Original Pairings 495 members · 717 stories
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The Red Parade
Group Admin

The wait is finally over, the results for the May Pairings Contest are finally upon us!

Before we dive on in I would like to give a very quick shoutout to some of the real MVP's of this contest. A very special thank you to the judging team for taking time from your very busy lives to read all of the entries and share your input, and another thank you to the sponsors who very graciously provided funding for this year's contest! Finally, THANK YOU to every single author who participated! We greatly enjoyed this crop of stories and would like to encourage each and every one of you to keep on writing.

As a reminder, Judge's Picks will receive $40, third place will receive $50, second place will receive $100, and first place will receive $150. I will be in contact with the winners so we can distribute your reward.

With all that out of the way... Let's get down to brass tacks.

Judge's Picks

The Red Parade's Pick: A Misplaced Marble, by The Crystal Ring

I was really impressed by this story’s ability to weave together something intricate and mysterious, and present everything in a way that kept me guessing until the very end. Marble is strong and a great protagonist to follow, and Discord was equally vibrant and really kept me invested in the story. The worldbuilding was also wonderful, and I really found myself wanting to know everything about this space that the author created for this story!

mushroompone's Pick: Paths Less Travelled, by Botched Lobotomy

Botched Lobotomy is known, at least to me, by their experimental style. Their style is as fluid as their storytelling, and their stories confront difficult truths head-on with enviable ease. Paths Less Traveled is no exception; this story explores what it must be like to face another you, another path you may have traveled, and yet do so without regrets. For Cadance and Vinyl, this means exploring a life together that they will simply never live. The story is told in what I can only describe as director’s commentary, wherein we experience relevant moments from Cadance and Vinyl’s alternate lives in traditional prose, their canon selves interjecting with thoughts and feelings and context wherever necessary. Both characters are brought beautifully to life, and the struggle to watch themselves live a life of unique joy - the guilt they experience at yearning for someone they can never have undercuts each scene in a subtle but powerful expression of a feeling that (at least for us) does not exist. Still, the story is overwhelmingly one of joy and love, and one that left me with a sense of warmth that only makes me want to see more of this unlikely pair.

Shaslan's Pick: Rock, My World, by False Door

The premise of this story is insane, and when I opened it I expected a surrealist comedy. What I found was surreal at times, but also contained a poignant look into Maud’s inner life, a sweet and genuine romance for her and Time, and also — perhaps most shockingly — a sentient pebble that was genuinely sinister and posed a real threat to the characters. Rock, My World is an unexpected showpiece on the difficulties of growing up and growing apart. Maud realises that her childhood crush is not everything she thought it was, and finds a more mature, supportive partner — who also helps her to rid herself of her murderous ex! I loved this story, and I highly recommend giving it a read!

Zontan's Pick: Izzy and the Moonlit Garden, by Sledge115

I’m a sucker for a good Luna fic, and this is that and more. Sledge nails both Luna and Izzy here, and their relationship grows very naturally through the piece. Luna feels like something out of a dream, which is appropriate given her nature and the setting of the story, and it’s Izzy’s unbridled optimism that brings her out of her shell enough for them to become friends. Izzy and the Moonlit Garden offers a bittersweet tale of two outcasts finding common ground, and once it hooked me, it refused to let go. I heartily recommend it, and I knew it was getting my judge pick from the moment I read it.

daOtterGuy's Pick: confluence / / cousinry, by WritingSpirit

One of the most important things to me in a story are "vibes". Hitting the right feel for a fic and presenting either or both solid themes and characters. Spitfire and Sunburst embody the latter. The story is setup perfectly in the first chapter, opening the way to the fantastic dialogue exchange between them in the second. Everything has that summer days with the family feel down to the arguments and relationships between family members. It was a beautiful execution on family ties and I adored every moment of it, which is why I have chosen this as my pick.

And now: the winners!

Third Place (Tie): Paradise In Limbo, by Undome Tinwe

Paradise is a story that draws from a very unique aspect and recurring theme, and weaves together a wonderfully dreamy tale of romance and love in an incredibly unique setting. The definitions and setting of limbo were incredibly done, and the fairytale nature of the story befit it perfectly. An absolutely solid piece that I thoroughly enjoyed! 

It takes undeniable skill to write a character piece wherein none of the characters are named directly. Ever. Rather, each character in Paradise in Limbo is named only by the archetype they fulfill in the world between worlds - and yet, despite this limitation, this piece oozes character. Not only is the plot centered on a brand of self-discovery (and self-forgiveness) that could only happen after death, but each individual sentence of dialogue is carefully constructed, in a consistent and delicate simplicity, to set the character’s voice firmly in the mind of the reader. It’s a wonderful experimental piece, and one which I recommend highly.

Paradise in Limbo is nothing short of epic in scale. Lyrical and poetic, it borrows the stylistic trimmings of myth and fairytale, and presents a romance worthy of the style in which it’s written. Undome Tinwe builds a world that not only allows the two leads to grow closer, but also answers some lingering questions in canon and explores the question of just where the souls of Equestria’s statues go. It’s a beautiful story, and an amazing read.

Paradise is a fascinating piece. The worldbuilding here is so juicy, presenting Limbo as a place that feels so other, while still making sure the reader recognizes the ponies within it. Even without being familiar with the comics and Princess Amore, the characters are strong and well-voiced, and the relationship works.

I love stories with themes and this fic is dripping with them. The world building was on point, creating this amazing space in limbo that allowed the fic to distill the characters into their core concepts and components. The interactions and parallels between characters were great. The slow burn of Mistmane and the Princess slowly falling in love was beautiful and excellently written more than deserving of its spot.

Third Place (Tie): Stop Number Twelve, by Casketbase77

Stop Number 12 presented one of the most unique takes on Maud Pie that I think I have ever seen, and I really loved every second of her development. The delves into her personality and characterization are fully fleshed and well-done, and the addition of Vinyl serves as a nice reflecting point that ties things together very nicely. I enjoyed the takes delivered on these characters as this story really felt unique and special in its own right.

I don’t think “moody” even comes close to capturing the engrossing atmosphere of this fic. Maud Pie has never felt so complete, so real to me - to characterize her as someone who badly wants to be open and extroverted, and yet simply can’t, is as heartbreaking as it is brilliant. To pair her with the mute Vinyl Scratch, similarly struggling to express her true self, is genius. The prose is excellent, the side characters are charming… there’s an incredible scene where Maud recalls sneaking away with her sister, Limestone, for illicit days on the beach that made me fall absolutely head over heels for this fic. It is a picture-perfect character piece with prose that will take you on a journey - even if that journey happens to be in the back of a rickety bus.

This is probably the best Maud story I’ve ever read. A pony as inexpressive as Maud is a hard character voice to capture, but the author nails it. Maud struggles with her social ineptitude and low self-worth, and her internal monologue is an engaging and poignant read. The journey creates a delightful atmosphere with a slow build towards a sweet, romantic crescendo, with the two characters realising just how much they have in common.

This is one of the best Mauds I’ve ever seen. She’s incredibly tricky to write well, and this look inside her head works. It’s a really cool take on what could be going on inside her head, and relating it to Vinyl’s own struggles with presenting herself works really well. We get to see the struggles Maud goes through, but also we get to see how her differences can be positives, as well, and I love the hopeful note this ends on.

This fic might be the best characterization of Maud I have ever read. Though the story might be simple the emotional depth garnered through Maud's introspection over the course of the fic was absolutely stellar. The internal struggle of Maud was so powerful, and lead to an amazing reading experience. Well deserved spot on the podium.

Second Place: Behind the Curtain, by FanOfMostEverything

A solid piece through and through, this entry did a lot of exploration and worldbuilding into character dynamics that perfectly fit the goals of this contest.This story featured a pairing that had definitely not occurred to me before reading, but feels so natural and real that I’m amazed I hadn’t thought of them before. 

The unfamiliar - and yet, completely brilliant - duo that is Trixie and Cheese Sandwich is given a wonderfully goofy treatment in this short fic. It’s the sort of story that makes you go “why didn’t I think of that? It’s so obvious!” Of course Trixie and Cheese have a behind-the-scenes relationship. Of course they play it up as a rivalry for the crowds. Of course they share their lives with one another. FOME’s work is, if nothing else, completely convincing. Of course, it is more than this; the prose is fun, the dialogue quick and lively, and the story ends on a playful and enchanting note. It’s the sort of story I’ve welcomed into fanon with open arms.

Behind the Curtain is a rare non-romantic pairing, and it brings these two jaded showponies together in friendship in a wholly believable and lovely way. Trixie and Cheese have a massive amount of friend-chemistry in this story, and the author gives us a wonderful snapshot of their lives as they intersect and both come away the better for it.

The setup for this story is absolutely flawless. Trixie’s voice is perfect, and the way the story plays off western tropes is hilarious. And then the actual relationship between Trixie and Cheese is sold very well. Behind the Curtain presents the history these two have in a way that makes you totally believe it’s canon, and it’s a sendoff that absolutely wouldn’t have been out of place in the actual show.

A great pairing piece between the unlikely duo of Cheese and Trixie. You did a fantastic job of establishing a history between them in such a short amount of time just in the way they speak to each other and act. The story of the last big bang before domestic life was both poignant in its telling and an enjoyable read to see the change of priorities in both characters. The playful use of tropes were funny, the characters delightful, and this story deserved its place on the podium.

First Place: A Real Pegasus, by astrolatryy

Never have I ever read a story where I was touched by the relationships at play and been so scared for one of the characters. I mean the story has me sold here but given everything we know about Cozy Glow I can’t help but worry for Sunny… Regardless, this story was able to bridge the gap between generations seamlessly and it offered so much rich character development delivered in a very believable premise, and a great ending to capitalize on all the buildup. Absolutely stunning piece and a fantastic job by the author!

Writing a story is… not exactly easy, but certainly something one can do with enough planning. Know your beats, your plot points, your “point”, pace it all out properly, and connect the dots. Writing characters is, however, a different beast - especially characters that change, that interact, that have an undeniable chemistry. If there was an easy way, it wouldn’t be so magical when it comes together so perfectly. A Real Pegasus delivers a plot simple and perfect enough that it fades into the background of an unlikely - and beautifully real - friendship. Author astrolatryy masterfully commands the relationship between a young Sunny Starscout and the devious statue that was once Cozy Glow. Cozy’s more manipulative streak is there, undoubtedly so, but her warmth and cleverness is drawn to the surface by an expertly rendered Sunny Starscout. A wonderful story, and a must-read.

Sunny and Cozy is not a ship I would have ever have thought of myself, but the author writes it masterfully. Their bond slowly grows over the course of Sunny’s childhood, not without its interruptions from the worse side of Cozy’s nature. Real Pegasus nails its characterisation and character voices, and the journey that we see both characters go on is believable and endearing. And when, finally, they both learn something new from the other, and the stone is shed, the payoff is well worth their years of waiting.]

This story does a fantastic job of giving us the sinister Cozy Glow we know and love, while still building a very believable relationship. The interplay between Cozy and Sunny is great, and the ending feels earned because the story works for it. I loved this piece, and I want to see more of it.

This was an absolutely amazing fic. The standouts to me were the pacing and characterization. Everything moved at a perfect clip, establishing Sunny and Cozy solidly within the present times of G5 and nailing their chemistry as they grow attached to each other. Something I really appreciate is Cozy and how she still has her villainous personality, how she is still the same pegasus that tried to take over Equestria. Many stories like to cut down on a villain's traits for the sake of redemption, but here, you leaned into it, keeping our adorable evil gremlin foal. This was beautiful in execution and a fantastic story very much deserving its first place win.

And with that, another May has passed us by and another contest is one for the books. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone involved. Keep writing, keep reading, and keep those horses in the back of your mind. I'll see y'all in the next one!

Winners, expect a PM from me sometime in the next few days so we can discuss your prize.

Thank you!

At last!!

I had such a great time reading these stories, and it was so heartwarming to see folks partaking in the tradition once again. I got to enjoy many new pairings over the course of the reading that I believe in with my whole heart, and I hope against hope I see some of them again.

Thank you to all involved for a great slate of works! We'll see you all next year!

I have enjoyed participating in this contest 👏👏👏

Oh wow, I'm honoured. Paradise in Limbo allowed me to finally cross off my bucket list item of "write a fic inspired by Dante's Paradiso," so I'm grateful to have had this opportunity. Thanks to all the judges and especially to RedParade for organizing this amazing contest!

Oh! Well, this is a very pleasant surprise. :pinkiehappy: Glad to see my idea landed so well, and I'll have to give first place a look. Congrats to the other winners, thanks to the judges, and good work to everyone who entered.


Huzzah! Glad to have at least gotten picked as a judge's favourite :twilightsmile: I do hope it at least warmed y'all's hearts, heh.

Congratulations to all the winners, a thank you to all the judges, and I hope everyone enjoyed their time :twilightsmile:

thank you for running this contest and congrats to all the winners and entrants you know it's really cool to see events still happening in the fandom and that the fire is still burning etc etc and if this contest is running again next year maybe i will enter and then you'll all be sorry

This contest was really fun to participate in! Looking back on it, I'm very happy with how my fic turned out; thanks to all of you who enjoyed it, I'm glad you guys liked it too! Cheers, until next time :twilightsmile:

Finally the results are in and the wait is over. Really good work people and congrats to the winners!

Congrats to all the winners! Writing for contests feels like it's one of the few things that motivates me, even if I keep taking the premises and twisting them until they're barely valid entries once they're done, and I'm glad to see that this fandom still has some fire left. With any luck, I'll find the motivation to read the winning stories sometime soon, I don't know where it went I swear I used to be better at that.

I had completely forgotten this even happened, and that I entered, lol. Congrats to the winners!

There were some heckin’ heavy hitters in this batch and I’m honored to have made the top cut!

The spirit of MLP remains well and truly alive. Even after a decade and a half of fanfics, this contest proved there are still plenty of unique pairings and fresh stories to be told.

Jolly good show, e’erbody.


Thank you for hosting this. It was my first contest and I've derived an inexplicable satisfaction from writing a story that otherwise never would have existed without someone else's prompt.

Congrats to the winners :yay:

Oh my gosh, it was an honor to write for this contest, and I never imagined I would place at all!!! Thank you very much, and I look forward to reading as many of the other entries as I can soon!

So many strong entries! Congrats to all the winners

Huge thumbs-up to everybody who participated, and thanks to Red Parade and the judges for making the contest a reality! :heart:

What a wait it was. Looks like all the winners deserved it. There was quite a bit of entries. Although I rushed my entry and didn't placed, I still liked having entered.

Two contests and two losses, but at least I tried. Oh well, congrats to the winners and honorable mentions

Congrats to all the winners! Looking forward to the next contest whenever that comes! But I will grateful for this contest for giving me the motivation to write something for this fandom and making some great stories!

Group Admin

finally set aside the time to read through these, and wow! as i looked through the list of entries in the contest folder, so many of them sounded so tantalizing from their descriptions alone, but these blurbs really sell just what it is that makes each of these winners special, and i hope that i get the time soon to really dig into them. thank you so much to the judges for all your hard work in putting this together, and i hope to see you all back here for next year's May Pairings!

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