Your Human and You-verse 1,908 members · 84 stories
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I had a thought that we should compile everything we know about wild humans as in stuff they can and cannot do and what they look like and medical information. So let's get started!

2734106 Let's not and say we did :trollestia:

2734106 Well, I think wild humans would be more survival savvy and resourceful than domesticated gigolo humans.

When I think of the "Wild humans" i think of Neanderthals or the titans from attack on titan, appearance wise that is.

Well, in the canon story they:
1: Have lower central body heat temperatures
2: Have lower blood pressure
3: Have some sort of rudimentary pattern recognition
4: Are typically shorter than the average human
5: Operate off of base instinct, but can be trained for simple tasks
6: Have the physical capacity for speech, but not the mental ability
7: Cannot swim
8: Are poisoned by avocados
Summary: They are similar to humans, but ultimately inferior to Homo sapiens, and can be considered a sub-species of human.

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Life Expectancy: 10-15 years, 20 years being considered "lucky"
-mature around 2 years
-gray hairs around 10 years

Height: 5’6” (average)

Body Temperature: 86.3 degrees Marenheit (80 degrees is lethal low, 97 is lethal high)

Blood Pressure: 120/70 (average)

Heart Rate: 82 beats per minute resting (average)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Equestrian humans can not swim, but will not avoid shallow water. They will never venture into deep water, however.

Equestrian humans can not laugh or smile, but they can do other facial expressions, such as frowning and grimacing.

Nopony has ever seen an equestrian human cry.

While they need to eat meat (or some form of protein), equestrian humans have rather flat teeth that are designed more for crushing than cutting.

Avocados are considered poisonous to equestrian humans, due to a certain enzyme

That's all I have so far. If I've forgotten something, I apologize.

There's something that's been bugging me...:
Humans can "sense" changelings, right? So is this limited to Equestrian humans, or could Earth-humans like Max "sense" a changeling too? And how would it manifest? A smell of chopping onions, a chill down the spine, a slight ringing in the ears?

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3568914 The feeling of being watched, an uneasiness of the stomach. Ever been in a dark basement by yourself after a horror movie and raced up the stairs? That feeling.

Thank you very much!


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3747813 Equestrian Adult Males: 135.5 lbs, Adult Females 106.2 lbs (average)

3570832 do equestrian humans have stone tools or know how to make simple spears or arrows?

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3808708 No. Think of them as bipedal wolves when it comes to behavior. There is little to no intelligence.

Distorted Flare
Group Admin

2734371 humans are exclusively vulnerable to a zombie like disease that makes them seek out another host to bite and spread the fungus/ disease.

They have magic stone removing hands now.

Don't question it.

Comment posted by ProgressingFuture deleted Aug 30th, 2016

4486650 The fungus can not survive in body temperatures above 97 degrees. like in an earth human

3747878 what of the infected humans, are they just similar to that of zombies?

Group Admin

5753984 Pretty much, give or take.

I just realized this Forum was a thing. I guess i really have two questions.
1) Can a sanguine pony turn a human into a vampire?
2) What is the normal lifespan of a sanguine pony? I know that's more of a question for the other forum, but it's easier to just ask here. Rather than make another post.

My God they're dumber than most simians on Earth. Except arguably far more worse at being monkeys and would probably die out

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