Bronies 296 members · 2,147 stories
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Group Admin

Welcome to Bronies.

It's your local weirdo, Xupxake, and well. Oh, god. Yeah, I'm not one of those people with smart mouths who can tell good openings. But anyways, Welcome.

Here in the Bronies Group, are purpose is to be Bronies. Talk about ponies, heck, talk about this YouTube video you saw a week ago. The sky's the limit.

Right now, however, let's just stick with the introductions. So please, comment down below and talk your hearts away!

Hello! I'm that weird chick who focuses way too much on world building and likes an eclectic collection of things. That's about it really.

Hi there. I'm that narcissist who seems to only be able to write Sunset Shimmer stories. The invitation was probably sent on accident, but since I'm here, I guess I'll just help myself to the free food.

...What do you mean there's no free food?

Group Contributor


No free food?

Outrage man! :raritycry:

I always think introductions are weird to write, and already know a bunch of people around fimfiction anyways, so a fair amount of this won't exactly be new to people.

But it's me, arcum42. Sometimes I write things, and sometimes I go long periods before updating them. Sometimes I admin groups or run them, and have done that on a number of groups.

I even made this big one once. Then it blew up.

I've also been known to trace and color screenshots and sketches occasionally. I few days ago, I traced and recolored this from an old crummy quality screenshot of Chip n' Dales Rangers. I rather like how it came out.


I also listen to large quantities of music of all varieties, have been known to read large quantities of fantasy, science fiction, and at times fanfiction, and hang around in forums. Occasionally I program, and I'm in my thirties.

I also post Twist pictures, pictures of Silver Spoon, and other cute ponies.



Greetings. I am Fervidor, and I am the world's greatest writer.

It has been said that I suffer from delusions of grandeur, which is rubbish. On the contrary, I enjoy them.

Group Contributor


The name is NotSoWickedWitch. I have a bunch of stories I never ever publish, and 50 followers I received for ranting.

Also, I'm the creator of series of this on the group.

Thanks. That was branching out for me a bit, actually, because I usually end up working from mlp screenshots. It feels a little strange to have black lines instead of colored ones, in fact...


I'm Pedro.

I eat the souls of orphans.

And I draw ponies, eventually.

Well, as I said, I started with a screenshot.

I traced Gadget from the screenshot.

I colored her in and then started in on the background, which was partially traced and partially redrawn. None of the original screenshot shows at this point. I'm not very good at actually drawing from scratch, though...

Edit: Just noticed a line I messed up, too. Oh well...

Yeah, I rather like Gadget myself, which is one reason I was practicing with her. Hopefully eventually, I'll have taken care of the major problems with proportion I tend to have when drawing from scratch enough to feel comfortable actually posting things that I didn't trace...


5533746 Hello, I'm Summer Dancer and I'm a College student who loves movies and music. And a huge Pinkie Pie fan.

Hi there! I'm TheMajorTechie, your semi-local multiversal borderline-insane writer/editor. I write weird stuff, and I read weird stuff! And honestly, I'm okay with that, 'cause I'm always having a party in my head!

Ignore my strange similarities with Pinkie Pie though. She steals my laptop sometimes through the fourth wall when I'm trying to type. :pinkiecrazy:

I also have a youtube...

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I think this was the right way to introduce myself. It's been a bit.

--Sweetie Belle

I'm Bad Dragon.

My history:
When I got into this fandom in August 2013, I had ideas roaming in my mind. It was like my brain was infected with MLP. I couldn't go a day without seeing something pony related.

I found out, that putting down my ideas calmed my inner pony chaos and gave me a fix of daily MLP.
Posting my first story made me feel like I was a part of something greater. I wasn't just an observer; I was immersed.

One year later, things haven't subsided yet. I'm still drawn here. My ideas are still procreating in my mind.

I have a problem, though. I'm not the best writer out there. I make mistakes. Many mistakes of all types and I can't even see them. For some reason, I'm blind to them until they are shown to me.

Feedback helps me tremendously toward improving, but it is scarce. Getting more views also increases the feedback that I get. In a sense, I want to get famous in order to get more views, in order to get more feedback, in order to learn how to write properly, in order to be able to increase my quantity of writing by lowering the time invested in editing, in order to purge my infected brain.

There is another reason. One that I haven't noticed at the beginning. My writing acts as a mirror. I can see inside myself. I can see things that I never even imagined. I want to learn more about this subspace of mine, but it can only be observed in my writings. I need to write more, to understand myself more.

I've already ventured too far. I would, at this point, write even if nobody saw my stories. It’s like there is no escape from it. I don’t even want to escape it. I want to stay here. It’s so blissful here.

I'm afraid of missing out, that's why I try to stick my nose everywhere. I'm not sure if that's healthy, but then again, missing out feels terrible, so... yeah.

I was hooked on MLP completely off guard. I used to be a gamer and I watched lots of movies. The moment I got introduced to MLP my past life just stopped. I haven't seriously played any game for over a year and I haven't watched any movies since then.

I found out that I really enjoy writing. The story just flows through my keyboard when I sit down. The problem is, that everything I write is illegible as English isn't even my primary language. 95% of my writing process is editing and I don't enjoy that part of it as it lacks creativity.

I really hate making mistakes. Every time I publish a story, I'm sorry afterward as I learn that there was a glaring typo that I should have seen. I've reread all my stories 50 to 100 times and I still know that there are mistakes in them. I just need to find them...

Either way, all in all writing is still very fun for me.

I used to write a bit when I was still in school (more than 15 years ago). I then sent my story to a more serious magazine and got back a review of my story. Looking at it now, it was a bad story, so obviously the review wasn't positive. I concluded that I suck at writing and I never wrote again until last year when I found MLP.
Saying that I was out of practice would be an understatement. Looking back at the story that I wrote 1 year ago, I would say that it sucked. I'm amazed that I didn't get loads of downvotes. I'm glad that I didn't, though. That was my only 'objective' measurement of my ability to write. It was the positive encouragement from the comments that made me stay. That and my rediscovered the love for writing.
I want to read as well, but I kind of made a pact with myself, that I will first write my ideas into stories and then dedicate my time to reading. The problem with that is, that more I write, more ideas I have to write about. Despite that, I managed to squeeze in the reading of the most talked about fanfictions on this site:
Fallout: Equestria
My Little Dashie
Past Sins
The End Of Ponies
120 Days of Blueblood
Rainbow Factory
I know there are a lot of other good stories out there, but I just hate leaving my 45 chapters of my novel about Sweetie Belle lying about. There's so much stuff that I should do and want to do, but there just isn't much time with full-time job and other RL stuff.

By trying to leaving, a mark I don’t mean to become horse famous in the eyes of other people. I don’t care about that. What I like about my stories is the mark that I will be able to detect for the rest of my life. I would probably write even if nopony would read my stories (I wouldn't edit them so much, though.)

I always try to use logic. In fact, I 'cut out' my mental processes that I couldn't trace. My default reaction to everything is non-responsive. Only traceable mental streams in my mind may produce reactions. I believe that only through logic can one see the true being of the world.

How I view the world
Here's what works for me: I always try to do the right thing. Whenever a decision needs to be made, I make the correct one, regardless how I feel about it.
I imagine a perfect me, being in my shoes. What would the perfect me do? Would a perfect me be cutting himself? Of course not, he'd never do that, it wouldn't be the perfect thing to do. Would he go do something productive? Yeah, that's more in line with his character.
I then just imitate the perfect me and emotions don't even play a part in it. Not in decision making and not in execution. I just do the correct thing and ignore everything else.

The themes in my stories are mostly:

I use the natural reader a lot. When I read things, I read the whole sentences at once, missing the mistakes. I can mostly hear the mistakes, though. I also use this app:

I have a rule. If I can listen to my whole story without anything irking me, then I may start to consider publishing it. It would pain me to have 1000 people read my story, only to discover a mistake after they've already read it. By not reading my story one more time, I've multiplied the dreadness of that mistake by 1000 times. 1000 people got hurt by it, just because I didn't take 15 minutes more of my time.

The other thing is, no matter how I try, I still have many mistakes in my stories at the time of their publishing. My first comment on this site was:

spelling mistakes... a lot of them:derpytongue2:

I'm lacking in a lot of areas and I don't want to be lacking. Trying extra hard makes up for it a little and hopefully causes me to lack less in the long run.

The ratings on my stories do suggest, that my efforts aren't wasted. I do have many more stories to tell and I do plan to stay here for some time. Simply because I don't see myself doing anything else with my free time. Though, I feel that I have more renown than I deserve already, in time that may increase even more. Though, on the other hoof, there is a lot of competition. 100 stories are published each day and with my writing speed, I can be glad to publish one chapter or one shot per month.

The main reason why I'm here, I guess, is leaving a piece of me in the world. I wasn't doing that in all of my years of watching TV and playing video games. Looking back at it, it seems like a lost decade of my life. I don't have anything to show for it. It's as if I didn't exist.

Anyway, since I'm going to be here for a while, I'd rather have my presence be rooted to solid foundations of my stories that don't have glaring mistakes. I have a lot more motivation to re-read my stories before I publish them. I rarely re-read them after that. It would feel tragic to me to attempt to fix a story after I've already hurt hundreds of people with its mistakes.

My stories are, in a sense, a mirror of me. I'd rather keep them together on one account. If I would publish a story on a separate account, I couldn't publish it on my main account afterward.

My pet theory is, that I need so much time with my stories because I'm not good enough yet. Perhaps, in the future, I will know how to write and will be able to create stories with far fewer mistakes to begin with. Maybe.

I wouldn't put it so much as passion as addiction. But then again, those two things may be one and the same. I'm simply doing it because I don't see myself doing anything else.

I'm a one thing kind of person. That's part of the reason why I don't have any other hobbies. I want to 'complete' this Fimfiction thing and only then will I start thinking about my next step. If I do multiple things, it feels to me like I'm not doing anything at all, since the progress on each one of those things would be slow.

Getting myself to write is easy. I just have to forbid myself from doing anything else. I get bored, not doing anything, so I start doing the only thing that I’m allowed to do.

I set priorities for myself that I never break:
1. Check for new groups
2. Check for new responses to threads
3. Check for new messages
4. Get some food to avoid starvation
5. Get some sleep to avoid delusions that arise from sleep deprivation
6. Write stories

I feel stuck in this world, and writing feels liberating. It's like a doorway to new worlds for me to explore. It also acts as a mirror and a storage for my thoughts.

If in the world, covered with shit, you managed to clean up one stone, that stone would be beautiful and meaningful. That's how writing feels to me.

Everything I do in this life is prone to decay. But not writing. Writing stays. What I wrote years ago are still the same now. It feels like an anchor. Something that can stand up to the wildest storm. As everything fades, the meanings behind words will still shine.

I write because its the only thing that feels meaningful.

My avatar and username:
I'm analytical and doubtful in nature. I want to know things. Not just how they appear on the surface, but the truth behind them. I recognized myself in that piercing look that Spike is giving. It was an obvious choice for the avatar.

As for the name, it was prompted by people dissin' on defenseless Bad Dragon ads. I couldn't just stand by, and watch all that blunt display of intolerance. I felt obligated to intervene, so I draw a target on myself, implying, "Stop picking on something that can't fight back. Come at me, bros!"

Before my current name, I was Dragor because Dragon was taken—dragons are cool.

My prospects:
I think I'm still a blank flank. I haven't found my spot under the sun yet. I'm not sure if I ever will. I've tried things, but always ended up trying to find a replacement. It's like I can't satisfy myself.

This aspect of me is getting worse with time. I'm now at the point where I can't even play videogames or watch movies. It's like trying to read a book when waiting at the dentist. You can't enjoy it.

I feel like I'm missing something. I don't know what it is, but I know I won't find it if I dull my mind. I want to stay sharp. Be prepared.

It might be something inside me. That's part of the reason why I started writing. I was surprised when I read what I wrote. There seems to be some kind of darkness in me. Everything gets twisted and corrupted. There's a common theme to everything I write. It's like I'm incapable of writing anything else. It can all be summed up in 'death of all hope'.

I've tried love life. I used to have a theory that I could make any girl happy. Indeed, I found one. She was dreaming of marriage and kids. Those were her dreams, not my own. I had to put an end to it. There was no other way. I have a new theory now. I can't make any girl happy.

I will never be intimate with another person for the rest of my life. I know this. I'm okay with it. People get hurt around me. That hurts me in return. I have a solution. No people around me, no hurt. It's a foolproof plan, and I intend to stick to it.

I can see my future. I will die alone. The stories I'm writing. They're actually for me. I'll sit in the corner of my room. Reading them. They resonate with me. More than anything else. I also collect music that is thematically connected to my stories. That also speaks to me me. In future, I will listen to my collection. Many times.

In short, I think I'm drifting off a little, and there's nothing anchoring me down. Interesting stories are bound to flourish from that kind of manure, I venture.

Hi, I'm the local lurker.

I sometimes write as well.

And sometimes I forget that I'm supposed to be lurking and actually post something.

5533746 Hey, I'm LPC and I was invited by NotSoWickedWitch. Idk what this group is all about but meh.

hullo i am writeman :v

Comment posted by Amethyst_Dawn deleted Dec 19th, 2020

Hey there everypony :twilightsmile:
I'm EverfreePony (or Pony-from-Everfree on deviantArt), usually just "Ever".
In real life I'm a biologist and art enthusiast that likes drawing, writing and reading about ponies.
However, here I'm more of a random person fighting for recognition of Timberwolves and other monsters, as well as trying to weave some logic into my writing. Sounds confusing? Don't worry, just on first glance...
I'm also trying my hand at wannabe funny adventure stories with a tinge of science to it.

And as I said, I really enjoy reading stories of others. So if you have something non-shipping and would like some comments and constructive critiques, feel free to contact me!

Have a nice day!

5533746 hello m8s it's me the wolds dankist qilskoper one shotted the illuminati am currently working on a fic Called the cmc on a boat I just need an editor you think that's impressive than I did this and I'm only 14


Hey there! I'm Just A Random Pegasus, and I really enjoy writing, especially romance. Character development is also something I love. Seeing characters grow within my writing is always something I enjoy.

Here's a bit more about me:

Likes: Dank memes, this site, cool people, romance, my ships, MLP, Pokémon, music, writing, drawing (I'm awful at it though lmao), and zooming in on random screenshots that I find funny because I have the weirdest sense of humor ever.

Dislikes: Rude people, the kids who comment "first" in YouTube comment sections, Jacob Sartorius, the FNaF fandom (the game's great but the fandom ruined it for me), peer pressure, clickbait, the Kardashians, and writer's blocks.

I first got into the fandom about two and a half years ago when my friend showed me MLP. I then instantly fell in love with the characters and world around it. About two years ago, I decided I wanted to start writing fanfictions, and so I tried my hand at writing. Looking back at it, my first few stories sucked. I would always rush and not bother to really delve into the emotions and thoughts of characters. I think I've improved a lot while on this site, and I am still surprised on how many people enjoy my stories and follow me.

So... there's some stuff about me. Here, have a cute picture of Rainbow Dash:

I'm your resident blunt bitch who's a little too soft to be blunt. Yeah. Stuck in a bit of a limbo here. But hey, it's not my fault I live in a house where literally no one has a brain-to-mouth filter. I don't know how to not be blunt. Anyway, I'm an Irish girl, and I'm only 18. Not sure how old that is compared to everyone else here. I'm perhaps a little too enamoured with my own culture, and the fact that I speak fluent Irish doesn't help. Bhuel, leanfaimid ar aghaidh ag scríobh, agus feicfimid cá dtogfaidh sé sinn.

Group Contributor


Trust me, you're older than a portion of the people here. :raritywink:

I joined a few weeks ago when the group was somewhat kickstarted and I got invited but I haven't really been active so here's me!

I read. A lot. And now write. A lot. Of ponyfiction. Yay! I love this fandom, and I love this show! It's just a fun time to watch a TV show meant for kids. I mean, a freaking death laser battle? Sign me up anytime. Especially time travel.

I think the first episode I ever watched was 'MMMystery on the Friendship Express' when my little sister wanted someone to watch with her. I think it then went with Magical Mystery Cure, but that was a couple years ago. Just last September, however, I saw a YouTube thumbnail of an apocalyptic MLP and clicked it to watch a scene from the season 5 finale. This kickstarrted my then 2 week long marathon of every single MLP episode up 'til that point. And then I began to read fanfiction, with the some of the first one's actually being Fallout: Equestria and a Doctor Whooves story. That is what sparked my interest in joining Fimfiction.

It's a good thing too, because I've now nearly written 100,000 words total from the short time I've been here, which is amazing. I've still got ideas flowing, and I'm just loving the stories generated here. It's awesome!

I like Doctor Who, MLP (of course), A new Star Trek fan (still need to watch TOS), Pokemon card art, music, doodling and drawing, and singing horribly!

So yup. That's me. An aspiring author. Filled with awesome fun times!

Stay awesome, peace out!

All the best,

Doctor Disco

Hello I am White Rose and it is nice to meet you all. I have been a mlp fan since 2013 and started my first story then. I am always glad to help people brainstorm Ideas so if you need some help with that don't hesitate to contact me.:pinkiehappy:

I am here. Fear me

Blame 5540397 for sending the invite.

I write; I code; I draw, pretty much everything except animate (for which I can't afford the software).

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yay, Solly!

When this group originally started, the admins invited people over to it. Since I rebooted it, I thought I'd start sending out a few invites myself. :unsuresweetie:

I'm pretty much bringing the group back from the dead...

Nice to meet you, too!

--Sweetie Belle

Well okay! I'm glad to be here. Thought I'd seen this group before whilst it was dead.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah, I was looking at it and nopony had posted in a year, and there was only one other admin at the time that was still on the site besides me. So I've been totally revamping everything, and bringing it back to life. It seems to be getting more alive now, but I'm trying to get everything to the point where it'll keep going.

I figure one way to get it to keep going is getting people you like talking to over here. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

That's a good point. You want me to help spread the love? I can try a blog.


So long as we practice black magic I suspect everything will be fine. Necromancy is fun!

Hey Everypony. I'm that weirdo who's obsessed with Mermaids and Fluttershy so seeing her as a Seapony in My Little Pony: The Movie was such a huge bonus as far as I'm concerned. All I could think to myself was "Hallelujah I've died and gone to Atlantica!" LOLZ!!! When it comes to loving Pony Fluttershy or Human Fluttershy, I honestly have no real preference one way or another. Either one is equal parts adorable and beautiful IMO. :heart: :yay:

Mystal Rainboom has arrived! XD

I am an energetic and (somewhat) easily amused person. I am the type to be as weird and random as ever with an "XD" emote usually at my call.
I am Darkwing Duck happy to be here. :)


I’m Mine Menace and I’m not special at all. In real life, I’m a kinda dumb college student who doesn’t know what he’s doing. On this site, I’m a kinda dumb anon who reads a lot and tries to motivate himself into writing (I am currently writing a big story but my perfectionism means I haven’t gotten far past the first chapter). I also post my thoughts on my blog about some movies that have recently come out.

In my free time that’s not spent on this site, I find myself reading, playing Nintendo, and/or listening to or playing music. I also go through phases in which I am heavily obsessed with one or two particular things for barely any reason; my username is the product of a previous one and my avatar is the product of a current one.

It’s nice to meet you all here and I am glad to be here. :twilightsmile:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yay! Hello!

This is pretty much one of these groups where you can post what you want, except, you know, I'll stop by and lock things that get out of hand, maybe ban trolls if needed, and such. I was in it, but it had actually gone dead for a year. I realised that it was dead and remembered I had admin rights in it, so I've been kinda reviving things the last couple weeks. It's not the busiest of groups, but it seems to be staying alive at the moment, anyways...

--Sweetie Belle

5533746 Hello, I am Robipony. I am a brony who loves weird tales involving monsters, ponies, mares and sometimes a combination of those three. :raritywink:

Group Admin


Any story involving mares also involves ponies. And I guess even unicorns count as 'monsters' according to most RPGs.

6766002 Well, that isn't quite what I mean. I mean like ponified monsters, like Gorgonies (Gorgon Ponies) or monster mares (think monster girls except as ponies. If that makes any sense. :twilightsheepish:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

How about kelpies? They are already monsters and already horses...

--Sweetie Belle

6766011 Yep, I would consider them a monster pony/monster mare. :eeyup::pinkiehappy:

Hello, I am Equestrian Defender. Fighting for Truth, Justice, and the Equestrian Way!
I'm 24 years old, half-American half-British, and my favorite characters are either Sunset Shimmer or Flash Sentry.
I like writing Crossover fanfics and Alternate Universe fanfics, especially those that showcase some characters that are interesting but never really get focused on in the show.
Outside of My Little Pony, I am a fan of Power Rangers, Marvel (especially the MCU) RWBY, My Hero Academia, Pokemon, Digimon, Kingdom Hearts, and several other cartoons/anime/books/video games.
I hope you guys will like my stories. And for the first story I'm posting on the group, here's a hint!

Comment posted by LyraAlluse deleted Dec 19th, 2020
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