Your Human and You-verse 1,908 members · 84 stories
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Through a discussion in another thread, and BassEffect saying to just go ahead. I'm making this thread for anyone who has questions on content already stated in the canon YHaY.

Do not post questions or try to get information on things MadMax has not mentioned in his story. This is for authors who need information on the world of YHaY itself.

BassEffect said he'll/she'll try and get MadMax to answer some questions. At least, if not, we can all discuss it.

Group Admin

MadMaxtheBlack, standing by.

3747899 What's the oldest a human has lived to in the current Equestria excluding Max?

Group Admin

Life Expectancy: 10-15 years, 20 years being considered "lucky"
-mature around 2 years
-gray hairs around 10 years

The oldest human on record was a female, living to be seventeen years, three months, and sixteen days old.

3747899 What can you tell us about the Reapers?

Group Admin

3748031 Depends. Which ones are you asking about?

Do Equestrian humans have a smaller stomach, a lower tolerance for spicy foods, both, or some other reason why they have trouble eating 25 wings?

3748078 There's more than one kind?

Group Admin

3748087 They have a lower tolerance for spicy foods. What we consider mild would be extremely hot to them. Also, they tend to not be able to finish the wings within the time limit because they become distracted by one thing or another.

3748108 I know it's not mentioned in the story, but would I be able to ask if Trixie has a human, or would it be bad for business?

Group Admin

3748098 Sure, there is the Grim Reaper, the farm equipment Reaper, Reaper (DC character), Reaper (Marvel Character), Reaper (an alien from X-COM: UFO Defense), the Reapers from Mass Effect, Reapers (a fictional species from Doctor Who), as well as the fact it is the name for several military aircrafts.

Group Admin

3748120 Lore: The Great and Powerful Trixie had a female human when she first arrived at Ponyville, but did not have it upon returning with the Alicorn Amulet, so it was assumed that she passed away.

3748145 Hmmm.... in that case, Mass Effect.

Group Admin

3748169 Wouldn't know. I only finished the first game, and have never played the second or third. :twilightsheepish:

3748160 Well I just probably created setup for a fanfic.

3748176 You would make a horrible Shepard.

3748194 To answer your question about Mass Effect Reapers. They are an ancient, highly-advanced race of synthetic-organic starships that exist in Darkspace. They return every fifty thousand years to rid the galaxy of organic life. The Geth refer to them as the Old Machines.

If you want extra/bonus information on Reapers just ask.

What's Avera's species? It was a special type of pegasus from the north right?


What's the ending to YHaY?

Group Admin

3748383 Max hooks up with Fluttershy, Twilight and Darkflare have sex in front of Celestia, Discord is really Max's father wanting him to join the dark side and rule the galaxy as father and son, and Luna is actually a boy!

3748462 Oh, I thought they were all going to have a beauty contest =(

This is why I follow you.

3748462 Three way between the guards?

Group Admin

3748922 I doubt it, seeing as Avera is a fillyfooler and Ebony is technically asexual. Maybe in some clop-version of the universe somewhere, but not in the main story.

3747899 What is Discord's ultimate plan? And is Max the foil to it, or the cause of it?

When the humans finally unearth the thing they're eagerly digging up, will it be a Taco Bell or a Wendy's (or an In-N-Out Burger!?):pinkiehappy:

Is Max EVER going to get some decent guards? :twilightangry2::facehoof:

what about the taste of max's blood to vamponies like Primrose?

Group Admin

3749037 N/A, it's actually a McDonalds, and no, probably not.

3749133 Like blood, only higher quality, top shelf blood. Kinda hard to explain to non-blood sucking races.

Are there undead in the universe of YHaY?

Group Admin

3751233 Technically, no, but that's dependent on your definition of 'undead'. For example, the Black-Vine Virus is a fungus, so that wouldn't really count towards an 'undead' status. There are also some 'immortal' races.

what is the average height and weight of the humans in Equestria?
and other than max and the army man, are there any more smart humans?

Group Admin

3772356 Equestrian Adult Males: 135.5 lbs, Height: 5’6”. Adult Females 106.2 lbs, 5'0" (average).

And I'm not telling. :trollestia:

Group Admin

3748335 I can't believe I missed this one. :facehoof:

While originally it was, yes, it is being changed to she a regular pegasus that lived in the north, and due to the harsh conditions, had to eat meat.

So do the guard train female humans?

Group Admin

3795305 Yes, the guard uses both male and female humans. In face, it is thought by some that the females are the more aggressive gender.

3795449 ha lol cool thanks will use this for my story i am working on

3795449 so how does the guard choose there humans ?

Group Admin

3795520 The same way your choose canines for the police department. They also breed their own humans as well.

3795535 ok cool thanks going to use that in my story were a female cop ends up in the Your human and you universe

That explains the McDonalds in the beginning of the story. :pinkiegasp:

It's all a conspiracy!
You are a part of the Illuminati.

I don't know if it was mentioned, but what are the dental record of humans in the YHaY-verse?

Group Admin

3801830 Dental records?

3802395 What is the airspeed velocity of a coconut laden human riding Rainbow Dash?

3802442 Five kilograms of flax.

Well, when I say "dental records" I mean like information about human teeth and eating habits. Or even what physical abnormalities have been found in humans.

So do wild humans live in caves ? And do the males mainly live in male groups only besides mateing?

How do changelings reproduce in YHaY?

I mean there was that one changeling that injected a guard.(Forgot if that was relevant to my question) But what would have happened if he hadn't been saved?

Group Admin

3805290 They live in caves, or under the root of very large trees. The ratio of gender depends on birth, death, and location. Some packs have mostly males, so have mostly females, and some have an even 50/50.

3820932 The breeder injects the eggs into an animal carcass (or a pony). The eggs then slowly absorb the latent magic of the body they are in until they hatch and exploded out of the body in a gory explosion.

Thanks, any other information on YHaY-verse Changelings you can tell me?

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