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EA conversation amongst the two woods.
Fluttershy has a chance meeting with a strange creature she'd never seen before, and is reminded everycreature needs friends.
KarmaSentinal · 4k words · 202 views

A Conversation Amongst the Two Woods is a slice of life short story about a mysterious visitor that appeared at Fluttershy's cottage after a hefty wildmagic thunderstorm with only one mission in mind; showing gratitude.

Allow me to get one thing out of the way. For a short story about two worlds briefly intersecting due to the influx and unstable nature of Everfree's magic, I find it to be one of the more interesting ones. Does Everfree forest have the capability of opening barriers between worlds like what's presented here? Would it be possible for one being of one world to just simply walk through the intersecting line? Would wildmagic weather phenomenon be a cause? I guess it doesn't really matter, however, since that wasn't the point of the story.

The focus is instead about the interaction between characters, both of whom share traits of grace and humility with deep connections to friends near and far that had shaped them as they are today. Both that walk with confidence than how they started out, and are able to take a stand when it counts the most. The difference between them, outside of physical, lends itself to some interesting contrasts despite similarities. One had gone through the loss of family at a young age and would later grow to become a leader and protector of all he held dear. One had been swept from the skies and found solace among the earth and animals and would later become a maternal figure to the creatures all around as her friends slowly taught her courage and confidence which she uses to great effect. I also love the idea that, while one is strong enough and confident enough to be on guard solo, the other requires trust in another to keep her safe in uncertain situations, even when stepping forward alone.

There's also that, despite the strides these two characters had made to become who they are now, neither of them are perfect. Misunderstandings, doubts, yearnings, and briefly losing track of those closest happened between the two, but it's fortunate that a mutual friend acted as a bridge to deal with the small issues, despite said friend's attitude.

Setting and atmospheric descriptions are also very well done, clearly painting a picture of one stormy night and a beautiful day in the lightly damp garden. From panic and worry on one end to calm and serenity in the next. Excellent work on that front.

My only real complaints would have to be some grammatical errors and dropped words that appear every now and then, faltering the flow of the story. I quick re-read through would likely remedy this, however some examples include:

- "its shape and feathers reminded the woodpecker of a skinny pony". Don't you mean "shape and features"?

- "A friend of Angle no doubt." Probably meant "Angel"

- "Thanks all I ask for." I think you dropped "is"

- "- rolled himself off hit rear." Probably meant "his" rear.

- "he was changed buck." You seemed to have dropped an "a"

There might be more, so it would be prudent to do a little diligence on that end.

My other nitpick would have to be the fact that, while Fluttershy is partially described in the beginning of the story through her actions during the stormy day, it'd be a better idea to try to finish said description of her physical appearance. Yes, this is an MLP fansite, but one must treat introduced characters as if they are being seen for the first time. That's more of a personal gripe, however, so take it ass you see fit.

Otherwise, this is quite a good, comfy slice of life story about two characters interacting. No bombastic circumstances. No heavy contrivances. Just a nice, simple meeting between two similar characters of different lives and standings.

A solid 8/10. It could be better, there could be more to it. However, besides some grammatical touch-ups, not much else NEEDS to be added. Give it a read if you want a comfy little short story.

Group Contributor

My other nitpick would have to be the fact that, while Fluttershy is partially described in the beginning of the story through her actions during the stormy day, it'd be a better idea to try to finish said description of her physical appearance. Yes, this is an MLP fansite, but one must treat introduced characters as if they are being seen for the first time. That's more of a personal gripe, however, so take it ass you see fit.

Ah yes, this is why I asked you about this review because you seemed to pick up on things like this. I appreciate taking the time to do this review, and I'll defiantly give it another look once I can.

I'm certainly glad you enjoyed the review, and I'm also glad I was able to assist you.

Ya know, maybe I should open up my personal reviewing so people can drop in fics for me to review, but I'll probably limit it to 2 so I don't get overwhelmed and so I can continue to pick from the pile.

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