League of Humans Acting Heroically 1,161 members · 359 stories
Comments ( 34 )
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Chaos Nightmare
Group Admin

Okay there are now folders for stories here so i'm going to describe the basics of where they go.

Heroes will be heroes:the place for you're basic LoHAH story where the world knows and see's the mane character as a hero.

Dark Heroes: This one is the opposite of the last one. Where the mane character is viewed as a villain despise all the good they have done. Can be mixed with LoHAV.

3180186 What if your character isn't really doing any good. Like my next story where a stickman with a badass umbrella decides to take down Solaris after a betrayal.

Chaos Nightmare
Group Admin

3181770 Then the story doesn't go in this group.

3181779 Well its that he does help others in his quest just that his overall goals are not for the betterment of the world. Unless killing a coward helps the world then he is a saint.

Chaos Nightmare
Group Admin

3181781 then i have no clue i would have to read the story to know

3181791 Well its not a big deal and its not up or even close to being up soon. just was hoping to clear it up s'all

3180186 Okay got a question my story is about Deadpool and he does whaterver the f:yay: he wants. He does bad thing he does good things just move with the flow, does he qualify for dark hero maybe even a new sub folder Anti Hero!

Chaos Nightmare
Group Admin

3184124 Dark heroes are anti heroes. so yeah

My story is about someone who is doing something that the world sees as good, but for bad reasons and with questionable methods, even if he thinks his goal is good. Would that go in the dark heroes folder?


Uh, my story is about an alien-human hybrid who crashlands in the time that the Hearth's Warming Eve's play is set in.
He ends up saving them from a magicless world, this count?


Chaos Nightmare
Group Admin

3189646 hmm well i'm not sure


I'll put it under dark heroes, as he is forced to quite a few living things to keep peace.

Just what Phoenixes do, they're Guardians of Time, Space, and Reality after all.

3180186 I saw this and thought this must be happening

I am the law!
I try to make this but I'm not so great as an author.

3180186 Can it be heroes of our own creation?

Chaos Nightmare
Group Admin

3223943 if its part of the super power lottery. sure i don't see a problem with that

It is, I only chose one of those powers though, is that alright?

Chaos Nightmare
Group Admin

3223952 no you get five powers from the lottery

Fine, I'll chose the five I got with Vector Manipulation, should be interesting...

OK: My powers:

Power Echo: The power to automatically reflect any attack directed against the user back to attacker or target of choice.

Sentience Inducement: The power to grant sentience to non-sentient beings.

Vector Manipulation: Power to redirect matter and energy either through direct or indirect contact.

Spider Physiology: Power to use the abilities of spiders.

Compassion Empowerment: The ability to be empowered by kindness.

So, I am a spider-like creature who can redirect energy, take and give sentience, is empowered by Compassion, and can Reflect attacks really well...


3224458 Thanks... is it enough for the group?

3224399 I am doing one of those to. my powers are
1.Limitation inducement(weaken others powers and abilities)
2.Power Reflection(can redirect any power used on me)
3.Dollhouse Monarchy(has a "dollhouse" they can manipulate as they see fit)
4.Adaptive Regeneration(the more I'm hurt the faster I heal)
5.Energy Absorption(can absorb energy for a variety of uses)

Oh and my character looks like Eruka Frog from soul eater.

3180186 Would someone who arrives in Equestria and doesn't immediately start being a dick count for this group? Also, they have powers. Supernatural Condition, Particle Manipulation, Tattoo Empowerment, Intuitive Aptitude, and Combat Empowerment. Also from the future. Because Reasons.

What about mixtures? The story I'm working on (not published yet) has both large numbers of humans arriving and acting villainous, but the main characters (at least first) aren't going to be villainous. And might even be heroic.

3180186 Does someone who beats the ever looking fuck out of a pack of diamond dogs with an iron rod go in the Dark Heroes folder, or the Heroes Will be Heroes folder?

A scenario: my OC isn't a bad guy, only one that wants to have fun in a crazy way (not as crazy as Discord but still quite wild), and that makes him #5 on the Princesses' shit-list (beacause of him a law was created that anypony who slaps a Princess in the flank will be punished severely). However, he has a more important role to play, being the Guardian of The Balance between the real world and the realm of spirits.

Would he still be considered a hero, if he walked around and exorcised spirits from ponies, even if Celestia doesn't want him to hurt her subjects in such a way? Basically he's going against the stated laws, but he's doing it for the Greater Good.

Would that kind of story find any place in this group?

3275318 I would say dark heroes or the villain turned good folder.

I had another idea recently and I wondered if this would fit here.

I am a great fan of anime/manga, steampunk, comics, movies and cartoons. Taking into consideration that probably most of the stories' main characters are somewhat personified with the authors (don't deny it, I know that at least some of them wanted to trade places with their OC's and kick some Sunbutt), a solution came to me: why not make a character that has powers not from ONE franchise, but MANY?

Hear me out before you condemn it as Mary Sue or Gary Stu - practically all Humans in the stories here are more powerful than the Sisters, sometimes powerful as them, or at least they come very close to those borders, at least that is the case with them before they are sealed in one manner or another. My hero won't be overly powerful. Think of him as Discord, but in human form, and instead of "Chaos", his powers are about every show/comic/manga/anime/cartoon/movie/book/played he ever watched/read/played. And no, there won't be any Dragon Ball Z/Kai/GT bullsh*** like SuperSaiyan or Ki techniques that can level whole cities in one go.

All I want is to create a character that can both helpful and annoying as Hell to the princesses in a funny Discord-like manner, but without this whole world-changing crap he pulled out. Just popping here and there, helping one pony, then annoying the other, beat up a monster or two, feel up an anthro princess then run like bitch from her wrath. Essentially something that takes the title F*** it I'm Having Fun into a more literal sense.

While he's not very heroical, he doesn't turn blind eye when someone is in danger, but sometimes he can go a little over the top with rescuing and cause some collateral damage. You could also say that he's like Spider-Man and both princesses are in some way like JJ Jameson, means that more than once they don't understand his intentions and try to hunt him down.

What do you think?

3606910 sure feel free to add it to the appropriate folder. Whichever one it is.

3607070 I think most people simply favorite and think it means a like. Also they do favorite stories they want to follow so even if they dont like it they prbably do like it

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