• Member Since 20th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago


Half the time I don't even know how I do what I seem to do so well. I try not to think too hard on it, for fear of breaking myself in the process.


It's late in the city of Canterlot, late enough that Celestia should've been asleep hours ago, and yet she isn't. Rather than laying in bed and doing nothing, she decides to occupy herself with taking a stroll around the palace. As she does, her mind wanders about the stagnation of her daily routine, and the overall lack of interesting developments to make existence seem worthwhile.

It's during this late night stroll that Celestia happens upon Luna, and the two share a conversation that leads her to discovering a new concept that piques her interests. In fact it piques her interests a great deal actually. The only question is whether or not this discovery can supply her with what she's truly looking for.

Rated for nudity and suggestive humor.

This was written primarily in response to writer's block on larger projects.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 37 )

Wow, at first i was a bit scared but nope it was a very nice story.

This doesn't really feel like a story as much as it's just a defense of nudism which is really boring to read. It wasn't out of character or egregiously offensive but it was incredibly dull because it could basically be summed up as "Luna says nudism is good and Celestia doesn't argue" without actually losing anything of real value to the story.

The story of how Equestria in the show became a nudist colony.

"social justice warriors taking offense"
All of my keks.

7245348 Bunch of young, fresh out of school a-holes who think they know everything. All you gotta do is ignore them since they can't do jack unless you throw attention their way like Capcom, Konami and Target have.

7251629 they scream, and i laugh... thats how it works, until they fall down a flight of stairs that is...

You know what, i honestly think this story would go better if there was more of it. maybe staff it out to some people if you're writers block is too great but i think it'd be better if we see where this was going. Say Tia try it, or maybe follow through with Luna's idea to hold night court naked. Hell try both mate.

7261100 One day they're going to get ganged up on when people have had enough of them, they opened their fat mouths again regarding the Ghostbusters remake (which I think is crap among many others).

A truely enjoyable read. I really appreciate seeing how respectful Luna was about the whole nudist thing and kudos to the staff and Celestia for the support. As a nudist myself I'd say that this was a story well done, and you handled the topic well.

You've actually given me an idea for a story of my own broaching this topic.

Oh really? I'd be interested in seeing that.

7318177 You know what i would too, if you would like an editor

Nice follow up. I like that Celestia is considering things. I also love how tasteful this is written.

Even I do not know what I will do once the weather becomes that cold, dear sister. We will just have to wait and see what may come.

So Luna must not be from the North.

I see two more chapters in the works for this, cause it can't end there yet.

The argument could be made while holding night court that to show she had nothing to hide including her Nightmare Moon past, she is willing to bare all to the people to prove her sincerity. Well she can only try?:applejackconfused:

Well now you have to continue, there is no way you can leave it there unfinished as it is.

That threat from Luna sounds like it would make a great sequel.

You know I suddenly find myself wondering, wouldn't it be naturally cooler in Canterlot all year round due to the elevation? I mean it may not have snow year round like some mountains, but it is considerably closer to the winds of Equestria and other such factors. I can't imagine it being very comfortable or warm that often with such an open air palace.

Where can I find the cover image for this story?

Derpibooru, but you're pretty much looking at it. The cover art wasn't cropped in in any way from when I found it.

8295949 I can't seem to find it on the site. Do you still have the link?

Can there be more? If it's dropped, I'd wanna pick it up. I can see fun in this story.

I have more in mind, I just haven't had the time to actually get around to doing it. I've got a lot of other projects on my plate currently, and a lot of well thought out ideas I want to do but simply don't have the time to do them in.

Well as I said, I could try to pick it up if your too busy at the moment. I could write, share with ou what I wrote, and just add it into the fanfic.

i finally read this after years. still want more!!

I lkie this, its a good ending to a great story. I love how Celestia and Luna are in this, how Celestia supports her sister and Luna works to make others understand.

This did a excellent job of continuing and tying up the plot from the previous chapters. Well done.

A nice Epilogue, I still love the characterisations of Celestia and Luna.

Considering the topic of the story it was wholesome and we'll written...... Both the old chapters and the new. Though I think a picture of Twilight removing the boxers with them past her knees and with the stamped parchment on a stand at her side would have been a more powerful/emotional pic for the newspaper than her with the stamped parchment in nothing but the boxers, it would show that she was not only supporting her mentors lifestyle but joining as well.

There was a lot of discussion involved relating to just what Twilight should be doing. Somehow we missed the discussion of whether or not she should be undressing for the photo.

Can't always think of everything.

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