• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago

The Psychopath

My very first (self-published) book can be found on Amazon Kindle for 5 or 12 paperback! If you love dragons, give it a look! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M



(This is a sequel to Steamlord)
(Read by SporeHarvest)

Having finally settled in as a Technological Developper for Equestria, Steamlord and Sunrise have been living a quiet life. Steamlord's existance has been growing steadily as well, but he does not care, as words of the consequences brought by his technology has caused more fear than curiousity.

While working on a new, extremely secret project of his, Steamlord receives word from a griffin dignitary that machinery similar to the man's creations have been spotted roaming about the Nether Mountains near the northern Equestria-Griffin territory. Using his ship and his bodyguards, Steamlord departs for this location in a bid to understand what exactly is going on. Sunrise, however, has grown quite a bit since Steamlord's proper introduction, and will show that she can do more than equate.

However, what exactly is this new project that Steamlord is working on, and why are the Crusader Knights so protective about its access? Perhaps Security System could explain more in detail...if she could be coaxed into doing so.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 204 )

I should consider reading your stuff....

~Skeeter The Lurker

YES Finally a sequel!

2541238 Oh yes. It's thanks to that "secret project" that I managed to complete this. Won't you want to see it.:trollestia:

A sequel? I think hell has just frozen over.

I claim the seat of the First.

Good chapter. I'm glad that even though the steamlord's tech is advanced it isn't indestructible. I am interested to see who the Mechanic, as I will refer to him untill further notice, is. And what level if tech he has.

2548547 Hoho! No technology is invincible. It can only be extremely overpowered, as demonstrated in things like WH40k. TITANS AHOY!

Cool, just to spice things up, you should add in something along the lines of an ancient alien factory ship crashing into Equestria and slowly stripping the planet of its natural resources. Or an extra-dimensional being with Nanotechnology that makes the stuff Steamlord has look like a windup soldier toy in comparison.

2570835 I already have an alien that uses picotechnology, and a race of aliens from a 4.5 dimension with slot-machine-state weapons, meaning that a little pistol can end up destroying a whole boat while it barely scratches a flesh and bone target. I already have the third story planned out, courtesy of someone I forgot about.:ajsleepy:

2570937 Hehe, picotechnology, so inferior to qudrinanon technology, infinitely complex robots the size of individual sub atomic particles, shit don't get much more screwy than that. Unless you're talking quantum dimensional rifts, then it just gets complicated. Then there's those inter dimensional mega corporations who can make two parsec long warships in microseconds. And that's just the tip of the ice berg, one of my most unkillable creations doesn't understand the concepts of weakness, giving others a chance, and losing. Captain Overpowered, singlehandedly erased an entire universe by sneezing.

2571275 Considering the fact that they regularly have to defeat other dimension spanning mega corporations with the same capabilities, and occasionally team up against a race that is older than all known universes? Not far enough.

2573481 Also, one cannot simply erase a universe. That would simply create a continuity where it didn't happen. It's impossible to earase anything. Only the Nothing, the being that "existed" before existance, can erase time and universes.

2575229 He did it, and in the process "Renovated" the entire universes history so that he was never known to them. Plus, the race older than all known universes, may or may not be gods.

2575509 I don't even know what you're referring to.

2575548 My head cannon, which, as you can guess, is in constant flux, meaning I am incapable of writing a fanfiction past its inception.

2575608 Oh. Just your imagination. I do that too.:pinkiecrazy:

2575624 Hehe, When I can get past the blockage, there ARE no boundaries. That mountain range I terraformed into a massive city with naught but stone tools is a testament to that fact.

2575668 But I don't need tools. The Illogic is sufficient.:coolphoto:

2575733 There was obsidian, and other blocks that cant be mined by stone, thrown into the mix. By the way, this was survival, not creative.

2575841 Are you speaking of the compund or the leather?

2575873 I'm not following.

2575942 Seriously, I have no i-fucking-dea what you were on about.

2575986 Now you know what I felt with your comments.

2575992 Meh, I can laugh at drowning children, can you say the same? Of course after a few seconds my New Zealander empathy will make me save them, but I'll still be laughing at them.

2576021 Why not just sit back and watch them drown? Count the seconds.

2576046 Because, growing up in New Zealand has given me the inability to not help someone. We're also mostly nice and will probably conquer the world with revolutionary weapons thought up by some stoners in university.

2576119 Hey, a guy can dream and/or make things a possibility through subtle terrorist actions against world super powers, can't he?

Woah, I didn't know Steamlord had a sequel. It feels so long since I've last thought about it.

2582219 BUt...I made a blog...linking to those who faced it. *eye twitch*

2582235 *shrugs* Dunno what happened there, but 502Fiction is a glitchy site. Mighta been lost somewhere along the line.

2582296 Eh. I'm rarely alerted to comments on my own page, soooo...

That "Titan" as you called it, was no bigger than a tech 1 in Supreme Commander, please see tech 3 and experimentals for true titans, or just go ask the Emperor politely if you can borrow one. But anywho, I made an oopsy, trying to write a fanfiction the before a really good game comes out. plus, Steamlord really should put some thought into electromagnetism and rail technology. Not many things can take a metal slug traveling at 4500 m/s and live to tell the tale.

2585541 shh about what? All I'm saying is that Steamlord has inadequate technology compared to some of the powers out there. Also, I'm assuming his reactor is on par with a fusion reactor?

2585574 His reactor is superior to the fusion reactor. It uses a process and a mixture of compounds known only to him. I also wasn't referring to his "technological level" with the shhh. As an example, if you read the previous story, at a certain chapter, you'll see what he managed to create and why he doesn't bother with weaponry. You'll also see the other forms of technology he has that he doesn't use right now.

2585660 I know, I was absolutely livid when he replaced the Flux-Capacitors. Seriously, who DOESN'T know that Flux-Capacitors are the only way to counter the fluxes recreated by time travel? But anyway, He should be glad he didn't invent singularity generators, if one of those had been detonated, this fic and its predecessor would have never happened, primarily because there would be no Earth left.

2587599 He isn't that stupid. Besides, you just need a second one next to the exploding first. They'll cancel eachother out.

2590149 Megas XLR logic? And he should be glad that he never invented Rail-Cannons. They need kinetic dampeners and recoil suppressors, as well as kinetic charge capacitors to be fired from a fixed position without wiping out everything in a three hundred metre radius around the gun itself. If mounted on an Airship, some safety measures are reoptimised, meaning that the area around the airship, for about four hundred metres, gets hit by a massive kinetic shockwave.

2590161 We already have rail-cannons.:coolphoto: These work in a similar manner.

Also, I always find different ways to make things works.:pinkiecrazy:

2590183 Well, I highly doubt that the ones we have use special alien elements and alloys to create a detonation on par with a one megaton nuclear detonation. Which is the probable reason there's no war wherever they exist, since no one really wants to be shot at by a six metre long by seventy centimetre wide highly magnetised outer tungsten shell with an osmium core with large amounts of over charged copper ions.

Ork 1: "'ey boss, rememba' when you'z told us to watch out fer dat one story bout' dat 'umey and an' 'is metal botz, wellz dat 'umey named psycho jus' posted a new chapta'."

Ork 2: "I wondaz how long it takez to make one'a dem chaptaz'....?"

Me: "You'z got ta be kiddin' me boy, datz not been updated since foreva' ago....

Ork 1: "I'z not boss, itz there, go'en check it fer yourself."

Me: "If'n you'z lyin' to me, I'z gonna bopz ya ova' to dem dummy 'umies, an' you'z know what 'appenz when dey git an ork in der 'ands."

Ork 1: " I'z serious boss, I'z bet'n all ma loot on it."

Me: "Alrigh' then..." *Checks favorites*..... "Well you'z won da bet, but you'z ain't gettin' any o' ma loot."
*Walks around corner*
Me: "YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

:moustache::moustache::moustache: :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

3136364 Since I need to break off from the chapters every few minutes, in total, it takes me about three hours to write one.:applejackunsure:

3140177 What, you're not surprised at the unveiling of Project SPQR? It could have been a suit of battle armor for Steamlord.

I was kinda surprised, since I was expecting a orbital defense station, or something like that. Other than that, cliffhanger much? :pinkiehappy:

3509818 Maybe. Also, I just came back from a hiatus to rest my brain, so I'm currently working on a warm-up story. The ones I had been doing before are currently on hiatus themselves until I finish my warm-up.

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