forgotten by the fillies in all the fracas. Hurridly, Sweetie shook her head while Scootaloo nodded.

"There y'see!" he turned back to AJ, apparently not minding the mixed signals. "We can make this work! Cain't we, JayJay? Please?"

The apple farmer regarded her 'brother's face with a sad one of her own, an eyebrow furrowed in thought. Silently, she admitted to herself her own indecision on the subject. Cousin AJ may or may not find that note, if he really wrote it. It might be okay. Then again, it might not. Better th' play it safe than t' be sorry-

"Applejack...” came a higher-pitched voice. “Cain't he stay fer th' night?"